An Attitude of Gratitude - Month of September

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  • - Fun at the DWTS kickoff gathering

    - DH spent two nights with M/M/A - they will be coming soon for a visit

    - finding different lower sodium things

    - my new windshield waper blades... wow, what a differene

    = friends, family, YOU ALL, FB, cell, internet, music

    - my comfy chair
  • + a "soft" morning as the Irish say - the earth does need rain so I'm grateful

    + my veggie garden is now a reasonable size to handle next year

    + found some 14P gray flannel pants so no need to take in the saggy baggy ones

    + Mill Board meeting went well yesterday afternoon

    + my hearing aids that make meetings much easier to follow

    + fun things happening Friday and Saturday evenings this week

    + it's Good Food Box Day, always a surprise to see what we get to divy up and pack

    + pet therapy at the nursing home this afternoon - always makes me feel great

    + being able to make reasonable job lists for the day and finish most of them
  • Been busy this morning, so I'm a little late posting...
    -exercised yesterday and today, woohoo!
    -fixed an issue at work
    -going to Mom's for dinner (no cooking, yay!)
    -food, family, job, house
  • - DH is coming home today from his trip

    - nice visit with Mom yesterday - I brought over lunch

    - little snippets of inspiration I find everyday

    - Meg is feeling pretty good

    - friends, family, YOU ALL, fb, cell, internet, music

    - laptop computer - love it
  • I'm not feeling great this morning, plus weight is up, so...
    -adorable children
    -adorable DH
    -mom, and mom bringing me laundry I left in her dryer last night
    -running water and electricity
    -TV, video games, internet, Netflix online
    -company cafeteria
  • Love this idea....I know I should do this but on my own don't do it daily so, if you don't mind, I am going to jump in.

    I will start with yesterday:

    I am grateful:
    for my job
    that I exercised
    that I stayed on my weight loss program
    ordered some of the Christmas Ornaments I need to get this year
  • + I slept right through the night

    + had fish again for dinner and enjoyed it

    + despite my sore leg, I was able to lift and lug when we did Good Food Box yesterday

    + cheque arrived for balance of summer student payroll

    + my "Naked Ladies" (fall crocus) are in bloom
  • - DWTS (love me some Maks, Derek and Tristan)

    - birthday cake and ice cream

    - sleeping in late

    -washing machines and dryers

    -cloudy, cool days

    -all of you
  • 09/21/2011

    I am grateful for:
    Two hikers released from Iran jail
    I organized a project at work
    Plants - makes my office "homey"
    My car - gets me where I need to be
    Finding this thread

    Off to enjoy and be grateful for
  • Hi Samadhi! - so glad you posted. Daily gratitudes are so good - always puts life into perspective.

    - new shoes

    - another day to try and get it right

    - the good spirits of my seniors

    - my good friend has bought her first house - it's wonderful

    - family, friends, YOU ALL, fb, cell, internet, music

    - remote - so nice for flipping through the channels.
  • -no more bottles for baby in the middle of the night
    -working from home when I need to
    -my little sweethearts/terrors
    -good company-paid health insurance
    -2 working vehicles
  • ~my family
    ~my job
  • - family, friends and all of you
    - tasty fresh veggies
    - freedom to choose and achieve my life goals
    - airplanes (speedy travel)
  • +++ m0re people sharing their gratitudes with us!

    + a day that sort of came unraveled but is fine now

    + my friend Shirleyanne and her courage in facing cancer - and conquering it

    + I love my new antique dinner set - shallow but

    + being able to just give away three other sets of vintage dinner sets to people who appreciate old things
  • Day off from work tomorrow
    Clean Car