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  • Cop just called....

    Of course he was talking over me because thats what cops do... So anyway he knows he messed up and I have to drive down to the station to get it fixed cause he can't bring it to me. (He's on a case he can't leave right now )

    Wonder how many doughnut crumbs I'll see on his uniform when I get there?
  • Quote: I'm considering the C25K...I know there is a whole thread for it, but since I am here and know some of you have/are doing what pace do you start?

    I love C25K! Check it out here:
    The first week you only have to run for 60 seconds at a time! I am in Week 7 and I love it. If one week is difficult for you, you can do it for a second week before you move on to the next week. Or if a week looks to easy, you can skip it. I have just followed the program exactly, and I am doing it! I can now run for 25 minutes straight! I have never run so long in my whole life!

  • Quote: This would be a dream come true.
    We have a friend that is a cop and he said they judge shouldn't be able to fine you because the ticket is not valid. Make sure to keep a record of everyone you talk to trying to get ahold of him. Shows honesty and due diligence on your side and shows poorly on the cops, which will tick the judge off.

    Also, she was correct, if the cop doesn't show, they dismiss the case. Of course you have to take the time for any of this off from work.
  • Vanetta...I had tried to do the C25K, but I think I was just too big for it, plus I've got mild asthma. It was too fast a pace for me. Idealmuse (a red team member) turned me onto a different running program that wasnt as intense. The problem for me with C25K is that it progressed to quickly, I couldnt go from running 3 minutes to 5 minutes that fast. I think its a fantastic program but I like that other program better because its slower.
  • Quote: Cop just called....

    Of course he was talking over me because thats what cops do... So anyway he knows he messed up and I have to drive down to the station to get it fixed cause he can't bring it to me. (He's on a case he can't leave right now )
    That's just wrong. He screwed up and it's up to you to track him down and get it fixed? Dismissal, I say!
  • Quote: Vanetta...I had tried to do the C25K, but I think I was just too big for it, plus I've got mild asthma. It was too fast a pace for me. Idealmuse (a red team member) turned me onto a different running program that wasnt as intense. The problem for me with C25K is that it progressed to quickly, I couldnt go from running 3 minutes to 5 minutes that fast. I think its a fantastic program but I like that other program better because its slower.
    Can you tell me what the other program is? I would love to try the C25K, and it seems doable, but considering I'm a pretty big girl I'm not so convinced I can do it!
  • Quote: BTW - Any other "Admin Professionals" on here? My job falls within the realm of our clerical department, so I get to celebrate what used to be Secretaries Day. I got a lovely plant from the partner's yesterday and we're going to lunch tomorrow. I'm so spoiled (at my job).
    Me! I thought it was tomorrow, but I heard something on the news about celebrating all week, so my people better be nice to me! Daisies are my favorite flower, so my group usually buys me some daisies. I'll probably also get some off-plan treats tomorrow too. Things have been stressful here this week, so it's possible they'll forget.
  • C25K was a bit rough for me, so I started with this one. Unfortunately, I didn' stick with it, so I'm planning on re-starting for our challenge.
  • Its called the Proven 13-Week Walk Run Program, it starts you off slow and progresses slower, but to me its more doable.
  • I have a s*** eating grin on my face.... looks sorta like this ... only bigger!

    I go to the station and the cop came out to fix it... I was really nice and polite and I headed out to my car.

    So I get in my car and I'm cleaning off my dash a bit and he comes up to my car and asked me to roll down my window. When I do he asks for my copy of the ticket and I'm thinking maybe he forgot to put his initials on it or something, but he tells me he's going to take care of it for me. (insert jaw drop here) I'm like is something wrong? And he said cause I was polite and nice and was willing to come to the station so he could fix his mistake he's going to take care of the ticket for me.

    Better believe I was driving 45 on the way back to the house....

    *knocks on wood really hard*

    This is the second ticket I've gotten out of... I'm thinking my luck is very good considering I speed daily and haven't gotten pulled in 6 years of living in this area.

    *knocks on wood again for good measure*
  • Quote: This is the second ticket I've gotten out of... I'm thinking my luck is very good considering I speed daily and haven't gotten pulled in 6 years of living in this area.

    *knocks on wood again for good measure*
    Perhaps you'll slow down now? I'm glad it worked out for you.
  • If these running programs are difficult, slow them down. For example, do the Week 1 plan 3 times (3 weeks) in a row before moving on to the Week 2 plan.

  • LOL Wooohoo Chelle! See good things are attracted to honey! Your day just turned around!
  • Quote: If these running programs are difficult, slow them down. For example, do the Week 1 plan 3 times (3 weeks) in a row before moving on to the Week 2 plan.

    Well thats exactly why I like the other program better. I tried to redo week 3 of C25K 3 times and still couldnt move on and that is very disheartening. The point of the program is to be able to run 5K after 9 weeks, I needed something slower. I think C25K is a great program and I've seen lots of people do really well with it, it wasnt for me, and repeating weeks didnt do much for my self esteem.
  • Quote: LOL Wooohoo Chelle! See good things are attracted to honey! Your day just turned around!
    But I still dont have a signed Bob book....

    Cant I have yours?