Beat The Bulge Chat~Game 7!!

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  • woohoo two miles on the treadmill.......i seem to do better when at the gym but at least i did it!!!!! time for more water.....drink-drink- drink
    keep up the great work ladies

  • GO Sherrie!!!!
  • Thanks Rosario--By the way, I love to visit your city. I have fond memories there, and I am a big BRAVES fan.

  • Wow, today has been HORRIBLE as far as eating is concerned. It all started off with me sampling the chicken biscuit that we started carrying today. I ate half of one even though I didn't like it, I was so hungry. I had half a turkey sandwich (on wheat, the only good thing I ate today) with no mayo, only mustard. Then throughout the day I snacked on little bits of chicken selects that happened to fall in my path :P After work, my nephew was eating chicken selects and a double cheeseburger, and I stole half of one of his selects and several of his fries. Just now I ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. And I'm still so hungry
  • I didn't much exersicing done first day of "aunt flow" so I am lucky I am still concious .well at least I got 35 mins in..........oh and i gave in and a piece of cake but it was gooood.
  • So today was EXTREMELY stressful. I can't get into details right now since it's after midnight and I SO need to get to bed, but basically two of my head supervisors were being *******s. But they are soon going to learn that I am not the one! I document everything so I WANT them to try me! Anyway, I left furious and the first thing I thought of was candy and Taco Bell. But you know what I did? I sat in the car and ate my usual sandwich then ONE WW mint chocolate. I was still pissed and of course still was craving so instead of heading over to Taco Bell...I went to sleep. Yep, I pushed that seat back and went to sleep! I woke up like thirty minutes later as my mama was calling my cell and she let me SCREAM at her about my shitty day. I felt better, not craving, but I was making excuses for not going to the gym. As I was making the excuses, I was getting changed into my gym clothes in the back seat. Then I kept telling myself over and over and over again 242, 242, 242, 242 ,242 as I got out the car and walked out the parking garage. Why? Because my WI for today came in at 242.6 Next thing you know, I'm off the bus in front of the gym. I let myself think again about my *****y sups, got angry again, and spent the next hour lifting more weight than I have EVER lifted and half jogging on the threadmill. And yes, I DO feel pretty damn good.

    Shari-Great job turning a possible gorge fest into good choices and a great aggresion relieving workout!!!! I'm sure you're feeling a lot better today than you would've if you'd given into temptation! Good luck with the work situation. Sometimes I'm so happy that I work for myself. Even though I don't make much, at least I don't deal with others crap getting passed down on me.

    canadianmom-35 minutes is far from no exercise. Good job!

    Lydia-1 day of not eating perfectly isn't going to get you off track. Today is a brand new day and you've been doing so well. I'm sure you'll be back to normal by the time you read this.

    Sherrie-great job on the treadmill.

    Courtnie-Dust that bike off girl!!!!

    Wendy-Great job on the biking!

    Rosario-unconventional exercise is usually the most fun! I hope you made it through yesterday without falling asleep at your desk!

    I did a 22 minute run and got just over 2.5 miles in. I was trying to go faster than my usual pace, but only got slightly faster. I've got a week before my next 5K, and I really want to be a little faster than the last race. I also finished the walk to total 4.5 miles this morning.

    I leave tomorrow at 6 for the Breast Cancer 3 Day Walk!!!! I am so excited. Its going to be so much fun. I'm working safety crew (riding my bike alongside the walkers) and my aunt is walking. It'll be her birthday on Saturday and I have all kinds of things to decorate our tent and make her wear on her special day. I'll be gone all weekend and I'm sure I'll post all about it on Monday.

    Have a terrific day ladies. Keep up all the hard work!
  • Good morning all! When do we officially weigh in--on Sunday or Monday. I cant keep myself off of the scales on most days, so I just need to know when to record it on here. Have a great day everyone, I'll be back later. It's off to the gym for these chubby

  • Morning everyone.

    Now that everything is back to normal, I should be able to at least try and get some excercise in. The only thing today is that we have to go grocery shopping and that is so time consuming. Yuck!!! We also have to go pay some bills and return some stuff and then I still have to come home and cook. There just aren't enough hours in the day. I really should wake up early in the am, but that is just too hard for me!! But no more excuses, I must excercise tonite!!!!

    Sherrie-Weigh in on whatever day you'd like. I personally weigh in on Monday mornings. I don't like the Braves. I'm a California girl. DODGERS all the way!!!

    Lydia-you have been doing so well, so don't let one day of bad eating throw you off track. Just forget about it and move on!

    Canadian mom-35 minutes is way better than a big fat 0 minutes. Keep going girl!!

    Shari-that's awesome that you didn't give in to your cravings, especially when you were stressing out. And your excercse points yesterday rocked!! Woohoo!!

    Brandy-the Breast cancer walk sounds like lots of fun. Great job on your run. I hope your times get faster.

    La3y-I think today is your surgery day. I'll say a prayer for you. Good Luck!!!

    Yikes!! Scale was up this morning. I don't even want to say where it's at. I better get moving.

    Chat with ya'll later
  • ok guys, this is working for me. 45 minutes on the treadmill and 40 minutes of weights and stretching boy i need a nap now. im working on my second water point already woohoo come on ladies where are all the chatters how is everyone doing today so far

  • Howdy! I have nothing to say about exercise or diet right now as I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off! I am getting ready to go on a little road trip and won't be back till around Sunday.
    Sure is going to be fun with a 2 year old in the back seat! At least I went out and bought a portable DVD for him in case he gets to bored! I'm hoping it will keep him entertained for a couple hours anyway!
    Better go and get a meal in, haven't had anything yet and I'm starved!
  • I loooove road trips. Me and my bf did Los angeles to atlanta a little more than a year ago and it was the best. We're gonna go on a little on in about 5 weeks--only 6 hours though (fingers crossed).

    So today started off good but then took a really bad turn. I ate something so bad and now I just want to go throw up. I feel too full and bloated. I will definitely be working out tonight. i'm kind of scared though, since it's been so long. I have forgotten what it feels like!!!
  • Hey Rosario-I don't think you can forget how to work out. You may bugger up some moves if you're doing an aerobics tape, but as long as you're moving and trying that's all that matters. Put the bad food behind you and move on! I hope you have fun tonight and the bloat goes away soon.
  • Rosario - you not alone, my only work out is walking up and down the stairs to take Keiko outside. I just eat less - I told myself if I wanna eat more I gotta exercise... and I don't wanna exercise, haha.
  • Today was okay, not eventful BUT SCHOOL STARTS TOMORROW!!!! YES! My little brother and sister are out the door! *evil laugh*