stay at home moms #124

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  • Good morning everyone.

    I thought I was tired after ER last night so I didn't post. Once I went to bed I couldn't sleep!! I was awake for at least 2 hours!! We ended up with about 4 inches of snow. Of course it was done by 6am so I could have went to lunch today. Oh well, we're on for Tuesday.

    Candy, so sorry you have the flu. Hope you're up and around soon.

    Spryng, enjoy the weekend with Dh. Glad he's home and have fun vacuum cleaner and van shopping. Could be an expensive weekend!! Congrats on the 1 lb loss

    Andrea, hope you and Dh and the kids have a great weekend too...and I hope you really don't have to go a month without seeing him.

    Hey Melinda, congrats on the workout....good luck with the cookies and cheesecake in the house. Is there anywhere you can hide them so you don't have to look at them constantly?? That may help.

    Missy, glad you're feeling better and will be posting again.

    Dh has done a great job on the half bath walls. I asked it he could put joint compound on me and make me look that good He said I look great just the way I am ............ awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...what a sweetie! If only he was right!! Hopefully I will get it painted this weekend. We'll see I have a lot of things I would like to get done.

    Well, hello to everyone else ... Ginny, Ricci, Lori .... did I forget anyone?? Hope not! I'll check back in later.
  • Down 3 pounds and 5 workouts this week. The weekends are my downfall. We are going to an oyster roast this evening, in the south we have oysters in every month with an "r". No snow, just lots of oysters. Tonight won't be as much as a problem as tomorrow. My Dh and I are celebrating our 4 year dating anniversary. We could not get a sitter for the V-day weekend, so we had to find some reason to celebrate this weekend. I am planning on cutting back during the day and getting a workout, so that I can enjoy dinner.

    Geri: My husband did admit last night that he needs to hold off on the cookies and sweets. We will see how long that works.

    Good luck to everyone this weekend! Stay warm.

  • started a new thread