couch to 5k? tell me about it...

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  • Can anyone help me find a good website that can give me info about this? Do you need an ipod to do it? I'm completely out of the loop about this but I'm interested.

    it is great. I am definitely NOT a runner, and not really in any kind of shape, but the workouts are doable and gradually build up. I am excersise-adverse and still find these easy to do, they only take about 25 minutes at the beginning.
  • Merose I'm not sure about the iTunes. I only have a regular simple MP3 player and I found a site online that has it, but it's all prerecorded, music as well. Which means I get to run to techno-house music. *groan*

    I'm sure that if it works for the iPod, it would work the Nano, though.
  • Sorry, I have a touch so I don't know if it works on nano m Usually it says what the requirements are on the itunes store though?
  • Quote:

    it is great. I am definitely NOT a runner, and not really in any kind of shape, but the workouts are doable and gradually build up. I am excersise-adverse and still find these easy to do, they only take about 25 minutes at the beginning.
    Thanks, I think I can do this!
  • Wannabeskinny and Smee,
    If you check out this link you will find various weeks with music other than techno. There are also links for mixes others have done.
    If you are interested in making your own mix with the cues I can put a link for a how to make your own.
  • I actually just started on Week 7...I've been doing the C25K for about 9 weeks (did Wk5 and 6 twice because I got lazy and was not running as often as I should). I have made all my own podcast using Audacity (free voice recorder). I would just set up 30 minutes of music through iTunes, then record the music and my voice cues on the voice recorder. The sound quality wasn't great, but I like it better than the podcast available online. Since I am no longer on the intervals, I now just use a stop watch on my iPod.

    About the program...I love it. I get back from running and feel like I could take on the world. It energizes me, boost my self-image and makes me wonder why I waited this long to start running. I will say though, I tried this program in February when I started loosing weight. I weighed 252lbs, and did not exercise at all. I had some health problems that I am now controlling with diet, that made my joints and everything else (tissue, skin, muscle, etc.) swell. The running in February was painful. I could not make it through more than 2-60 second running stints. I gave up after 2 tries. I instead started walking daily, riding my bike, doing cardio tapes. After losing 50lbs, getting my health problems under control, and working up to more intense exercise, I decided to give it another try. I figured if I had to do week 1 for two months, at least I was out moving. Things went SO much better this time. Had I not gotten lazy half way through and gone 6-7 days without running, I could have finished the program in 9 week. It's going to take me 11 now, but I'm so happy with my progress that I am fine with the extra time. Considering I ran 2.5 miles tonight when six months ago, I had never even managed to run a mile, I couldn't be happier.

    I would definitely recommend the program to anyone!
  • That's wonderful Wildthings. Congrats!
  • Okay so today was W1D1 !

    I walk 2 miles a day so I'm used to that but today I did the brisk 5 minute warm up walk and then started to run, I only made it 30 seconds

    Then I walked it out 90 seconds and started to run, but yet again only made it 30 seconds. The entire time I wasn't able to get over 30 seconds as my right calf was on fire (it even does that when I walk) so I'm thinking I need new shoes and it didn't help that it was 90 degrees outside with no breeze.

    I feel kind of discourage because I wasn't able to make it to 60 seconds. Maybe I should also slow it down to a jog because I'm straight up just trying to run and I'm getting out of breath and the my calf is killing me.
  • WSChick,
    Make sure you get some running shoes. Also, jog until your breathing is used to it. Don't be discouraged. When I started exercising on May 27 I could not even do 1 minute of cardio. Now I am up to W5D1 without wanting to die.
    Don't give up! Don't be overly hard on yourself. Be patient and give yourself a break please.
    You can do this.
  • WSChick, run doesn't mean sprint.

    Run in the C25K sense means moving one foot in front of the other in a running motion. So at some point in the stride both your feet are off the ground.

    If you can't run 1 minute at the pace you are going, slow down. If you still can't do it, slow down some more. Keep slowing down until you CAN run for 60 seconds.

    It sounds crazy, but you may find you are running slower than you are walking. Fine. No problem. You will improve, this is just the start.

    See how you go with slowing down. If it's a slow jog, so be it. Go as slowly as you need to to do this. You will get faster, but it will take time.

    Good luck, and patience and persistance will pay off. Just don't give up.
  • I swear you gals are amazing ! Thank you for the great advice, I really did need it a lot

    I'm looking into which running shoes will be best for me and I intend to slow down my pace to whatever speed I need to make it to 60 seconds.

    Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU !
  • WSChick, I still wonder some days if 80 year old women using a walker could breeze by me when I'm running...I am that slow. I figure once I can get in the full 5k, then I will start pushing my speed more. For now, as long as I am making a running motion, I'm counting it.
  • I had W5D2 to do today since I accidentally jumped ahead. Despite feeling weak and tired and missing two workouts because of it (TOM) I decided to up the speed. MAJOR mistake. I barely made it 5 mins running. Walked for the next 8 minutes at 3mph and then was able to do the 8 min run.
    Wildthings, a 80yr old with a walker would have definitely breezed by me - lol. But at least I did it.
    WSChick, I forgot to say to check your posture. I noticed that when I run in a way that my brother taught me when I was a kid (they now call it ChiRunning) I can run further without difficulties.
  • I'm starting this on Monday and was just wondering where everyone actually does it. Do you go outside or on the treadmill?

    If you do it outside how long is your route? I'm probably going to start outside but don't want to end up finishing the session too far from home as I'll probably be a complete wreck!