Shaun T Insanity!

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  • Melissa-I think I love you lol! You are totally right, and I appreciate how you say it! Keep working, you are getting great results!

    Bikini- This is a great place to talk about your love/hate relationship with Shaun T and Insanity lol!

    -Good job on staying with it, you are close to recovery week right? Oh boy month 2 here you come . I am stoked, tomorrow off and then it really gets crazy . I am so happy lol! I think there is something seriously wrong with me haha! Breaking up with the scale is always a good thing lol, it is EVIL!!!!!!! I think that you for sure have the right idea, especially since you are so close to goal. Keep working, you can do this!!!!!

    Okay girls, sorry for the rant on my earlier post, but I was p!ssed!!!!!!!!! I know that I have lost A LOT and I am proud of the fact that my abs are coming back and that just made me really angry . Oh well when I am at goal I will know I owe some of it to Shaun T and Insanity! Have a great night ladies let's DIG DEEP this week!
  • first off sorry for all the drama yesterday... NOTHING I hate more than DRAMA!!!

    munstermommy- I'm feeling ya girl! I was so ticked off yesterday the bi*ch was busting out! I think I was more p*ssed that dany87 tried to cut your pics down! Maybe it was a little more like outrage hahahaha... but atleast you were just the one sucking in, I was the "really fat" one LMFAO. I swear I do not understand what some people are thinking when they choose to talk out their A*s... I mean come on... People like that just want to try to take something away from you, and they can get away with it most of the time... just not with me. I don't play those games... ain't no one blowing out this flame cuz fat or skinny I am still the rockstar of my world no matter what anyone else thinks!!

    Dangerous- Yay! You are kicking some as*!! Keep it up! When do you start recovery week? I had max plyo again yesterday and it did seem to be a whole lot better than the first time... hahaha prolly cuz I knew what I was in for already. I swear though my arms are gonna be so strong. Think I have done more pushups now than combined throughout my entire life!! It is sick and cool all at the same time!!

    So on the downside... When I started insanity I waited a couple weeks so my cousin could start with me. When I added diet at the two week mark I started over to maximize my results... for awhile we were talking everyday and texting all the time but it seems like once she hit month two the "buddy" system ended... Now it almost seems competitive and a little weird... She is amassing her own group of friends and talking them into ordering the vids so they can be buddy's when she starts round two... kinda sucks! All my other friends are not into the workout thing like I am now so I have found lately that I have zero support on the friend front... I asked her if she would wait till the 10th to start (she was planning on restarting the 3rd) so we shall see... haven't herd anything yet but I figured I waited two weeks for her so.... oh well guess this is a road I am traveling with my online buddy's! Thank god I have you guys to vent to!!!
  • Hey Girls!

    AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MONTH 2 STARTS TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, oh man the morning date with Shaun T is going to SUCK on so many levels LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really can't wait! I am so wanting to shred out with this next 4 weeks I can't stand it! Okay, so had some "woosaaaaaaaah" time last night and feel much better after the rant and issues of yesterday. I mean WTH? Anyway, feeling super stoked for tomorrow, and I am hoping that we all are going to just kick Shaun T a$$ in this Month 2 since we will be pretty much all in it at one point or another! I think I am going to repeat Month 2 again after this, I want to seriously lean out ........hmmmmmmmmm good idea or just crazy? LOL!

    -OMG so mad haha! I am glad that I wasn't the only one. I don't EVER get crazy on anyone on these boards, I am generally known as the super up beat, supportive, cheering person but man, I was steamed haha! Seriously bashing on the pics was what got me, I mean for real, you CAN SEE THE SHRINKING IN YOUR PICS. It's like the freaking disappearing woman lol! And for myself I was just like "okay you look at my scale and tell me it's lying to you" haha! We are TOTAL ROCKSTARS for completing AND LOVING this craziness, it seriously takes a sick person to keep coming back for more of Shaun T and these workouts . I think we rock and we will keep rocking it baby!!!!!!! On the friend front super bummer . It is nice when you have an actual physical person who is doing the same thing as you, to talk to, do the workouts with sometimes, etc. That is tough. It is weird that it's semi-competition mode now, you would think that she would be excited that you are both doing such a great job. Maybe talk to her about how you feel like it has turned into something different than what you intended it to be? Who knows, maybe she is just so excited about it and your results that she wants to share it with other people. You know you can come on here every day and one of us will be ranting about how our butt is insane sore, or our arms feel detached from our body, or how we slipped on our own sweat trying to do suicide runs LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep it up, you will do great and you are already so strong and amazing!!!!!!!

    Okay girls, I think I am going to have to hit these Max Workouts at the butt crack of dawn . If not, then it will suck trying to keep an eye on the 9 month old AND the 4 year old while Shaun T is killing me for an hour. I will let you know how tomorrow morning goes (5:45am oh just shoot me lol) hopefully I will be able to dig deep that early!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOT!
  • Gooooooooood Morning Girls!

    MAX INTERVAL CIRCUIT TODAY BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG that completely SUCKED LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!! I told hubby "I forgot how HARD these workouts are" when he came in the living room this morning. Haha, he was like "it's your own fault for subjecting yourself to this torture" lol! Man, but it was SOOOOOOOOOO much better than the first time I started the second month. Still really freakin hard, but I didn't feel like I was going to die, and I was able to complete the circuits pretty much with no rest. THEN I went to the gym because I am training a friend of mine and did minutes of cardio and upper body strength. I am going to be working out on top of the Max workouts this time, so we will see how that works out! Hope you all have a great day DIGGING DEEPER!
  • Day 22/ Week 4/ Round 1
    Hi all!

    Pure Cardio / Cardio Abs: completed

    It's Monday and I'm in a super duper great mood. Only 5 days left of Month 1.
    This has truly been the most INSANE month of my life. I CAN NOT believe that a workout that seemed impossible to do on Day 5 is now freaking fun! I'm still sweating, cussing and screaming at Shaun T but that's to be expected. But I'm also starting to enjoy the circuits. All of a sudden, I feel like a kid. Trying to see how high I can jump in the air. Don't get me's not easy but at least I'm enjoying myself more.

    munstermommy: I'm still shocked that you get up sooooooooooo early and knock out your Insanity workout! Now, that shiz IS bananas! My cousin wants to come over at 6 am on Wed. to do PlyoCC before work. I'm praying he oversleeps cause I'm not sure there's enough coffee in world to get me that motivated. Maybe he'll forget...and I'll turn off my ringer.

    Melissa: Hey girl...hope you had a kickazz workout today! Try to not let the issues w/ your cousin bring you down. It's always fun to share the journey with friends/family but you never know how that's gonna turn out. Folks get competitive quick and forget how important it is to keep the support system going! Hopefully, you guys can talk about it. On the upside, you have been a tremendous support to me! Those first few days were rough. Thanks again! You know your 3FC buddies got yo back!!! Keep on digging deeper!

    Well it's time for me to call it a night. Gotta rest up for Cardio Power & Resistence.
  • Dangerous- Thanks girl!! It has tremendously helped me being able to come on here and talk to and get support from others who are doing the same thing! Honestly talking about it was what got me through the first month... can't back down from something when you are posting it all over the web LOL... I know exactly what you mean... for real when I took the first fit test I thought to myself... there is not fricken way I can do this... now day 44 and I think my love hate relationship is progressing to just love! Had max cardio conditioning yesterday and felt like a beast! Gonna start to kick it into high gear now and really push myself...

    munstermommy: You are a fricken beast!! Way to go on starting month two with a bang! I think I am finally starting to fall into the rhythm of the max workouts! Tore up max cardio with no extra breaks... was a great feeling! Can't wait to start all over... month one will be a breeze after this hahaha...

    So I asked my cousin if she would wait a week for me (should have said "since I waited two weeks to start for you")... she said no, which is what I expected. Her and her friends are starting the 3rd and they don't want to wait so whatever, it is what it is!! I started a page on Facebook to talk about insanity on so my family and friends don't think I'm obsessed hahaha....

    On another note... either my scale is broke or I am starting to get some pay off... not gonna celebrate yet BUT... down another 4 pounds for a total of 20! I about wet myself with excitement hahahaha
  • Hey Girls!

    So hit the Max Plyo this morning early OMG I was so tired that I felt like CRAP during the warmup lol! Woke up with a nasty headache and soooooooooooo didn't want to push play but I knew if I didn't, then it wouldn't get done. So, hit it hard, and man it killed me lol! It was just one of those mornings. Finished it out after much cursing of Shaun T and was so thankful when it was over LOL! Hit the gym and did sprint/incline intervals and Jacob's Ladder. Hoping for a good loss this week, Month 2 is where I lost the most last time so here's to hoping!

    dangerous-HAHA turn off that ringer and then you can say "wow my phone didn't even RING I wonder what happened?" LOL! I think that I have to do it early otherwise it is too hard with the 2 LOs hanging around. I can't let them just chill for an hour while I crack out Shaun T's craziness lol! It does get "fun" because you feel like such a bada$$ I think lol! Keep working you are doing great!

    -YAY GIRL! Great job, you are doing so amazing! I wish I lost as quickly as you are, I still have 15 lbs to go and they seem to be coming off so slowly . Oh well, I hope that this second month shaves off at least 6-8 and then I will come down from there. Bummer on your friend not wanting to wait for you . But we will be here, and I am going to start Month 2 again right after I finish THIS month 2 so I will still be on here needing support haha! Keep working, 4 lbs is no freakin joke! AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!

    See you ladies later, have to get DD from naptime!
  • Hey Ladies!

    Max Cardio Conditioning today . I am so happy that it is shorter lol! Hoping you all kicked Shaun T butt today, and let's hear it for Week 1 of Max workouts being halfway over lol! Keep pushing girls!
  • Hey chicks!

    I've had a crazy busy week so far. Honestly, I'm kinda losing my mind. Plus I'm a bit sleep deprived because my cousin actually showed up this morning!!! I set my alarm for 5:45 am and sure enough at 6 am he called and said he was on the way. (I should have listened to you guys and just turned off my ringer. )

    After he call, I jumped out of bed and put on my sneakers. Did you know it really dark at 6am? My eyes didn't focus for like 2-3 mins. LOL I know...I'm a hot mess.

    I got everything ready and popped in Pure Cardio. <---- Not my scheduled workout. But you have to throw me a bone if you want me to sweat before the crack of dawn! He showed up and we got the job done. Not my absolute best effort. Probably due to the fact that I'd didn't have time to eat. Oh well...maybe next week. Feels good to train like a bada$$ first thing in the morning!

    Speaking of bada$$, do you guys watch shows like One Man Army, Navy Seal Training and American Ninja? I love em...they inspire me so much to get "mentally tough" when I'm working out.

    Keep digging deeper!
  • Day 26/ Week 4/ Round 1
    Hey ladies...please tell me you haven't abandoned me!

    Today's workout was brutal but well worth the effort. I think I'm gonna miss the INSANE circuits during my Recovery Week. One more day left! Woo-hoo!

    Planning on adding a few 3-6 miles interval runs next week. I've truly missed running on the treadmill with my ipod. While I'm having a dance party in my head! Good times.

    Well I've got to eat before I kick over. Dang...I'm absolutely starving!

    Have a wonderful weekend.
  • Nope, still hanging strong here dangerous! Hubby's bday was yesterday so on top of Insanity workout, gym workout, and the LOs, I decided it would be a good idea to strip wallpaper, paint, and redecorate the bathroom for hubby for his bday. OMG NOT A GOOD IDEA LOL!!!!!! I was soooooooooo tight today during Max Interval Circuit it sucked lol! On the running front, I did the same during Recover week, some tempo runs, sprint/incline intervals, etc. It feels REALLY GOOD lol! Keep at it, wow I can't believe you are almost in recovery week so close to the TRUE CRAZINESS lol! I am done for the day, hit MIC and the gym to train a friend (cardio/abs good times ) so now I am finishing the bathroom lol! Hope you have a great day dangerous, and that the rest of the ladies do too. Dig deep today girls!
  • I am just gonna apologize first and warn ya... this is probably gonna be a "Rant"...

    Sorry guys, it has been awhile... I have been do crazy busy lately doing first grade homework!! Boy it sure isn't like it use to be when I was in school... honestly how much homework can a first grader have... a **** load if you live in Florida... poor kid!! Homework everynight and no recess at school... what is the world coming to??? Ugggg INSANE!

    So I told you guys I asked my cousin to wait a week and she said no, well I created a page on FB to talk about it and posted on my personal page that I was creating a page to talk about Insanity (with others who want to)... since a bunch of people were getting sick of hearing about it... and I also posted that I was looking for a buddy to start the 10th... she commented that it was my fault for starting over (that we couldn't be buddy's)... no biggie but then went on to say she was thinking about creating a page "for her and her girls"... my "spidey sense" started tingling... just seems a little competitive now, it is almost like we never started together, but maybe I am just being weird about it... anyways she asked for a link to my page and I sent it to her then asked for hers and she never sent it or "liked my page"..... so whatever I let it go. Then the other day I saw she posted something about almost being done so being the supportive person I am I posted something to her...

    "Congrats on the 2 days left!! "In your face" to all those who though InsanityŽ was too hard for us! Who is laughing now (us!!!) hahahaha ... Starting over the 10th so I will be only a week behind ya on round 2!! So so SO glad we decided to do this program... I am addicted to digging deep and pushing my limits with the sexy Mr. Shaun T... oh happy days LOL.... wait do you hear that? Queen is in the background playing "We are the Champions"..... lmao!"

    No response.... then last night I posted something On my page... Since a friend called and said she got her wedding pics back and was ready to start "Insanity" with me the 10th....

    My friend Sarah Green said she will start InsanityŽ October 10th when I begin my second round (And I'm gonna hold her to it)!!!!"

    She commented "Ur not taking any time off in between?? U should take at least a week off."

    I said "Nope going right into round two... told ya I herd Queen hahahaha"

    She Said "LOL Idk about that tho, I think you should give ur muscles some time to recoup you may be doing more harm than good. I would talk to a coach or Google that."

    me: "I have talked to a few people who went right into a second round... and I did google it hahaha that is why I asked ya to wait a week... Think I will be ok... keeps my momentum going LOL. Everyone told me not to start over and I did, they said it would burn me out but it hasn't... here I am day technically 47 but really 61 and my muscles are fine... plus my road is a lot longer than yours so I have to work harder to get to the destination HAHAHAhahahaha

    I then had a couple beach body coaches comment after that who were all basically like " I think that is a great idea going right into round two".... Do you guys sense a competitive vibe or is it just me??? Doesn't feel very supportive that's for sure but again maybe it is just me....

    UGGgggg enough with the DRAMA....

    Workouts are still going GREAT! I swear I feel like I am doing better in month two than I did in one... fricken weird LOL... LOVE love LoViNg it now... I have been telling everyone I turned into a Junkie and Shaun T is my drug dealer (an association I am sure he wouldn't appreciate but I think it is pretty funny LOL)...

    Woooooo Hooooooo today is day 48 baby... creeping up on 63!!

    CONGRATS GUYS!! Keep up the good work.... Dig Deep!!

  • Day 28/ Week 4/ Round 1
    Hey ladies!

    Beachbody Insanity MONTH 1: COMPLETED

    Without a doubt, I know that I've never worked out this hard in my life! I am so damn proud of myself! Overcoming major mental/physical obstacles is the fast track to increased self-confidence and self-esteem.

    Next week, I have a ton of different workouts planned. I'm looking forward to the treadmill runs. Plus some full body circuits w/ The Firm, and a couple hip hop dance dvds. And on top of all that, the CC & Balance. It's actually not as crazy as it sounds. It's just varied so I don't get bored or lose momentum before Month 2 starts.

    munstermommy: Kudos to you for giving the gift of a DIY project to your husband for his birthday! That's so damn cool. What a lucky hubby you have. ** Hey- I always forget to ask if you're certified for PT. I'm thinking about getting certified in Zumba or Turbo Kick in the spring. Was wondering if I should study for ACE testing first.

    Melissa: As far as I can tell, there definitely seems to be some serious competition going on. What a shame. As my nephew would say, "Let your haters be you motivaters!" Now go...Rock It Out! ** BTW: Congrats on the recent 4 lb weight loss.! That's freaking AMAZING!

    Thanks again ladies for all your support this month! It really made a difference and gave me the extra boost I needed to keep going.

  • Hey Girls!

    I had to hit Max Plyo Interval today because I took yesterday off instead of today. It was a crazy day, and I wasn't feeling super great so it was a good switch because today I knocked that workout OUT lol! I went to the gym after too and did cardio with some sprint intervals and then lifted weights for an extra hour or so of workout time! Feeling super good this afternoon! I hope that you ladies are having a great end of the weekend, it is too short, I wish that I could make them last longer lol!

    Melissa-Hey can't let anyone hold you down or hold you back, you are doing so great! I didn't take any time off, I went right into the circuit and I felt fine. I also workout another 1-1.5 hours on top of Insanity now 6 days a week and I am fine so I don't know what she is talking about lol! I think you just need to do what is best for YOU because she isn't really helping to support you at this point. It is good that you started the FB page and are keeping it real! I think that you are doing so amazing, and don't you love getting closer to that day 63? When you get there it is such an amazing sense of accomplishment I am telling you! Keep up the great work, you are awesome!

    dangerous-WOOHOO recovery week lol! I think you will find the workout is a good "compliment" to other things you will be doing since it is more about core and overall muscle strength than kicking your a$$ lol! I think what you have in mind is really good . I have done PT in the past before I had kids (and I am looking to get back into it now because I could make my own hours lol) and I have a degree in Anatomy and Physiology. I think doing the ACE testing for GFI (group fitness instructor) would be a great thing to start with for wanting to teach classes. That way you have a general base and then you can specialize if you want to. If you want to take their PT program it is good also, and there are many others out there like ISSA, etc. I think you would be great! Here we go girl, gear up for the week after next, you will be so stoked at the end .

    Okay ladies, have an awesome day and here's to Month 2 baby!
  • Hey guys!
    I just did my first Insanity fit test. Ohmygossshh it's tough. Tougher than I thought. But I did it. And I'm going to stick with it.
    I pushed myself harder than I ever thought I could this morning. Toward the end I kind of felt like I was going to throw up. Is that bad? :/
    I feel FANTASTIC now though. I have loads of energy, and I'm ready to take on today and the rest of these 62 days!