June Daily Weighing Thread

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  • Quote: Diana - Ugh, I hate unexplained gains! Have you changed your exercise at all? How are you tracking your calories? Sometimes I'll plug a day of food into one of those Fitday, etc free programs to see what it says for sodium, carbs, etc.
    Exercise is the same. I'm posting all my foods/calories here on 3FC's. That's how I'm tracking my calories. I'm not sleeping well. I keep waking up all night. I am hypothyroid and have lost weight since my last appointment. I wonder if my Synthroid is too high and keeping me awake? My next appointment for a thyroid re-check is in a month or so.

    The only other change I have made recently is I have added 400 IU of Vitamin D to my regimen. My multivitamin already contains Vitamin D. Maybe it's too much and giving me energy at night? I took it out of my regimen for this week to see if I feel better without it.

    Has anyone added Vit D to their regimen and it gave you more energy thus possibly making it harder to sleep?
  • 218.0 up 1.2 Grrr
  • Well, Friends...I had a tough weekend where I let myself go off-plan some. Today, the scales are showing no loss for the week. I was really looking forward to changing my ticker.

    Diana - I don't think it's the vitamin D. I take 5000IU's a day, so your amount is not extreme at all. How much vitamin B are you taking? That one could be the culprit. Also, I've heard that you need to watch your timing of vitamins and thyroid medication. But, you probably already know all of that.
  • I expected to be up or the same this morning because yesterday I had several servings of tortilla chips with my yummy homemade salsa. The salsa was definitely good for me and has some super foods. I did also swim for about an hour. I am grateful for the loss.

    6/16 - 238.2
    6/18 - 236.0
    6/19 - 236.4
    6/20 - 236.2
    6/21 - 235.6
  • Wow I am all over the place. Down 1.8 lbs in a day, the very next day up 1 lb! I see why people say not to get to caught up in what the scale says day to day and too look for a trend.
  • Quote:
    Diana - I don't think it's the vitamin D. I take 5000IU's a day, so your amount is not extreme at all. How much vitamin B are you taking? That one could be the culprit. Also, I've heard that you need to watch your timing of vitamins and thyroid medication. But, you probably already know all of that.
    The total vitamin d is 1700 IU's (multi, calcium w/D, and extra D). The extra dose 400 IU is taken in the AM. Maybe it is taking affect at night to keep me awake? Maybe I should take it at night so it will take affect in the AM. My only vitamin B's are in my multi. Here's a breakdown of the B's. The multi I take is whole food, not chemical. I'm thinking the insomnia is from losing weight and the synthroid is too much.

    Thiamin (B-1) 6 mg 400%

    Riboflavin (B-2) 6 mg 353%

    Niacinamide (B-3) 25 mg 125%

    Pyridoxine (B-6) 6 mg 300%

    Folic Acid 400 mcg 100%

    Vitamin B12 100 mcg 1667%

    Biotin 300 mcg 100%

    Pantonthenic Acid (B-5) 30 mg 300%
  • Good morning all...

    I disappeared this weekend. What a great weekend, but absolutely and utterly totally off plan. I feel gross. Went out for dinner Friday night, my girlfriend's baby shower was Saturday afternoon (candy buffet, dessert table), horrible, I had no qualms about it at that point, which is dumb, because I'm not usually a dessert person to begin with. Then hubby and I went out for dinner and drinks with my girlfriend and her hubby (who happens to be my hubby's best friend) - more junk. Sunday I ended up working, so much for my vow not to take work home this weekend. Got so caught up, that I didn't eat and when I did it wasn't exactly healthy. I feel yucky, did I mention that already.

    But it's a new day, a new week and I will get back on plan. And I finally have a ticker! Woohoo...

    201.2 (back in the 200's).
  • Good Morning, everyone!

    I'm trying desperately to get out of my funk today. No loss today and that equals zero net loss in the last week. Boo!

    I tried an experiment these last two weeks. Instead of the 1200 calories I had been eating, I tried 1600-1800. I'd been seeing alot of people talk about metobolisim lately, and the need to bring calories down as you lose. Since I can't imagine going lower than 1200 and still being healthy, I thought I'd bump it up a bit and see what happens. This was a mistake. I guess I'm just not the kind of girl that can be successful with anything over 1300 calories. I'm kind of bummed about that (whiny toddler tantrum, "It's not fair!" is more like it) but I'm choosing not to wallow. I'm back at 1200 today, and I'm going to stay there.
  • I'm up 1.8 to 168.6 today. I know the cause this time, so I'm not too stressed. I know it's sodium. I let hubby choose dinner last night since it was father's day. He chose pizza. I'm ill today though. I don't think I can eat restaurant pizza anymore. Oh well, like I told him, it's not like I miss it when I don't have it. I really don't. So next time he wants pizza he's going to have to have delivery so that I can eat normally.
  • I'm so sorry to hear about the gains and lack of losses.

    As for me- the whoosh fairy visited me last night. Dropped 2.8 lbs since yesterday mornings weigh-in!!!! After the whole month + of not losing at all, this was an amazing surprise! I didn't do anything different. I never once saw 253.x or 252.x on the scale before it dropped down to 251.4 this morning. I hope it's not a fluke and it goes down from here and doesn't bounce around for all eternity. Here's hoping.
  • Quote: As for me- the whoosh fairy visited my last night. Dropped 2.8 lbs since yesterday mornings weigh-in!!!!
    Yay, for you! Great job!
  • Rox - that's awesome! So happy for you!
  • Yay Rox! You deserve that whoosh!
  • SwimGirl: In the past I always swam for pleasure. Wasn't until this month that I started doing laps & using the pool for exercise. I swam laps the night before TOM started...so it didn't stop it at all lol...just helped it come earlier. Which is ok with me...except I wasn't prepared in time for water pills I planned to have on hand...am running to get some tonight because it's driving me nuts & chugging half my weight in oz is barely making a dent which is frustrating me a lot! I dont even have to step on the scale (and havent again since I saw 245) to know...I feel it...I am really retaining worse than usual. I didn't swim last night ...I did Jillians Shred. If it doesnt rain tonight...I'll swim. Only thing I know for sure right now is that Im never eating stupid Corn Nuts ever again!!! lol

    Rox: Great news!! Congrats!!!
  • I am just running out the door and will do some more personals later..

    Diana - It's the sleeping. If I don't sleep enough I gain, your body can't do all it's normal flushing and what-not when you wake up constantly. Once you start sleeping you'll see that loss. I've very confident with this
