Turbo Jam Chat and Support

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  • Hello everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    now that everybody has their DVD's I was wondering if anyone would like to join me in the 10 day kick start program from TJ. It is only 10 days and maybe we could write here how it goes, difficulties in the eating part, exercising, etc. I truly believe that the most support we have, the better we will do in our weight loss quest ! ANybody IN???????????????
    :c arrot:

    I remember that when I started doing TJ I came to this boards and read how well everybody was doing, and it pushed me to try harder...+ I love speaking about TJ, the different DVDs, fav parts, least fav parts, etc =)!

    IF anyone wants to start, I am starting monday oct 20

    TinselToes: congrats on your weith loss I still remember the first pounds lost! I was sooo happy..and I felt like doing more TJ DVDS LOL! congrats again =) I had difficulty with the twisting part in that cardio dvd because I have carpet in my house...so sometimes i actually went to the kitchen with the laptop and to them there LOL! I noticed that i exercise on carpet it is harder and my movements need to be stronger.

    ViolinJen: I love the fact that TJ involves abs movements! My abs feel really sore after doing the abs dvd ..my mom at first told me "you look too funny doing that" and I told her that this was the only way (+ floor work) that fixed my tummy after having my baby though emergency c section =)... Now my problem is that i have so much loose skin...and i would love to make my tummy a bit flatter - I mean who wouldn't right? Congratulations for starting TJ

    Lady BuG: congratulations on your weight loss !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5 pounds is a lot !
  • Thanks Yobi! My kitchen is waaaay too small to be doing the workout in there (unless I want to punch out my poor, defenseless stove...which already takes enough of a beating from my valiant attempts at cooking LOL) My living room is carpeted too, I suppose I'll just stay in one position instead of twisting for some of them and up the intensity a bit. I'd love to do the ten day challenge with you, but we're pinching pennies right now so I can't follow the diet plan

    Ladybug: yay on your pound loss! You beat me by half a week, hehe.

    Stacey: Be patient with your back and maybe take down the intensity a bit. (unless it's sharp pain and inhibits your activities, but I'm sure you knew that already) I had soreness in mine for a couple of days after I started too, but I did the low-impact moves and kept it moderate and it went away quickly. Now I have no trouble at all!

    I've got to admit, I get a little bored with the Cardio Party...forty-five minutes seems SO LONG after doing the twenty-minute one and Ab Jam. Other than that, TOTALLY getting into this!
  • Yobi-
    I'll join you, I love TJ, and maybe this is what I need, the 10day kick start, to kick-start my weight loss again. I also do my workout on carpet, the part I find the toughest is the floor work, but she is such a great instrutor, that I get through it.

    My Favorite is the Total Body Jam, the one with the exercise ball. I think I will do that one today. Does else have a favorite??
  • Starting 10 day kick start on monday!

    Yay!!! monday it is then! =)
    Here is the exercise schedule, but if someone wants to exchange their workout for another dvd's that is fine. It states in the program that we can add a program to acceletrate results or if we feel tired (or lazy lol..) we can do ab jam or 20 minutes workout instead of the normal daily schedule. I put bracketsto the alternatives too. If anyone has a suggestion, please write it.

    DAY 1: Cardio Party (1, 2, 3, Punch,kick & jam)
    DAY 2: Cardio Party (Fat blaster or cardio party remix)
    DAY 3urbo Sculpt (3T, Lower Body jam, Booty Sculpt, or 3T with either 1.
    DAY 4:Cardio Party (1,2,3 or Punch, Kick & Jam)
    DAY 5: Cardio Party (Fat blaster or cardio party remix)
    Day 6: Turbo Sculpt (3T, Lower Body jam, Booty Sculpt, or 3T with either 1.
    Day 7: Cardio party (Fat blaster or cardio party remix)
    Day 8: Cardio Party (1,2,3 or Punch, Kick & Jam)
    Day 9: Turbo Sculpt (3T, Lower Body jam, Booty Sculpt, or 3T with either 1.
    Day 10: Cardio Party (1,2,3 or Punch, Kick & Jam)

    I'm not familiar with the ball workouts, so I don't really know which one is more cardio and which is more of a core/strenght dvd. I guess what i did is just an example and you ladies can follow it however you want . Make changes, choose the dvds you like the best or the ones you sweat the most lol!. One thing is that I like to add 20 min workout or ab jam or any 30 min cardio program to Turbo sculpt, so I feel like a have worked harder .

    I'm sooo excited!!!!! i cannot wait to start the 10 day kick start program and see how much weight we can lose =D! I really need something to boost my weightloss because i have been a bad bad girl and have been eating lots of bad things ...and i have been kinda lazy...so YEAhhHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! let's get started on mondayyy

    TinselToes: My kitchen is small too LOL!!!!!!!!!! I just move everything when I want to workout in my kitchen and I really control myself because I have an aquarium and I don't stop my kicks at the right moment my poor aquarium would get destroyed . and about the diet plan..it has tons of veggies and fruits... I'm sure you will find and alternative. My husband and I have been trying to save $, so what we do is..we go to the cheapest supermarket and buy almost everything no name LOL!. I check the nutritional info and some of the stuff is the same or almost the same as the "brand" food !!!

    Institches21: I'm happy you love TJ! I love it too! I have had a great experience with the TUrbo jam series.. My favourite dvd is Fat blaster because it is only 30 min and it is interval training, so I don't get bored. IF I do find that the workout is getting stuck on my head(or body) I rewind 1 or 2 turbos and do them =D!.

    cannot wait to start 10 day kick start with you guys! and anybody else who decides to joiN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    come on ladies it is only 10 days =D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I really want to try the Turbo Jam DVDs! They sound like lots of fun, while still offering a good workout. Where did you pick yours up? I am kind of afraid to order them from the official site since I have heard some bad things about their customer service/overcharging. I would prefer to pick them up at a store, if possible.
  • Quote: I really want to try the Turbo Jam DVDs! They sound like lots of fun, while still offering a good workout. Where did you pick yours up? I am kind of afraid to order them from the official site since I have heard some bad things about their customer service/overcharging. I would prefer to pick them up at a store, if possible.
    They aren't available in stores, but you can look to Craigslist, individual sellers on Amazon (do NOT get them direct from Amazon itself, WAAAAY overpriced!) or Ebay. I saw several packages on Ebay for close to the retail price on Beachbody.com

    You'll love the workouts, they really are a hoot. I got so into them that I didn't notice the time and so "forgot" to slow down and huff and puff from all the exercise, LOL!
  • Yeah Monday!! Good Luck yobi and any others that do join us for the fun!
    The Ball workout is both strength and tons of cardio, it's an hour of non-stop sweating!! I love it!!

    besita-I know what you mean about ordering on Line, but I did go to the official web site and did order, no problems. I do hope you are able to get it, it's alot of fun.

    TinselToes-maybe you could just join us for the exercise portion, and just eat healthy.

    Anyone else?? Up to a challenge?
    I'm going to update my post each day-I do work second shift so I will try to update when I get home-

    Starting Weight- 226lbs
    How did you do?
    Day 1 Cardio Party {done}
    Day 2 Fat Blaster {done}
    Day 3 Turbo Sculpt {done}
    Day 4 Cardio Party #2 {done}
    Day 5 TJ 20minW/O and lower body jam {done}
    Day 6 Cardio #3 {done}
    Day 7 3T Workout {done}
    Day 8 Cardio #3 {done}
    Day 9 Fat Blaster {done}
    Day 10 Kick, Punch, Jam {done}

    End of Challenge Weight- 220lbs

    Lost 6lbs and 7 total inches

    Go TJ!!!
  • May I Join???
    Hi everyone ~

    I started back using Turbo Jam last week and decided to pop in here to see if there were any challenges going on. I'm up for the 10-day challenge if you don't mind me joining in. I was a Turbo fanatic over a year ago, but fell off the wagon due to a few of life's stressors. Now I'm ready to get back with it. I need to lose the weight I had lost AND I need the exercise to combat stress.

    I hope to post here daily to check off which workout has been completed. Good luck everyone.


    DAY 1: Cardio Party 2 (DONE!! - 6:15 a.m.)
    DAY 2: Cardio Party (Fat blaster or cardio party remix)
    DAY 3urbo Sculpt (3T, Lower Body jam, Booty Sculpt, or 3T with either 1.
    DAY 4:Cardio Party (1,2,3 or Punch, Kick & Jam)
    DAY 5: Cardio Party (Fat blaster or cardio party remix)
    Day 6: Turbo Sculpt (3T, Lower Body jam, Booty Sculpt, or 3T with either 1.
    Day 7: Cardio party (Fat blaster or cardio party remix)
    Day 8: Cardio Party (1,2,3 or Punch, Kick & Jam)
    Day 9: Turbo Sculpt (3T, Lower Body jam, Booty Sculpt, or 3T with either 1.
    Day 10: Cardio Party (1,2,3 or Punch, Kick & Jam)
  • Where do you buy these videos?
  • oh my! started the challenge!
    hello everybody !!!!!!!

    I started the 10 day kick start program! I'm not going to lie..I thought about quitting the eating portion during breakfeast because i REALLY don't find cottage cheese appealing!!!!!! The texture is so *funny* ...i don't know if i should bite it or swallow it LOL! . BUT I think i can manage because i really want to keep losing weight (im in a sort of plateau I guess..) I did Cardio Party 1 and it was fun, but the kicks & squats section was killing me!. I even thought about just going to sleep ;however, I saw that everything was ready so I pressed play. I think that I am really looking forward for tomorrow's breakbreast! I loveeee omelets!!!!!!!!!!!

    besita: I got mine from their website and had manyyy problems! BUT everything was solved in the end. Good luck with everything! and you will LOVE turbo jam =D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Institches: COngratulations for starting!! I'm so excited about TJ!!!! and even got my mom to do the dvds with me! She still finds the "house it" and pump it" movements funny Cardio Party 1 was a good reminder of the base/principal movements of TJ..I really enjoyed it! how about you?? and thanks for telling me about the ball workout! I will prob. try it after the challenge ! Good luck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Julie : COngratulationS for joining!! and WELCOME! My story is a bit similar to yours... I gained- i lost- and gained again!

    a little bit of my story. In grade 9, I was in Chile and I was pretty sporty. I was on many sport/school teams. Then moved to Canada and became a couch potato. I gained LOTS of weight. It wasn't until grade 11 that I noticed that my body couldn't take it anymore. I had a emergency operation - they took my gallbladder. I went to emerg, on sat and had the operation monday night!. After that I was able to eat healthy and lose weight. I became really healthy!. BUT!!!!! plop! I got married then got pregnant! I gained 100 pounds! I ate entire cans of condensed milk! lots of white bread, lots of pasta, lots of marshmallows, lots of candies, lots of everything sweet . Now with TJ, I have been able to lose more than half of the weight I gained =)!! I really want to recover the body I had before....looking at my pre pregnancy clothes, doesn't get me sad, it encourages me to continue in this difficult journey =)!! so...I know how it feels to lose the weight and then gained it all (or more) back oh and i also use exercise as a stress reliever ! I love punching and kicking !

    Littlelily: I got mine from the beachbody website =)!

    10 Day Challenge
    Started oct 10, 2008!

    DAY 1: Cardio Party 1 (Done!)
    DAY 2: Cardio Party (Fat blaster or cardio party remix)
    DAY 3: Turbo Sculpt (3T, Lower Body jam, Booty Sculpt, or 3T with either 1.
    DAY 4:Cardio Party (1,2,3 or Punch, Kick & Jam)
    DAY 5: Cardio Party (Fat blaster or cardio party remix)
    Day 6: Turbo Sculpt (3T, Lower Body jam, Booty Sculpt, or 3T with either 1.
    Day 7: Cardio party (Fat blaster or cardio party remix)
    Day 8: Cardio Party (1,2,3 or Punch, Kick & Jam)
    Day 9: Turbo Sculpt (3T, Lower Body jam, Booty Sculpt, or 3T with either 1.
    Day 10: Cardio Party (1,2,3 or Punch, Kick & Jam)
  • yobi-I know what you mean about cottage cheese, I think I'm eating curdled milk, so I put mine through the food processer and it's, like eating yogurt, much easier to eat then. Yes I love the kicks and punches, and I'm getting use to the twists and bends, been doing TJ on and off for 2yrs now. Always come back.

    bbobsgrl-so happy to see you, I'm hoping this helps me to get back to what I know works, hope it's what you need too.

    littlelily- I also got mine off the web site, and no problems to report, got it right on time, like they promised. Hope you join us soon!

    Well I'm so excited to do this challenge, and with some TurboBuddies, this will be great. My story is: Been heavy all my life, never was able to wear the fun teenage clothes that both my sisters wore. Food took over my life, since I was about 13, right after my Mom died, I would just eat my pain away. I did get down to that cute and chubby stage, was healthier since I had to walk everywhere, and that's when I met and fell in Love. Well 30yrs later, I was bigger than I ever was. So my DH and I joined WW, best thing in my life, I now eat healthy, not on a "diet", for me diets don't work. I've done excellent, for the last year, I'm down 73lbs, but lately, I've been losing and gaining the same 5lbs., for over a month, so I hope this will get the pounds to start dropping again. Good Luck to all
  • Hello ladies =D! TOday (or maybe I should write yesterday lol!) i did cardio party remix! The eating part of the 10 day challenge program was great! Thank you so much institches for the advice! I guess my brain isn't working and i never had that idea! It is soo great! I also found that the cottage cheese + paprika tasted too weird loL! soo....I added about 1/4 of free fat yogurt vanilla flavour! it made a HUGE difference! I also didn't feel as hungry as I thhought I would be! Dinner looked really green, so I added a handfull of grape tomatoes. I made the salmon with the juice of1/2 lemon, garlic salt and oregano! It tasted soooo good! I thought I was going to miss my potatoes + pasta, but the cucumber did an awesome job. I had no idea how to steam the asparagous;moreover, I under steamed them and they were kinda hard . not so good, but I still ate them. I really like the 2 Turbos from cardio party remix..it makes me feel like in 30 min I did as much as 45 min ! Tomorrow I will do turbo sculpt! Good luck everybody in their weightloss journey!

    Institches: I have the same thought as yourself! For myself diets don't work!. My personal opinion is that diets mostly tell you what not to eat and lack some required food. It be carbs, fat, or even proteins. I know all of them are good for our bodies, so i never do something like the *liquid diet* (something that you can lose like 2 pounds per day, but just drinking stuff..no nutrients!) . I was looking into joining WW, but I didn't want to spend more $$$... The 10 day kickstart challenge eating meals feel more like guidelines and I'm not starving my body, so it is ok with me. + I LOVE omelets lol! so this is a plus :P!

    Good luck everybodY! come join us!~~~

    10 Day Challenge
    Started oct 10, 2008!

    DAY 1: Cardio Party 1 (Done!)
    DAY 2: Cardio Party remix (Done!)
    DAY 3: Turbo Sculpt (3T, Lower Body jam, Booty Sculpt, or 3T with either 1.
    DAY 4:Cardio Party (1,2,3 or Punch, Kick & Jam)
    DAY 5: Cardio Party (Fat blaster or cardio party remix)
    Day 6: Turbo Sculpt (3T, Lower Body jam, Booty Sculpt, or 3T with either 1.
    Day 7: Cardio party (Fat blaster or cardio party remix)
    Day 8: Cardio Party (1,2,3 or Punch, Kick & Jam)
    Day 9: Turbo Sculpt (3T, Lower Body jam, Booty Sculpt, or 3T with either 1.
    Day 10: Cardio Party (1,2,3 or Punch, Kick & Jam)
  • I'm finding the food is good, but not enough, two nights in a row, I've come home very hungry. Hope tomorrow is better. Today I found I was sooo hungry, for something very naughty, one girl brought in a big bowl of choc. bars, not one in that bowl that wasn't calling my name, but I did resist. So when I got home tonight I had to have something, so, I had a Pork Chop, not good, but I could of had worse. Tomorrow is weigh in day at WW, hope it doesn't ruin, all the good I've been doing so far this week.

    yobi-I too thought, adding paprika to cottage cheese was odd, so I added some frozen berries, that recipe for the salmon sounds yummy!!

    Tomorrow is already here so I need to get some sleep, have a great day!
  • Hi Jammers!

    Last night I got brave. I did the learn and burn again as I'm not very coordinated and after that I did the ab jam! Oh My Abs!!! I really felt it during the workout and I'm starting to feel my obliques this morning. I'll really feel them tonight as I hit the 24hour mark.

    I can't wait till I can start seeing results.

    <---- how cute, they're Turbo Jammin!
  • Big Turbo Jam Fan!
    Hi, I'm new to the forum. I just wanted to say that I am a big fan of TJ. I wish I'd found the 10-day challenge before to do it with someone else, because I did a modified version of it a few months ago, and it does work. I didn't lose 10 pounds, but I lost 5 and it felt great. Right now I am combining the Maximum Results videos with Fat Burning Elite, Taebo Get Ripped, and Amy Bento Hi Lo. I'm also on South Beach Diet and it seems to be working pretty well.