Weekly Chat (Simply filling/Core) Feb. 16-28

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  • We went to Red Lobster for the Lobster Fest..'nuf said

    Vicki--hope you don't have the 'flu. Whatever it is, feel better soon.
  • Watching the oscars..

    Sandra good job ...

    Vickie .. Can you get some Tamiflu ??? Feel better !!
  • Hi Ladies

    Woke up to some snow again,but by the time I got home from shopping the snow was melted.

    Nothing new,my Mondays I don't do to much as I always thought like the song rainy days and Mondays get me n down. I'm NOT down I'm just lazy on Mondays after the weekend.

    NANCY-My diet is low carbing with Monday- Wed -Friday only using Atkins shakes [160 calorie per shake with 2 carbs] that I drink 3 x's a day. I doing this first for fasting & than to bring my A1C down. Doctor did not recommend this but going along with this anyway. The protein that has 15 mg keeps me from being hungry.

    Have a great day
  • That sounds like a good approach maryann, and obviously it is working for you. What made you choose the Atkins shakes over others?

    So far today I've had 1040 calories, and 96 grams of carbs. We have had our big meal of the day, and I think I'll just have a protein shake later in the evening.

    I went to the gym today and did a lot of core and balance exercises. You'd be amazed at how much our balance goes, and how quickly. Just stand around on one leg for a few minutes every day, and it will help.
  • I added a few more calories and carbs by having 4 oz wine, 1 oz of cheese, and a small apple. But, overall not bad for the day.
  • It is a very cold and rainy day here. I have lots of Speech reading to do , so I may pretend to be sick today and stay in bed

    My outdoor tasks are all waiting on better weather..

    I have decided to do a protein shake for breakfast and then a salad & low carb meal every day.
    Silly me was OCDing on which meal to do the salad and which for the low carb entree.

    It just occured to me that I can fix a salad at night and have some for dinner & lunch the next day too, and keep a few core/low carb things on hand to go with it.. That makes both meals more interesting with some salad & something else.

    Last night I picked up a spinach salad at Panera Bread and had enough
    left over for lunch today..

    I finally found a handbag I love that is large enough for me without looking like its huge. The brand is Sak. Its light creme colored leather that I hope doesn't stain easily. Perhaps I should treat it with something??
  • It's a little chilly here today too. But, not anything like what others are getting....Vickie is getting sleet I hear. I'm going to have a lazy day also--went to tap practice earlier and that will be it mostly. I'm going to do a set of abdominal exercises later in the day.

    So far today, I've had Uncie Sam cereal with banana and almond milk; almonds, walnuts, and a pear; and, a protein shake with almond milk, egg whites, and berries.

    I have salad fixins' in the fridge for later. I'm off to the store soon because DH is making chili for us to take to his daughter's house tomorrow. That is going to be delicious.

    I'm on the third day of the green coffee beans and I think I notice a slight decrease in my appetite. Otherwise, there is no noticeable effect one way or the other.

    I hope you all have a good day, staying warm and doing what you want to do!
  • Getting colder here in Middle Tennessee, too! We are supposed to have snow on Friday. Sounds like everyone is doing well. I am still counting points and had hit a little plateau, but I think I am on my way down again. So far, I have been surprised at how I have been able to stay on track. Hope it continues.

    Have a great night and stay warm, y'all!
  • Good luck, Sloan. I've had a few good days! I hope the snow is not too much.

    My calorie count and carb count for today is a lot like yesterday's. I ate much the same foods.

    I didn't do any exercises but decided I'd go to the gym tomorrow. My body is so sore from yesterday's workout and today's tap class.
  • Good job chickies !!

    I thought I was being good but my scales are not reflecting that...
    Pulled out my South Beach books because I feel like I am following that ,
    but I will review it to see if I am having things not allowed..
  • Good Morning Chicks! I'm headed out to errands and a Dr. appointment today even though I still don't feel great. Turns out it wasn't the flu, but side effect to a new medicine I'd started taking. I stopped the medicine on Monday, but it's has torn up my stomach and aggravated my hiatal hernia. I should be better in a couple of days. I'm just eating bland small meals; something I should be doing anyway. Not sure I want to take a replacement medicine, but I may have too.

    I have so much to catch up with each of you. I'll try to as soon as I can.
  • I had 2 scrambled, fresh free-range eggs at 7:30 this morning, with one slice of Ezekial toast and a bit of Benecol spread. Three hours later I had 1/2 cup Greek yogurt with 6 blackberries and 1/2 oz each of almonds and walnuts.

    I'll have a protein shake with berries or banana for lunch, and chili for dinner. I hope that my DIL has not prepared a desert because I will be sorely tempted!

    Good luck with the meds, Vickie.

    Nancy, review is always good! How do you live without fruit, or do you eat it?

    Now, off to the gym. I'm going to do those ab exercises and swim.
  • Vickie, I'm glad you didn't have the flu, but am sorry about your reaction to your new meds. I need to be eating bland foods, too, but won't be doing anything differently till after this coming weekend.

    Sounds like ya'll are making healthy choices. I'm in a whirlwind right now readying for Indoor Nationals. I'll join you come Monday.
  • It's been such a beautiful day here finally !!!
    I cleaned my garage and pool & blew leaves..

    I ate flounder stuffed with crabmeat , green beans & an apple for dinner.

    Rhonda, I think the phase 2 of South Beach allows most fruit. I have been
    doing my own version of low carb, but thought I would see how close it was to
    South Beach...I have been doing berries, apples and tangerines
    when I am not doing strict low carb.

    I think I may just focus this spring on fresh & healthy eating as well as
    my exercise. I may cancel the gym membership that I never use and try to
    get outdoors for walks & kayaking this spring,summer & fall.

    ps. Just took off my weight tracker to see if not focusing on my weight helps..
  • Sandra, good luck with your shooting--you'll get back on track when this is over.

    Nancy, it sounds like you had a productive day, and good eating.

    I stuck to my plan. I haven't been swimming in months and I don't know why I don't go more often. I really enjoy it. It's not quite as good as a massage but it's close....smoothes out a lot of kinks.

    There was no desert tonight, thank goodness. I had a glass of wine and ate some fritos, so I had a few more carbs and calories than I needed. But, overall, I did well today.