Friends and Losers Feb 23-March 1

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  • Quote: robin--where in NC are you? i used to live there for a few years and i miss it!
    I live in Mooresville and go to school in Charlotte!
  • Welcome Deb! You are right this site is very encouraging (particularly our forum! ) I lost 50 lbs in 2007 on LAWL and used this forum for support every step of the way! (I gained it all back during my recent pregnancy) Welcome again and GL!
  • Thanks Kimberly, I lost 60 lbs in 2006 so I know it works and thats why I went back to LA when ready to take it off again. I really want this to be the last time but I know its up to me....and have finally come to accept that I will always have to work at it and it has to be daily lifestyle changes to last. And I can't do it alone. I need the accountability. (weekly WI's)
    How long have you been back on track? Boy or girl?
  • Hey guys!

    3 pages in one day- WOW!!

    Dan- my Wii fit did the same thing. I hate the noise it makes when you step on. Seriously!??! It really makes you feel bad about yourself! I actually was given the age of 24, one less than I really am. I was surprised!

    Amylou- Your last fitting for your gown is within 2 weeks of your wedding, so don’t worry! They can always take it in!!

    Jillian- hey! Yeah, DH and I made up. I don’t even remember why I was mad at him!! I just can’t wait til we live together!!

    Kim- Hey!! Welcome back! You’ll lose those 15 in no time!

    Deb- Welcome! This support group is awesome!

    Well, not much going on. Am not cleared to go to the gym yet, so am stable. I didn’t gain or lose this week, which is great because I fell off the wagon Friday Saturday and Sunday! I have been so good for about 1.5 months now… I was so upset. Luckily, no damage. Will be back in the gym Monday!
  • Hello Kim numba 2!!!!! So happy to see you........I wish for you, that you didn't have to do WL, but I am too excited to see you either way!!!!!!! Glad the family is well Also, so smart for you to get on top of it before it got out of hand. You can do are a pro

    Welcome, Deb!!!!

    And, yeah, doens't Jillian just glow?

    Ok, time to put this stupid machine away....
  • you guys--kim and nicole--making me blush and smile so early in the morning! thanks for the "glowing" compliments. although i don't see it or feel it most days, hearing it is always nice. especially at this point! ha.

    hope everyone has a good day! i need to do some resting with my feet up today, i noticed some very very slight swelling at the end of the day yesterday. i hope i can get some time to do that today...we'll see.
  • Well most of that weight from the weekend seems to be coming off but who knows what crazy things by body will do by Friday. Yesterday was a decent day...till the end...DB and I were sort of celebrating a possible new job for him....and well....I didn't have any of my fruit servings yesterday so can I just call those 3 glasses of wine my fruit for the day? LOL
  • Hi everyone, I'm back from my vacation and raring to go!

    We had a really good time, but I am sick and tired of being on vacation and wishing that I were thinner than I am now. I am tired of being filled with dread when I see pictures of myself. I have always been up to try anything, and this year I found myself questioning if I wanted to participate in an activity because of my weight. (activities in question were ziplining and jumping off a cliff into the ocean - I did the cliff jumping last year, so I skipped it. Zipline was fun - the weight limit was 264 lbs so I figured what the ****, why not? ) Then I got mad at myself for PUTTING myself in this position of feeling badly. I am forever counselling either my employees and others that they are in charge of their own happiness and contentment, yet here I am, making myself very unhappy - with something that is 100% in my own control! I don't want to spend every year of my adult life wishing I had made a change from the last year, body-wise. So, that's where I am - I have 4.5 months until our summer vacation, and I WILL make a positive change in my appearance before then.

    Sorry for the rant. By telling all of you, my wonderful cyber-friends, I am re-affirming what I thought about for the 6 hours I was on a plane yesterday.

    Now I have to go back and catch up on the happenings here.
  • Kim.......welcome home NO apologies necessary.......we all need these reminders from time to time......and when you share thoughts like's all good. I am glad you had fun. Tell me about this zip lining thing? I think you might be nuts, just for the record.

    My family has a stomach flu. So far, 13 yo. and 4 yo. and I are sick. They were throwing up.........I didn't get so lucky.......but I rarely do. I always get the other joys of the stomach flu. I know.......TMI. I am going to lie in bed with DS for a while and hope we get better quick. Poor DD threw up 7 times since midnight. Hence my feeble attempt at a nap.......when they are sick.....mama is hand holding. I will check back later
  • Nicole - ziplining - "Canopy Tours" - they are cables strung through the trees - really high up, but you are going through the tree tops, so in a lot of places you can't see the ground. You are in a harness and you get clipped onto the cables and zip from tree to tree and land on a platform. The last zip was a 45 degree descent! About 5 years ago someone from the zipline place came around the resort trying to get people to do it and we were like "NO WAY!" but this year we figured, "well, they've been doing this for at least 5 years and I haven't read about anyone dying" so we tried it. Although I admit that I am still concerned how they got to 264 lbs as the weight limit - I mean, after the guy broke the cable did someone say "oh, he weighed 265. OK weight limit is 264!" In jamaica you never know.
  • G'morning all! I have not been around much because we had a big cold/flu go through the house and I ended up on bed rest for a week... hard to do with 4 kids. I had pneumonia/ bronchitis and had to go on antibiotics that I was allergic to.. a big mess but feeling much better now. I only lost 2 lbs through the whole ordeal, hopefully things will come off easy one the metabolism kicks in and the bloating subsides from the mess (speaking of which.. I need my water). Nice to read up on how you are all doing, hope you have a POPping week!

  • Wow all of you sickos, how everyone is better soon!
  • Goodness! Get better soon you guys. Elizabeth-I hope you are feeling better. Yikes!

    So I'm about to change my ticker to reflect my gain over the past two weeks. These three lbs are not leaving, so it's time I face the music. I'm not getting discouraged...I know they will be off in no time.

    I met my mini goal for Monday-although I had a cheat after dinner. I did redeem myself by getting a really good workout in.

    Mini goal for Tues: Make my lunch, get full 4 servings of veggies and 45min of exercise today.

    How are you all doing?
  • Kim, if its any consolation... no one looks good in the harness! My DH took pictures of me from the back and even though I'm not far from goal I looked terrible and still cringed at the pictures! Glad to see you back! We missed you!
  • LOL - thanks for the confirmation, Julie. The whole time I just thought - "What are these cute rainforest birds and animals thinking when they look up and see my fat A$$ whizzing past them?"