The Race to 199! Join Us!

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  • hey elisha

    glad to know were in this together even if we dont post. i am looking forward to getting started on the road to wt loss freedom. i just need to become more postive and go for it. i think this site will help.

    bye for now,
  • Kami - on your loss! And thank you for the encouragement!

    Shan79 & tjmarco- Welcome aboard! This is the best place to be if you need encouragement and support as there is no way you won't get it here! I hope to see you in here often posting your successes and getting re-assured when you feel you migh blow it. Remember, only you can change your life and you owe it to yourself to feel good!

    Pray- It's god to see you around! I hope you and hubby are doing well this week!

    Elisha- It great to see you in here! I haven't seen you in this neck of the woods for a while! You are doing great and I think you will totally make your Labor Day goal! ONEderland get ready, because here comes Miss Elisha!!!
  • Morning Everyone!
    It's so good to be here. I was having a really negative day, letting the other people around me dictate my mood..that's not what I want, I should be incontrol of me.

    So, that's why I came here, to get motivated and take back my control!

    Welcome to the new members and the returning members--it's good to have they say, there is strength in numbers!

    My weigh-in is tonight and after having the last two show a gain, I've worked hard this week (I choose to look at the gains as a warning to get it back under control) and I'm pretty sure I'm going to show a loss.

    OK...I'm already feeling better since I came here. Hope everyone else has a great day!
  • :)
    Hi everyone!!

    Mychoice~ with your weigh in!! I hope you show a loss! It's so easy to gain yet so hard to lose...I hate this battle and hope that each of us get to where we want and need to be soon!! We can do this girls!!

    Does anyone have children here? When I got pregnant I weighted 155 and got up to 200 the day I gave birth and I've went up since. I got on the Depo-Provera shot and I'm sure that helped in my gain and then I quit smoking which didn't help it either. I was DX with PCOS a few years ago as I have that fighting against me. It's hard but I'm determined.

    When is the best time to weigh in? I usually do in the morning b/c it's less then! Also anyone have any good snack ideas, besides fruit (i'm not the best fruit eater) I've been wondering about some kind of popcycle...seems someone told me a certain kind is ok for you???

    Thanks for the Welcome and I hope ya all have a great day! It's rainy and hot I'll be staying in!
  • Hey Jenn. Nice to hear from you too.
    MyChoice it's hard not to let people get to you. We always have a choice as to how to react to others. Good for you that you came here, better than dealing with frustration with food. Good Luck with the weigh in.
    Hello Shan, welcome. I have a grown son who is actually a year older than you are. Girl I would give anything to weigh what I weighed the day I went into labor. I weighed about 110-114 when I got pregnant and 140 the day I had my son, then after I got out of the hospital I weighed about 120-125, which was the highest I had ever weighed(!) and thought I was so fat! Man would I love to be that fat again!!
    Sugar Free/Fat Free Chocolate pudding, with a slice of graham cracker with cool whip is good, any popcycle that is all fruit and either sugar free or no sugar added is good, I think Dole has one. Anyway good Luck
    God Bless everyone. I have a quote I would like to share with you. It is by Dale Carnegie: "Unjust criticism is a disguised compliment. It often means that you have aroused jealousy and envy." Sometimes people say mean things to us because we at least taking steps to lose weight and get healthy and they are not and they are jealous.
  • hi, everybody!

    okay... i'm new to these forums. and figured this was as good a place to start as any. i'm currently weighing in at 211... but i started at 222. which is, by the way, my highest weight. i'm 24 years old, 5'4", and after seeing that depressing figure on the doctor's scales, i decided i wanted to get back to my high school weight of 135. ^.^

    or at least close to it... so uhm, anyway... here i am ^.^ i'm not really sure what else to post here. ^.^;
  • Doing a Happy Dance

    The scales went down 2 lbs at my weigh-in last night! I worked so hard to get those 2 lbs back off!

    It was all worth it when I stepped on those scales.

    Now, I'm ready to do it again this week!

    I'm 9 lbs away from a 50 lbs loss. I want to reach that by Sept 8. That's when I go for my year checkup from having my hyst., and I want to be at a 50 lb loss.

    I know I can reach it.

    Thank you so much everyone for your support. I can testify that when I "work the system", that the support is there and it can help to keep one motivated.

    Welcome Batinabox: It's nice to have you and I'm sure you will find this board to be a wonderful support system. Just read the posts, ask questions, share what you are feeling: It works!

    I must get busy at work ladies; I'll check in later.

  • Morning ladies!!!

    Wooohooo Susie!! Way to go!! I knew it wouldn't be longer before you sent those extra pounds packing!! Keep up the great work!

    Welcome BatinaBox! We are all here for you!
  • MyChoice: thanks for the welcome, and congrats on the loss... you'll reach your goal by september 8, i'm sure!

    i have to say, i'm really glad i stumbled on this site... the people here are so friendly!

    i do have a question... because i had back surgery a few years ago, and gained quite a bit of my weight in a very short period of time, i'm having all sorts of issues with trying to exercise. i'm on my feet a lot, at work, and i've developed heel spurs, so by the time i come home, i can't be on my feet too much... on top of that, my knees have been aching severely, and if i do a lot of treadmill walking... my hip starts to hurt, to the point that i can't stand up straight (remnants of a pinched nerve i had, a few months ago...)

    (those are ALL reasons why i decided to lose weight... that, and i don't like the way i look in photos... )

    so my question is... aside from swimming laps, is there any sort of low impact exercise that i can look into? i'm living in a small (VERY small) apartment, so there's not too many tapes i can follow... (trust me, i've tried... i usually end up kicking furniture, and tripping over the cats )

    i'm getting really bored with swimming... i've decided to get some of those little diving sticks, just to give me something different to do, but still... any suggestions are welcome.
  • Congrats on the 2lb loss!!! Your def. going to make your 50lb mark!! You can do it!!!

    I think I have a corn or callus on my foot from walking on the treadmill ... it hurts....anyone gotten one of these?! I don't know what a corn looks like so I don't know what it is for sure. It makes it hard to get up and walk though!

    Well I have a family picnic this Sunday and these are the hard times...trying not to over-stuff and staying away from all the desert...ugh! I hope I have will power come Sunday! LOL

    Everyone have a great weekend!!
  • Hello Susie. Congratulations on your weight loss! Good for you!!
    Welcome batinabox. What about bike riding. I tried some tapes from a woman called Theresa Tapp, or something like that. It may be able to help you with your injuries.
    Shan, why not take a bite or two of a variety of foods including the dessert. Just small portions though, and that way you can enjoy the food and not have too many calories. Good Luck.
    Have a blessed weekend. God Bless.
  • praytherosary - i've tried using stationary bikes, and they're not too bad. if i overdo it, my hip lets me know... but i guess i kinda forgot about that, for exercise. thanks for the reminder! and thanks for the suggestion... i'll have to look for theresa tapp's dvds (they're kinda out of my price range, on her website)... looks interesting, though. thanks so much!!
  • batinabox. What about water aerobics? The water helps support joints. Maybe light weigh lifting may help also. Anyway have a blessed weekend. God Bless.
  • Hi All: I've been going to WW for 3 months now and have lost a grand total of 13 pounds. The odds are stacked against me and I'm sure lots can relate to; low thyroid, overweight family, quit smoking, husband who only goes to buffet restaurants to be sure we're getting our money's worth! I was at 220, the highest I've been. I quit smoking for my 40th birthday last year but now I'm worried about the ill effects of weight! I am 207 now and it's been coming off a quarter pound here, eighth of a pound there, a tenth of a pound here, etc.! I love this thread and I'm going to join the fight with you if that's okay! The fight to see 199! - Queenie (P.S. I have two kids, two step-kids, 3 chihuahuas and 1 husband.)
  • Queenie: Welcome to the board. This is a wonderful board with a lot of support.

    I too lose weight slowly, but that's ok, it's still coming off, and that's the direction that we want to go in. Also, I think that the slower a person loses the weight is a good thing because it allowes for our skin to catch up with it, and hopefully there won't be so much excess skin to deal with when we reach our goal.

    I just wanted to check the board this morning and see how everyone is doing.

    I slept in this morning instead of going to church, but I guess missing one Sunday won't do me in! I really do hate to miss, but this morning I was so tired and had a headache and I just couldn't talk myself into getting up. I even missed my walk and I love to take my walk on Sunday morning before church.

    Tonight hubby, myself, my brother and a friend are going to see Sting and Annie Lennox in concert. I'm really excited about it. We are going out to Ruby Tuesday's before to have dinner. I'm going to see if I can find a online menu for the resturant and make my choice before I get there and get tempted by the smells and the menu choices of everyone else.

    Have a great day everyone!
