Chip Addiction

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  • Quote: It's not a legend, it's the foundation of the processed food industry. EVERYTHING from "mouth feel" to packaging is about engaging your brain and tricking it into wanting more. Read, "Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us" for more info. After reading that and a few other articles and well researched, credible books, I am so pissed off at the food industry (and the government, for letting it happen) you couldn't pay me to eat junk food.

    For further info on just how much our government has sold us out to big agriculture and the processed food giants, read, "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle" or Google for information on Monsanto.

    Fast food and junk food aren't just bad for you or the environment, they're killing you for profit and they know it.
    Exactly - they want us to get fat, addicted and hooked, so they can sell their products. The article in the NY Times explains it very well. Nobody wants us to just eat a single portion, they would go bankrupt...
  • Well after reading everyones' ideas and suggestions ... I certainly do not feel alone anymore; I am not the only one that struggles with this addiction.
    I find comfort in that and I am certainly going to try to stick to popchips on the weekends.
  • hi! i don't post often but wanted to add a chip related thought to your thread: there is an item on amazon that looks like a silicon plate and apparently allows you to make your own chips in the microwave. i don't have it but am definitely intrigued
  • Hi guys!

    Sadly I am chipaholic too! My husband is not really on board with the whole eating healthy thing so he buys those huge bags of chips... Even tho he knows I am a chip monster! Once I pop a bag open I can not stop i get in this like crazy chip zone and just eat chip after chip after chip...

    I try to go cold turkey but so far no joy cause I just miss them too much, but when I try and eat them in moderation the chip monster takes over lol

    Darn you chips! Why you gotta be so tasty!!
  • Quote: Hi guys!

    Sadly I am chipaholic too! My husband is not really on board with the whole eating healthy thing so he buys those huge bags of chips... Even tho he knows I am a chip monster! Once I pop a bag open I can not stop i get in this like crazy chip zone and just eat chip after chip after chip...

    I try to go cold turkey but so far no joy cause I just miss them too much, but when I try and eat them in moderation the chip monster takes over lol

    Darn you chips! Why you gotta be so tasty!!

    This is random, but I read this whole article about food reconditioning one time. It was for folks that had specific addictions to certain foods, not for over eaters in general.

    Anyway, the 'treatment' was to take the favorite food (in one case it was mountain dew and cheetos) and blend them together in a blender. Of course, it makes the blended messy/gross concoction, and the participants drank the food out of the blender.

    Sounds totally gross, but the idea was to attach less than pleasant memories of that one individual item and allow the participants to distance themselves from the addiction by re-association.

    In the one I read, all the participants said it was hard to do, but it did really help them, after all that IS what the food looks like once its in your tummy.

    I have often thought if I was having serious issues with ONE food, I would try it.

    Just throwing it out there.
  • I actually just realized my chip addiction today. I can not have them in the house. I bought 2 big bags on Friday and have already consumed both of them to myself. If they are not in the house, I do not crave them. Thats why I thought it would be okay if I bought them. WRONG. I ate almost one of those bags in ONE SITTING. Eeeep.
  • Quote: hi! i don't post often but wanted to add a chip related thought to your thread: there is an item on amazon that looks like a silicon plate and apparently allows you to make your own chips in the microwave. i don't have it but am definitely intrigued
    You can do this on any microwavable plate. Slice the potatos thin, add seasonings, then spread them out evenly on a plate. Microwave for 3 minutes, check them, and then microwave one minute at a time until done, checking each minute.
  • Quote: This is random, but I read this whole article about food reconditioning one time. It was for folks that had specific addictions to certain foods, not for over eaters in general.

    Anyway, the 'treatment' was to take the favorite food (in one case it was mountain dew and cheetos) and blend them together in a blender. Of course, it makes the blended messy/gross concoction, and the participants drank the food out of the blender.

    Sounds totally gross, but the idea was to attach less than pleasant memories of that one individual item and allow the participants to distance themselves from the addiction by re-association.

    In the one I read, all the participants said it was hard to do, but it did really help them, after all that IS what the food looks like once its in your tummy.

    I have often thought if I was having serious issues with ONE food, I would try it.

    Just throwing it out there.

    Hmmm this sounds so totally gross! So gross it might work! I might have to give it a try.

    Thank you for the idea would be tough without my tasty chips though
  • I sometimes eat potato chips since I gave up wheat (although I am not perfectly gluten free because doubtless my potato chips are not gluten free, maybe someday I will be gluten free lol).

    Honestly I have never been happier since I banned wheat and realized what a massive all encompassing trigger it was for me. Everything fell into place eating wise with that trigger banned.

    This could happen to a chip addict or anyone who identifies and bans a trigger food, but whether it is good or bad health wise or emotionally to do that, I have no idea.

    Not giving advice, just sharing. Good luck.

    The only thing that crosses my mind is that maybe you could consider that your battle with chips is your battle and while it would be nice if your family supported you by NOT eating them around you, honestly, it is about you, not them. Their thing is not your thing, maybe?

    Dunno, just a thought. They are them and you are you?
  • Chip substitute: fresh Kale cut in chip sizes and sprinkled with olive oil and baked in the oven is good
  • Quote: You can do this on any microwavable plate. Slice the potatos thin, add seasonings, then spread them out evenly on a plate. Microwave for 3 minutes, check them, and then microwave one minute at a time until done, checking each minute.
    Yep. I have made them on a micro bacon cooker, too. I guess it is great for portion control because it is a lot of effort for a handful of chips at a time. With 5 of us it just wasn't worth it. That one batch of 10 chips gets us two each; then more slicing, spraying, seasoning, cooking for two more chips each. Etc. It is kind of like making OJ or Lemonade from start to realize HOW many it actually takes to equal that porttion you consume.
  • I too am a chip addict. Buying the single servings has really helped me but I completely understand not being able to have things even in moderation.

    Some foods are so linked to a prior behaviour that the best thing we can do (at least for a while) is completely remove them from our diets. That said you have done amazing losing 24 pounds in such a short time and that's with eating chips. So big congrats for that!!!
  • Quote: The only thing that crosses my mind is that maybe you could consider that your battle with chips is your battle and while it would be nice if your family supported you by NOT eating them around you, honestly, it is about you, not them. Their thing is not your thing, maybe?

    Dunno, just a thought. They are them and you are you?
    You do make a valid point. I started by wanting to do this for myself and I need to remember that no matter what anyone else eats its me that is eating things that aren't good for me. I gotta be strong and stop blaming others
  • First off, you're doing so well! Congratulations on your success so far!

    Oh, chips! I have no control with chips. I can only handle a single serving bag. If there is ever a whole bag in the house I have an incredibly hard time avoiding overeating them. They're definitely one of those all or nothing foods for me, unless there is literally just one serving available to me.

    While I do think that there is a point to having will power and not forcing others to eat as you do during your weight loss journey (and after), I do feel as though there are some foods that perhaps have a particular hold on a person that maybe everyone could agree to give up having in the house (at least for a while) as to be supportive. It may be a whole different issue there, but I know if my spouse, or I, said to the other "X food is really hard for me to resist, I'd like it to not be in the house for the time being" that the other would respect it, the response would not be "Well I like it and I think you should just suck it up and have some will power". Every couple is different, I realize that, so you just gotta find what works for you guys. But I'd be pretty mad if I expressed my struggles and was told to just have more will power. Will power is a muscle, IMO, you can't expect it to be iron-man-strong right out the gate! I know that the support I've received from my husband has been integral in my success; I honestly can't imagine if he'd have brought food in the house that I really had struggled with, it would have really hurt me -- like I was being disregarded. It's just ONE type of food you're asking to be left out of the home, you're not asking everyone to go vegan or something.
  • Quote: You can do this on any microwavable plate. Slice the potatos thin, add seasonings, then spread them out evenly on a plate. Microwave for 3 minutes, check them, and then microwave one minute at a time until done, checking each minute.
    ha! i'm glad i didn't order the thing off amazon