*** Attitude of Gratitude for April ***

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  • - so glad to be home. Got home at 9pm last night. I watched Project Runway on the plane for the flight.

    - time with my sister

    - little Maya is gaining weight

    - friends, family, YOU ALL, fb, cell, internet, music

    - sleeping in my own house!
  • Welcome back, BeverlyJoy!

    - My job

    - My health

    - Light potato chips (bad for me but help me stick to my calorie plan)

    - Dishwasher

    - Good books

    - Family, Friends, 3FC, indoor plumbing, cell phone, Internet
  • + finally a day without rain!

    + it's supposed to be sunny but very cold on Saturday for Susan's outdoor wedding

    + my fur coat is not yet in storage - see above!

    + spent a relaxing time with Barb yesterday - really like her more and more

    + the problem quilt is ready for binding

    + made chile yesterday to plump up the freezer stash

    + I have time today to go to town for odds and ends of shopping

    + resisted charming McKenna and her Girl Guide cookies - gave her a donation instead

    + my daffodils and budding tulips survived Monday's snow
  • - family
    - friends
    - 3FC
    - modern conveniences
  • Thanks, Cheryl!

    - sleeping in my own bed

    - Ben, who helps in the garden.

    - I did a horrible 'bend and twist' yesterday - I am hurting badly. But, the gratitude is that I have the meds to take and should feel better in a few days.

    - I'll see my little GC's on Saturday (praying I'll be better by then)

    - friends, family, YOU ALL, cell, fb, internet, music

    - frozen peas
  • - birdies chirping

    - light steady rain

    - slept well last night

    - kitchen half cleaned (better than not started yet!)

    - friends, family, YOU ALL, fb,cell, internet, music

    - freezer
  • + glorious sunshine for a while today but still cold

    + my warm robe that keeps me cozy until the house heats up

    + a quick and successful "odds and sods" shop in town yesterday

    + a mass of white, purple and mauve violets in the grass behind the barn

    + although it's too wet and soggy to dig, I can prune back my clematises on the pergola

    + Jack, my "extra" grandson, turns 13 today - party time tonight!

    + the week has been restful after the stress of the Syrup Festival weekend
  • - The little baby geese

    - A quiet day at work

    - My crock pot

    - The blessing of my friend Terri

    - Family, Friends, 3FC, indoor plumbing, cell phone, Internet
  • - got a shot of cortizone-like medicine in my sacral area of my back. It am grateful that it usually works. I am hoping it will allow me to go to be with the new baby to help. I don't know how I'll help because I should not do any bending, twisting or lifting. Maybe I should not go. But, I am tired of health problems stopping my life.

    - Ben, who helps in the garden.

    - going to see Aunt Mackie later with DH

    - friends, family, YOU ALL, fb, internet,cellphone,music

    - US Postal Service
  • + glad that my back is usually OK - so sorry, Beverlyjoy, and hope the shot works well for you

    + spent two hours working on cutting back vines yesterday - in my winter jacket!

    + fun time at Jack's party

    + Donna will come tomorrow to clean and dog sit while I am at the wedding

    + haircut this morning - I always feel better afterwards

    + am working hard on changing my poor attitude about this wedding

    + another bunch of daffodils and narcissus on the kitchen table
  • - yoga is helping me eat only when I'm physically hungry

    - had the energy to organize a big pile of clutter

    - watched it rain yesterday, it was beautiful

    - family and friends

    - 3FC!
  • - The weekend!

    - Got some much needed time alone

    - Easy access to a wide variety of items

    - Local grown strawberries!

    - Family, Friends, 3FC, indoor plumbing, cell phone, Internet
  • - good movies

    - generous people

    - my mom, couldn't live without her

    - family, friends and all the chicks
  • + my great group of friends - we laugh so much at so many things

    + not freezing to death at the wedding although it was shivery cold

    + finding out I can still dance - Abba did it! - and I'm not sore this morning

    + a clean and orderly house - Donna was here when I was at the wedding

    + Robyn who is 14 has offered to work with me doing some garden tasks

    + only one interview left to do for Mill summer staff

    + sunshine dominates the forecast for the next week
    + an absolutely free Sunday afternoon after the big service this morning
  • - Great worship service this morning

    - A cleaner house

    - My mother is handling things well

    - Had quiet time to recharge

    - Family, Friends, 3FC, indoor plumbing, cell phone, Internet