Weight Loss Buddies

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  • neesy-hope you had fun at the amusement park. Sounds like fun.

    Lindy-I will be here until the end, when we are a maintainers group. That will be so exciting and gives us(the ones that stick around)something to look forward to. Your binge day should help kick your metabolism into gear. I am gonna binge tomorrow. Just dont want to go overboard, but we will be out of town and eating out. Yikes. I will have to control HUNGER!!!

    I went for a walk with my neighbor. My dog is wanting to chase cars now, I try to correct him. I dont live on the main road, we live down a dead end so he can run free here, but she is going to be keeping them while we are gone and they live on the main road. I just hope she keeps him on a leash at all times outside. Well, I'm going nowhere with this story just checking in before bed. I should be able to check in at the motel. night girls
  • Hi there,

    I need to be better in checking in too. I've been grouchy. TOM was horrible this month and I've been doing bad which makes me ashamed to check in. But I like how you are all so accountable. It seems real when you read it, and realize you are not alone. I just loath my lack of self control sometimes and been feeling very bad about myself.

    I've been hit with the flu My roommate was sick all week and I finally succumbed into it this weekend. I'm weak, tired, irritable and generally crappy. However, I did not cheat today. A few times I told myself - ummm well I'm sick so what does it matter? Anyway I didn't. I never ate as much as I should have - but I had no appetite either - I had Special K, tomato sandwich with cottage cheese, chicken and rice and my usual fat free jello.

    Lindy - congrats on the weight loss and compliments, that helps keep you going doesn't it!!

    I like this group and it's important so I will keep checking in regardless of how I am doing. I feel better already
  • Its Monday morning, 915 a.m. and I am ready for the day to be over so I can go and try Jillians 30 DS. Lol.

    Ok - TMI alert - TMI alert, I warned you!!!

    I was having some "bathroom issues" or lack there of should I say. So, I decided to take a lacative, HA! I took it last night around 7 p.m., Im not one to usually take these so I wasnt sure what my body was going to do. Well, all night...nothing...I wake up...nothing, I go to the gym....nothing. Hmmm...maybe my body just isnt having it. LMAO - WRONG, I go on my 2 mile walk, in the middle of no where and what happens?! Im sure you know! Honest to god, I could not get home quick enough and the fast I went, the worst it got, I barely made it to the front door and I was about to die! So embarassing, but somewhat amusing. I told my mom this story and she was laughing with tears. Probably because shes my mom and she could envision my personality and faces in reaction to something like this happening to me, you guys probably just think Im weird as ****. LOL.

    Oh well. Anyway, today is my brothers birthday so my mom made him his favorite desert, its called black bottom cake, its chocolate cake with a cream cheese and chocolate chip "top". I had a small piece with milk for breakfast. It was yummy, so Im going to budget 500 calories for my very small piece and cup of milk. Im not worried about it anyway because I burned 200 calories at the gym this morning anyway. I plan on having an apple mid-morning and maybe some tuna for lunch. IDK. Ill check in later.
  • Oh - Stacie - I hope you feel better soon. First TOM, now the flu! Man oh man are you down on your luck!

    Get well! I am also glad to hear your jumping on board. We CAN do this.
  • Lindy-That was hilarious! Glad you made it home=) haha

    I had fun yesterday at the amusement park. I wore some jeans that use to be tight. But I ended up pulling them up every five seconds because they were so loose. We didn't eat anything at the park, but we did splurge afterward and got a chicken sandwich at Red Robin. Not the best on calories but I was starving and a long way from home. Anyway, I'm so tired today. I'll be good the rest of the week and weigh myself on friday. I weighed myself the other day and was 205. But who knows if that was real or not. I'll just wait until friday. I'm not going to get down on myself. 35lbs is still good. I'm in this for the long haul though. Don't worry. I gave all my fat clothes to goodwill the other day. That way I can't work my way back up into the fat clothes. I'm not going to buy any more clothes until absolutely necessary (and they will be smaller, not bigger). I will not let myself grow out of the ones I have now. Forget that! I will never be that big ever again. I just won't let myself.

    The plan today: gym, grocery store, dog park, laundry, clean

    Oh by the way Lindy- I liked seeing how you work out every day. I like the variety. I try and do 45 minutes of cardio every day and I began getting burned out. I think I will try alternating the length so I'm not doing the same amount each day.
  • Well I am hoping that I slept the sickness away - I think I feel a bit better - it's hard to tell...I'm going to try and go to the gym for some light stretching and cardio. I have been holed up at home for way too long and today is a holiday in Canada.

    Lindy - I have been there with the number 2 issue. I have to take daily fiber supplements and also Senna sometimes for my digestive stuff to work properly! I was walking along the seawall, 40 min from anywhere to go to the bathroom. I seriously thought I was going to die...however from walking so fast with my butt cheeks clenched, I am convinced that I toned them up a bit...ha ha. Again TMI - lol.

    Neesy - giving your fat clothes away is a great idea. I can't wait to expunge some of mine. No sense keeping them around - it's not like it's a memento of good times (only of success). I'd rather make myself my own trophy with pieces of my fat clothes on it - ummm that's not a bad idea.

    I had a great breakfast this morning, Special K and a banana. Last night I was watching a some movies in bed and had the worst cravings for snack food. It's habit - watch a movie, have a snack. I overcame it by chewing gum and drinking lots of water.

    My number one issue is work...it's so time consuming and laps up so much of my energy that is when I binge. I know this...so how do I stop it. Well I am going to stop being so hard on myself when I do make a bad choice - I can't be perfect all the time. Being accountable on here will definitely help. I am going to try and release my negative energy into the gym. I am going to start taking my gym stuff with me to work and do that instead of eat bad food. I am also going to stop taking cash with me to work, so I can't stop anywhere on the way home. I know that sounds extreme, but I am hoping that once I get rid of some bad habits, I can slowly start to live normally again! I have no reason to take money with me, I take transit to work and I buy all my food on Sunday. So by not having it with me, I can't eat out, I can't stop and buy bad food or do other things like shop

    This week is crazy for me once again, so hopefully be adding these two things into my life it will get better!!! I am convinced if I can break the habit and create new ones that it will help me with just more than my weightloss. I have only about 10 months until the big event, one for which I need to be in tip top shape - emotionally and physically to survive a month of working 18 hours a day with no days off.

    Sorry for the long one....it's hard for me to write at work because I am interuppted 20 times a day and my boss sits right next to me. Everyone is always so curious about what I'm up to! I have to find a way to sneak away

    Hope you all have a great day- thanks for letting me rant! Where is everyone else?
  • Neesy - I am totally with you on getting rid of my fat clothes. Consider your visit to redrobin a treat, I mean you did walk around a theme park all day so I'm sure you burned quite a few calories.

    Stacie - I am so excited to read that your "in the zone" and that your asking where everyone is. Haha, this sounds oddly familiar. Anyway, your likewise story was so funny. It cracked me up, so you mean to tell me I have butts of steel from my incident this morning, lol. Woo-hoo, ill take it.

    So today is the crappiest day ever.in Florida. It has been pouring All Day. I mean, we needed the rain bad but according to the weather forecast, this is going to be like this the whole week. Anywho, update on my food:

    Banana - 90 calories
    Apple - 80 calories
    Turkey sandwhich on rye with slices of cheese - 300 calories
    Pack of granola mix - 200 calories
  • Neesy - I am totally with you on getting rid of my fat clothes. Consider your visit to redrobin a treat, I mean you did walk around a theme park all day so I'm sure you burned quite a few calories.

    Stacie - I am so excited to read that your "in the zone" and that your asking where everyone is. Haha, this sounds oddly familiar. Anyway, your likewise story was so funny. It cracked me up, so you mean to tell me I have butts of steel from my incident this morning, lol. Woo-hoo, ill take it.

    So today is the crappiest day ever.in Florida. It has been pouring All Day. I mean, we needed the rain bad but according to the weather forecast, this is going to be like this the whole week. Anywho, update on my food:

    Banana - 90 calories
    Apple - 80 calories
    Turkey sandwhich on rye with slices of cheese - 300 calories
    Pack of granola mix - 200 calories
  • Staccie-sorry TOM has been so bad this month and that the flu had to come at the same time. But it sounds like you are getting on the right path by making some changes in your life.

    Lindy-I think with dieting we have probably all been in your situation with the bathroom issues, but your story was hilarious. Umm, cake sounds yummy.

    Neesy-I cant wait til my jeans are falling off. I told my husband the same thing, I wont buy any more clothes until absolutely necessary. Some of my clothes have been super tight are fitting now, like the shirt I'm wearing today.

    So today is my binge day and we went to Wendys and I got the spicy chicken sandwich, fries and a sweet tea. Gonna have to work my butt of in the gym tonight. Planning on having chinese for dinner, but its only one day so I am not gonna stress over it. Think we're gonna go swimming now. I'll check in later.
  • Burgundy - good for you on going to the gym while your out of town. I looked up my gym location for my trip to Connecticut and the closest one is 45 minutes away from where I will be staying, but there is a high school across the street from my Grandparents house (which is where Im staying), so Ill do several laps a day there, I will also bring Jillian Michaels 30 DS with me. SPEAKING OF WHICH - OH MY GOD!!! I did the 30 DS for the first time and have NEVER panted and sweated that much in my life, it is insane! And thats only the 1st level. I just finished 10 minutes ago and Im kinda shaky from working out so hard. Crazy. I LOVE IT!!! Haha.

    Im finishing my day up with a chicken kabob and thats it. Today was a good calorie day.

    Have a good night girls!
  • Lindy-LOL at the 30ds, I know what you are talking about. I sweat my *** off and pant a lot. Definitely have to shower after that. I havent done the 30ds in 3 days. I will do it tomorrow, since my back is feeling better.

    Ok so I has wendys for lunch and I did have chinese for dinner, but I didnt eat it all. So I hope I havent done too bad today. Getting ready to go workout and I might jump in the pool again. After my workout, I might sit in the sauna(lindy didnt you say it was really relaxing).
  • Alright guys...I am completely lame and cannot stay away. I had a awful, lazy, full (like stomach full) weekend. I apparently cannot find a happy medium between being obsessed and just full out binging. So, here I am back again. If this makes me obsessed, so be it. I just gotta control my obsession between 8-5 and all will be good. I didn't go to the gym for 4 days and felt like complete crap for it. I finally made it back tonight because gossip girl season finale was on and I wanted to watch it (Don't make fun of me for my guilty pleasures!). So it's my bedtime, but I am back. Sorry for the false alarm.
  • TIFF-glad you are back, you just couldnt stand to be away from all of us wonderful ladies, lol. Just try to control yourself during work, we will be here after 5 for you.

    Ok, I think this is my last post for the night, but who knows.
  • Nicole - It's funny you ask about if 30DS works. I was just listening to one of Jillian's podcasts and she commented on that very question. She said that, yes, it can work. But the old adage still applies, burn more than you take in and eat a nutritious diet. She also said the reason she has 3 intense workouts is because your body will adapt after 10 days. So do the 1st for 10, 2nd for 10, 3rd for 10 to keep your metabolism going.

    Neesy - great job on not eating at KI.. I know those funnel cakes are sooo hard to resist. It feels so good when your pants start to fall off, but irritating at the same time...haha!

    Staccie - good idea on leaving your money at home. Sometimes you have to do extreme things to make yourself break old habits.

    Tiff - gossip girl...I'm with you on that one. LOL! Welcome back.

    Since last week, when I found out I would be making less money at work, I have been very upset, stressed and out of touch with everything. I have been busy helping my mom get around at home and have been there every day to help with chores to make things a little easier for her. She has a personality that will drain the life out of you and it's been tough. I ate like crap in the evenings for 4 days in a row, smoked for 2 days and basically 'cried in my beer' if you will. Things have been tough for this only child who has to take care of 2 houses, 2 sets of bills, 2 sets of meds, etc. and it upsets me that others are (what appears to me as) angry that I am not on here every day reporting all I've done. I've went for a week or more without being on here, but I always come back. The encouragement from everyone is outstanding and in one day more than I get in a week from those in my daily life. I have enough stress without being told how many times I have to be in this forum on any given day. I am dedicated and I will stumble, but the people in here encourage me to get back up and go at it again. I would have quit a LONG time ago if it wasn't for this forum, and I should not be made to feel bad because I have lapses in between my writings.

    I apologize to those that this is not about. I have to go, I'm late for work now.
  • Burgundy - awesome on the food control even on your cheat day, it truely reflects your "lifestyle change" opposed to just "dieting". Kudos girly, Im super proud of you.

    Tiff - WELCOME BACK!!! Oh, I am SO...SO...SO happy to hear that you are back with us. I know its hard when your obsessive, trust me, I can completely relate but the end result is going to pay dividends in so many ways. If you can log on only once a day, heck, even every other day, thats better than nothing. We are here for you and KNOW that - YOU CAN DO IT!!!

    Takeadeepbreath - it is known well and true that you are facing some major obstacles in your life and my heart goes out to you, I know I certainly couldnt handle it and I have said time and time again that the fact that you are trying to lose weight, maintain you and your moms lifestyle and stop smoking was super impressive. It is very obvious that you took my post personal and I apologize that it came off that way. It was not directly pointed at you and to be honest, if someone needs to step away from the forum to handle personal matters, who am I, a personal stranger to fault you or anyone else for that matter. You were not part of our original forum that started back in December, so you do not understand where that post is coming from. This had happened before where our whole forum pretty much broke apart and yes, we re-built it with some great, dedicated new members but my post was aimed at keeping people dedicated and on track. It is obvious that it worked because I have received several personal messages (Im not going to name names) stating that they needed that accountablity and kick in the but and thanked me. So, my point being is. Speaking for myself - had no intention of making anyone feel bad or guilty or anything to that nature. I have been nothing short of supportive and an open listener to all of you and that post was not aimed directly at you and Im sorry you took it that way (cause thats the way I am interpreting it). I genuinely care for you girls (especially you - my heart goes out to you, you are dealing with so much right now) and want to stay friends and get through our challenges TOGETHER. Maybe not everyone see's this forum as "real friends", but I do and I am here for all of you. Sorry for the long post and Im even more sorry that my original post came off as hurtful.

    That being said, Im not going to touch on that subject anymore.

    Ok, so heres the deal with me today. The Jillian Michaels DVD was killer (as stated yesterday) and my legs are feeling it today. It was POURING this morning when I woke up to go to the gym, so I reset my alarm to sleep in till 7 a.m. this morning, that was SO nice, an extra 2 hours of sleep. Its going to be another crappy, rainy day here in Florida, so I am not going to make any attempts to go out of my way to drive anywhere else but home today, so I am skipping the gym all together. But, I will do the Jillian DVD tonight. Heres an update on my food. Today is a 1400 calorie day so its gonna be a little tough:

    Rye toast - 120 calories
    Coffee - 50 calories
    Yogurt (fat free) - 90 calories

    Ill check in later. I hope everyone has a great (and successful day)!