Exercise Challenge October

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  • Gosh. I just had a GREAT workout! I was planning on just walking on the treadmill as my head is still full of cold (and I'm still a little "chesty"), but I ran for 16 minutes straight! My longest yet!!
  • Hey! Where are all the exercising people!?

    Had another good workout today. Ran 16 minutes straight again. Plus some weights.
  • Excellent workout yesterday!
    35 minutes on the treadmill including a 17 minute run.
    15 minutes on the bike. And a weight workout.
  • hi ellis~~ so glad to see you are moving about!! keep it up. are all the rest off on an exotic vacation we weren't invited on?? LOL

    i got up early the past 2 days and did my strength training for 10 mins, also walking 10000 + steps a day. thats about all i'm commiting to this week, next week i'll add a little more.

    hope all you missing exercisers are off on a warm sandy beach somewhere (send us a postcard)
  • hi everybody!

    havenŽt posted for a while because university started again and i was quite busy..but i managed it to do my workout

    iŽll get back on track with posting and stuff soon- and i am sorry for my typing, but my cat is blocking half of my arm and keyboard

  • sorry I haven't been posting again but I've been super busy...I haven't worked out now in over a week...I really need to get back on track..

    ellis- great job..keep up the great work

    Kate-awesome getting in your exercise when your busy cause I can't manage it at all

    Jodi-yeah at least your doing something this week anything is better than nothing

    Keep up the moving ladies..I hope to be joining you all soon if I can just get my butt in gear..
  • Hi, ladies!

    Jodi, good going, girl!! You're smart to get up to early to exercise... you must feel good all day having DONE it!

    Kate, we've missed you! I hope you have a great school year. And an EXCELLENT food and exercise year!

    Donna, come on, hon... you know how good you feel when you exercise. Remember that's it's a gift to your body, and you're entitled to lots of gifts.

    I just had a goodish workout. I was feeling TERRIBLY draggy when I got on the treadmill, and thought, "If I can run for 1 minute today, it'll be a freakin' miracle."
    Well... I ran for 18 minutes!! My longest yet! I figured as I felt so lousy, I might as well feel lousy for a few minutes longer.
    And I did a couple of little arm weight thingys.
  • Thursday workout: done

    ellis: Thanks! And congratulations to your 18 Minutes run!
  • ok, Friday workout: done
  • Yay, Kate!!

    I had another good workout on Friday. 30 minutes on treadmill including ANOTHER 18 minute run!
    And a little arm workout.
  • Ellis, you are doing great!!

    Unfortunately I am not able to exercise at the moment- I am a bit ill. But hopefully I will be back on plan with a bit of cycling the day after tomorrow.
