August Exercise Challenge

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  • jrkessle I'm sorry that work is so stressful lately. If I had to be at work at 4am there is no way I would have the energy to go on a walk! Getting up at 5am to be at work by 645 is hard enough! I have heard over and over that the diet part is more beneficial to weight loss (for most) so keep on eating well and the water weight will whoosh away!
  • Week 1
    August 1: 1.08
    August 2: 1.11
    August 3: 4.45
    August 4: 0
    August 5: 0.75
    August 6: 0.75
    August 7: 1.52

    Week 1 total: 9.66 miles

    Week 2
    August 8: 2.50
    August 9: 2.32
    August 10: 1.54
    August 11: 0
    August 12: 1.62

    Week 2 total: 7.98

    August total: 17.64 miles
  • Yesterday was a pretty busy day getting school shopping finished up and visiting my husband's parents. We got home and I went through both kids' closets and drawers and figured out what still fit and what needed to go in the donate pile. I was REALLY sore from the Saturday's workout, so I decided that I was going to take yesterday off. I will make sure to get it in tonight though!

    I hope that everyone had a nice weekend!

    8/1: done
    8/2: done
    8/3: done
    8/4: done
    8/5: too lazy
    8/6: too lazy
    8/7: done
    8/8: done
    8/9: migraine
    8/10: migraine
    8/11: done
    8/12: done
    8/13: rest day
  • 8-1(worked the night before, can't walk after a night of work)
    8-2 1.1 miles in 28:39 minutes(farthest yet!)
    8-3 1.1 miles in 25:19 minutes
    8-4 1.1 miles in 26:18 minutes
    8-5 worked last night
    8-6 worked last night
    8-7 worked last night
    8-8 worked last night
    8-9 slacked off,lol
    8-10 1.1 miles in 29:37 minutes
    8-11 1.1 miles in 30:02 minutes
    Total so far 5.5 miles, back to work tonight
    8-12 worked last night
    8-13 worked last night
    8-14 1.33 miles in 34:50 minutes
  • August goal: 1200 minutes

    1: 10 yoga, 40 walk; 50/1200
    2: 10 yoga, 25 walk; 85/1200
    3: 20 walk; 105/1200
    4: 10 dance & stretch, 40 walk; 155/1200
    5: 10 yoga, 25 walk; 190/1200
    6: 35 dance & stretch; 225/1200
    7: 10 yoga, 45 walk; 280/1200
    8: 10 yoga, 40 walk; 330/1200
    9: 35 walk; 365/1200
    10: 10 yoga, 40 walk; 415/1200
    11: 10 dance & stretch, 40 walk; 465/1200
    12: 10 dance & stretch, 40 walk; 515/1200
    13: 40 walk; 555/1200
  • 8/1: done
    8/2: done
    8/3: done
    8/4: done
    8/5: too lazy
    8/6: too lazy
    8/7: done
    8/8: done
    8/9: migraine
    8/10: migraine
    8/11: done
    8/12: done
    8/13: rest day
    8/14: done
  • Quote: lunkah That is a really good idea ordering it 2 times per year and then doing your other workouts in between! Is it $40 for the whole 3 months? I have heard good things about the 21 day fix program!! That is amazing that the BBB shaved MINUTES off of your pace!! How often do you weigh in? I think its awesome you took measurements and pictures!
    Yes, it's $40 for the whole 3 months. It's a great way to try out the programs. BBL increased my pace bc my starting pace was pretty slow. I'll likely never be fast, but after BBL I was running 3 miles continuously at a 9 min pace. A few years before that, I couldn't even run for 15 min and thought I'd never be able to thanks to asthma. Sometimes our bodies can pleasantly surprise us! I'm such a horrible procrastinator; I actually haven't taken the "before" pics yet. Better get right on that. I "officially" weigh in once a week, but sometimes I sneak a peek in between.

    What's your opinion of 30DS so far?
  • jr - Sorry to hear about the work problems. Congrats on keeping your eating good. I know that can be hard to do for many of us during times of stress. I've been having some drama with an ex and it impacted my eating a little bit. I hope things get better at work!
  • lunkah I think that I am going to check out beach body on demand. $40 for 3 months isn't bad, and it will be nice for the cold weather months. I could use that to condition myself for p90x. I think I want to try and do that starting in February, eeek! I can't wait until I am able to run 1 mile continuously! I would love to have your 9 minute pace, good job!!

    I have done 9 sessions all in level 1 so far. I can tell that my endurance and strength are improving. I still have to stop and take breaks for some of the moves though. I like it a lot because it is so short, but I still sweat my butt off and am totally wiped out after. I think it might be a bit hard on my knees, that might be from improper form though? I should probably have my husband watch me and make sure that I am doing all of the moves right. The lunges with weights are REALLY hard for me, I have poor coordination and tend to lose my balance for the lunges (especially the right side!)

    I am a huge procrastinator too!! in 6 more workouts I will be taking half way pics to see if there is a difference
  • 8-1(worked the night before, can't walk after a night of work)
    8-2 1.1 miles in 28:39 minutes(farthest yet!)
    8-3 1.1 miles in 25:19 minutes
    8-4 1.1 miles in 26:18 minutes
    8-5 worked last night
    8-6 worked last night
    8-7 worked last night
    8-8 worked last night
    8-9 slacked off,lol
    8-10 1.1 miles in 29:37 minutes
    8-11 1.1 miles in 30:02 minutes
    Total so far 5.5 miles, back to work tonight
    8-12 worked last night
    8-13 worked last night
    8-14 1.33 miles in 34:50 minutes
    8-15 1.55 miles in 39:38 minutes
  • Chunk drama with an ex is the literal worst. I'm so lucky that my boyfriend is as supportive as he is. He has the exact opposite problem I do. He's 6'4 and weighs 130 - so he's pretty seriously UNDERweight. To be healthy he needs to be around 160 at minimum, and he has issues gaining weight. But he is so supportive of me and my struggle with losing it. The dog and I have gotten back on track with our evening walks though, and I've noticed a difference immediately.
  • 8-1(worked the night before, can't walk after a night of work)
    8-2 1.1 miles in 28:39 minutes(farthest yet!)
    8-3 1.1 miles in 25:19 minutes
    8-4 1.1 miles in 26:18 minutes
    8-5 worked last night
    8-6 worked last night
    8-7 worked last night
    8-8 worked last night
    8-9 slacked off,lol
    8-10 1.1 miles in 29:37 minutes
    8-11 1.1 miles in 30:02 minutes
    Total so far 5.5 miles, back to work tonight
    8-12 worked last night
    8-13 worked last night
    8-14 1.33 miles in 34:50 minutes
    8-15 1.55 miles in 39:38 minutes
    8-16 1.63 miles in 43:29 minutes
  • Quote: I like it a lot because it is so short, but I still sweat my butt off and am totally wiped out after.
    I know exactly what you mean! That's the criteria that makes me love a workout too. Great job with 30DS! Good idea to have the hubs check out your form. That just came out wrong, sorry...

    I'm also slightly challenged in the coordination dept. If you do get BoD, I highly rec giving BBL a try but starting out with these two workouts in it: Bum Bum Rapido and High & Tight. I think those are the best at sculpting the lower body without making frustrating coordination demands. Bum Bum Rapido is the 10 minute version of BBL's "signature" workout, Bum Bum, which is about 30 min. The problem w/ that one though is the moves are harder to follow. I really do love the other two though and highly recommend them.

    I also think you'd rly like 21 Day Fix. The workout is designed similarly to 30DS, the trainer is an excellent teacher, and there's a modifier who's always present. It's smartly designed and tough (i.e, will have you drenched in sweat and possibly give you sore muscles the next day).
  • Quote: Chunk drama with an ex is the literal worst. I'm so lucky that my boyfriend is as supportive as he is. He has the exact opposite problem I do. He's 6'4 and weighs 130 - so he's pretty seriously UNDERweight. To be healthy he needs to be around 160 at minimum, and he has issues gaining weight. But he is so supportive of me and my struggle with losing it. The dog and I have gotten back on track with our evening walks though, and I've noticed a difference immediately.
    That's awesome that you're back on track already with your walks. Nicely done!

    Yeah, ex trouble sucks. I don't even know what I was thinking. I have to remember that an ex is an ex for a reason. I've never had a relationship like this before, the kind that's like a horror movie villain and never rly dies. I'm so happy for you that you have a supportive boyfriend. I think it can really help bond people when they've had similar struggles. Weight, whether it's getting it lower or higher, is something that I think people have to have gone through themselves to really get.
  • 8/1: done
    8/2: done
    8/3: done
    8/4: done
    8/5: too lazy
    8/6: too lazy
    8/7: done
    8/8: done
    8/9: migraine
    8/10: migraine
    8/11: done
    8/12: done
    8/13: rest day
    8/14: done
    8/15: done