No more April Fooling - exercise

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  • I go to the gym at least 5 times a week. The length of sessions vary. At my home gym in Ramsbottom I do an hour at least and thats two to three times a week. At work they are often half hour sessions and thats at least three times a week. I really enjoy it which is the only reason I go so often, and it helps me manage the stress that I used to medicate with chocolate

    I also swim once or twice a week, I would love to do that more often but it doesn't fit in to my life.
  • Kyk you can officially be crowned SUPERWOMAN!

    Kickyboxing 2nite followed by yummy pizza!
  • Whew, I've just finished my basic taebo workout followed by the 8 minute power workout (which is actually 15 minutes when you take account of the warm up and warm down) so now I'm absolutely cream crackered !

    Sorry I've been MIA for a while - first I had a stinking cold, and then I developed problems with my feet, that made walking, taebo and rebounding (my preferred exercise choices) really painful. After a £55 visit to a sports podiatrist and a new pair of £75 running shoes (ouch!!) I'm hopefully on the mend again.

    I've been on my diet four weeks now, and I'm feeling fabulous! I try to concentrate on mini-goals, and not get discouraged that I've still got over 100 pounds to lose. Altogether I need to lose 48% of my body weight...I'll feel like a featherweight by the time I've finished!

    Woohoo...keep on going, girls.......all of you are such an inspiration to me !!!

    Kind regards, Janey
  • dippy my DH had a foot problem a few years ago, something to do with fallen arches which was excruciating when he went running or walking, he too went to a sports feet person lol........... and they advised him to buy nike trainers as they have high arch supports in them but also they come with extra supports that you can put in yourself, the good thing about these is once youve paid out once for the dearer trainers, thats it, because you have the arch supports you can add them to any trainers or shoes
    hope you enjoyed your pizza frus, oh and the kickboxing, im so desperate for a slice of pizza im taking my weight watchers one to work today
    i did 100 sit ups last night and 50 press ups, no gym as i was working 12 hr shift yesterday
  • Blimey toot! I wish I could do 50 press ups!

    I've been for a 2min 45s JOG! I managed a whole 2 mins on the treadmill on Monday, so am trying to gradually work up. I could've done some more with walking intervals, but hey, I was kickboxing last night!
  • Been for a "POWER" walk! I'm so tired my fingers are hurting just typing! Which is a shame cos I have work to do...
  • I went for a swim this morning, it was murder. The top and bottom were roped off for swimming classes, so I had to swim across the pool instead of up and down, I kept being jumped on by brats, gorgeous little things they are!!! (I'm not sure what's happened to me, I used to love kids, and now they scare me!!!) Most embarrassing, the bottom and top were roped off so I had to get out by clambering over the side. I got stuck and couldn't do it M.O.R.T.I.F.Y.I.N.G. Everyone was watching me stranded like a giant seal at the the side of the pool. I had to wade through the brats doing their lessons and clamber up the steps, in the end. Will I ever be able to show my face (or bottom for that matter) in there again????

    I went to the gym this arvo, it was most fun, coz I spent the whole time trying not gaze at hot trainer - see post in April Chatter!!!

  • Danced the night away last night with my kickboxing buddies!
  • Kykaree, you have my utter sympathy - I can totally relate to your embarrassment as I too can't support my own body weight on my arms against the pull of the water, and after a few humiliating attempts to haul myself up the usual way, I have to swim to the steps and get out that way with my tail between my legs ! Don't worry about it though - I'm sure no-one paid any attention, and you should be proud of yourself for getting your butt into the pool in the first place !

    I've had a busy weekend. Yesterday I went for a brisk 48 minute walk, and followed it by my basic taebo workout and 10 minutes of the 15 minute power workout. Then I exhausted myself completely by watching the basic and advanced workouts on my new Taebo Energise DVD while sitting on the sofa with a cuppa and a rich tea biscuit looks WAY harder than my Get Ripped dvd . I guess I'll have to work up to it .

    Today Kim and I went for a 58 minute walk, and again I followed it by my basic taebo workout. Then I ignored the siren song of the sofa, and got my butt outside and mowed the lawn ! It was all worth it as my new heart monitor (early birthday pressie!) told me I burned off 1000 calories now I'm about to have breaded chicken fillet and salad for dinner and bananas and custart for dessert . Yum Yum!

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend !

    Kind regards, Janey
  • I managed to save face and went back to the pool this morning.....John (my 75 year old swimming buddy) was there when I rocked in at 10 o'clock this morning (nearly two hours later than normal) and said to me "your boyfriend must be home this morning" (he normally works Sunday) and I smiled and said yes, he looked at me and said "stop looking so smug the rest of us haven't had s.x in 30 years!" Mortified again (we had been sleeping that's all, but of course the more I protested, the more guilty I looked!!! It was very funny!

    And I've been to the gym this afternoon - I did have a Sunday lunch at the pub with dessert though, oops!!!!
  • kykaree well done for having the bottle to go back ...............if your elderly swim partner says he hasnt had sex in 30 years again.......tell him your surprised to hear hed ever HAD sex ......should shut him up
    did absolutely nothing fri/sat , went to the gym this morning ready to go for it, did my warm up, then had 15 minutes on the bike and the instructor said there was body jam class starting and if i wanted to join in i off i toddled eeeeeeekkkkkkk after an hour of that the treadmill and weights looked like such a soft option, but i think for now they will do me just nicely
    tonight i will do all my sit ups and my press ups
    dippy your on a go girl
    frus yes you danced...but...did you drink?
  • LOL I wish I thought as quickly as you miss toot!!! That would have shut him up, he might have forgotten to breathe though, and in the pool that would be a bit scary, but there was a nice young female lifeguard, so that would have brightened an old man's day somewhat!!!

    You are so brave toot toot, I haven't done any classes , they have no floor space at my gym. I have recipricol rights at another gym, which is bigger, so thought I might try a class on a Sunday. Perhaps next week will be the week!!!

    Hopefully will get to the gym at work today, will do my best.
  • Ha! Danced the night away, no drinking, 1 Diet Coke bought at one of those pizza shacks in Leics Sq. No pizza either

    Will be going Kickboxing tonight since I'm only working Fridays for Summer term! (SUMMER??? )

    I'm still stuck with the same weight, but I guess the oatmeal & raisin cookies didn't help!
  • I went to the gym for a quickie at lunch time, just 25 minutes, but it was good, then went after work as well. Cute instructor was there again, but working out not instructing, and all the girls were pretending not to look!!! Strength in numbers.......LOL
    My mantra has become....I will be a size 18 by September!!!
  • Kyk with all your gym bunny efforts, you'll be an 18 before you know it! That fit gym man will be drooling all over you!

    Did my kickyboxing today! Had 5 little kiddies sharing the class! Just me and 5 kiddies! They showed me up!

    Then came home and had pizza!