December 3 point challenge!

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  • Dec. 6,7,8...nada...zilch..nothing..."0"
  • December 4 - 1 point
    December 5 - 0 points

    December 6 - 0 points
    December 7 - 0 points
    December 8 - 1 point

    OKAY I've really been sucking at this challenge. But at least I'm accountable for the fact that I've been lazy. I WILL do better.
  • December 9 - 2 points, water and exercise. Food over by 100 calories..oh well!
  • December 6th ~ 1 point for water

    December 7th ~ 2 points - exercise and water

    December 8th ~ 2 points - exercise and water

    December 9th ~ 1 point for exercise
  • I haven't been posting because I SUCK. So, here's the ugly truth.

    Zero, Zero, get the idea. All zeros until yesterday. Then, there was that one measly point I got the first week.
    Yesterday....the 9th~2

    So, drum roll.....
    grand total 3 points out of a possible 27! Oh yeah. I suck.
    But, I'm still here. And, having you guys keeps the right thoughts in my mind....maybe the back of mind...but they're in there. I'm trying to do better.
  • Tiger:

    You are an inspiration because even though you are needlessly beating yourself up , you are still showing up for this thread and for life in general.

    For that you should pat yourself on the back and be proud. One of the things my mother used to say when she got sick and went on dialysis is what I have under my name below. She did that for 30 months before she passed away. The doctor said she would only last 6 months on the dialysis.

    She also used to say "Where there's life, there's hope". So you my dear have plenty of life left in your pursuit to be healthy and happy and for that you should be commended, especially since you are being so honest about your day to day efforts.

    Integrity is everything in this life.
  • December 9 - 3 points.

    P.S. Tiger, they're not zeros! They're ooooooohs!!!! As in, "oooh, I'm gonna get back on track!" or "ooooh, that exercise feels gooood!" or "oooooh, ice cold water, so refreshing!" Hang in there!
  • Dec. 10-2 points

    Exercise and water. Food is going to be a problem because I think the 1800 is unrealistic, but I made the comittment so I will have to be more realistic next time. Ah! Pride doth come before a fall...I must be more humble about my calories and therefore I will be more realistic.
  • December 10 - 2 points. No exercise.
  • December 10th ~ BIG FAT ZERO grumble..grumble
  • December 11th

    1 point for exercise
  • December 11 - 2 points.

    December 12 - 1 little point.

  • Okay, here goes:

    Dec. 7th: 2 points
    Dec 8th: 2 points
    Dec 9th: 1 point
    Dec 10th: 2 points
    Dec 11th: 3 points (finally!)
    Dec 12th: 1 point
    Dec 13th: 2 points

    I'm averaging 2 points most of the time---I'll try to get more 3 pointers in. My WW journals are keeping me honest....

  • 12/13 - 1 point
    12/14 - 1 point
    12/15 - 1 point

    I'm sensing a pattern emerging here...
  • And 12/16 - 3 points

    Yay for me.