Curvy Vixens #4

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  • Kim--That is too funny about your little hoodini. That made me laugh when you said she calls you from the neighbors. Clever little girl! I know what you are in for--I have two clever pre-teens. They are such young adults now in some ways, little girls in other ways. But boy, am I having a tug of war with their independence. I always wanted strong girls--and I got 'em!

    Deanne--The walks on the beach sound wonderful. I miss the beach so much. I have NO beach! Unless I go to the "beach waterpark", which is NOT a beach. Sigh. I will have to settle for my kids slip and slide! LOL You know the last time I did that thing I knocked the air out of myself. Never again. What a sight! Yes, I try to be a kid--but the older I get the more of a wimp I become.

    I am in the mood for a good movie...any suggestions? Rental or in the theaters? I am thinking that is what I will do this weekend. I have no plans. And let me tell you--this weekend no plans is good plans!
  • Hello ladies, i am going to have to start checking back more often, its getting too difficult to catch up. Hey Karen, nice to see you finally, good luck on the job, im sure everything will go well.

    Well today my sister is graduating, of course we may do a little drinking tonight, and then tomorrow a barbque with family, so i really really have to watch myself, i am just worried about portions.

    Well hope everyone has a happy friday. Talk to you all soon.

  • howdy vixens,
    A good movie.. hmmmm... well I loved the bridget jones edge of reason. But I dunno if your hubby will like that, it's a chick flick. How bout the interpretor, thats in the theater now, or a comedy, monster in law.

    I'm still sneezing but my fever broke. I don't think I have strep, because the sore throat went away. Hubby is home with my brother in law, packing up the truck and boat. They are leaving at 3am for south carolina. I'll be home a week alone ( well not alone, the animals and oh heather will be here lol).

    I had to laugh at Kim's HOODINI. Heather was ours. She used to climb out of her crib and write all over the walls with crayons. Then she would laugh and smile at you with this perfect cherub innocent grin. How could you be mad????

    Jessica! have fun with your sister...
    Post latah..
  • 2 days of aunt flo?????????????????? 2, I repeat 2 days???????? Deanne are you on the pill??? I bleed heavy for 8-9 days..... and I have severe pms a full week before hand...

    Am I being punished for something I dunno bout?? LOL
  • food blog

    bagel with light cream cheese

    salad with balsamic vingar
    wwers ice cream cone
  • Well ballgames got rained out today. shucks and wazoo lol.. I know the kids are disappointed, but I didnt feel like sitting at the ball field for hours tonight. I'm feeling rather lazy.. i may even feed the kids corn dogs for dinner so i dont have to cook lol
  • nothing wrong with corn dogs!!! I'll be right over.... mmm some baked beans would be nice... hehehhee
  • LOL the kids hate baked beans.. actually anything with the word bean in it is pretty much out of the question..
  • aloha vixens,
    I'm still sneezing and hacking and blowin my nose. I feel a little better. I'm meeting ex co workers for lunch today. We still keep in touch I worked with them for eight years. After lunch we are going antique shopping. I'm not into antique's but the town we are going to is old and very victorian. I love the victorian era. My house is victorian.( house is in profile)
    Well I'm sipping coffee and trying to wake up..
    love ya all
  • Hey, I missed alot. Yesterday, my internet card ran out. So, I ended up going shopping and got some cute little gold stilettos. They're not the cheap know the ones that celebrities are wearing with jeans and a cute top. Then, we went out last night. So, I wore those, jeans, and a black sleeveless top thing. It was cute! I only had 3 coronas. Im so proud!
    I weighed myself this morning and I actually lost 2 lbs last week. Yay! Ill take it!

    Today, Nic and I ate a chilis...i was good. A salad and mashed potatoes. Then, he actually went grocery shopping. It was fun. Anyway, its going to be an early night for us. We're both exhausted. I hope yall are all doing well! I missed the nightly chats! Ill be up early. Hopefully our stupid housemate wont be on the net doing God knows what and I can talk to yall.

    Ok, nighty night.

  • Hi Vixens!

    Well I am feeling very hopeful about one of the jobs I interviewed for last week. They started checking my references on Friday afternoon--and contacted 3 people I used to work with. So hopefully the next step will be a job offer! I am a little nervous and excited about it. I know it is absoultely what I want and need to do--with my current job being a dead end. But at the same time, the thought of starting a new job makes me nervous. It is always a lot of work to start a new job and prove that you are worth it. But I know I can do it--like one of my friends (who is one of the references said) she told them I am a "smart cookie". Anyway...I'll keep y'all posted on that!

    Last night I met an old friend for drinks and dinner. It was nice to get out and chit chat with an old friend. I hooked her up with one of my ex-boyfriends (we had been broken up for more than 10 years when I fixed them up) and they have been together for 3 years ever since their first date. Sometimes I think I was meant to date him years ago--just so I could introduce them later in life. Because they are so perfect together. You just never know--life is strange like that sometimes.

    Speaking of strange coincidences--when I went on my job interview and the manager was showing me around the office--we walked past a wall with plaques and things. And on the wall was a picture of this soccer team--and it just so happens my daughter was in the picture! This company sponsored her team 7 years ago. So I thought what a weird coincidence. Is that fate, a sign? Or just dumb coincidence. I don't know--but it was the only team they ever sponsored--and there was this picture of my daughter on the wall. I told them that too--"hey that's my daughter in that picture!". That was funny but kind of cool!

    Deanne--your gold stilletos sound smokin! And great job on the two pounds this week!

    Lynn--Hope your lunch went well. And hope you are sneeze free soon!

    Kim--I know exactly what you mean about being relieved when games are cancelled sometimes. Some days I pray for rain! As ironic as that may seem. I can relate to hectic game season--and sometimes you just want to take a break from the running around and the pace of it all. Although I sure love a good game and seeing the kids having a good time. Thankfully we are in between seasons (my girls play basketball and soccer). But there is always something to keep us busy.

    Jessica--Have fun with the graduation party! Sounds like fun! :-)

    I am going to go run around and do some errands. Nothing too exciting going on here...but that is a good thing. I only wish I had a hot tub to jump in--that would be a little slice of heaven right about now!

    Happy day to you all!
  • Hey karen! A hot tub sounds great...
    You're daughter being in that picture is a good thing! Its something personal that you were able to incorporate in that interview without even trying. I think thats really cool! I think its great that she plays soccer. I played soccer when I was little and loved it! I wish I could still play now. I would get clobbered

    Oh and LYNN...2 day periods are great. Its actually a day and a half. Im not sure if its healthy though. I was on birth control for 5 years, maybe that has something to do with it. Don't know.

    Jessica...have a drink girl! You deserve it. Just keep it to a minimum, thats all you have to do. You'll be fine sound like you could use a little down time. Relax a little.

    Ok, now Im serious...Im going to bed.

    Love yall,
  • Karen~ good luck with the job interview. I think you are meant for this job, as you can see your daughter's picture everyday!! I also think you were meant to date that guy also. I do believe that things happen for a reason.
    I have a story, it is a sad one thou.
    My friend Val and I worked together for 8 years. We became very close. She had a 20yo daughter and had secondary infertility and thought she'd never be a mom again. Well, on her 40th birthday she found out she was pregnant. We were sooo happy for her.She delivered a beautiful baby girl on Sept 16th. Five years later, my job downsized and in July of 03 val got laid off. She was heart broken. Not only did she miss her job but she missed all of her co workers. In Nov of 03 Val was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer and died that feb. It was fast but it was for the best as she was suffering. Val spent four months one on one with Emily, it was the happiest I had ever seen her. One day before her diagnoses, I told her this. I told her "see it was meant to be, you are home enjoying Emily" She said to me you are just a crazy blonde. LOL I will treasure that. We lost val so quick and sadly so young, only 45, worse yet, I hope Emily remembers her as she was only 5. I was with Val hours before she died. She wanted me to hold her, she was in ICU hooked up to monitors and I hugged her and she whispered " I love you". I will treasure that forever.Having val in my life and losing her made me appreciate people and life experiences more. It brought home to me that we are here for such a short time.

    On a lighter note ( now that I am crying) I had a good time today and picked heather and her friends from the mall.... Oh the conversation between three 15 yos....
    Post latah... I need some ice cream...
  • ok hours later.. I had the damn icecream, peanut butter fudge.. It is out of my system... I can now resume... this DIET
  • Yawn