The Winning Losers - Wk of 8/27/06 - Come Join Us!

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  • Yes the Baby is my Granddaughter. Isnt she sweet?Its nice to be grandma(NANA) and Iam only 36.

    Mia Yes tomorrow is another day jest keep going .

    Heather for Question one I think it is a good Idea to have something that you can consider as a goal. Now 200.00 Im not to sure about that it is all up to what you can afford and how determined you are.
    Now 2 to me it alll depends on how much you are looking to lose. If it is alot of weight you will probley have some excess skin
    No3 You should be able to go to walmart and get them easy. It all depends on what you want to pay and what you will like to take the best.

    Amanda I will have to check on the Leslie Pilates I have not seen that one yet. Yes I got rid of the Skittles I split them between the three kids. NO MORE SKITTLES I will have to check HArvey out to see what he is about when does he come on day and time. I will check him out.

    Sara Yes I know I love that they have these printables I dont realy know how I would use them but they are neat to have on hand. I write everything down in a notebook. When I bought school supplies I bought me a whole case of notebooks for a little over 2 dollars so I used them .

    As for the Question about who brings me down is my Friend I think she does it cause I was losing and she dont. All she does now is Drink. Thank god I live 2400 miles away from her now. ( She still does it over the phone)

    Liz Yes I do have that manyTapes my husband gets mad and tells to get rid of some But I wont . Most of them I would not think about doing until I was more fit and trim its hard to do some of these exercise when your heavy . I bught most of them when I worked in Salvation Army no one would buy them so I did. I knowhat you mean about the celing I was their once I always made sure their was no one home when I exercised .

    I wanted to share this with all of you tonight. I did my Leslie and I could feel muscles in my Buttocks that I didnt know I had. Then When I was walking tonight I could feel the muscles that I didnt know I had in the Back of my thighs. Man they feel good I feel like i have shrunk some I will remeasure myself on Wednesday to see the final score. Got to go hope everyone is doing great.
  • Bonnie - Your granddaughter is an absolute doll!
    I just finished Leslie Sansone's Walk and Jog. When we came home from Rite Aid tonight, I wasn't in the mood for Harvey. Anyway, do you remember me telling you that the Walk and Jog would probably be a good next step for you? I no longer feel that way. Don't get me wrong, it's a very good work out, but you're probably already more advanced than it. I did with with 2 lb weights with no problem. Even though it doesn't call for hand weights.
    I'm going to use it as one of my "light" morning work outs. You'd only jog in two minute intervals with it. I'm already jogging in five minute intervals - with my weights - when I do the shadow boxing moves my husband showed me.
  • Hey, Hey, Hey!
    Hey ladies:

    First day went just fine. This is just training. Thanx for the well wishes.

    Aww, Melissa, sorry about that scale thing. I tell ya, that scale can be a blessing and a curse. I'm trying real hard not to give the scale too much power. It used to be that if it was up, it would ruin my mood and if it was down, I was on cloud nine. But you know that is really giving that scale too much power. Like Aqua said a few days ago, even if the scale doesn't reflect anything just yet, when you are eating healthy and being active, so many other wonderful things are happening. You are keeping a great attitude about it all and that is wonderful! Just hang in there!

    Bonnie, I do have the WATP Walk Strong. Did the workout come with the stretchie? I already had one from some other workouts. Hope you have fun with those. I have watched Jillian on and I knew that workout was a little too advanced for me right now. I will get there soon.

    Today, I did Calorie Killer by the FIRM. I "Assassinated Some Major Calories". It is so funny when she says that. I was surely sweating, but I did the whole workout. I think i am going to focus on FIRM right now.

    Now, I am missing my buddies Danielle and Anna. Where are you guys? I miss you.

    Well, ladies, have a great evening and an even better morning. I will see you lovely ladies tomorrow.


  • Hey everyone,

    Does anyone listen to music when they workout? What do you listen to to keep you motivated and pumped up? If you could give me a few tips that help you, that would be muchly appreciated, thanx.

  • I'm typing with one hand, little one is fighting her sleep.

    Oh my god, i worked out with the ladies at the gym tonight. The instructor kept telling me to join them during the beginning stretches. I caved and joined in. i have never worked out with a group before. i liked it, felt bigger than the other girls. The instructor was really nice and it wasn't to fast.

    Bonnie you making me want to use one of my workout tapes. You're just a powerhouse right now. You should just make a video! lol. I think I'm going to do my pilates tape first, then taebo.

    No seriously. Let’s get to know each other. I want to know, like others, about you. The woman behind the weight. We are about to get all into your business. Just a few questions so have fun. Okay maybe not a few. Just copy and paste. Anyway here goes:

    Name or nickname:
    Birthday and zodiac sign:
    How tall are you?:
    How much, if any, would you like to lose or gain?:
    Pet peeves:
    What’s your drink(s) of choice?:
    Martial status:?
    Between you and SO, who is more aggressive?:
    Anniversary date:
    What type of job do you have:?
    Own or rent?:
    What time do you go to bed?:
    What time do you wake up?:
    What kind of books do you read?:
    Favorite song:
    Favorite movie:
    Favorite restaurant:
    Favorite quotes:
    Favorite food or snack:
    Where would you like to travel?:
    Worse food or snack:
    How many siblings do you have?:
    What’s your favorite color(s)?:
    Any pets:?
    What does your screen name mean?:
    What are some of the places you travel on BC?:
    How do people perceive you verses how you really are?:
    If you can change one thing about yourself what would it be?:
    Do you play the lotto:?
    Lucky number(s):
    If you were given 2 million dollars what would you do with it?:
    What are your plans for the holiday?:

    mine for example ;

    Name or nickname: Trish
    Age: 37
    Location: St. Louis, Missouri
    Birthday and zodiac sign: Jan 19, Capricorn
    How tall are you?: 5'2
    How much, if any, would you like to lose or gain?: I would love to lose about 87 lbs, still got some baby weight from the twins.
    Pet peeves: I can't stand hearing people chew. I can't stand dumb questions. People coming over unannounced. Guys grabbing at there crotch in front of you. Women who can't hold there liquor, ugh that one just urks me. Lazy mothers with there kids. People who brag about everything or they have everything you have and better. I could go on & on, so I'll stop.
    What’s your drink(s) of choice?: Rum & Coke, margaritas, now water
    Martial status:? Married
    Between you and husband, who is more aggressive?: Me
    Anniversary date: Dec 30
    What type of job do you have:? Operations Manager For Contracting Firm
    Own or rent?: rent
    What time do you go to bed?: 12:30am
    What time do you wake up?: 5:45am
    What kind of books do you read?: Romance Novels, Jet, and essence magazines
    Favorite song: Charlene, by Anthony Hamilton and Tonight is the Night by Betty wright
    Favorite movie: Maid in Manhattan
    Favorite restaurant: I'm a southern cooker, so don't do restaurants much
    Favorite quotes: I brought you in this world I'll take you out!
    Favorite food or snack: debbie cakes, oatmeal pies was now grapes
    Where would you like to travel?: New York
    Worse food or snack: Oysters
    How many siblings do you have?: 3 one bro, & 2 sis
    What’s your favorite color(s)?: Peach
    Any pets:? NO
    What does your screen name mean?: I love sapphire jewelry
    What are some of the places you travel on 3FC?: just browse alot
    How do people perceive you verses how you really are?: Everyone thinks I'm unapproachable and mean when they first meet me, but once they know me they love me. Lots of fun. I'm just straight forward.
    If you can change one thing about yourself what would it be?: 87 lbs of unwanted weight
    Do you play the lotto:? Only when its realllllly Big
    Lucky number(s): 4, 5, 12
    If you were given 2 million dollars what would you do with it?: Buy my mom and mother-in law there dream homes as well as myself. Invest, Invest, Invest, and buy a Walmart Franchise.
    What are your plans for the holiday?: Spend it with my family. Going down south for the holiday to visit family.

    good nght ladies, i'll let you know how my stress test go tomorrow.
  • Sapphire, GET OUT! (I'm having an Elaine moment ) I didn't know you lived in St. Louis! So do I!!! Small world. You think you are here on the internet and everyone is so far away and you are probably around the corner. That's funny!

    Also, are you kidding me, you have twins??? So do I!!! Wow!

    Well, I decided to check in one more time and I saw that and had to respond. I will do the "Gettin' to Know You" segment tomorrow.

    Ha Ha Ha Small world.

  • thats what makes this fun, ha ha. now you know we're going to get together. i can'i wait.
  • Good evening lovelies!! its 9:30 and I'm ready for bed already! LOL! DH was tired too, he went an hour ago. My leg has just been killing me lately. I'm gonna have to break down and see a chiropractor I think. I went today and did more shopping with my girls. They are getting closer to being ready for school. I splurged and bought myself a digital camera today. I've been wanting one forever and decided to just do it. Plus I ordered us a new 4'' memory foam mattress pad for our bed and a duvet cover. I got em from overstock and it said I saved almost $600, cant wait to get em! Okay I'm rambling! LOL! I'm determined to get caught up with you all tonight!

    Aqua...I so agree with you about CFC, so spoiled some of these celebrities. I remember countess from a few seasons ago who ended up gaining weight over the course of the show and yet still got to win the prizes. that ticked me off. Everyone has excuses, and noone is gonna lose till you check them at the door. Myself included!!

    Bonnie...I didnt get to say it before but WAY TO GO with those skittles!!!

    Trish...gosh I'm so sorry to hear about all the tragedy that seems to be surrounding your life right now. Makes you want to hug your loved ones and cherish every minute you have, you just never know when its gonna be gone. about the milk, not sure if you have it in your area but its called Skim Delight by Viva. I dont like skim milk either but this stuff is really good. Its more like 2% but its skim. Not sure how they do it. My kids LOVE it too!

    Brit....WAY TO GO!!! 5 lbs!! OMG! Thats just amazing! What ever you are doing is are shrinking!!

    Liz...YAY you came back!!! Glad to hear it was just technical difficulties! I was a HS cheerleader too...oh to be that size again! LOL!! Hey we can dream right?!

    Elycia...I hope your first day of work was a smashing success and it is all you hoped it would be! You are so right, I've said it before but I'll say it again, scales are for fish!! Who needs em! LOL!! Way to go on that workout!

    Kandice....I'm harder on myself about my weight than anyone else ever could be, but, my grandpa said to me this summer (after not seeing me for several years) "well your a big girl arent you" thats just his way. But my SIL once told me she wished for everyone sake that I stop overeating. Shes a peach!And then shortly after I had my first baby I was like 160ish, my grandma was going around telling people I was as big as a house. That one hurt alot. Guess we all have to have those kinds in our lives.

    Heather....I am SO proud of you!!! Way to go saying no to the pie!! AND the coffee!! You are doing so great!!! Keep up the excellent work!! Just so you know, a large (16oz) iced mocha with skim milk and no whipped cream is only 180 calories. A nice little treat and you arent breaking the calorie bank!!

    Lori...fluctuations in the scale are normal, and I heard on Oprah once that its a really good sign to even gain a little in the beginning of a weightloss plan. means you are building muscle! Make sure you take your measurements too!! You are doing GREAT!!! Keep it up!

    Sara....GOODBYE 2 lbs!!! yay!! Way to go!!! I bet the inches are wasting away!!! Keep it up! and your dh are so cute!! I just love reading your stories about him and what he does! You are a lucky girl!! Course I bet you already knew that! I would love to try some shadow boxing, I need to go back and read those core exercises you gave us too.

    Awww...I'm jealous you guys get to get together! Danielle and I used to be able to do that...speaking of Danielle where in the world is she!

    I think I got caught up! I hope anyway, not to do the survey! Have a lovely evening!

  • My survey answers ( I love these!)

    Name or nickname: Melissa
    Age: I'll be 34 on 9/6
    Location: Missoula, MT
    Birthday and zodiac sign: Virgo
    How tall are you?: 5'7
    How much, if any, would you like to lose or gain?: lose 80 lbs
    Pet peeves:people who smack their food when they eat and hiccups
    What’s your drink(s) of choice?:alcoholic - mudslide, nonalcoholic - water
    Martial status:? married, going on 14 years
    Between you and SO, who is more aggressive?: him
    Anniversary date: 10/24
    What type of job do you have:?mom
    Own or rent?:rent
    What time do you go to bed?:in bed around 10, read till 11 or so
    What time do you wake up?:once school starts 6:45
    What kind of books do you read?:murder mystery and some romance
    Favorite song:gosh this is TOUGH, right now its I Dare You by Shinedown
    Favorite movie:A Knights Tale
    Favorite restaurant:Jakers
    Favorite quotes:"You do what you know how to do, and when you know better, you do better" Mia Angelo
    Favorite food or snack:French fries w/ Ranch
    Where would you like to travel?:Hawaii and NYC
    Worse food or snack:seafood and mushrooms
    How many siblings do you have?:3
    What’s your favorite color(s)?: blue and pink
    Any pets:? Denver the beagle!
    What does your screen name mean?: My name (melissa) means Honeybee
    What are some of the places you travel on 3FC?: here, buddy up and nutrition
    How do people perceive you verses how you really are?: I think people get who I am
    If you can change one thing about yourself what would it be?: my weight and fear
    Do you play the lotto:? only when the jackpot gets up there high, cuz 1 million just isnt enough for me! LOL!
    Lucky number(s):24
    If you were given 2 million dollars what would you do with it?:pay off debt, buy a house
    What are your plans for the holiday?:Spending it at home with my family
  • This is my questionnaire i filled out

    Name or nickname:
    Heather or needhelp27
    Age: 17
    Location: Rossland, British Columbia, Canada
    Birthday and zodiac sign: April 21, Taurus
    How tall are you?: 5’5’’
    How much, if any, would you like to lose or gain?: I would love to lose about 80-90 pounds.
    Pet peeves: women who stay in bad relationships because they really do “love” him! Ugh that makes me mad,
    What’s your drink(s) of choice?: water, orange juice, I don’t drink
    Martial status:? single
    Between you and husband, who is more aggressive?: I’m not married
    Anniversary date: Not applicable
    What type of job do you have:? Student, babysitter, nanny during summer
    Own or rent?: I am only in grade 12!
    What time do you go to bed?: depends what I have to do the next day.
    What time do you wake up?: depends what I have to do that day
    What kind of books do you read?: novels, romance, drama, suspense, thriller, biographies, true stories
    Favorite song: too many, let’s get this party started by Pink
    Favorite movie: Save the Last Dance, Napoleon Dynamite, and Crash
    Favorite restaurant: The Keg or Olive Garden
    Favorite quotes: “Girls with asses like mine, don’t date guys with faces like yours”
    Favorite food or snack: Chinese, pizza, chocolate, ice cream, chips,
    Where would you like to travel?: Bahamas, Fiji, New York, Paris
    Worse food or snack: oysters, mussels
    How many siblings do you have?: 1 older brother, 1 step sister
    What’s your favorite color(s)?: pink or blue
    Any pets:? Hopefully we can get a dog but we did have 2 cats but they both died
    What does your screen name mean?: its self-explanatory
    What are some of the places you travel in BC?: Vancouver, Victoria, Prince George/Rupert, Kelowna, Penticton, Vernon,
    How do people perceive you verses how you really are?: Most people think im probably lazy and self-conscious. I am self-conscious, but i am not lazy, i am really fun, funny, easy to get along with, vey bubbly
    If you can change one thing about yourself what would it be?: My weight, wayyyyyyy too much!
    Do you play the lotto:? Not old enough yet
    Lucky number(s): 27
    If you were given 2 million dollars what would you do with it?: haha, I would join a gym, get a personal trainer, get to at least a size 6 and go on a major shopping spree in New York, Paris, L.A. and Florida. But first, I would put money towards university, put money aside for my wedding and a house, buy my parents a new house, give my brother some money for college, give my step sister and her daughter some money and the rest I would put towards retirement after I go to the Bahamas on a cruise
    What are your plans for the holiday?: ummmm, well my holiday is pretty much over, I have 8 days until school starts but I am going to Edmonton, Alberta to see my brother and step sister. He starts university at NAIT today so we are going there on Thursday for the long weekend.
  • Trish is was such a great idea! The problem I'm going to have is that I'll want to come back 12 times today to change my answers. I don't have a lot of favorites. I like a whole lotta stuff

    Melissa - Please hurry and have your leg checked out. We need you to stay healthy for us!!

    Name or nickname: Amanda, I don't really have a nickname
    Age: 33
    Location: Detroit
    Birthday and zodiac sign: February 3. (I don't believe in the zodiac stuff)
    How tall are you?: 5'5"
    How much, if any, would you like to lose or gain?: All together 100 - 120. Whatever a size 6 is.
    Pet peeves: People who raise out of control children and subject them to the rest of us. Also, like Sapphire, people who smack and chew with open mouths. Yuck!
    What’s your drink(s) of choice?: Lemonade, cognac
    Martial status:? Married
    Between you and SO, who is more aggressive?: We're equally aggressive (or unaggressive) most of the time. But it depends on the situation.
    Anniversary date: June 23, 2005
    What type of job do you have:? I have about 12 of them! It's administrative
    Own or rent?: Rent
    What time do you go to bed?: Between 9:30 and 10:30 usually
    What time do you wake up?: 4:40 - 4:45
    What kind of books do you read?: Anything except for sci-fi and westerns. I'm a book worm!
    Favorite song: Because I Love You (Lenny Williams), The Love We Had (Dru Hill's version), Let's Stay Together (Al Green), It Takes a Fool to Learn that Love Don't Love Nobody. I'm such an "old head"
    Favorite movie: My Cousin Vinny, First two Godfather movies.
    Favorite restaurant: I don't really have one, but I love Middle Eastern and Mexican
    Favorite quotes: "Don't sacrifice the permanent and the altar of the temporary."
    Favorite food or snack: Really, really good cookies.
    Where would you like to travel?: Virgin Islands, Las Vegas, New Orleans
    Worse food or snack: I've never met a food I didn't like j/k I really hate liver
    How many siblings do you have?: 5 brothers and 1 sister
    What’s your favorite color(s)?: All pastels
    Any pets:? No
    What does your screen name mean?: Nothing. I ended up with it when I signed up for AOL once. It was a suggest sn so I just stuck with it.
    What are some of the places you travel on 3FC?: All around the Support Group section.
    How do people perceive you verses how you really are?: People think I'm a pushover. At least 2 or 3 times year someone who tries to take advantage of me finds out the hard way that I'm not.
    If you can change one thing about yourself what would it be?: I would be more disciplined
    Do you play the lotto:? On occasion. If I can remember.
    Lucky number(s): I always get the computer generated easy pick.
    If you were given 2 million dollars what would you do with it?: Buy a modest home, upgrade one of my vehicles to a newer used one , bank the rest, finish school and keep working. Oh, and treat myself to a week long vacation to the Virgin Islands
    What are your plans for the holiday?: I think I'm going to my parents'

    BTW, I just finished Donna Richardson's 30 Days to Firmer Arms and Abs. It's quite a challenge! The aerobics part is challenging because I know it will take me the rest of the week to learn those moves. The abs and arms work outs are fantastic. Especially the abs! Boy do you "feel the burn"!
  • My Survey answers are,

    Name or nickname Bonnie, Grandma used to call me bonbon
    Age 36
    Location South Carolina
    Birthday and Zodiac sign July 29, Leo
    How tall are you 5'4
    How much if any would you like to lose or gain Lose 138 pds
    Pet peeves People who let their elementry children walk or go to school by them selves
    Whats your drink(s) of choice Coconut Daquire
    Materal Statues Married 20 years
    Between you and so who is more aggressive Husband
    Anniversary Date June 29, 1986
    What type of job do you have Homemaker ( Laundry girl, Housekeeper, Gardner, Babysitter,Cheif, Teacher)
    Own or Rent Rent
    What time do you go to bed 11:00 pm
    What time do you wake up During school it is 5:30 am durning non school 10:00am
    What kind of books do you read Weightloss
    Favorite song SARA BETH by rascall flats. I start to cry everytime I hear the song or see the video
    Favorite movie Steele Magnolias and Any thing with julia roberts
    Favorite resturant Chick fil A
    Favorite Quotes?
    Favorite food or snack Chicken
    Where would you,like to travel To wisconsin to see my family
    Worst food or snack[B]Turnips [/B}
    How many siblings do you have 12 , 3 Brothers ( One has passed) 7 Sisters 1 Half sister
    What is your favorite color Purple Any type

    Any pets Cat
    What does your screan name mean Butterfly jest because I like them
    What are some places you travel to on CFC Surf around
    How do people perceive you verses how you realy are I have had people that that I am scary and look mean or mad all the time, But when they get to know me we usually get along great
    If you could change one thing about your self what would it be My weight
    Do you play the lotto No my husband plays enough for the both of us
    Lucky Numbers ??
    If you were given with 2 million dollars what would you do with it. I would have to say that I would Buy me a house and Invest as much as possible
    What are your plans for the Holiday Nothing much staying at home with the hubby and kids

    This was a great Idea I got all my water in yesturday Now working on today. My granddaughter will be here tomorrow Dont know how much I will be able to work out I want to spend time with her and her parents. I have to also take in the we have a hurricane ( Troplical storm ) Headed this way. They say it is going to hit Between Folly and Edisto beach and Iam half way between both Hope all goes well. Got to run I have to get started making my granddaughters First Birthday cake.
  • newpants- did you have a 5 year reunion? we didn't, I definitely want to go to my 10 year HS reunion- 2008 so I should be good by then- but even not, I want to go and finally show that I'm happy. Like to see what everyone did with their lives too. I know a couple of college friends grad from college and they are still working at Filenes or hotels as desk clerks and cashiers!

    needhelp- I'll pm you my email. I bought a dress the last time I was losing weight- it's a red sparkly dress (kinda stretchy) I got off forum I think when I was registered for the wedding- but it was only $25. size 10. DH promised he would take me out to a nice dinner and a night out on town- comendy connection or something and I would wear the dress. that was my goal and it was hanging on the outside of my closet and I looked at it everyday. I also had quotes and a 48 inch paper "ruler" to show how many inches I lost from everywhere. I was quite the inspiration. Do you have a pair of pant- jeans you want to fit into? I say don't spend a lot of money because what if you don't get to goal by the time, but it helped me to have something visual.
    If you lose it gradual and yes, we're still young- elasticity, you shouldn't notice a difference in your skin. when I lost weight the last time I kinda had "reverse stretchmarks" if it makes sense to you- not noticeable to anyone but me I'm sure. but it was like place where I had stretch marks before- my hips, boobs, it was kinda indented and white. weird. Wasn't anything that kept me away from wearing a bikini or anything. and I wore a bikini on our honeymoon in March 2005 (never had a bikini ever- tankinis yes, but this one was a barely there! DH loved it!)
    I'm taking the one a day weight control. it looks like it's got everything you need in it. Like I said before- I was just taking Tums for calcium, they taste fine to me- some people say they're a little chalky.

    bonnie- yes she's adorable! only 36! that'll be like me- I was doing the math not too long ago, DS is 13 now- I'm 26, so that means in 7 years- hopefully not sooner I could be a g-ma. that's 33! DH and I are talking about adopting a baby girl and that's what brought it up- well, we have to get doing it soon or else that'll be just too weird! I know we're down south but there has got to be standards! DH is 33 now so he doesn't want to wait forever either- he thinks he's getting old. probably doesn't help with me making grandpa jokes to him when he snaps and crackles in the AM.
    Bonnie- congrats about unhiding the muscles!

    Trish way to go on working out with a group. just something I heard a long time ago- others aren't looking at you or judging you, most of them are worried about what other people think of them!

    Name or nickname: Kandice, Kandi, Kan
    Age: 26
    Location: Jonesville, NC
    Birthday and zodiac sign: jULY 26, LEO
    How tall are you?: 5'11- the shortest one in my family! (between my bro and sis)
    How much, if any, would you like to lose or gain?: lose 45 lbs to get to 165- size 10/12
    Pet peeves: people who don't take responsibility for their actions or half do a job. (silly- I'm the keeper of supplies in the office and someone (man) will just come in and get a ream of paper for the copy machine instead of taking the whole box and piling it up next to the copier like we always do- assuming someone else will do it- I've seen him lift heavy things before- no reason why he can't lift a carton of copy paper!)
    What’s your drink(s) of choice?: Margarita, koolaid, moutain dew, water....
    Martial status:? married
    Between you and SO, who is more aggressive?: me- we still would be holding hands if I didn't make a move on him!
    Anniversary date: March 5, 2005
    What type of job do you have:? Director of Accounting at a Country Club
    Own or rent?: Own as of October 2005! although with all the interest, we probably own the frontdoor now. the rest is still the banks!
    What time do you go to bed?: between 9 and 10 pm
    What time do you wake up?: 5 am
    What kind of books do you read?: trashy ones- recent ones were the devil wears prada and her new book- everyone worth knowing and mags- Star and Cosmo oh and our "local newspaper" it's such a small town it's news if someone catches a big fish and they put it in the paper with a picture. it's only about 12 pages long and published 3 x a week.
    Favorite song: too many! I like Rascal Flatts, Mercy Me- Christian group, aerosmith, just about anything besides Rap
    Favorite movie: Beauty and the Beast. and anything else disney- aladdin, lion king, but beauty and the best is number 1
    Favorite restaurant: Red Lobster, Olive Garden.
    Favorite quotes: "May you trust God you are exactly where you are meant to be" part of a larger poem. so hard because I want to live in Maine again sometime and it's hard to just trust that I'm here to do a purpose right now.
    Favorite food or snack: Oreos, little debbies- nutty butties, salt and vinegar chips, now plums, peaches, trying to make healthier choices
    Where would you like to travel?: DH and I have a travel wish log: 1) is Alaska- we're going there for our 5 year wedding anniversary- 2010. 2) grand canyon
    3) take a ride on a mississippi riverboat 4) Turkey- I have a penpal that I've had since grade school that I still communicate with, would love to go to visit sometime 5) London
    Worse food or snack: I eat about anything, I've tried (and liked) sushi, all fish, I tried liver once- it wasn't bad. I don't think I have a food I don't like. I don't like Canned peas.
    How many siblings do you have?: 2- a bro that's 18 and 6'3 and a sis that's 15 and 6'1
    What’s your favorite color(s)?: pink, black, blue
    Any pets:? the zoo- 2 cats, 2 guineapigs, 5 koi fish- dh got 2 more and 1 died so now it's 5. but they're getting big so that's it. DH wants a Great Dane- maybe later I said
    What does your screen name mean?: this is my second try at losing weight- this time for good!
    What are some of the places you travel on 3fC?:just browse basically reply to ones that interest me
    How do people perceive you verses how you really are?: as bossy and unapproachable, I can be bossy- I like to have things done my way and not good at delegating, but I am totally approachable. you don't have to knock to come in my office!
    If you can change one thing about yourself what would it be?: I wish I could be more outgoing- some of it will come with weightloss I know.
    Do you play the lotto:? scratch tickets only
    Lucky number(s): don't really have any
    If you were given 2 million dollars what would you do with it?: pay off all student loans and the house and cars. take a nice vacation for a couple of weeks and then put the rest in the bank. hopefully live off the interest and be able to quit my job and work at Hallmark or Walmart greeter or something- just to get out of the house but not because I HAVE to work.
    What are your plans for the holiday?: staying in NC and then in Jan we're having a late christmas in Maine- DH and I don't get anymore vacation until Jan 07- his work is strict and won't let him borrow against it. and plus it's year end closing in the accounting office on Dec 26th- so I'll be busy working!

    that was fun!

    been good at water and portion control- slacking on the exercising- but today I brought my tennis shoes and I'm going to do the stairs again today!
    still 208 today.

    hi to everyone else- sorry no personals for everyone- I think I took up 1 page for myself!
  • Name or nickname: Brittni
    Age: 20
    Location: College Station Texas GO AGGIES!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
    Birthday and zodiac sign: June 18, 1986, Gemini
    How tall are you?: 5'7
    How much, if any, would you like to lose or gain?: 175lbs
    Pet peeves: stupid people that talk way to much
    What’s your drink(s) of choice?: tequilla sunrise!!! but since i cant buy it here water.
    Martial status:? single and lovin it
    Between you and SO, who is more aggressive?:
    Anniversary date:
    What type of job do you have:? full time student
    Own or rent?: rent
    What time do you go to bed?: when i feel like it
    What time do you wake up?: when i feel like it
    What kind of books do you read?: depends on my mood
    Favorite song: show stopper- danity kane
    Favorite movie: probably the Harry Potter movies...
    Favorite restaurant: Fudruckers!!
    Favorite quotes: Dont hate because i'm beautiful, hate me because your boyfriend thinks so!!!!!
    Favorite food or snack: dont have one. i have learned that to lose weight all food needs to taste really blah!
    Where would you like to travel?: Australia, Brazil, Europe, Egypt, South Africa, Thailand, Fiji, Jamaica, Bahamas, the list goes on and on!!!!!!!
    Worse food or snack: doritos
    How many siblings do you have?: 4 brothers and 1 sister
    What’s your favorite color(s)?: pink!
    Any pets:? 4 dogs, 2 cats, 2 fish.
    What does your screen name mean?: nickname my ex gave me
    What are some of the places you travel on 3fc? nowhere really just here and there this is the only place i come back too
    How do people perceive you verses how you really are?: *****y because i'm really honest, but after a while they realize i'm a badass chick lol
    If you can change one thing about yourself what would it be?: my weight and how easily i get depressed
    Do you play the lotto:? not really
    Lucky number(s): 2
    If you were given 2 million dollars what would you do with it?: buy a house in australia, pack up my grandparents and my animals and live there forever!!!
    What are your plans for the holiday?:well summer is over i started school yesterday, but for xmas i have no idea yet. maybe go back to mexico or something.

    Hey Chicas!!!!!!!! i had my first day of school and i'm scared!!! ive never taken chemistry before and now i'm taking college chemistry!!!!!!! oh well ill get thru it. if i make straight A's this semester and lose weight i get a big prize from my grandparents! its kinda sad having ur grandparents reward you when you 20 but hey, its either do really good in school or take the change of not doing so good and getting a job. Anyways, something strange has happened to me. over the last week or so my appitite is GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!! i mean i barely eat and im not really hungry. 2 meals a day (small ones) and i'm good. i dont have cravings, or anything! oh well i'm not complaining. I was going to start Slim in 6 this week but i have to go home this weekend to get my comp fixed. plus i was going to order this 2day fast. its a shake that you mix up and it helps get rid of toxins so you can lose weight more easily. ive been told that it works and its only 20 bucks. Anyways besides that my great grandpa is in the hospital. we are basically waiting for him to pass. he is 93 and its time. anyways i need to get going. i have 2 classes today and i'm a lil nervous. Ill do the individuals tonight tho when i can really sit down and read everything fully. have a wonderful day!!!!!!!!
  • Good Morning everyone!! I love reading these surveys!

    Amanda I forgot about liver! EWW! LOL! Way to go on that workout! I need to feel the ab burn!!! are doing GREAT! Have fun with those stairs today!

    Brittni...I took chem 151 a few semesters back, it was rough, but luckily we had a professor who was all about volunteering and he'd give extra credit whenever we did it. I ended up with almost 100 points in just extra credit. Just stay on top of the lectures and you'll be just fine!! You can do it!! sorry to hear about your grandpa, our grandma is in the hospital too right now she fell and punctured a lung and has a few broken ribs. So sad to see them get old isnt it?

    Alright, I'm running behind again, I had intended to make flyers for the school this morning. I've got to go meet with the principal today and get PTA stuff rolling for next week. Have a fantastic day everyone!!! Drink that water!! I've been horrible lately and I'm gonna pick it up bigtime today!! CHEERS!
