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  • Please make sure that you sign up in the sign up thread by tonight!

    You need to double check that you've signed up in the sign up thread. Even if you've posted in the chat thread but haven't signed up, I can't include you in the challenge!

  • Happy Saturday Challengers!!

    My plan was to get back to WW this morning and get my starting weight. But, I stepped on the scale this morning and saw that AF brought along a few of her fat friends so I decided next Saturday would be a better day to face the scale!

    I had every intention of sleeping in this morning but my dh had other plans. He gets woken up pretty early in the hospital with his morning meds so then he feels the need to call me every 15 minutes until I get there, and then when I get there he's ready for a nap! Worse than a kid I tell ya! So I got a bunch of housework done this morning instead of sleeping in.

    You know how when you go through a crisis everyone says "let me know what I can do to help" I wish I had the cajones to ask for help cleaning my filthy house LOL! I know everyone would rush right over and help but I'd be too embarrassed, I'd have to clean just to have someone come clean!

    Yep, coffee has kicked in and I'm rambling! I hope everyone has a little sunshine this weekend, we are in the midst of a winter storm high is supposed to be low 30s...whoopie!

    Have a lovely day everyone!
  • Quote: Mom always used Downy, and I always have, too. Have you tried using 1/2 cup of vinegar in your wash?

    Anna...I'm now looking into using a clothes line in my neighborhood. This is a new subdivision and I'm not sure what the HOH will have to say.
    Vinegar is biodegradable, which most fabric softeners are not and must be treated by municipal supply. Also, it can make your towels less absorbant. Vinegar will NOT soften anything, but it will remove any odors or residue. My basic objection to fabric softener is "Why would you have unnecessary chemicals in your house?" The pollute when created and pollute when used, plus they add to the overall chemical footprint of your home.

    I put our clothesline on the screened in porch. It is a loophole that I am using. We have a retractable line, so we pull it out when needed and put it back when we are on the porch for fun.

    Quote: I binged (250-ish calories worth) on peanut M&M's this afternoon at work. I dont' have this stuff in my house. I threw out the last few I had taken out of the bag, so that's good, but had to cut my dinner short in order to stay under my calories...
    Yum. Almond M&Ms are a big downfall for me.

    Quote: Am I the only one w/out a life on a Friday night anymore?!
    I was at the grocery! Not really a "life" as I used to have on Friday nights.

    Quote: I always complain about being so busy and not wanting to exercise but you all manage to fit it all in.
    Don't kid yourself! We don't always fit it all in!

    Quote: BTW - I have the teeniest of squash and eggplants on my plants. I'm so excited! Soon I won't have to pay retail for veggies! I plan to can and freeze enough for fall and winter too, if my plants produce enough.
    So, you got up this morning and thought, "What will make Anna cry with envy?"

    Baba ganoush, baby!
  • Oh but I love the way Snuggle Blue makes my sheets smell and feel!

    Vinegar is one of those wonder products isnt it. I use it to clean out my espresso maker and if you put a little cup of it in the top of your dishwasher when running it, it'll make your glasses shiny and spotfree. Also, if you suffer from heartburn, if you can choke down a tablespoon of it it'll sooth it. Really tough to do though!
  • Quote: You know how when you go through a crisis everyone says "let me know what I can do to help" I wish I had the cajones to ask for help cleaning my filthy house LOL! I know everyone would rush right over and help but I'd be too embarrassed, I'd have to clean just to have someone come clean!
    You absolutely should get the help. This is the perfect time of year because you can say, "I have been hitting it with a lick and a promise for the past few weeks, and I have not even come close to spring cleaning. If you can face that, then I would love to have help getting the house clean."

    With the caveat about spring cleaning, they will not be expecting much. Go for it! You deserve it, and when people offer help, they generally mean it.
  • Melissa--I agree with onthetee. You really have a lot on your plate right now and anyway you can lighten that load you should take advantage of it. I'm one of those that hates to ask for help but then down the road wish I had. I only "know" you through 3FC but I know that people are probably knocking down your door to help because I'm sure you have gone above and beyond for others in the past. You're taking care of others but please take care of you too.
  • I know...its a pride thing. I've got this weird hang up that by asking for help I'm admitting weakness. I think it comes from my upbringing, I was a welfare kid so I'm really hung up on doing for myself. I know you guys are right.

    The other thing is, my dh keeps telling me he doesnt care if the house is spotless, that is just something I've set for a goal before he comes home. He just wants to come home no matter what shape the house is in. And I just feel like dust bunnies are not good for recovery! LOL!
  • Quote: . I wish he would do a better job folding but beggars can't be choosers and and at least I don't have to do it.
    I have a "texture" sensitivity! Weird I know. When I was single my clothes were never folded. Some got hung, but otherwise they sat in baskets. I cannot fold clothes without a huge bottle to lotion next to me, and that's not the best to get on clean clothes. So, DH does all the folding and putting away here also.

    Melissa - I think everyone would understand why/how you got behind of housework, and if they are asking they mean it. I'd jump to get some help. How is DH now?

    It's snowing here right now! 75 degrees last Saturday and 32 today.

    DH is at the gym and I'm supposedly working. But I'm online...
  • Today's grocery totals:

    Albertsons: 14.94
    Food World: 2.82
    Wal-mart: 4.96
    KMart: 7.90 for Rx, got $10 gift card, so = -2.10

    I was just getting enough to see us thru the week until the "big shop", but for 20.10 I can feed us for the rest of the week and then some. I stocked up on B1G1 produce at Albertsons, which I will chop up for veggie soup, and have enough extra to freeze. Also the whole wheat bread, which I usually pass up because it's so expensive was B1G1, and I had a coupon for that brand. I did forget eggs, but I'm not completely out, so I should be fine. So what am I eating this week? Veggie soup, Red Beans n Rice, Deep Dish Pizza Quiche, Egg Salad Sandwiches, Pork Chops, Soup Bean and (no sugar) cornbread, and if there is any pork chops left over, possibly BBQ pork sandwiches. All will be SBD compliant, and since there's just 2 of us, we'll be having plenty of leftovers for lunch. I'll be adding in veggies too, of course.

    Off to chop up my veggies and freeze the extras. Then I'm going to mow the grass, again. The farmers market was a bust this week, so I'll try again next Saturday.
  • Quote: I know...its a pride thing. I've got this weird hang up that by asking for help I'm admitting weakness. I think it comes from my upbringing, I was a welfare kid so I'm really hung up on doing for myself. I know you guys are right.

    The other thing is, my dh keeps telling me he doesnt care if the house is spotless, that is just something I've set for a goal before he comes home. He just wants to come home no matter what shape the house is in. And I just feel like dust bunnies are not good for recovery! LOL!
    People wouldn't offer if they didn't want to help. I for one stress clean. I realize I'm possibly the only one, who knows, but as soon as I get bad news, or DH and I have an arguement, I start cleaning. I used to stress-bake, but now I've learned to clean instead. Anyway, my point is, that if I had a friend who needed help, I would be happy to help them clean their house, run errand, babysit, dog sit, cook, whatever....because it's proactive. I'm not just sitting here thinking, "I wish there was something I could do". Ya know? So let your friends and relative help you. Dust bunnies proabably aren't good for recovery, but neither is a stressed out wife.
  • Quote: Girls, I am so excited...
    I waighed myself today for
    the challange and i'v lost 4 lbs
    scense Wednesday. And i Have no idea how
    i did that. it has to be all the water i'm drinking.
    This ear staple must be working. I know i'm not
    eating as much and im not craving food


    Ok girls keep up the good work...
    I now i'm excited about the challange
    I'm not from here, but I've lived here for 8 years, and yes it is very beautiful here. I imagine this is what Heaven looks like. Except with an ocean closer, hehe.
  • Quote: Oh but I love the way Snuggle Blue makes my sheets smell and feel!
    I LOVE Snuggle too. Nothing makes me feel more comfy than crawling onto freshly washed sheets and snugglin with my honey.
  • i would love to have some pamper me time....but with a 5 y/o who's in prek4 (starting kindergarten in august!!) and a 2 y/o....i stay busy. plus we have a 8month old lab puppy (who's 80 lbs) lol i stay busy with something...but now that hubby's home for now, it's helpful. i can actually go to the store alone occasionally....and someone else can get our daughter up and off to school when he's off that day but when he's deployed (for 15 or 22 months) at a time....its hard having to manage everything all the time. but i love him and i have adapted to the army way of life rather well i guess. i wouldnt trade my family or my hubby's service to this country for anything in the world.
    so i use the treadmill and my hip/thigh machine for fitness and my 'pamper me' time and escape the trouble of life for 20-30 minutes each day while kids are sleeping or ones at school and the other one naps before its time to haul them off with me to the stores and get stuff and return stuff....have to do some of that today...and hubby's gone this weekend camping witht he its kinda quiet around enjoying that...and am reading the ebook susan sent me to help me quit hope it helps me
  • Quote: But, I stepped on the scale this morning and saw that AF brought along a few of her fat friends so I decided next Saturday would be a better day to face the scale!
    I totally agree!!! So I'm gonna send my weigh in for the challenge next saturday morning maybe the numbers and measurements will be a little nicer to me by then
  • I have next to no "me time" either, Mandey! It's the way it is right now and every other BTDT mom reminds me to enjoy these days because before we know it they are over. My exercise time is basically my "me time". So 8-10 hours a week at the gym getting all sweaty and stinky! Not so glam, but it'll do. I've got 2 little girls - 3 and 4 years old. I work 2 days a week outside of the home and I also do bookkeeping from my home.