What's for dinner?

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  • Quote: lettuce wrap with chicken, sprouts and cucumbers with a dressing made of low fat yogurt, fresh dill, and chopped green onion.
    i need to try that dressing, i LOVE the smell of fresh dill but have NEVER tried it, do you just chop it up fine and mix? Also the green onion sounds great, also. i need to grill up a chicken breast and put that on it!
  • ReillyJ,
    Yep just remove the hardest/toughest parts of the stem then chop chop.
  • I made a lentil/cauliflower taco style filling on Sunday so we've been having tacos, taco salad, taco bowls, etc the last few nights. You can't even tell it is cauliflower.

    I was sad when I ran out of avocado but I've been adding lettuce, tomatoes, green onions, cilantro and salsa. I made brown rice to make a bowl. The corn tortillas I bought didn't hold up well for tacos but they work well for traditional style tortilla eating.
  • Tilapia cooked in a red sauce made of tomato and roasted peppers, served over brown rice.
  • Spicy bowl! This one is called the Jackson Bowl
  • Beer.
  • salmon, cucumber salad and garlic spinach.
  • Beer.
  • Ian you crack me up!

    I had a 6inch subway club piled high with veggies, sun chips, and one (yes only ONE yay!) sugar cookie. It was yummy
  • Palak 'paneer' (really palak tofu) over brown basmati

    It was good but I did add a little extra spice
  • Beer (Green Flash Imperial IPA) followed by a white wine chaser that I am working on at the moment.
  • Breakfast for dinner tonight: scrambled egg with veggies and turkey sausage and cheese, served on 1/3 loaf of Jimmy John's day-old bread.

    Nelie, that palak tofu sounds fantastic! I might try that soon.
  • Wild rice burger (with a tiny bit of chevre baked in) on an English muffin with cold corn salad (corn, black beans, onion, celery, green bell peppers, lime juice, basil, spices).
  • I made Lobster Risotto! Yum!
  • Beer.