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Old 12-10-2002, 07:41 AM   #61  
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Default Ha Ha judi,

I have been thinking about those diamonds, but I have settled on the Chanel 5 for my reward after completeing the first challenge. I need to work harder and achieve more before I reward myself with the earrings. 2003 will be the year I break 200 lbs. and I think the diamonds should wait until then. SO, I am still saving - maybe I can get a BIGGER pair if I wait longer.

Guess I am going to have to do my cardio in the rain this morning - it's cold out there too. I am sitting here stalling on that. I need to go add a layer of clothes too before I venture out. Weather is the one problem with not having a gym membership. A treadmill would be nice this morning.

Have a good day girls.
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Old 12-10-2002, 09:52 AM   #62  
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Default 2003

Hmmm...2003 to break through 200...that is a good goal. I will try for it too. IF I stayed on WW I could do it by this time next year. Man, wouldn't that be NICE!!! Let's make it our goal.

I am trying anew today. My priest suggested fasting as a means to not only control food appetites but as an aid to other areas of self control. IF I just stayed within my points that would be a fast for me, or if I tried to stay at the low end of my points and NOT bank and eat up the points I saved...that would be a fast. want DIAMOND earrings...what a bad girl...something VERY expensive, well, you deserve them right now for being the inspiration you are!!

Mornin' Alice!
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Old 12-10-2002, 10:03 AM   #63  
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Default judi,

I have gained so much insight from BFL. There are a couple things that really have kept me going on this diet. One, because we eat 6 meals a day we are never more than 2 1/2 hours from getting back on program. When you screw up maybe telling yourself that would help. The other thing is the concept of the "self promise". If you make a promise to yourself that you will do something and then break it you are making it so that you can't trust yourself. That is also a thought that I have been holding on to. I think your priest is saying something similar, working on your strength of mind is an important part of the process. Anyway, good luck and I like the idea of having a partner in breaking 200 lbs. It has been a very long time since I saw that and I think I had all but given up the hope of acheiving that goal. It will take me a goodly amount of time for me to be there, I'd say a year, but it is my goal.
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Old 12-10-2002, 12:01 PM   #64  
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Angry Good morning/almost afternoon,

I gained .2 of a lb. To me, that means I basically stayed the same. I think I had a little bit more wine this weekend than I should have.

ledom, what great insight about breaking promises to yourself. You really do need strength of mind to lose weight, and reach your goal. Diamond earrings!!! Get the biggest earrings you can find! You deserve it.

judi, you really can make that vow to stay within your food points. Today at WW we learned that we can have 10 servings of 0 point veggies per day. The 0 point soup is my staple.

ledom & judi, I know you both will break 200 lb., and together you can do anything!

Right now my goal is lose 10% of my starting weight. In 2003, my goal is to get to my goal weight, hopefully by summer, but if it takes longer, so be it.

Have a great day ladies.

Last edited by aleka; 12-10-2002 at 12:05 PM.
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Old 12-11-2002, 05:57 AM   #65  
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Default Alice,

how is the pant-meter doing? That is the TRUE measure of your success. You are doing great and good for you on your goals - I only wish I could hope to reach my goal by summer. Maybe NEXT summer!

But hey, I'm not complaining. So far week 11 has been the best. Yesterday 3 people I work with commented on how my hard work was paying off. It was weird because when I looked in the mirror yesterday morning I thought I looked smaller too. It just takes time. Those compliments go a long way in giving me the nudge to hang on.

School is winding down. I had so much on my mind this morning that I couldn't sleep after I woke up at 3:30. It is now 4:55 and I already have my workout down. Now that is a good thing to have behind me.

I am slowly making progress with my christmas shopping. My poor mother decided to give D and I money this year. She has arthritic hips which really bother her in the winter and especially when walking on concrete. I believe I'll save mine until after christmas and try to catch some sales.

Have a good day.

Last edited by ledom; 12-11-2002 at 06:00 AM.
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Old 12-11-2002, 10:02 AM   #66  
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Angry Good morning ledom & judi,

Had a hairdressing appt. earlier this morning. I got a much needed trim and I'm BLONDE again!!! It had been 5 months since my last highlighting and my hair was YUKKY looking.

It's funny you should ask about the pant o meter, ledom. Yesterday I did notice that the pair of jeans I had on were getting a little baggy, they're stretch jeans with an elastic waist, which I had to roll up at the waist more than usual to make them fit better According to my scale, I weigh myself on Mon., I've lost 12 lb., but by WW scale, it's only a little more than 10 lb. I like my scale better You are doing so well with your program, that you will be surprised at how fast you will achieve your goal.
Sorry you mother's hips are bothering her so much. My IL's give money to DH & I, and they give each one in my BIL's family the same thing. To me, that's less of a hassle and you don't have to fight the crowds. When will school be closing for Christmas break?

Hi judi

Have a great day.
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Old 12-12-2002, 10:42 AM   #67  
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Default Well there you go alice,

the pant-o-meter never lies! UNLIKE the scale.

I bet you look beautiful with your new 'do. You'll be ready for the holidays!

So are you frozen in up there? The weather map this morning looked treacherous in your area.

Hey judi, what's up? Haven't heard from you in a day or two.

I am good, kind of really and truly bone tired though. I find if I sit down I might sit and stare off into space for a lot longer than I should. I am looking foward to a well deserved rest after next week. Classes are done now, I give finals on Mon. and Tues. and then a bunch of grading follows. D has the opportunity to move into a brand new dorm on campus and must move before the break so I guess I'll be recruited to help with that. It's a good thing though - she'll love it.
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Old 12-12-2002, 11:49 AM   #68  
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Angry Hey there!

We got about 5" of snow overnight. DH was out plowing and snowblowing most of the morning. It is supposed to warm up a bit, and they are telling us that it may possibly rain on Sat.

I am on a much needed break from writing out Christmas cards. I just finished our personal cards, and after lunch I'll tackle the business end. I need nourishment

It's amazing how uplifting a new 'do can be!

ledom, is you D excited about moving to a new campus? Yes, with everything that is going on, you will deserve a rest.

Well...I'm off to the "salt mines"

Have a good day!
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Old 12-12-2002, 12:01 PM   #69  
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Default Alice,

yes D is very excited. This good news has not been w/out trauma though. She has had to experience a hard lesson, in that life is not always easy. In order to move to the new dorm she will have to leave her roomate behind. Her roomate is feeling very betrayed. D has made the choice that seems best for her but feels terrible about her friend. I have listened to hours of this now and there is no easy answer. Basically she made the decision that she felt was best for herself, taking into consideration that her current roomate would resent it. I am proud of her, but also understand both sides of the situation. I think the hard feelings will pass, but D has had a rough week of it. These girls need a break too. Aren't you glad you're past all that?!?!?
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Old 12-12-2002, 12:59 PM   #70  
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Angry ledom,

I can see where it would bother your D to leave her roomate and friend behind. I admire your D for being able to make that difficult decision. Maybe one day her friend will get over her feeling of betrayal, and they could end up even better friends. Yup, I'm glad I'm past it all. Aren't you?
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Old 12-12-2002, 09:16 PM   #71  
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Default itsa me finally...

Basically, I have been fighting traffic jams, an overcrowded ferry and no parking spaces downtown...whew...I just put on some CD's and collapse when I get home.

Ledom, good for your D not to let other people put "THEIR" expectations on her to fulfill. A big life lesson!! But tough of course, because one always asks if it is the right thing, etc.

You are blonde Alice! I just had my hair streaked blonde yesterday...blonde on auburn hair and a hair cut. I think I am just too cute!!

I have been going out quite a bit to eat because I am too tired to cook when I get home, Ceasar salad and fries n'gravy.
I love that combo...hence, I have stayed away from the scale this week.

Hey, the real acid test ... the underwear-o-meter!! called for the next size down today.

Yes, let's try for breaking through 200 in 2003 Ledom! Hey, Alice...I give you leave

to eat your way past 200 and then you can come with us on the journey down!! What no takers!??? I didn't think are doing too good!!

If I am going to do it it will have to be with exercising that is for sure.

Time to go put the groceries away.
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Old 12-13-2002, 05:57 AM   #72  
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Angry Good morning,

I did get the Christmas cards written out!!! I did it in shifts

I have my yearly mammogram this morning, then afterwards, DH. Lacee, & I are heading down to Mass. to deliver some parts and to drop our gifts off at DH parents' house and visit before they leave for FL sometime within the next couple of weeks.

The underwear o meter..I LOVE it!!! I've had that experience myself, not long after the pant o meter.

judi, I just may take you up on that offer of me eating my way to over 200 lb. If my WW leader gives me any flak about it, I'll just tell her that you said I could.

Yes, judi, you are too cute! Your hair must look smashing. Are you wearing your hair any shorter or the same length? I love being blonde. That was my natural color when I was little, but as I grew older it got darker, it's a mousy brown with a few gray hairs mixed in. I wanted to have it all blonde, but my stylist talked me out of it because of the maintenance.

Have a great day.
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Old 12-13-2002, 07:07 AM   #73  
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Default TGIF!!!!

Workout is done and I'm ready to meet the day. Actually, my favorite mug has a picture of a cat on it and it says - Sieze the day, then go back to bed. I'd make a great cat. Speaking of which, how is Estaban?

We got our christmas tree yesterday so will be decorating this weekend. Alice it sounds as if you are on top of things with all your christmas chores. Wish I could say the same.

Judi, you're on. Actually, may I revise what I said. Diamond earrings after completeing 4 successful BFL challenges or breaking 200 lbs. whichever comes first.

Thanks for your kind words about D's delimma. Yes I am proud of her, especially as I know how hard it is for her to do anything that might hurt someones feelings even at her expense. I am really seeing her grow up a lot these days. She is just a delight to be with and I look forward to spending time with her.

Have a good day all.
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Old 12-14-2002, 07:36 AM   #74  
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Default Sat. morning

Alice, I mailed my cards too yesterday. My hair is short now just under my ears but it is still BIG, it is quite poofy. Streaks do make you feel good don't they.

I am starting on our self challenge Ledom. Yesterday I had a perfect WW day and exercised on the treadmill. It is good to have a goal.

I have started eating tuna and salmon, but just the canned kind and no other fish. I don't think I was getting enough protein and that is why I was so hungry all the time. Most of the veggie meat products are wheat gluten. Tofu is too many points, so is cheese and eggs. It seems to be working because I had a tuna/salmon sandwich (skinny bread) for breakfast for the past few days and I haven't been nearly so hungry. I just try to ignore the fact it was a living thing swimming around...and think "Nope, it just appeared in the universe in this small can."

What do you girls eat for protein???

Estaban is dying to go outside, but DH says "NO!" Yet, he would have such a nice cat life because there is so much for a cat to do in our yard. He is always longing looking outside. Sometime I take him out and hold him so he can smell and look but I don't know if that is making better or worse. He always sniffs the dog when he comes in like..."Man, you smell so GOOD!" Poor kitty, I don't want him to get run over or take off but I understand what he is feeling.

Have fun decorating your tree Ledom. Is yours up Alice? I hope to get ours this weekend.

Have a good day ladies
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Old 12-14-2002, 08:43 AM   #75  
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Angry Good morning,

Well, we were supposed to have snow, quite a lot actually, but it's 41 deg. and raining! Talk about good news!!!

judi, our first cat we ever had, loved the outside. She was an indoor cat, so we put a kitty harness on her and tied her outside on a runner so that she could move around the yard more freely. She was so funny, as soon as the warmer weather arrived, she would meow at the door wanting to go out. When the cold weather came she was content to lay by the fire Maybe when you or DH will be out in your yard, you could tie Estaban out while you're there. I am a meat eater, I try not to think about it, but everytime I see a cow or a chicken I feel guilty, and vow not to eat meat again. I will NOT eat veal or lamb, for obvious reasons. I find if I eat protein and fat together, it fills me up and I don't get hungry. Whenever I eat cereal or oatmeal in the mornings, 2-3 hrs. later I'm gnawing on the carpet. I know I should be eating more protein & "good" fats, but it's hard doing WW that way because I rack points up awfully fast. They seem to lump all fats together. Did you get your tree up and decorated?

ledom, have a good time decorating your tree. I really wish I was ontop of my Christmas chores. I still have presents to wrap that I keep putting off. I do have to mail my cards sometime within the next few days. For some reason this year I just don't want to bother doing anything.

Have a good day!
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