~~*April Chat Thread - All Welcome!*~~

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  • ghost how is your eye?
    I have a tower fan that I use for air circulation and white noise. Bumped up the speed to level 3 (ie loudest) and I've been sleeping like a baby (well, a sleep-through-the-night baby) for the past 2 nights! Yess!!
  • Its a lot better than yesterday, thanks The bottom eye lid is still puffy and the skin is still sensitive and drying out like crazy, but hopefully i can get it back to normal within the week,. I dont know why my eyes do this! It seems so random when it happens.
  • I can't sleep without my tower fan either!! I need the circulation in the room but the white noise is really the best part.
  • Hey ladies! Sorry I've been gone for a while. Copied this from the bikini thread

    The 13th April was my birthday! I spent the day with a friend and went out with work friends and got quite merry. It was an awesome day! I also got a new phone, I had a brick that just called and texted but now I have a smartphone so I've been playing with it ever since! I don't have an internet plan on my contract and I don't want one either, I'm fine just having the internet in my house. Don't want to be someone who checks their phone all the time when they're out and about!

    Saturday the 14th I had another party with my closest friends at my house. It was really good, apart from there was a HUGE drama outburst that lead to end of a friendship. I won't go into the details because there's just too much to cover, but this friend hadn't really been a good friend to me for many many years and ruining my birthday was the last straw. So that drama has weighed on my mind long after the party, with me finally confronting her on the 16th.

    Because it was Easter followed closely by my birthday I got a LOT of chocolate. I had it all in a drawer next to me...and needless to say I've been munching on it. Monday the 16th also was the beginning of my period, and I can be quite a food monster during my period. I found that no matter how much I ate I always felt like I needed more. So unfortunately my eating has been terrible the past week, I've been eating lots of chocolate, snacking on crisps and drinking soda that was left over from the birthday party.

    My exercise also suffered. I went for a 4 mile run on the 17th April and did it in record time - I beat my previous time last year by 12 freakin' minutes. So I was really please with that. From Monday to today though I haven't run once. I can blame work, but that's only a small issue the real issue is my laziness. I could make the time if I REALLY wanted to exercise but I didn't. I felt lazy and I didn't run. So that's my own fault.

    My self sabotage has had an effect on my weight of course, and after seeing 152 lbs I'm up 1 lb at 153 lbs. I'm not sad because I'm responsible for my own actions so there's no point getting all down on myself about it. What's done is done and I've gained 1 lb - it's not that bad at all considering. I'm channelling my disappointment in my lack of focus into something positive - to work out a new workout/diet plan for myself.

    With my new fancy phone I've downloaded myfitnesspal. I'm going to try and eat within my limits and not go over. I'm also going to really evaluate my fitness routine. I have a GREAT exercise plan for the 10K training I'm currently doing, so running 3 times a week shouldn't be a problem. It's the cross training and the strength training that I'm seriously lacking on.

    I really want to fit that strength training in again. I don't have access to a gym which is unfortunate, but I know there are things I can do to strengthen up. I might look over Jillian Michaels' Making The Cut again. It's supposed to be a plan for people who want to lose the last 20 lbs. I tried it when I was at my peak weight, and while it did work I think now more than ever it would be a great plan for me considering I am actually coming up to my last 20 lbs! Crazy! In the exercise plan there's a good mix of strength/core training, so I think it will be useful.

    As for the cross training, well I might try up Insanity but I wanted to see if I could take a class of some sort like Zumba, dance or a boxercise or something. My only concern is transport and money, since I can't drive and I don't really earn much in a month. But we'll see! It'd be nice to do something new and in a group.

    Regarding my diet, I'm really going to try and get salads into my diet since I seriously lack vegetables in my life. I've wrote up a list of groceries for my Mum just as a "this is all I need to eat right" and most of the time she gets it but I just want it there as a guideline for the shops to come. If I can replace my lunches with salads instead of sandwiches and more carb-tastic foods then I think I'll feel the benefit down the line.

    So tomorrow is a new start I reckon! I'm going to spend today working out a better routine for myself then I'm going to really concentrate on exercise followed by healthier eating. I've been slacking for way too long and there's a 10K race to train for! Better get to it!
  • Ack I’ve fallen so behind in this thread lol.
    Those dresses are beautiful. I love watching 4 weddings and say yes to the dress too! Even tho theres not even a guy in my life.

    rie I commented in the bikini thread, but you can do it!!

    So my week was pretty run of the mill, but felt soo long after 2 three day weeks in a row. I also had calf pain so I took it pretty easy, but still worked out my 5 days a week. Luckily they’re feeling almost 100% so I should be able to get back into my normal routine soon. I’ve been planning going grocery shopping in the states for a week, and my mom left for Ontario on Friday. She called me to tell me that she got into Ontario fine, but also has my passport and nexus card (card to skip the line up at the border) so she overnighted it. So yesterday I go downtown (I live in a suburb of Vancouver about 45 min away) to the address it’s supposed to get delivered to and it’s a hotel. I was so confused, so apparently the address fed ex had in Ontario for the office is old, so I had to go to Richmond (another 30 min) away, plus walk quite a ways to FINALLY get my passport. I definitely had to go to the states after going through so much hassle to get it back. Grocery shopping was fun, I like look at all the (usually sweets) stuff that we don’t have in Canada.
    I also went to trader joes, and the line up was huge and I had gone there specifically to get my mom these pistachio things, and while in the line up the lady ahead of me asked a worker if they could get her a basket and I told her to take mine since I only had the nuts in mine. She said that she worked there, and was going to go bag to move the line ahead, so I told her to put her stuff in my basket and I’d hold onto it until I got to the checkout. She kept saying thank you so much, which I really didn’t think was necessary since it didn’t seem like a big deal to me. I was eyeing the (huge) dark chocolate caramel sea salt bar, but decided I didn’t need it. Well I go to pay, and the chocolate bar is put in my bag, and the cashier said the girl had bought it for me as a thank you! So I got a free chocolate bar, that I really don’t need so it’s in the freezer. So nice of her though.
    I finally went and saw hunger games with my sister yesterday! (I’ve been so busy with school, and she works 4 on 4 off so its hard for our schedules to match). I thought it was really good, though there was a few changes from the book that I expected, but some I didn’t think were necessary.
    After coming home, I come home to a mess of a house so I know my niece was over. And my brothers stuff is in the washing machine, AND the dishwasher. Which is a new one for him… can’t even wash your own dishes?! Ugh. So I’m leaving it, I’m tired of them being so disrespectful (they’re the ones that took my cereal and stuff making me have to go to the states this weekend). His wife even asked me if I’d start to go to/take her to hot yoga. After she didn’t apologize for stealing from me.
  • torito - That's nice that the lady bought you a chocolate bar, it's always nice when people show their appreciation stranger or not! Sorry you came home to a mess, it must be tough living in a house where you don't feel like you're property is respected. Do you think you'd move out soon? I know I would be scrambling to get out of that situation!
    The Hunger Games is a good film, I hadn't read the books but I honestly try not to compare books to film adaptations because they're 2 different things. Of course things will be cut or changed, it's for a different medium. But as someone who didn't read the books it was decent. I actually preferred the build up to the game than the game itself. The film is annoying me a bit only because I work at a cinema and teenagers are still coming in to watch it and being loud!
  • Ballerina - Thanks so much Squirrels? Holy crap, how big was the cat? haha, wow.
    That's a really long day, make sure not to wear yourself out. Hope you're getting some rest now! Those sorts of sleep interruptions seem to happen when you need rest the most.. are you stressed?

    Iconised Ghost
    Was it a bite? Ouch. Try some aloe vera maybe.. not in your eye but maybe it'll help. I'm also delicious to insects so I feel your pain.

    Free chocolate! Nice one. I'm so jealous haha. A few months ago I was going to visit some friends and I went into the little shop to get something to bring over. I had to ask how much the nice chocolate was and then walk away because I didn't have the money for them. Some lovely old man bought them for me, it was a great feeling
    That's crap that they don't respect you or your stuff really. Are you still pushing for an apology? I would, screw it, make them learn their lesson.

    Happy Birthday! Good you confronted your friend as difficult as that can be, and also good to cut the poison out. People like that don't do you any good so well done for doing the hard thing. Good luck with training!

    TOM is here ahhh it's so painful this time. I have a copper coil so that doesn't help pain wise. The last few months it's been a lot better so I don't know what's happening this time. Yesterday I did absolutely nothing except curl up into a ball. Today I'm gonna try and do some exercise but I feel dizzy and crap. Exercise is meant to help though.. does anybody have experience with this? I don't want to over do it but that's probably just an excuse 'cause I'm lazy.

    The last few days I've been under 160 too.. can't believe it really I was 159.8 today which is up a bit but I guess TOM.. ack.

    Other than that life's pretty good. Pretty much ran out of money yesterday.. there's money in my account but it's going to be taken out for the phone and internet bill, ahh dammit it's just taunting me. Just after I realised this the gas bottle died. Oh crap. Sometimes you have to laugh though. Well at least I had a little jar with some savings. It'll do for now. So having a roast chicken for dinner to celebrate.
  • Hi girls!!

    I am new, kinda (wrote a thread about my come back)

    You all seem so nice! I am so excited to become apart of the support team.

    Today was my official come back day and the hubby and I took a big one hour walk and then another 30 minutes when we took the dog to the river.

    Looking forward to turkey meatballs tonight with miracle noodles. (yup, those tofu noodles that are 15 calories per cup and awesome!) and making some extra to take to school for a healty lunch.

    Looking forward to tomorrow. I am a massage therapy student with 5 weeks to go and have 3 ninety minute massages lines up tomorrow including the owner of the Aveda Insititue I go to. Now, I know massage is physical and I look forward to finally enjoying some weight loss from giving massage because I am working on my over eating.

    Hope everyone is having a good night and I look forward to talking to you all!
  • LEMON CHICKEN CRACKERS! <3 Welcome back Will post in your other thread. Exciting about massage school though!

    Leila- I gave in and went to the doctor who said it was an allergic reaction so shes going to send me a referral to a immunologist (yay? you know you're in trouble when they ask if you have insurance! Or at least, in NZ you do). Its going down now, but my skin is still super tight. I've got beta cream, fatty cream, prednisone, antihistamines, an assortment of other moisturisers, and brufen lol. Today I was almost able to open my eyes normally when I woke up! Sorry to hear about your cramps I used to have really bad cramps, I could never get a coil. Exercise never helped me, but I've heard the same thing. I found drugs and sleep helped better :P

    torito- its hard not to say yes to all the dresses! Making a decision was hard.

    Can I just say that myfitnesspal is amazing. It's database is fantastic. I thought id give it a real test and see if it can find one of our budget brands here (which things like spark people dont have unless members have added them which usually they havent) and not only did it find it, it found all the variations of that food that this company does. Amazing
  • Can I start tomorrow?

    My husbands grandma died he ordered chinese to soothe the pain..

    Poor thing can't stop crying..
  • Oh god tailor, thats a horrible thing to happen. Its all about balance, sometimes life throws things at us. Have some chinese, but keep up the exercise! It'll probably help with the stress too
  • Hey everyone! Last day of student teaching is next Friday and then I'll be around more regularly!! I miss everyone and next month will be a better month for me (chat-wise anyway). I hope everyone is doing well. I'm trying to catch up on personals now...so much to read! Not as much as it used to be though, so I'm thankful for that right now. Haha!
  • My body totally didn't want that Chinese. I hardly ate half of what I normally do and feel especially icky.

    My body is rejecting everything that isn't healthy right now

  • But thats good!