Daily check in: Were you under your calories today?

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  • I ended yesterday at 1564, not under 1500 but still under my goal so I'll take it.
    I'll end today at 1568 IF I eat my snack of two hardboiled eggs, not sure if I need them yet. If I don't I'll be at 1413 which is insanely low for me. Though as I type this I think I'm going to have them.
  • Quote: Munchy..idk why those fish tacos sounds so yummy right now I love fish but never had any fish tacos. My go to favorite is turkey tacos..talk abt yum. But I would be interested in trying fish tacos..can u post the recipe? Please and thank you.
    Of course - you will not be disappointed!
    To make the tartar sauce, mix two tablespoons of light mayo, a squeeze of lemon juice, some cracked black pepper, and either relish or chopped pickles. I've been using the spicy pickles for this.

    Then, pan sear 3-4 oz of any white fish (I always have frozen tilapia filets on hand). You can use cajun seasoning, adobo, salt and pepper or whatever you'd like on the fish. One at a time in a dry pan, heat each side of two corn tortillas until pliable.

    Top each warm tortilla with 1/2 of your tartar sauce, then top with shredded cabbage, any lettuce, or spinach. Optional toppings include cilantro and pickled jalapeno, which make the tacos for me. Then top with fish, roll and devour
  • I'm back in the calorie counting game, using the App Calorie Count which is helpful.

    On Monday I was under my calories no problem, but didn't go to the gym.
    Yesterday I was WAY over because I went out to eat, couldn't quantify my kebabs and couscous and dates and dessert (EEEK) that I stupidly ate and of course didn't go to the gym.

    Today is a new day. Definitely staying within my calories today after feeling so sad yesterday about over eating and determined to go to the gym. I'm pretty close to getting out of the 190s. I have to do this for myself!
  • Skinnyki--you know...you also have cockroaches in your building...and they're crawling ALL OVER those chocolates and sweets. jus' sayin'

    Welcome Fashinjunkie! I know a few kids named 'Keegan'. cool name.

    "1413 is insanely low for me" Goodness! You and my skinny-butt husband! He eats that many calories for his midnight snack. Rock it, girl!

    915 calories yesterday. 7 day average 1392. 17 day average 1297. (trying to get down to 1200) Down 1.5# this morning!
  • Munchy, those fish tacos sound so good I am going to make some for dinner tomorrow night! But I'll probably skip the tartar sauce because I don't like pickles very much (although those spicy ones sound pretty good). Thanks for the idea!

    SeeMyFeet, thanks hun! And yay for your 1.5 lb loss! I'm still trying to get back to what my ticker says after falling off the wagon from Halloween to now. :/

    It's my best friends birthday tonight so I'm going to eat dinner and a small piece of cake. I'm going to try to pass on the wine and stick to water. I am over my calories, but still under maintenance so I should be ok.

    B- coffee w/ 2T pumpkin spice creamer, egg McMuffin w/ salsa, 4oz Dr Pepper (450)
    L- 1oz tortilla chips, 6T homemade guacamole, H2O (350)
    S- 100 cal pack chocolate covered pretzels, 1T peanut butter, 1.5 cups popcorn, H2O (240)
    D- 1 cup homemade lasagna, 1 garlic breadstick, 1/2 small salad with Italian dressing, 1/3 cup green bean casserole, very small piece of chocolate cake, H2O (710)
    = 1,750 calories
  • Quote: Munchy, those fish tacos sound so good I am going to make some for dinner tomorrow night! But I'll probably skip the tartar sauce because I don't like pickles very much (although those spicy ones sound pretty good). Thanks for the idea!
    If you don't like tartar sauce, I'd still suggest using the mayo/lemon juice mix and spreading it on each tortilla. You definitely need a sauce. If you're not crazy about mayo, you can use a seasoned sour cream instead. Just think flavorful creamy sauce and you'll be able to come up with something. The lemon is a great accent for fish (of course)

    I hope you like them!
  • Thanks Munchy sounds delicious!

    Seemyfeet yuck! I hope we dont have cockroaches eww...that just makes me crinch I havent seen any in the year and a half I been here but that dont mean we dont have them. Eww!!!!!!! That will definitely help me stay out of the food..thanks

    High on the calorie count today ive been munching on little things all day. Smh Will still be with in calories but on the higher side.

    Welcome fashinjunkie and steinanwine!!
  • Munchy, I think I am going to make some type of spicy sour cream sauce. I got limes and some chipotle peppers in adobo at the store so I'm going to use a little of those along with some slaw to go on top. Now I'm excited about dinner tomorrow night!

    skinnyki, thanks girl!
  • Finally I had a good day! Stayed within my 1400 calorie allotment and went to the gym! Feeling great. Hope I see the scale go down over the next few days!
  • SeeMyFeet: yay on the loss! The mention of cockroaches was perfect for me because we do see them at my school. So you just talked me out of desiring anything in the teachers lounge!

    Tonight I was baking cookies, brownies, white chocolate covered popcorn. These were being made for my DH to give to his clients and making some things for when my DD flies home from college on Friday. So.... Since I had a bigger lunch with dessert, I skipped dinner and sampled all that I made. Now most years I would double or triple every recipe and probably eat ten or more cookies, brownies, etc. In one night. But I just made the recipe as is (a first for me!). And there is plenty to give out and save some for DD. I don't feel that great with all that sugar I ate, but I tried to estimate my calories and I think I'm around 1600. I cleaned first and was on feet the whole afternoon and night and have 18,000 steps. Still going to get up at 4:30 to exercise, because I'm not teaching tomorrow, just proctoring exams, (aka watching paint dry).

    Keep up the great job everyone. One day at a time!
  • Hey all stepped on the scale this am and I lost another 1lb im like wtf and I have been eating higher calories. I am excited. Ill take it I must of stepped on that scale abt 10 x and it was the same. I dont understand I guess I have hit my groove on the calorie thing. When I first started counting calories I was scared to eat the number of calories that was allotted for me bc they were so high but what I am learning by default is that your body NEEDS the alloted calories and in order to lose you must have energy...calories. I go for a checkup tomorrow so I am hoping the doctor's scale dont scare me too much. I weigh naked so I know it will be a huge difference but I am mentally preparing myself for that. Hope everyone have a great day.
  • Yay! steinanwine on the being good and feeling good!

    CalCounter: I often work past midnight in a bldg built in the 1960s. I KNOWS we got bugs. Big ones, little ones...they have more courage at night.

    skinnyki, you lucky dog, you keep it up.

    860 Grumpy Calories yesterday. After 4 days in a row of fewer than 1000cals, i was red knuckling it last night. (White knuckling is when you're grabbing onto the steering wheel for dear life whilst driving through a snowstorm. Red knuckling is when you're so hungry you bite your knuckles to get to sleep or keep from snapping at folks. haha).....I tell ya....watching my skinny-butt husband chow down at midnight....poor guy....never knew how close to the abyss he was....

    Average of 1274 calories for the past 18 days. 1340 over the past week. And down 1 pound today!

    I've got that losing feeling.....whoa that losing feeling....
  • My head is pounding. We had a work function today for the central office (we potlucked) for about ten of us. I felt so bad because I had a few gluten free dishes that were made for me, so in lieu of my breakfast or lunch, I decided to see what was in there. I made it until about 2:30pm and had to estimate calories:

    1-2oz bbq brisket (100), 1/3 flourless peanut butter chocolate chip muffin (94), 1 bacon wrapped date (44) = 238

    I didn't intend to eat my snack of baby carrots and cherry tomatoes, but I just finished them. I am so exhausted. I couldn't eat such small amounts of dense food on a regular basis - I need volume! My head hurts and I'm tired.

    I'm definitely having some kind of soup for dinner. They packed up the rest of this stuff for tomorrow. I'm passing. It was "fun."
  • I volunteered all afternoon at my son's school so by the time I was done I was starving. Didn't make the healthiest choice with the pizza but it was convenient and I'm still under calories. ETA- ugh I should have only had one cookie but they were so good... Oh well back on track tomorrow.

    B- coffee w/ 2T pumpkin spice creamer, 1 package of plain oatmeal w/ 1t sugar, a sprinkle of cinnamon and 1T peanut butter, 1 medium banana, H2O (390)
    L- personal pan cheese pizza, 1/2T ranch dressing, 6oz Pepsi (710)
    D- 2 homemade tilapia tacos w/ spicy sour cream sauce and slaw, H2O (350)
    S- 2 small homemade chocolate kiss peanut butter cookies, H2O (200)
    = 1,650 calories
  • Seemyfeet..you are hilarious so glad u joined us. You are so much fun. Congrats on the lb weight loss.
    Munchy...I understand there is pitch in every where at my job. Im so over it and everyone just says go ahead enjoy its th holidays..so what ! Its not worth it to me.
    Fashinjunkie..how were the fish tacos? Sounds delicious!

    As for me I AM OVER THE HOLIDAY EATATHON! Geez! Im already at my cal intake bc of those damn treats and I havent had dinner I guess I have red-knucle it like seemyfeet tonight and I honestly dont care im down 23lbs gosh darnit! And I want to keep up my momentum..mind over matter ..I can and will do this! lbvs