Maintainers Weekly Chat February 13 - February 19

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  • The only "presents" Carter has ever brought us from outside are twigs and leaves that he wanted to chew on. Far superior to poop or dead things, although muddy sticks still make a mess on the floor.

    Actually I just remembered one funny incident. We had a compost pile we were tossing things into outside, and we had let Carter out, and when he came back in I could see he was hiding something in his mouth (he was trying to be sneaky but not doing a very good job). It turned out that he had raided the compost pile and brought back a broccoli stem!

    I am lucky, my DH always does the dishes for me and/or puts them in the dishwasher. His saying (picked up from his own father) is "I'm no slouch, so she's no grouch!" In general our rule is whoever cooks doesn't have to clean, but I do 99% of the cooking so he does 99% of the dishes.

    I'm trying to think what has happened this week other than me being really busy at work. Carter got his stitches out but still has to wear the cone until Friday at least while his foot heals some more. DH is now a yoga master -- he had signed up for 3 yoga classes per week at work, but they liked him and told him to come to the 4th for free.

    I'm going for my physical at 1pm today. Weight will definitely be up from last year since last year was when Carter had just had his surgery and I had barely eaten or slept in a week and was at my lowest weight in years. My labs are usually fine so hopefully that will be the case again. I'm not sure if she has reports from my rheumatologist so I guess we will have to rehash all of that again. The problem with a 1pm physical is fasting for the bloodwork! I had an 8am meeting so I wasn't able to get my labs drawn this morning, so no food for me until I get back from the physical at like 2:30pm. Hopefully it will be okay. I used to not have a problem with not eating (other than being hungry) but lately I feel like my blood sugar has been getting low if I'm late for a meal, and right now (10:30) I'm already starting to feel a little jittery. I guess we'll know shortly since they always test my blood sugar. I remember it being low last year too but chalked it up to having barely eaten in days because of Carter's injury. The other concern is that when I don't eat I get super freezing cold, and when I'm cold it's really hard for them to find a vein to get blood. Maybe I need to chug some hot water.
  • Quote: The other concern is that when I don't eat I get super freezing cold, and when I'm cold it's really hard for them to find a vein to get blood. Maybe I need to chug some hot water.
    This sounds really funny to me. I thought it was a joke... but is it an actual technique? I've always had "really good veins" (they complement me at the bloodmobile! what attractive veins I have ) so never had to worry about this.
  • Jessica - I have terrible veins, will hot water really help?

    Michele - keeping my fingers crossed on DH's job interview!

    Allison - I hope today is better than yesterday.

    Dagmar - I had a cat that used to bring me small rodents for a surprise. My current cat will sometimes leave a squeak toy on my pillow, I wonder if she is doing the same thing in her own way.

    I'm sorry I've been so out of it lately guys - I read every day, I just don't make it back to write anything.
  • Haha, well, drinking hot water seems to warm me up in general which is why I drink tea when I'm cold usually (but tea's not allowed before the blood tests). When you get cold your blood vessels constrict and when you get hot they dilate, so overall when they're looking for a vein they want a big fat dilated one instead of a skinny constricted one. Usually they use baby heel warmers to try to warm up my arms enough to get a vein!

    In any case I threw on another sweater and one cup of hot water warmed me up, but now I'm getting cold again so I'd better drink some more before I go.
  • It's hard to imagine it's been an entire year since Carter's surgery, Jessica. It doesn't seem like it was that long ago.

    So sorry for the casserole catastrophe, Michele. Good thing your DH caught it!

    Megan, cat poop is the reason we've installed a hook & eye to the door to the cat room--the door remains ajar for the cats to get in and out, but the dog can't fit! He loves the litter box--even likes just eating the litter (it's made from corn husks). And the cats don't bring presents because they don't get to go out unaccompanied, but once the dog brought me a dead rat. Actually I've had two dogs do that. Ick. The smell, it hits you the second you come into the house and you just know there's something dead in there.

    Thanks for the good wishes everyone. Today is better, but I'm afraid it will be a long time before everything is "normal." Our previous business partner (who is also our landlord) is laying on us some extra costs that we find unreasonable and he's also not taking any responsibility for a job that he got us into several years back and we've settle one lawsuit on it, and got served again yesterday on a separate case. We made an offer to buy the building we're in (the landlord is cash-strapped) but we don't think he'll take it. He paid $1.4M for the building but it's currently worth only $850K. If he doesn't take it, we'll demand a lease agreement for fair market value (he's currently charging us exorbitant rent plus forcing us to make all repairs). If he won't do that, we and the tenant next door are going to move out--whether we buy or lease we don't know yet. But I'll be happy to sever the ties despite all the headache of relocating.
  • All of Mudpie's "gifts" have been dead (including the biggest cicada I've ever seen and a yellow velour sofa button with shank attached). I don't think she knows how to kill anything. Mishka has brought home many, many live gifts and neither cat seems to know how to dispatch them.

    I had my crack-smoking baboon troupe pull me off my feet today. It took me 10 minutes to get them half a block. I kept stopping and forcing them to calm down and stop pulling, barking, jumping, and generally carrying on like total idiots.

    We made it to the boardwalk, which was wet. I stepped on to it, everyone leapt forward, and I went smash, down on to my knees. Then they pulled me down onto my belly and on to the sand. My inner mule had kicked in and I refused to let go of the leashes. The dogs dragged me 20 feet to the snow fence. I got my feet hooked in to the snow fence and levered myself until I was able to get back on my knees and then on to my feet.

    Then I hooked the 5 dogs up to the fence and left them there. I walked about 30 feet down toward the lake and stood there until the urge to beat every last one of them senseless left. I also had to remove my shoulders from up above my ears and unclench my fists about 20 times.

    Hap barked hysterically the whole time I stood there. It took 10 minutes for her to finally realize that she had to shut up before I'd let her go. I kept breathing, and breathing, and breathing.

    Everyone was a whole lot more co-operative going back to the car and sat quietly all the way home.

    I have been really soft and indulgent with these girls. I have enough aches and pains and several big bruises tonite that will remind me that I have to really "bring it" when walking this bunch.

    And I will. This will make a really funny story a couple of months from now.

    Good evening all - time to hit the heating pad and then a looong scalding shower.

  • Ouch, Dagmar I bet you will be sore tomorrow. Heating pad sounds good, even to me and I thousands of miles away.
  • Oh, Dagmar! How horrible! But then again, I was watching it in my head and had to chuckle a little. Darn dogs. Reminds me of the time I was walking my two dogs several years back. The sidewalk jumped up and bit me and I landed face first. The dogs? The darn things just looked at me like "when are you getting up and finishing our walk?" Absolutely no concern over their human (who had actually stubbed her shoed toe on the heel of her other shoe and ended up losing the toenail).

    Meanwhile, just got back from a second visit to the vet today. Ringo--the tuxedo cat, has been sitting in the litter box without doing anything (for up to 5 minutes each time). I thought at first it was constipation due to hairballs, but then read today that it could be urinary related. Yup. Bacteria in the urine (which they had to hydrate him to get a sample, so I left him for the afternoon). He got an antibiotic shot and two different pain meds--once that you sprinkle on his food--which he's decided he doesn't like. Cats.
  • I tried to post twice last night and the computer "ate" my posts both time. The gist was: Allison, sorry about the bad & unfair building situation. I hope it is resolved, one way or another. Dagmar, sorry about the dogs. I was there several times in the months right after I got Emma! Why the heck can't we let go of the darn leash? Take a nice hot soak to ease those bruises!

    I'm going to the city for work today. Of course that means visiting my favorite grocery store. My grocery list seems really long - and most of it's produce. Can I eat that much produce? Sure I can! Have a good Friday all!
  • I can't believe it's Friday already, but I'm sure not arguing!

    Allison, what a miserable situation with your landlord. Good luck with whichever way the situation goes.

    Dagmar, hope you aren't too sore tomorrow, ouch! One time my parents rottie decided to run straight between my legs. I was caught off guard and it knocked me right down on top of him. Did he keep going? Seem concerned? Nope. Turned around and grumbled at me for falling on him.

    Megan, enjoy the grocery store trip! =)
  • The best part of Friday is coming home, opening the door, and smelliing dinner almost cooked in the slow cooker. Next best is DH in the kitchen, making the salads to go with our chicken.

    Good evening all!

  • Well, this week had me rushing my hubby in the middle of the night to the hospital because he awoke and couldn't move his arm. Turns out he had a staff infection that started off as a bug bite on his hand and started to travel the length of his arm. Yikes! Anyway, long story short, he's on antibiotics now and feeling much better. He really scared me though. I'm glad we caught it in time, thankfully. And the kids were off today and Monday, so that means no homework. Woot. Have a nice weekend, ladies.
  • Stepped on the scale today and my weight's up five pounds. I can see it on my belly and hips. So I've got to cut back on the carbs. Saw a Dr. Oz show this week about losing weight and he says to eat carbs for breakfast, and then only one piece of bread for lunch and hardly any carbs for dinner. That will be a big change for me because I often eat bread just before I go to bed to help me fall asleep.

    Also restarted my work out sessions this morning. Have been slacking for 3 months now.
  • Speaking of Dr. Oz (or Dr. Elf - check out the elves in Lord of the Rings - as I call him) I am going to do his 48 hour detox tomorrow and Monday (we have a civic holiday). It sounds rather daunting (pineapple and kale juice for snacks - REALLY? ) but I'm gonna give it a whirl. What the heck!

  • Hey Dagmar...what civic holiday do you have on Monday?
    I think we are getting short changed here in BC