Cows Eating Laced Lentils

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  • her computer was in the basement. Her dh was always tearing down and builiding new walls. Maybe he walled her in but in a different room from the basement.
  • PHP Code:
    What's with this quotie thing? 
    I don't know, I'd say you hit the wrong button.... It's kind of neat though -- we can condense things! I could type one of my bi-weekly rants and it would only take up an inch of column space. Good discovery!
    Quote: she said, "I can't see because of that fuzzy thing."
    There have been times I've wanted to say that very loudly in a theater -- or "I can't see because that man's too tall" or "I can't see because that lady has a beehive on her head". Unfortunately I'm not cute, so I don't get to say it. Power to the little kids!

    I think maybe Lush's DH had another midlife crisis and they packed up their belongings and moved into a treehouse in the Siberian forests for a year. With oatmeal knotholes, of course.

    In 3 minutes my timer's going to go off informing me that I have to take a shower and go to PT. My life is so eventful I can hardly stand it.

    My old SAAB just rolled up the driveway. My first, last and only NEW car--in 1986! Now reduced to playing dead in an accident re-enactment at the high school. Life is so tragic.

  • I'm counting down the minutes until lunchtime. I'm running home on my lunch hour to let the carpet cleaning man in the house. I hope he can do something to combat the fragrance of 2 big dogs and one not so well house trained weiner dog. If not, I'm thinking of moving the dogs into Grandpa Jim's mobile home, since it's unoccupied now. It's still occupied with all his junk, but I don't think the dogs would mind.

    Kiwi, DD still drives my one and only brand new vehicle - a 1996 Ford Explorer. It's still running strong. My car I have now was 1 year old when I bought it. Saved me lots o' dough to buy a "preowned" car.... and ya know they're all used cars as soon as you drive them off the lot.

    Anybody watch the tv show "the Riches"? Maybe Lush joined a band of gypsies like them and hit the road.
  • Quote:
    PHP Code:
    I'm thinking of moving the dogs into Grandpa Jim's mobile homesince it's unoccupied now. It's still occupied with all his junkbut I don't think the dogs would mind. 

    Kiwi, DD still drives my one and only brand new vehicle - a 1996 Ford Explorer. It'
    s still running strongMy car I have now was 1 year old when I bought itSaved me lots o' dough to buy a "preowned" car.... and ya know they're all used cars as soon as you drive them off the lot

    Anybody watch the tv show "the Riches"
    Dang nice of you to provide the dogs their own house, I think.

    I've bought 2 used Explorers (thanks to DH totally one), wouldn't have dared to spend the money they wanted on a new one! My new SAAB cost under $14K in 1986. Gave me 13 years, I think that's bargain! But I don't think I'll ever buy a new car again--for the same reason as you mentioned.

    I LOVE the Riches -- that's one of my favorite shows. I have always loved that guy who plays the father, can't think of his name offhand, but he used to be (I guess still is) a cross-dressing comedian and funnier than anything. What a show, eh? Absolutely wild.

  • Eddie Izzard is his name. Minnie Driver is great in her role too.

    You can't believe the rain storm that just blew in -- flippin' monsoons out there, and I have to drive for 2 hours on the freeway after work to my B&B. At least it will still be light out. Oooh. Now it's thundering.
  • I have never seen the Riches but a coworker told me about an episode in detail. She said she couldn't watch it again because it made her too nervous. But isn't Eddie Izzard a comedian? I thought his name showed up on Netflix as a stand up comedian.

    I have nothing to say. Will stare at screen for a minute before posting just to be sure.
  • Quote: Eddie Izzard is his name.
    Oh, thank you. Yeah, Minnie Driver is astonishing in that role, and really the whole cast is first rate. The old woman in the gypsy camp whose husband was the chief -- she is played by a woman I know. She was married to the minister of the church where I grew up in NC. I used to have a crush on their son. How's that for a small world?

    Quote: But isn't Eddie Izzard a comedian?
    PEACHEZZZZZZZZZZZZ, you didn't read my message, did you? Nobody listens to me. Izzard is best known as a British transvestite comedian. He calls himself an "executive transvestite"; he's absolutely hilarious. When I first watched The Riches, I didn't recognize him by sight, but when he talked I realized who it was. Total transformation there.

    I am home alone again today, whatever shall I do? Yeah I know, the day's half over, but I could waste the whole entire day without batting an eye, no problem. DH went to the big city for an appt. and to hang out at the city library. He's back on the geneology kick, looking for signs of his mysterious great-grandfather . DD is spending her study period before finals with her BF, big surprise. I'm glad she can do that, actually. I guess. She has a healthy attitude towards life on campus, participates in a lot of things, but can't be bothered with the party scene, so if she wants to leave for a couple of days, okay with me. Granted at her school, the majority of kids study pretty hard, but they also party hard when they're done. Frankly I never imagined that DD would take the straight-laced road, smart as she is -- she's also very independent and enjoys some pretty off the wall things. But I digress.

    My mom is supposed to be home I think; I'll have to give her a call. It's amazing how quickly they get you recovering from something as invasive as hip replacement, I hope she will accept some help when she gets home. I can't see my stepfather moving her around when she can't do it herself.

    I am bereft today, although I have to admit I am not feeling more than a pang or 2 of loss. I watched my old car get towed away. It looks perfectly good, doesn't it? Soon it will be an accident victim. Aaarrgh I just realized they took my license plates! I always nail my license plates up in the garage! I will have to retrieve them after the big show.

  • I enjoyed geneaology for a while....someone in my dad's family line actually traced us back to 13th century Germany...somebody back then emigrated to France, then Scotland, then England, and then in the early 1600's - not long after the Mayflower - to Massachusetts. Then to Rhode Island when Roger Williams broke off from the rest and hightailed it a few miles southwest. Must've seemed like a long way away back then, eh? My great-great - or maybe 3 or 4-greats grandfather had a wife & 5 or 6 kids in the Newport, R.I. area, but went out west during the gold rush to make his fortune, and never came back. They figured he died out there. Interesting, though, that the family name started popping up in California right about that time.

    I got bored after a while, though, with just finding names and dates. Nothing to flesh anybody out...nothing about what they did (except for a few isolated cases where they were listed by occupation, or signed some kind of town documents, or were mentioned in somebody's little town histories) or what they information, even, on how they looked - again, except for a few old pictures, but nothing much back before the late 1800's. I found quite a few of their graves in the Little Compton/Tiverton Four Corners area of Rhode Island, and happened upon some interesting marriages, but nothing in much detail. It just got a little dull and dry to me. But then, I tend to become bored rather easily. I like to read novels - I like *stories* with beginnings and endings that you can kind of sink your teeth into and get to know the characters.

    Nothing new on this end. Still riding my bike - nice rides now that the weather is better. My son's first car was a Saab just like the one you just had towed, Kiwi. He wrecked it the second week he had it.


  • I can certainly see what you mean about the dryness of all those names and dates, although I am impressed with the depth you were able to follow your family ties. DH has learned a lot about his family from this, but the really juicy tidbits are only to be had by connecting with other people who have family information. I don't think it's likely to get much info of that kind further back than 3 or maybe 4 generations, but you never know till you try I guess.

    My little SAAB will experience its very first accident next week. At least I don't remember anything worse than a little car-door ding or whatnot, in 13 years of driving it.

    "Whatnot" really doesn't belong in that sentence, but I like it so it's staying.

    Tada, I have officially wasted the entire day.

  • It is very rude to belittle people with poor memory retention. I will accept Wabby's apology under certain circumstances:

    1. she must prove to have a bigger butt than me.
    2. be able to explain why one of my kids thinks the moon is an egg.
    3. use a lot of exclamation points in the forthcoming apology. Sugar has explained to me why this is necessary. It is a cow rule.

    My tiny baby comes home Saturday, I think, for a week. When he was little I would tell people he was perfect and they'd smirk while remarking that he may seem almost perfect to me but no one is perfect. They were j*ck*ss*s because a perfect two-year-old screams in public and he did that. A perfect three-year-old has potty mistakes and he did that. He did it all just right. Now, at 19, he's still perfect if you have the list of things that make an introvert perfect. It bothers me that he's moving in to a new dorm next year and doesn't have anyone picked up to room with. Aren't they suposed to make friends for this?

    Now, I must go to bed. Buenos Noches.
  • Kiwi is mean to SAABs.
  • I like muchos nachos better
    You mean the moon ISN'T an egg? I've been duped.

    A worm is eating my computer!!! {{{{{Hssss! Hssss!}}}} That's why I'm typing on the other computer. Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!

    I think we're ALL perfect our own flawed way. And perfection is relative, isn't it?

    !!!!! !!!!!

    My new (and now former, since I won't be darkening his doorway again in this lifetime) ENT doc says my sinuses are retaining water (??????) and that I should eat only white rice for an entire day. How helpful. German doctors are interesting. I will go search the net and do a self diagnosis. Then I just need a doc who can spare a couple of sheets off his prescription pad and I'm good to go.

    Must go clean. Friends for barbeque this evening. It's toooooo sunny!!! Germany is drying out. The crops are wilting. Potatoes and sugar (which comes from sugar beets around these parts, dontcha know) will be horrendously expensive. Grass is catching on fire by itself. I am thirsty.
  • Jeeze. I thought Germany was dark and shadowy and filled with old, crumbling castles on the Rhine. I should get around more, evidently. Or stop reading old WWII novels. (I actually only do that every couple of years). Trying, here, to figure out what my perceptions about Germany are based on. Hansel & Gretel? The Brothers Grimm??? How much are you paying for gas over there now, Sug?

    Those Saabs - now I realize that my son's must've been older than yours, although it looked pretty similar - are such boffo-looking little cars. Classy, I mean. He was in his junior year of HS, and had saved 1,800 from his snow shoveling jobs and some other little jobs - oh no, snow shoveling was when he was younger. Seems to me when he got that car, he'd been working for this place called Taylor Rentals (they rented everything from circus tents to popcorn machines to tv's) for a year or more. We - his father and I - matched what he'd saved, and I think the car cost around $3300, so it must've been about ten years old then? It was dark blue - so pretty . He drove it into a guardrail on the expressway a couple of weeks later during a rainstorm, and pretty much totalled it somehow. No injuries tho, so THAT was a good thing .

    I got a check in the mail from a private philanthropic foundation for $5,000,000 yesterday. I have repeatedly suggested that these checks be made out to me, personally, but nobody takes me up on it. I must work on perfecting my argument. If somebody would just write me one for a measley million, I could retire, yanno?

    The sun is shining through the studio windows (DS & I both have our computers in here). I guess it means we're having yet another cool but sunny day. I guess that means I'll take a bike ride after work again tonight. (Only missed one day this week because of rain, but went out twice on Saturday). Now I feel guilty if I DON'T go. What have I gotten myself into, anyway???

    Have a great day cows! (And Kiwi - remember - wasting days is our prerogative. It's called "free will", dang it! We're not Puritans, are we? I hate it when people feel guilty about wasting time! Who knows it was wasted? Maybe you did some of your best thinking! Maybe you were doing a lot of subconscious processing that even YOU don't know about! WHO says your day was wasted? Certainly not ME - and don't I count??? But isn't it funny the way women today are programmed to feel that they have "wasted" time - or "wasted" a day when they don't feel they've accomplished enough? Again, who sez????? I happen to LOVE days off from work when DH is working, and I can lie about slothfully - reading, sometimes messing around for a while on the 'net, sometimes not doing much of anything. I used to feel that if I was home "sick" or something, I should do extra cleaning, cook a big, elaborate supper, etc., etc. But I noticed that when DH stays home, HE doesn't do any of those things - in fact, he MAKES a mess! SO, why should I have to *accomplish* stuff just because I'm home? Nope, nyet, and uh-uh! Not me. Not anymore!

    Okey-dokey. Buh-bye for now!

  • I have returned from not being here.
    let's seee: If suggie could release all the water being retained by her sinuses she could save Germany 's beets.

    Ah, Kiwi I'm proud that you donated the little SAAB to your rescue squad - or is it appearing as a prop in a school play? Much fun has been had by moi, using the "Jaws of Life", zazzle saws, and what not to cut roofs and posts and open locked doors.

    My lovely Auntie did a brief geneaology of my mothers side of the fam.... I have a copy of my gparents wedding certificate... and it looks like a very poor job at altering the wedding year was be a year earlier than my mom was born.. THE SCANDAL!!!! And it turns out that my greatgrandmother lost her husband on the boat ride over here, and hooked up with a German dude who lost his wife --so they had a marriage of convenience... My gma went deaf as a result of spinal menigitis, and we didn't know it since she read lips so well... we use to wave our arms wildly or make faces to get her attention thinking it was a game... I couldn't understand why a real old world Italian nonnie would say things like MachSchnell!

    Cowie: Ds is Puuurfect!!! And alot of men could give 2 craps about having friends... They got their family and a GF or wife and thats enough for them.

    Wabby is gpa Jim moved out already? How is he adjusting... and how are you adjusting? That weekend looks like a good way to reassess what you want and need going forward in this new life forced upon you

    I'm off to the dentist this morn...

    later my moooettes