Valentine's Day Goal

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  • Quote: ]It looks like there are almost 200 people that want in. That's huge!!

    Does that mean that we may not get chosen?!?

    Added 3:47pm...
    Okay so what I am understanding about this challenge is that it's basically like our little challenges we have on here. Except there are VERY strict rules and it is broken into teams like TBL. Weigh in's are incredibly important. You have to have your weight posted by every Monday 11:59pm or you have to claim a freebie week. After 2 freebie weeks have been claimed, and you miss a weigh-in, you get booted off your team. Looking back through the previous BL challenges there were a lot of people who posted a starting weight, or went a couple of weeks then never returned! I would say this hurt the teams chances of winning a lot! In the FAQ's she posted that the results are calculated by %. So if there was a huge number of people starting out and the 1/4 dropped out, I wonder if she would cut that 1/4 from the final percentage? If not, it is going to look like only 3/4 of the team lost weight and the other 1/4 would show no loss because they didnt post. WOW, I got a lot of questions... lol But still I am veryy excited!
  • okay so I finally went down after staying the same for a little over a week. I'm on my way to my challenge goal...just need to change my ticker.
  • Awsome Loss, Crystal. BTW, your screen name makes my sweet tooth hurt! lol I used to eat a honey bun every morning in high school. Some breakfast huh?
  • No my husband created my email years ago and I just go by that..His basketball number was 55. I guess I was his little honeybun, hopefully I still am. However I do have the biggest sweet tooth in the world!
  • It's cute! And so is your little boy! How old is he?
  • She is 5 now, but was 3 in the picture. She gets that a lot because her hair is so short...not really short, but curly so it looks short.
  • Whoops my bad! Sorry. Didnt look close enough...
  • I'm in for 6 pounds. That should put me just into the 140's. Woohoo. I bought TO juice, so may do that next week sometime.
  • I LOVE challenges.. I have been on track 100% with Valentine's Day in mind to get a nice new red dress and head out with hubby. So the ticker is moving.. and Aunt Flo is here too so I'm hoping that means by Monday it will slide slide the right.
    I did TBL the first time around last year and came in second for my team.. it was great to have the accountability and you also get to chat with a lot of people that are on different plans so you get a wealth of info.
    Keep up the great work everyone!
  • Quote: Ok, I did it. I made my VD goal. is a bit high, at 14 lbs, but I have been off plan for so long, and I am starting with a TO, so I think it might be doable. We'll see
    Nicole we are neck and neck!!! I was weighing in at 214.2 on Jan 1. and set my goal for 15 so I will hit 199 too!!! and we are the same hight, right? 5' 7"? We can do this!!!!
  • Hi, I'm new to the forum but not new to LAWL. I started several months ago then fell off the wagon, then restarted 3 days ago. Anyway I will set my Valentines Day goal at 10lbs to put me at 169.
  • I am in on this too. I just got weighed today so I have a starting weight and will add a ticker for it in a minute or two. I am looking forward to this as I have finally got back on track. And with all this darn snow we are getting day after day lately exercise isn't too much of a problem cause I keep having to shovel the stuff!!! My goal is 10 lbs. So 225 lbs by Feb 14. Haven't seen that weight in about 5 years now.
  • Hi there All!
    So I ventured in to COD today and had WI. I was down 1.6. Yah! So I finally am on the board for this challenge! I can't wait for TBL to start that will definately keep me motivated! Hope everyone has a POP weekend!
  • I finally faced the music and went to the COD (it wasn't as bad as I expected!) I am down 1 lb. Now, keep in mind that is 1 lb from where I started prior to Christmas. According to my home scale I am down 7 lbs this week. But, for the challenge I am going with my pre-christmas weight. Whew...I can do this...I sure hope so anyway
  • Down 1#. Not a bad way to start the new year.