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  • I was going to say good morning but just realized it is noon. I haven't done my walk today, yet. Getting ready to do that as soon as I get off this thing! So nothing really to report. I will edit this post later in the evening.

    Okay, EVERYONE have a GREAT day today!

    I got my walk in today and 6 (16.9 oz) bottles of water. I was so thirsty today and am suprised I reached for the water instead of diet coke. Anyway, did 3.5 miles today.

    May Goal~60 miles
    5/07/03~3.5 mile
    Total Miles 5/03~16.5
    Miles to go~43.5
  • Hey everyone,

    Janine, That sounds like a great program. I know my experienc was less than optimal, because of treadmill location! It's stored up against the wall in a small office at the store. When I decided to use it yesterday it was a spur of the momenttype of thing. I had NO music, No tv, and the clock was right in front of my face. My next date with the tm I am planning before hand so the lay out and experience can be much more enjoyable

    Jen, Way to keep at it. At least when the endorphins turned oo you didn't just sit down

    Jenifer, Enjoy your Christmas in May I know my legs get more sore (even when not exercising) right before my monthly. Maybe some Pamperin can help. Hope they feel better soon

    Cristi, WTG it can be really hard to get the things you have to done when sleep deprived. Great job of making exercise a prioritie. How many oz. are your water bottles? I drink at least 64 oz. a day and some days up to 100+. I find it easy to get my water in, because everything has so many calories in it. I'd much rather eat 2 pieces of fruit than drink 8oz. of juice os eat an oz. of cheese than drink a glass of milk. etc....

    Noelle, Well, now you know. The McD sand. didn't taste so great anyway. Try to keep that in mind the next time that red hair freak invites you to his place You walk sooooo much I'm sure ONE burger will do no damage. Keep smiling

    Lynne, I so know what you mean about gardening! Planting my veg. garden is one of my most loved pleasures. Here in WI we're just comong out of a long winter of nothing but snow,cold, and ice. Playing in the warm earth planting the seeds and tiny plants so feels like a new beginning. It's so therapeutic. I bet your flower garden will be beautiful when you're done. Good luck on your weigh in.

    As for me, I was able to do another 1.5 miles last night. The weather was gorgeous for the first time in 3 or 4 days. Me and the kids hit the bike trail. The 3 oldest on their bikes and me pulling the 3 yr. old in the wagon. Actually, I pulled an empty wagon 1/2 the way. My little guy loves to run, but when keeping up with his brother and sisters he finally gave in and rode. They had a great time picking flowers, seeing a bunny, and even a beavers den!! They waited awhile for the beaver, but he was a no show. It was so funny. My 6 yr. old still rides with training wheels and when I came around one corner behind her there she sat. Some doe doe had driven a vehicle on the trail leaving a tire groove. She had one training whell on each side of the groove with her driving wheel just a spinning mid air She'd slowed to look at a pine cone and it was just enough to stop her. This type of exercise is priceless It was raining once again today so I did the 1 and 2 mile WATP tapes. Discovered too that smoothies mad with cantaloupe are delicious. Extrememly sweet

    Goal miles for May 30
    MW 8.75 MTG 21.25

    Have a great day all

  • Quote:
    Janine, That sounds like a great program. I know my experienc was less than optimal, because of treadmill location! It's stored up against the wall in a small office at the store. When I decided to use it yesterday it was a spur of the momenttype of thing. I had NO music, No tv, and the clock was right in front of my face. My next date with the tm I am planning before hand so the lay out and experience can be much more enjoyable
    I always plan ahead. I make sure I have my water, remote for the TV and program all set before I even start on the treadmill. My workouts always fly by. My treadmill is also right by the front window in the living room so I can see what is happening outside as well. Granted it doesn't look nice right there but if it motivates me, that is all that matters to me right now!
  • Kinda of long! Venting!
    Hi Girls! Great job with all the walking! We're doing awesome! Welcome Caci We love having new ladies join the group! Hope you will enjoy it as much as I do!
    I'm going to be honest with everyone. I broke down today and was very bad We had a Bday at work today adn I had two brownies! They were Sooooo good! I shouldn't have came home also b/c dh wanted me to fix pancakes and I had 2 huge pancakes. I have to admit they were good! I need to get back on track I did have to force myself to go on my walk b/c my legs still hurt! Ughhh! I am a big baby or what! Well as I am typing no more cheating and being a little !!! I promise! I ahve weigh in Saturday so who knows how I will do. This is going to be my 5th Weight Watchers Meeting! I don't want to think it is okay to go back to my bad habbits! Thanks for listening girls!

    Total Miles TOday: 2
    Total May MIles: 12
  • it's been a couple days since i have updated! i just briefly read all the entries. everyone is doing great! keep up the great work!

    tonight i walked around the tufts university track. i haven't been there at all, and i was really weary on walking around on a track. i thought it would be boring. but since i WAS looking at the same thing for an hour... i decided to at least time my laps! and that motivated me to walk briskly. usually that stiffens my legs, but i didn't slow down at all! it was great. i would have to say that i walked 3 miles today. i didn't really count my laps, but generally i average 3 miles an hour! woo hoo! go me!

    i hope that everyone on this list had a great day! one of these days i'll get everyone's names and postings down... so i'll be able to comment on everyone individually.

    have a great night... and a wonderful day tomorrow!!!
  • Good evening all!

    Worked out in the garden again today. We're in autumn at the moment, and some of what I've planted will only flower now, but I've put in a lot of ground cover that flowers most of the year. We've borded off an area and planted it with ferns and stuff. Very tropical and looks fantastic.

    On top of that I went for my hour walk again. I reckon it's about 7kms. And now my legs and butt hurt! hee hee

    Jenifer, Marc is a chef, and at the moment, while he's home without a job, he's doing pastry cooking for my mum, who puts her cooking in a shop. The problem is, when I'm helping, I'm surrounded by brownies, caramel slice, biscuits such as shortbread. It's torturous!!! And I'm sure it's NOT good for my diet when I'm tempted to have a little taste test sometimes! Speaking of which, I'm off to cut up brownie now..

    Kristi, I LOVED your little story about your 6 year old and the training wheels - my Josh has had the same thing happen to him, and it's so funny watching them try to figure out why all their hard peddling isn't getting them anywhere! hee hee Josh had his wheels off recently, and has moved into stack mode. Freaks me out! It's so hard to stand back and let them learn, possibly hurting themselves in the process. I'd wrap my little boy up in cotton wool if I could!

    No weight loss to report - I've gained, but I think that's to do with all the walking and my body settling in. Hopefully I'll have a much better loss to report next week. Pissed me off though. It's hard not to get despondent when you don't lose, but I've just got to keep going, confident that in time, IT WILL COME OFF!!!

  • Good Morning All,

    Janine, I know all about needing motivation. You ladies are my ticket. Thanks to all

    Kristen, Great job

    Jenifer, Noe beating yourself up. It's against the rules Forget yesterday and move through today. My family too wanted breakfast last night. They wanted mom's homemade waffles. Luckily I had to teach confirmation class and leave just as they were sitting down to eat. I was able to not eat waffles, but did indulge in 2 sausage links and 4 strips of bacon while driving to church. A little on the fatty side, huh?! Oh well, maybe salmon or chicken today Good luck on your weigh in.

    Lynne, Brownies?! I think I'd hire someone else to cut them. My little tastes always turn into 3 or 4 whole rows right out of the pan I know what you mean about wanted to protect our children. It's especially hard when you 1st send them off to school. It becomes so obvious that you can't keep them safe. It's a great big world out there and they are a part of it. Im trying to teach mine all I know now while they're still young enough to want to listen to me.

    A little high on fat yesterday, but pretty good for cals. Got in a 2 mile walk on the trail today. I went the opposite way today and found so much evidence of the hard winter we had this year. Not so much snow this year, but much longer stretches of very cold and high winds. In our 1 mile stretch we saw 4 downed trees that looked large enough and healthy enough that they should have made it. There were nice edging sized rocks pushed up by the ground frost. A few of these went in the wagon. They'll look great in our flower bed.

    Have a great day Flowers


    GM 30 / MW 10.75 / MTG 19.25
  • Wow! Everyone is doing awesome on workouts! I ended up walking when I came home. Half way through it started pouring down rain. Actually kind of fun. I'm glad I went! I'm back on track and ready to weigh in Saturday with a loss (thinking positive)! The weather here has been totally crazy for California, but I know other states are getting it bad.........I hope everyone is safe!

    Does anyone know what a good pedometer cost and where I can purchase one at? Do they really work???

    Have a great night and talk to you all tomorrow!
    Total Miles TOday~ 2
    Total May Miles~ 14
    ~Goal Unknown~ Hehehee!
  • Hi Ladies!

    This is a short one as I am very tired and just want to go to bed. Glad to hear everyone has had a good day today. I will post more tomorrow when I have more time. I didn't get a walk in today, or any kind of exercise. I worked all day and then hubby picked me up and had to do some shopping after work, so we didn't get in till about 8:45 pm. Tomorrow will be a short day at work tomorrow so I will definitely get my exercise done. Till tomorrow...

    P.S. Jenifer, my hubby bought a pedometer at Wal-Mart for $8 or $9 and it seems to work pretty good. He said they have several different ones. I haven't used it yet but I am going to one day soon while I do a walk on the treadmill and see if it comes out about the same. I may do that tomorrow, because I am curious to know how accurate it is. I will let ya know.
  • Hanging On
    Hey everyone, I'm pooped today as well, sounds like we're having a good week though. Today we walked our regular route and brought my sisters new Jack Russell pup along for the first time. He's 4 mos old and just got through all his vaccinations a couple of weeks ago. He trotted for a good bit of the way then my sister carried him in a canvas tote bag when he got tired. We even had to stop at the elementary school to get them a drink of water. I had to walk his big brother (another JRT from a previous litter) who hopefully will be teaching the little guy some manners about not barking at every other dog we see .

    Lynne I totally know what you mean about letting your kids go to learn and grow up and get roughed up a little bit--it's tough! My only son's 4 and I'm having to deal w/his newfound independent streak.

    Kristi I'm sure your flower bed will look great in no time.

    Cristi I forgot to mention yesterday that I liked that survival list you posted yesterday, in fact I printed it out and tacked it to the wall next to my desk. Good stuff.

    Jenifer I got my pedometer at a Sports Authority between $10-$15, it has the "talking" feature which tells you how many steps/calories/miles/minutes/hours you've walked, etc. I think they also had another one that played music that varied the tempo based upon the speed of your walking. You just have to look around a little bit, the more features, the more pricey I'm sure. I would just get a basic one and save your $ to get more Longaberger stuff

    Kristen good job on your laps! I wish I had access to a track, sometimes I like monotony as it lets my mind wander a little more than if I had all different sorts of scenery to enjoy.

    Caci hope things are well in your neck of the woods. That's some freaky weather going around.

    Janine how are you faring today?

    Jen did you get to go to Kickboxing last night? Or did you choose the BBQ? I forget...either way hope you had fun.

    Hope I caught everyone and if I missed you I'm sorry --this thread has grown so much and it's wonderful to have all of you ladies for support and motivation. Have a good night all.

    May Goal Miles: 85
    Miles walked today 5/8/03: 3.5
    Miles walked yesterday 5/7/03: 3.5
    Total walked to date: 24.5
    Miles to Go: 60.5
  • Hi guys!

    I didn't get any exercise in today. We were at Josh's school for their Sports Day. It was lots of fun watching the little kids running around, with all the chants and stuff. Took me back, that's for sure! Josh's team Yellow tied in first place with Green.

    The only exercise I got was kicking the footy around with Josh for about 5 minutes at the end of the day!

    Considering I spent most of the day sitting around, I'm stuffed!

    So, nothing to report, although I have to confess that my food has been pretty bad today, as we took lots of nibblies, all fairly high in fat content. Such as pate, pesto, sundried tomatoes, brie, cream cheese (low fat) and baguettes. Yum-OH! : I'll have to do an EXTRA long walk tomorrow to burn it all off!

    Kristi, the only thing preventing me from eating the lot is the fact that it all goes into the shop and we make decent money from it. So in some ways it's better than just making for home! Well done for skipping the waffles, but bacon?! What are sausage links? Bacon trimmed isn't too bad....

    Jenifer, good luck on your weigh in...

    Cristi, sounds like you and I will need to go for that make up walk together! I expect a full report tomorrow! hee hee

    Noelle, we've been wanting to get a puppy for ages, but waiting until we settle into the house and our new family more... I'm hanging out for chickens!

    What's everyone doing for mother's day? I don't know what my family have got planned, but it will be fairly low key. The plants we bought for the garden were my mother's day pressie. We're having a lunch with the family, and my brother and his wife are coming all the way over from Tokyo. They're coming to Sydney on business, so are flying in for the weekend. It's mum's birthday as well, so they're catching two birds with one stone.

    If I don't speak to you before then, have a great day!
  • Re: Hanging On
    Originally posted by melekalikimaka

    Janine how are you faring today?

    May Goal Miles: 85
    Miles walked today 5/8/03: 3.5
    Miles walked yesterday 5/7/03: 3.5
    Total walked to date: 24.5
    Miles to Go: 60.5
    Thanks for asking. I am doing good but again didn't get on the treadmill yesterday. It just seems like I run out of time during the day and by evening I am so tired. I really need to get on that thing during the early afternoon or forget it. Today is going to be another busy day. I have to take my little one to and from preschool, try to get ins on a stupid car DH bought and find something for my mother for Mother's Day. I think I know what I am going to get her but just have to get there and pick it up. I will also be shipping DH and DS#1 off to Boy Scout camp for the weekend. I do have to cuz it is gonna rain most of the weekend and they will be in tents! I know I am so mean but I still think it's funny!
    Sat I am also scheduled to go donate blood so I guess I shouldn't walk then. Will have to see but maybe if I just go slower then I usually do it should be OK as long as I make sure I stay hydrated.
  • Jenifer, keep thinking positive. You too are doing awesome. My little pedometer tip would be to buy one that counts steps. Mine measure miles based on the length of your stride that you set into it. If I had not had the bike trail mile markers to check it by I would've been quiting my walks way too soon. It took me 3 or 4 miles of reajusting before I got it right even though I had paced off and measured my stride as suggested

    Noelle, Great job again. Walking with a dog always spices it up

    Lynne, MMMMM all your nibblies sound sooooo good. I'm glad you had a fun day with your family. Those count so much more than calories. A sausage link is made from pork-lots of fat and loads of spices encased like a hot dog. Very naughty, but oh so yummy . I will be enjoying mother's day on Sat. evening. It's our annual M D banquet at church. My oldest daughter (9) is singing a solo as part of the entertainment. I just know I'm going to cry. My heart swell so with pride (nearly) everytime I look at my children. (they're not perfect you know, sometimes I even get embarassed, but not too often )

    Janine, I used the treadmill today. I added some 80's Pat Benitar and actually totally loved using it. I'm learning how to set it and read it by trial and error. I did just over 2 miles in 40 min. at a 5% grade. Not easily mind you, but I worked and it fealt great. Is that a range to shoot for or should I be aiming higher? Thanks for the encouragement

    I'm doing good and feeling better than I have in 6 months. Thanks all

    May GM 30 / MW 12.75 / MTG 17.25

  • hello may flowers....

    today was a beautiful day to be outside in new england. too bad i was at work for the day.

    i was planning on going for a walk around the lake in wakefield after work. i was actually going to go with my mom... but i couldn't get a hold of her... so it was just me. getting a much later start on it than i thought i would. but i got the FULL hour of walking in .... AND i didn't have to stop at all to stretch out my muscles. normally they cramp up after a mile or so... and i need to stretch them. but apparently i have been just stretching them with my walks. :

    you gals are doing fantastic on all your walks. i haven't set a goal for myself this month... but i plan to at least do a mile or so each day.

    weigh in day is tomorrow. i look so forward to getting weighed!!! i never ever would have said that two months ago... but i truly do. who else of you may flowers do weight watchers?

    alrightie... nighty night. keep up the fantabulous work!
  • Whoohoo TGIF! I am so ready for the weekend! I walked my regular route after work. Really nice weather compared to tornado watches in California last night. Weird!
    Thanks for all the tips on the pedometers I might go and look at them this weekend. I am going to check the one out they have a Weight Wathcers. Kristen I weigh in at WW tomorrow! I get excited but this time I am nervous b/c it is my 5th Weigh In and they say it suppose to slow down as the weeks go by. Not looking foward to that. I will post what I lost when I get home.......unless I gained....heheheee! (brownies guhhh)
    Everyone is doing such an awesome job on walking I think we are all pumped and ready to pass up last months totals!
    Well i am so tired and ready for bed. We rented 2 Weeks Notice.....if you haven't seen it rent it! It is a girly flick but such a great movie. I saw it at the movies when it came out also.
    Will post more tomorrow! Have a great weekend!!!!!
    Total Miles Today~ 2
    Total May Miles~ 16
    Unknown Goal