*Christian Encouragers #185*

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  • Good Morning EVERYONE!
    Just a quick post...

    I did send a PM to MARY about Images... hopefully she'll be able to figure it all out

    Joe & I walked in the park this morning and got in 3.25miles. And saw allot of geese with their young trailing behind them - so cute... well... till they grow up and poop all over the place

    We are having a cup of coffee to take the chill out of our bones and then heading to the garden ctr... need a few more things yet. It's only 55* here this morning and very overcast (burrr) - sure do hope the sun pops out soon. Although, it is perfect for working out in the yard... it's not raining, just overcast.

    I have walked 47.25 miles for the month of MAY so far
    Goal is to walk 50 for the month - think I am gonna make it

    Good to see everyone!
    I hope to post individually later... gotta run now.

  • Have Blessed Days This Weekend:angel:
    I'm so sorry you are feeling blue. I don't like to hear that anyone cries themselves to sleep. The Lord sees our tears and weeps with us. He is soooo good.

    I read your bio and I have a friend here in MI that is into spinning and herbs (probably since she is totally organic). She teaches a healthy eating class at my house once a month. I cannot do all organic; too expensive. Although SB is pricey to start. Whew!

    This weekend...do a holiday number on yourself...a facial of some sort, Bryan Duncan tunes (My Utmost for His Highest), walk in whatever sun we can muster up and know that my thought will be with you. Hey...a bike ride is great. I went last year (when my hubby and I were separated) and I ended up riding 22 miles. Yes, I suffered for a couple days but I did it for me and while I was soooooo tired riding and very emotional, I stopped at the river and had a chat with my Father. I told him what I was deciding and if He wanted to change my heart; He'd have to do it because I couldn't go back home. Well, I'm home anyway.

    Hey, if you want to PM me, do so. I will be home working on my Gary's business books ALLLLLL weekend. Have a blessed weekend. A hug to you!

    mkay (mary)
  • Hello Praying for the Group. Soooo glad to have new people join A big welcome Mkay! Last night was my kids end of the year play and it was so cute! It was about a team who was losing and they were really down and out and then they looked through sports cards and told stories of others who had the odds against them but over came them! A real home hitter! My DD was the main person and if I do say so she was Great! They also had an art fair and all 3 of my kids won ribbons! (I am not proud or anything!) We still have 8th grade grad and the testing for the bible 101 (comformation) I joined as an adult and let me tell you I am glad I didn't have to be put through all that. I got some GREAT news yesterday. My DD that really struggles in school (the one I had all the testing done on and then decided to hold her back she is in 3rd grade) got her state testing done and she was the hightest in her grade and the 2nd highest between 3rd and 4th. I really prayed about holding her back but she struggled so hard I couldn't see making her go on when she really didn't know what she was doing. Last year she tested very low. So I am so happy!!!

    I am sorry I have to run my oldest DD just came to visit.
    hope to post more later.
  • Hi everyone...
    Woke up at 4 am & can't go back to sleep. Guess I've slept enough after two days. I did fairly well. It was unhandy for anyone to drive me, this time, so I sneaked away on my own. Got scolded later. I only took a little of my meds that make me sleepy, though & told my nurse. She said if they had to give me more, they'd call DH to come get me....it's about a 45 minute drive. She said if I did ok, then I could take the rest of it when I got home. I got pretty sleepy going home, & it's around a 45 minute drive, so I stopped & got a milk shake to help keep me awake. BIG MISTAKE! Didn't go well with meds...got terribly sick at my stomach. Went straight to bed when I got home. DH & DS were working on the house & didn't know I was home. About an hour later, DH got worried & called my cell phone. I told him I was in the next room. On the good side...I lost 3 lbs! I had gained 5 lbs since Christmas, & was worried that my weight was going to creep back up.

    Granddaughters 13, & 15 came back from cheerleader camp yesterday to bad news. Their girlfriend had died from Leukemia. They knew she had it, but didn't know she was that close to death. Pray that I'll be able to help them in some way.

    To all the new people here. I enjoyed reading your posts. This is a great place to be....hope you'll stay.

    Ok...got a question...anything I can do to stop DS's puppy from destroying my yard & front door? He's a lab retriever puppy. Drags everying up in the yard...makes a huge mess....especially at the front door. Also, loves to bite at our feet. (can't even walk for him!) With RA, I can't stand this. If DS would let me, I'd get rid of him...but, he's great with the girls. Please, someone tell me that he'll....at least...outgrow some of this! Yes, Gary, I know he's a retriever...but, geez!

    I've been reading the posts & enjoying. Praying for all requests. Have a great Memorial Day.
  • Saturday morning

    Good Morning CEers!!!!

    I'm waking up with my coffee and trying to be quiet so everyone else can sleep in. I have a few patients to see today. But hopefully will have some down time too.

    Hey, that's fantastic about your daughter's testing results!!! Doesn't it make you feel good all over! Those plays are always great to watch. I kinda wish I could go back and do them again myself. I know, I know, I'm crazy So glad to hear from you, please check in when you can. How are you feeling my dear friend? And how is work going?

    Glad to see you staying around here with this great bunch of folks. The Lord does work many miracles in our lives. I'm so proud and know HE IS that you and your DH are back together and everything seems to be going along well.

    ~Sunny~Congratulations on walking OVER 47miles IN MAY!!!!!

    Great for you and Joe walking in the park!! I miss doing that. I go but don't walk very far until I have chest pain or SOB (shortnessof breath). I remember the days I used to wander around walking in the woods and trails for hours. Too scared now, that I can't get back. But I do enjoy nature totally. I could make a day of sitting on a park bench in a wooded area watching the creatures. Enjoy your time with Joe and post when you can.

    Can't wait to hear how your BarBQ went with John????? Waiting to hear. I hope it was a good time. Watch those storms that may move through. We've had a few tornadoes and wind damage in this area lately. Whew!!! Thank God none of them were here! You're on the right road, Michele. Talking with the Father is the answer for everything. Especially things that raise their ugly head from our pasts. I know I had a lot to deal with from an alcoholic abusive dad that I thought tried to make my life miserable. I used to carry alot of baggage around with me but through God I was able to dump the load and move on. Prayers for you my special friend. And {{{{{HUGS}}}}} Don't ya just hate losing your post again and starting over, then to find it posted already??

    ~Beth Anne~
    Hope your band did well last night and that the wedding goes off without a hitch today. Wait, maybe I better hope it goes off with a hitch. Sorry, that was really cheesy. We're glad to have you and look forward to your posting when you can. Take care.

    Hope the rain watered your world well and will spring to life all your favorite plants. No you don't live a boring life, that's how I am if I don't HAVE to go somewhere or DO something. I just can't GO GO GO like I used to either. I'm just glad you come here and post like you do and have many friends here. How did your shopping trip go???

    ~Gary~ ~Sue~ ~Ceejay~ ~~DeenieM~ ~Marilyn~ ~Charlotte~ Missin you all. Post when you can. Prayers for you all!!!!!
    Gotta hit the shower and get to work. I'll try to check back in later.

    Have a GREAT Memorial Day WEEKEND!!!!! Remember all those SPECIAL folks!!!!!
  • For Charlotte

    Hello Charlotte!!!!

    I have been praying for your recovery from Thursday. Sorry you had such a bad time. And young lady you know better than to drive yourself!!!!! I wish I could have been there. I would have taken you myself. Yeah, the milk shake was a bad idea, sorry stomach.

    GREAT on being DOWN THREE POUNDS!!!!!!

    So sorry to hear about your GDs' friend dying. Oh, how sad!!!! It is never an easy thing when we lose someone we love but especially when they are so young! I will pray that God will give you things to say and do that will help your girls to deal with it all more easily and understand a little better. God will help you to help them in many ways.

    As far as the puppy, I know it will get better somewhere down the road but as far as now, I have no idea. Maybe Gary can shed some light on that subject since he knows what they recommend at puppy school and cause he has a graduate.

    Hope this finds you feeling lots better. I guess I was typing when you posted. Didn't mean to over look you my sweet friend. {{HUGS}}

    Talk atcha later. I'm really late for the shower now.

  • Saturday Morning


    Reba and I are sitting here, I put Rylee in bed with Angie an hour ago! She kept trying to steal Reba's bone--barking at her--trying to cause "play" trouble Couldn't read my 3 sports pages in peace so she had to go! We were up late last night, for us, 1am. My son had a friend over to spend the night (he just graduated college and his sister too-- she is a year younger--the one I always wanted my son to marry -the sweetest christian girl-anyway they are having a big party today at their mom's house and not enough room for him with all the relatives from out of town so he stayed with us last night--woke him up at 5:30 so he could go surfing with his dad. My niece came down on the train last night at midnight to spend the week-end too. We had picked up my step-d and nephew at BOOMERS at 11-- they were at the arcade for Christian night--so they were wound up too! Angie just got up-- she never! stays in bed til 7am--she must have been tired! She hasn't smacked me yet so I guess putting Rylee in bed with her was OK

    A ton of things to do this week-end, yard work, help my cousin on his house, texture a bathroom on my neighbors, Ron's confirmation tomorrow, clothes shopping for Ron for confirmation-- slacks and shirt for 8th grade graduation too-- we NEVER buy Ron nice clothes until about 3 minutes before the function he needs the nice clothes for That kid can destroy any shirt, shoe, or pants faster than anything!! I figure if I dress him at church, put the confirmation robe on him and then CARRY him to the car-- undress him at home- lock the clothes in my room and then do the same thing next Friday for his graduation I can get 2 days out of new shoes-slacks and shirt!

    Oh yea- probably--not positive- will get a new truck this week-end too. Don't really want to spend the money-- then Angie will make me work EVERY day

    Ron and I went to the youth group orientation for the in-coming high school youth at church Thursday night-- they had contests between the adults and kids-- they brought a table out for Ron and I, gave us each a balloon, spoon and can of frosting-- then told us to frost the balloon. Fastest one wins-- well...I could tell that I sure wasn't going to take the time to frost the balloon with a little plastic spoon...one of us opened the frosting , put both hands in the chocolate and frosted the balloon "by hand"... not saying which one of us did it...however...I did win

    Angie thinks...OK...she knows I'm nuts. I bought 2 tubs for mixing concrete/etc and filled them with dirt for the puppies..hoping that maybe they will dig in them and not in the planter boxes...we shall see. Rylee got in one last night and dug a little..I think they still are not sure they can dig in them without getting in trouble. They were soooo sweet yesterday...they brought us in some strawberries...ahhh sooo cute...NOT!!! Of course they weren't ready to be picked!! I am starting to get a little worried though on how much they can dig and how far.. they are starting to bring in rice and won-tons

    It is nice to see some new posts..wondering how SUE and SPROUT are doing? Having a good week-end so far I hope.
  • SUNNYD Thanks for the PM. Yes those two puppies are cutting into my computer and posting time. I used to post before work, if I was working near home, or right after work before time to get Ron, dinner, etc--but now it is time to feed, play and greet those two knucklehead puppies. And fill in their holes, get out the pooper scooper, work on the puppy school homework and take them on their walks or play in the yard. Bet you have your 50 in for the month already! So proud of you. Told ya Joe was gonna have a hottie for summer and you didn't let him down!! Love the picture of the Mustang! Always wanted the Shelby--but too pricy for me back then, same colors as my 67 though, only mine was red on white. Your home looks so cozy! Love the flowers/trees around it. We used to have plants, veggies, grass, etc....but that was....before....puppies Those pictures of the turtles were hilarious That one picture though...the one where the one turtle got out of his shell...is kinda of scary He's huge...for a turtle. Glad you enjoyed the taco casserole. Have a great week-end with Joe!

    SHERRY Hope your patient load is easy on you today dear. Sorry you are SOB and can't walk like you used too-- I hope that the good Lord is listening (I KNOW HE IS!!!!) to our prayers and your health takes a turn for the better real soon! Sorry about your ex-neighbor passing...seems to happen much more the older we get doesn't it? hummm...go figure... Bet Kelli will be busy at Fashion Barn with the big shopping week-end ahead. No games for Kaci this week-end huh? Boy here it is SOFTBALL and BASEBALL heaven with all the Memorial Day tournaments going on. My cousin coaches an all-star team of girls, they have 6 games over the week-end-- and if they go all the way to the fianls--add 2 more. Are you and your girls watching any of the college softball Worls Series games this week on ESPN? My son and I have seen a few already..rooting for UCLA-local team and Oklahoma (son's favorite--cute girls!). Enjoy what time you can get off this holiday.

    MICHELE Liked the pictures of the graduates--cute girls! How did the BBQ with John go? Was it a "date"? or were there others there? Sorry for the blues--I was gonna say the weather doesn't help but then you said you like nasty weather...won't send you any Can't get Simba up from the basement huh..my grandma still does her laundry in hers at 88...she goes up and down on her bottom..my other grandma did that too when she got older. Older homes have some great..and not so great...features.
  • Oh Gary, you should have a radio talk show or write a column for a living! You are so funny and the way you write, I can just see you frosting the balloon and dressing your nephew and carrying him to church! Too funny!

    The BBQ with John was very nice. We each made our own kabobs, he had prepared beef and chicken cubes, onion, zucchini, tomato, peppers, mushrooms and even apple. We sat on the porch and talked for awhile while they were bbq'ing. He has a beautiful place and huge yard including a barn and horse area. His dog Cody looks like a long-haired Simba and she was partial to me. He says Cody misses his wife and loves women. He has an outside cat too that ended up on my lap. He was really cute, he asked me if i'd say grace. We had a great conversation, sat at the table and talked about all kinds of stuff. We both have a big interest in supplements and improving our health. He's a USANA distributor, it's very interesting. He showed me two other books by that Dr.Strand that I like, so i'm now reading, Releasing Fat. I will probably finish it this weekend, I find his writing very interesting.

    At work until 1 pm today. Then i'm going to get stuff done around the house and make a pot of Chili! It's raining and that for me means - Soup Day! And then I may mix it with White Cheddar Mac n- Cheese. Yum!

    Went to the Chiro yesterday and he's very concerned about my numbness in my leg and foot. He called it neuritis, which i think is just nerve pinching and damage. He adjusted me different and i can feel some relief but i still have numbness. But i'm not limping so much. I may have to go again next Friday, we'll see. And no yoga stretching, i'm kind of limited of what i can do now. No stretching, squatting, reaching, lunging. I don't care, as long as i get better.
  • Gary, just saw your 2nd post. I don't think it was really a date. But there weren't otheres there either. We have kind of talked about this, he's pretty open to me talking about losing his wife and I think he knows that i'm interested, and he seems interested, although he's said he doesn't know if he's ready or willing to date. He hasn't yet, and we both agree that dating is not the greatest thing. So i feel that we're becoming friends and i'm open to whatever happens. I'm very much enjoying getting to know who he is. That's enough for me now.
  • CHARLOTTE Sorry for the pain of your GD's losing their friend. Not sure how you drove haome and were there without being noticed...we are alot more nosy here One thing we learned at puppy school was to put 1 part vinegar and 7 parts water in a squirt bottle...squirt the puppies, careful of the eyes, when they are doing something wrong--they usually don't like the vinegar..if they do then you can use regular listerene. This usually works, it has worked with Rylee on a number of things..the problem with the digging with our pups is that you have to catch them doing it...then spray them...you must punish only when you catch them doing it, otherwise they get confused on why they are being punished. We have only had Reba 2 weeks now and were careful on punishment with her at first..she was at the breeder for 4 months, then at her last home for only a few weeks..not being sure how she was treated and seeing that she was very nervous at first we didn't want to scare her...just carry a little squirt bottle with you, when the puppy bites at you squirt her..she'll catch on. Also, you can hold their mouths closed..doesn't take any pressure at all...and tell them NO BITE..grab them by their scruff if you have to and control them..it isn't mean or forcefull, just control over your pet...'cause you know best! not them. I have complete control over my pups...they own me

    SAMI WOW!!!! great news on your daughter..you should all be so proud!! Sometimes it takes being held back for us to go forward..with a better attitude. You did the right thing, I know it was hard at the time. The play sounded really cool..glad your daughter had the lead and did well. Where are you gonna hang all those ribbons proud mom? remember in the "old" days when the kids made you things to "wear" at school I remember when my son was around 2 or so, I asked him what we should get his mom for Mother's Day, he said a "birdie hat" by luck I found a hat with a bird on it at the drug store..she wore it to church. We have confirmation tomorrow for my nephew and graduation next friday..good luck with yours. I hope your health is improving..and work. Have a great time with the family this week-end.

    MARY You are right..Organic is expensive!! I don't know if you ever heard of Bob Burnquist, he is a bg time skate boarder..any way he live near us, he has his own organic farm..very good..but as you said..not cheap! Hope the book work goes well for you this week-end.

    BETH ANNE How did the band do? are you in it or just a groupie Hope you had good weather for the wedding..outside weddings are always risky aren't they? If you read earlier..my pups are eating up my strawberry plants..ahhhh Enjoy the holiday.

    WILMA I am sure your life wasn't boring when your boys were younger! I wouldn't mind having some of those boring days from time to time. but with all the sports, kids, nephew and now puppies...FORGET IT! About a month ago I got really overwhelmed with all thr running around...happens every few years..ya know, those days where you leave the house at 5am and don't get back home until 9pm..day after day after day...then it passes. Wouldn't trade my life for anyone elses..just wish I could get a little break..sometimes...NAH!!

    And I will tell you why...this week I got a letter from a young man, 22 yrs old in the Army...he was on my son's track and cross country teams in high school...anyway he wrote me a letter (he is in boot camp and I have been writing him) telling me and thanking me for always supporting him and cheering him on in his races and talking with him...then he said my own dad never came to 1 race in 4 years and you never missed one. A wonderful feeling for me, but also not the first time someone has told me the same story. A few years back there was a girl on my daughter's tennis team, her brother was on my son's high school basketball team--her dad went to the boys games but not the daughter's tennis matches...one day she thanked me for supporting her for all the years....then she said " Mr. Miller ya know the next tennis match will be my last one, she was a senior, and my dad has never seen me play..could you ask him to come and watch me?" I always talked to her dad after basketball games, and at that time he was playing with his son and my son in an adult league..after one game I went and watched I told him that it was her last match and she sure would like to see him there....anyway he did come..watched her for about ten minutes and then came down to the court my daughter was on and talked to me for about an hour while i watched my kid...never could figure it out..she is such a sweet kid--in fact she is the one I may have mentioned earlier that just graduated with her brother from college, the one I always wanted my son to marry She is engaged...ahhh...shucks! Enjoy your family time this week-end...what's cookin'?

    Well, I have been hanging out here too long...gotta go.

    WORSHIP tomorrow and THANK EVERY VETERAN YOU KNOW and PRAY for the others!!

    ALSO..the above Army friend of mine could use some prayers...homesick and confused..scared..his name is Juan Sanchez.
  • The Lord's Day

    Good Morning CEers!!!!

    Awoke early and couldn't go back to sleep even though don't need to get up yet. Just me and the coffee here. My best companion in the mornings.

    It was so windy yesterday that I didn't get anything outside done. This morning seems foggy but still. Hopefully today I can finish planting some of my babies including begonias, salvia, purslane, geraniums, petunias and periwinkles. I look forward to getting them in the ground.

    Thanks for the advise about the vinegar and water squirt bottle that you gave Charlotte. I think I could use that on a cat or two and a dog. Definitely prayers for Juan. No more softball games for a while. We played our allotment and now have a small break until we start practicing again soon. We have tournaments the week of July 5th. Yuck!! Wish they wouldn't wait until it gets plum hot.

    This holiday I don't get off but do have a light schedule. I'm on call too but that changes tomorrow morning. Hope you having fun with the niece this weekend. Do you have the house and texturing done yet?? How about the shopping last night, how did that go? Now, don't forget to lock up those clothes right after church today, ok???

    I sure would like to see pictures of the frosting balloon contest. I bet you didn't even get any did you? You were too busy trying to get all the frosting off your hands, weren't you? OOOPPS, did I say that?? Maybe in doing yardwork you should incorporate a new crop starting with the rice and wontons. Lots of water for the rice ya know??? :

    Your BarBQ sounds absolutely great! Especially the kabobs. That's one of my favorite things to grill. The kids don't like all the goodies though. They would rather have all meat. I think it's great to become good friends first. My first DH and I were friends for several years and then one day he asked me out. I went and the rest is history, so to speak. I began looking at him in a totally different light. But being friends first made everything fall into place that much better. Enjoy what he can give you right now. Don't rush him, and if it's meant to happen . . . . it will. He sounds like a great guy with a great place. :good luck: Prayers for you and him.

    Hope you are enjoying your time with your darling, Joe.

    Hope this finds you feeling much better and stronger this morning. Hope the GDs are doing better today also.

    I agree with Gary about the organic being so expensive!

    ~Beth Anne~
    Hope the weather cooperated for the wedding. Hope you have a safe trip back today.

    Hope the rain has subsided now so you can enjoy being outside some. Maybe it has, since we haven't heard from you.

    Have you found a good place to display all those ribbons yet? You have a lot to be proud of MOM!!!!

    Well, gotta go get some more coffee and try to wake up a little more. Seem to be dragging this morning.

    Hope EVERYONE has a GREAT LORD'S DAY!!!!!!

  • Sunday

    Just killing time here before church. We go to the late service today because of my nephew's confirmation. It is definetly Hawaiin shirt weather here today for church. Should go pick up a truck today, will let ya know what I get later...sure don't like the prices but sales this week-end are some of the best of the year.

    Sherry have fun planting, hope the weather helps out! My daughter, step-d and neice are going to our time share pool today after church because it is so nice here--going 5 miles to a pool rather than 4 miles to the beach cause of the traffic at the beach.

    Later, off to WORSHIP our LORD!
  • Hello My New Friends!!!
    Well...this site is sooo nice, and so are all of you. Yuppie Puppie...I'll be coming back.

    I hope all of you are having a great holiday weekend. I tend to play my down and simple. I used to go go go every weekend in the summer but not any more. I like it better this way. Hey...I resisted tons of sugary sweet at an indoor picnic (rained out) tonight. Ok...so I did a hot dog & hmbg patty (no bun) and some beans BUT I DIDN'T TOUCH THE CRAP!!!

    EZMONEY- New truck! Wow...how fun! I will be planting tomorrow...probably in the rain as it's been doing here in MI lately.

    MICHELLE- How'd the BBQ go? Thanks for the sweet message.

    Boy, hearing about all you that wake up all by yourselves and go have coffee makes me want to get up early tomorrow and do the same. We're supposed to get rain, but I don't care...don't have to work. YIPEE!

    Well...time for me to go pay bills , pay attention to the dog , wait for Gary to come home from helping friends move some stuff and maybe turn on a movie or something.

    Thank you all for your kindness.
  • Sunday