Weekly Chat--July 11th-July 17th

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  • Welcome Kristia... what an unusual and pretty name. I'm in the UK. We have agreat many WW on here and the advice and support you will get is amazing. We are all ages and all sizes and a very friendly bunch. I have had immense support on here and many many laughs
  • Kristia! What a beautiful name! Yes, we have all been Weight Watchers and most of us are still following WW guidelines fairly (loosely?)close. Welcome to the group. I like how JoJo described us. She's point on.

    Well, Chickies, I am now officially old. One of our teenage granddaughters has died her hair blond on top, black on the bottom, with streaks of pink, green, and blue.
  • Kristia

    This is the greatest group you will ever meet

    When you need a

    or need to throw a

    or need a swift

    ..and when its your Birthday we will remind you that birthday
    calories do not count in any way

    ..and Sandra, just who were you talking about that is following the plan "loosely", surely not me I am well beyond "loose" at this point !!
  • Oh I forgot , my dog Skipper is putting a tiny amount of weight on her bad knee today !! I didn't take her to the vet because my brother (a vet) said since we aren't going through surgery to just try the pain meds and watch her.
  • Kristia. Hope you will join us on your journey. I agree with the other chicks, we have an amazing group of ladies here.

    Sandra, my daughter, the hair stylist, has her hair black with a touch of red in front, with feathers!!! But, I like it. Yes, the style is light on top with dark underneath. You're not old. If you are, then I'm even older, so hush.

    Nancy, good to hear your furry friend is doing better.

    I follow WW very loose these days. I bought a copy of Woman's World (at the checkout) and they have a diet titled....Better than Weight Watchers. I might give it a try. We are going to Vegas in Sept and I need to lose a few pounds because I always put on at least 2 lbs when I go there. If anyone wants the website for the diet, private me and I'll send it to you. Their site might give more info than the magazine did. I haven't looked it over completely yet.
  • Good Morning Ladies

    What a beautiful day we have to go down to the PB club. The sun is shinning and the air is cool. On the opposite end of the Cape is the Kenny Wedding so we will be definitely away from the crowds.

    Read on the internet to use Lysol cleaner for the cement floors after you vacuum. But be sure NOT to wet the floor to much.and damp sponge mop will do. If you have stains on the floor pretreat it with Vinegar. So I going to try the project tomorrow.


    Have to go and get ready for the PB club.See you guys tomorrow
  • Good Morning Chicks! I'll be flying soon for the day. The heat is on its way back to Chicagoland. The family will be back on Saturday afternoon so my house/garden caretaking duties end today. I'll try to be in the pool all weekend if I can. Brodie has a Vet visit today for a shot and then we can relax for the rest of the day. Jim got the all clear on his toe but can't swim until it's healed. Too much bacteria in the pool.

    Welcome, Kristia!!! You're going to love it here. Are you doing Simply Filling or regular Weight Watchers? I'm doing WW but trying to eat as many Simply Filing foods as possible.
  • Kristia. We're a great group of people. Hang around, check in often, and see how you like it here. I've just begun trying a low carb approach, after having read Why We Get Fat and What We Can Do About It.

    We have a lot of laughs here and give lots of good advice to one another. Nancy and Jojo (and others) have said it well.

    Now, here's a story about getting old. Yesterday I took my great niece and her almost half-sister (it's complicated) out for the afternoon. They are 7 and 5 years old. The 5 year old was born in France and she just returned from a visit there. I asked her if her Dad's parents were still alive and did she see them. She said yes, she saw them but "they are old." I said that they would have to be because they were her Dad's parents. The she says---get ready--"Some old people are still alive." Isn't that just great?? Here, on this site, the old people are still alive.
  • thank you all so much ladies! you are all so very welcoming! 's to you all! i'm doing the WW online, so i haven't gone to any meetings, but i was thinking maybe i should? it may be an extra motivator but for now i think i'll just stick with online.

    jojo- that is so neat! i've always wanted to visit the UK, actually all of Europe in general, but unfortunately i've never been out of the U.S. hopefully that will change if i can save up some money! but being a college student is never easy on the cash lol!

    ontarget- you are not old! i'm 19 and i still find hairstyles like that shocking! lol

    nancy- i'm so happy to hear that birthday calories don't count! too bad my birthday's pretty far away... lol :P and also, i'm glad to hear that you're dog Skipper is feeling a little better! i know how hard it can be to see your animals hurt. a few years ago i had to put my Black Lab down because he had osteocarcoma, which is a type of bone cancer. we even had one of his legs amputated and chemo treatments, but they only prolonged his life about 6 months longer. shortly after that i actually got a job at the same vet's office. see how Skipper does for a few more days, and if he doesn't seem in any pain then he should be fine! an exercise that would be great for his knee would be if you have a swimming pool (even maybe a blow up kiddie pool!) or you could just use your bath tub, have him swim. it takes a lot of pressure off of the knee but helps him move it and build up muscle! it's great physical therapy, which the vet i worked with strongly believes in!

    pam- let me know how it goes if you start that diet!

    beach bum- i have to say that i am definitely a beach bum as well! which coast are you on?

    vickie- i'm doing regular WW online. i'm not really familiar with simply filling. what is that?

    tejas- i definitely will hang around and check in often!! just a warning, be careful with the low carb approach; i tried the 17 Day Diet about a month before i started WW, and it was very low carb & high protein. i lost about 4lbs in 2 weeks, which is pretty good, but after i stopped i gained all of it back almost immediatly. you're body still needs carbs for energy, just try to get mostly good ones from fruits, veggies, and whole grains. i took a nutrition class in my first year of college and my professor was a strong believer that carbs are very neccessary in our lives! so if you're feeling run down or tired from the low carb diet, you may need to add some more to your day for energy. you don't have to take my advice but it's just a little heads up for you

    thank you all so much for such warm welcomes!!
  • hey everyone hope your all well?

    Sandra that fish wouldnt be any good for me im a strict veggie hehe

    Pam im good thanks how are you?

    Maryann how are things

    tejas how are things?

    Jojo this weather is still doing my head in how are you?

    I lost 1.5lbs this week only one more lb to loose before i meet my birthday goal. Im 30 2 weeks today xxx
  • Thanks, Kristie. I'm aware that really low cabs may not be a good idea. I'm going to eat them at about 30% of my diet for a while and see how I feel. I'll eat more of them most likely on the days I do heavy weight lifting.
  • Wow! Is out board alive and hopping or what!! It's so good to see everyone in high spirits. Life is good.

    We're having "date night" so I'd best get off the puter and go look dazzling. Talk at cha later.
  • Watered the Niece's garden, got Brodie his shots, made home made applesauce, swam in the pool for 2 hours.....got sunburned, and cooked a Core dinner. We had fresh green beans, my Chicken Cacciatore served over whole wheat rotini, and homemade applesauce. Am I awesome or what?! Just kidding. I'm a little punchy. I'm going to blame the sunburn.

    Light and love to you all. Be back in the morning.
  • Vickie, I'm tired just reading all you did today.

    I got up this morning to another 2 lbs gain. What is going on???? I took a water pill and hope tomorrow shows a better number. I have been a slouch lately, maybe that is what is wrong. I just did 2 miles with Leslie. Gosh, I'm so out of shape. My bad knee was really hurting in the back at the bend while doing it.

    Sandra, have fun on your date. Where ya going?

    I booked our airline tickets and hotel in Vegas the other day. Was telling my daughter. We are going on Sept 11. She about freaked out. Mother, it's the 10 yr anniversary of 9/11. I doubt I can change my tickets without paying a big surcharge. Am I crazy or what? I would imagine security will be extra high on that date.

    Going to watch tv. Have a good evening.
  • Grandson helped me all day pulling up rotten deck boards, moving things from the garage, moving trailers & trucks around and lots of yard work. What a great helper. Then we cooled off in the pool, ate dinner & watched Free Willy. He told me today I was both a tomboy and a girly girl because I could use the crow bar to pull up deck boards but still love pink & squeal when I see a lizard.