How do you carry the weight??

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  • It all depends on where you look. I think I'm good in my legs and backside, but my middle could definately use an overhaul.
  • Mine is in my stomach and chest, my butt has NONE, I carry a little on my inner thighs, but I'm wearing a short jean skirt today and feel totally confident. My arms have a little extra but aren't bad, I have a ton of muscle in my arms and legs though from sports and my genes. I just wish the belly would go away!
  • would love to have your confidence peachcake! I've lost 80lbs and haven't worn short shorts this summer...the inside of my knees still have a little fat..i'm sure nobody else would bother to notice but i do..its crazy!
  • Mostly only in my memory these days
    What's left is pretty much confined to a band from my bellybutton to about 8 inches above my knee. Looks a little out of balance but improving daily
  • Urgh I have super fat upper arms.. huge boobs.. the top part of my tummy is about 4 inches smaller than my saggy pooch ><.. My calves are smaller than my upper arms and my legs are pretty toned except for the inner thigh fat that wont go away!... I dream of someday having thighs that dont touch LOL.
  • Hmm i am quite happy with my stomach is quite flat luckly i started losing weight before i gained there and i have a definable waist however it all goes wrong with my bum , thighs and legs i have thick ankles and calves that get me down quite abit ...but ohwell i am determined to get rid of my fat bum.
  • I am "lucky" enough to be pretty proportionate as far as being fat evenly. And like some others, always tried to trick myself into thinking I looked better than I did and better than some others who were my size. (Not that I even knew any when I started losing). When I discussed my WL with my family, they were disbelieving when I said that I'd got to almost 300 pounds.

    Now, some of the fat's gone, but I still have some in my upper/lower stomach. (I can see the pads of fat shrinking in my upper stomach - its kinda cool) I also carry a ton of weight in my inner thighs. If you look at my legs from the side, you can see how toned and shapely carrying 275 pounds and biking for the last 6 months has made them. If you look at me head-on or from the back, you can see where the bulge of fat starts, right above my knees - I haven't worn a short skirt in years and capris are my best friend.

    After all the weightloss so far, my arm/waist/hip measurements have all shrunk significantly. My thighs and bustline have stayed the same (about 28-29" for my thighs and 44" under my bust). I know it's jut motivation to keep working on slimming - I'm already smaller than I've been in over 5 years.
  • Like the OP, I carry my weight primarily in my hips/thighs/butt and the rest of the body just inflates sort of evenly. At my highest I never really felt I had gained that much when looking in the mirror naked, but obviously my clothes didn't fit anymore.
  • Oh MAN do I EVER carry my weight in my thighs!! It's a little ridiculous. I've always wished that I could just redistribute some of that up to my boobs! Hahaha!

    My upper arms have definitely shrunk as well...I don't really have any of that under arm swingy business anymore (well, a little tiny bit, but it doesn't really bother me at all!).
  • How do I carry my weight? All over my body! LOL.
  • I'm another "lucky" person who carries her weight pretty well. I find that it mostly seems to be in my hips/thighs/butt area and my upper arms, but I'm thankful that I have a pretty well-defined waist and my stomach doesn't stick out much--of course I definitely have a pooch but it's flat enough to make me look proportionate. AND I'm glad that I don't have much of a double chin... Of course it shows at some angles (like in really unflattering pictures LOL) but for the most part my face isn't toooo round. My arms just annoy the h*** out of me, though. I don't mind my legs as much because my thighs are always covered, and the bottom half doesn't look as bad, but my arms are always showing! It's just like these big globs of wobbly fat hanging off of me... Yuck. It bothers me that that'll probably be the last place I lose weight. Heh.
  • Yeah, I have to say that I've stayed really proportionate too.
    I used to have a pretty big butt (haha that has definitely shrunk though)
    and I have a large bust but thankfully it has shrunk in proportion to everything else (I'm a 36D now i think.. I was a 38D/DD). I've always had good proportions even when I was heavier (and people also thought I weighed less than I was).
    My weight is distributed all over and it's cool because as I'm losing, I can pick out and see where I've lost the most! Isn't that weird?
    Like my last 2 lbs.. I mostly saw it leave my back, stomach, and around my chest.
    The really WISH I carried my weight a bit more in the lower area, because I wouldn't mind having a bit extra there as long as my stomach was flatter, but I see it flattening out. I can't wait to see me after 15 pounds!
    I'm still unhappy about my stretch marks though, especially on my chest =[.
    My mom is getting me Strevictin as a present when I get down to my goal. (they sell them at costco now!)
    I don't want to get very thin, just at a healthy but still curvy weight.
    At the weight I'm at right now, I can say I feel a bit more "average-chubby" than just plain fat.
  • Mostly in my midsection; in the front. I have oddly long (up and down) hips and a really short waist (area between ribcage and top of my hip bones), so I look really square. From the front I look okay, sort of curvy, but from the side my stomach sticks out slightly so I look a little "pregnant" when I weigh more. The weight I'm at now is about the max I look good at.

    I used to really hate my body shape, but right now I don't mind it. I would love to have a flat stomach though. Maybe a few more ab work outs? heehee.
  • I am short, only 5'2, so I think I carry the weight very badly. It's mostly in my stomach, and my doctor even said I needed to do some stomach exercises.

    I think one of the reasons I gained so much weight without dieting was that I didn't see what everyone else saw when they looked at me. In the mirror I just saw a beautiful girl. It took looking at pictures of me to really notice how out of shape I was.
  • I carry it on the inside top thighs, my pudgy belly and of course little bingo wings :P And thats at 138, I hope it ends soon. I have bigger boobs, always have, even when I was 16 and was tiny. At my heaviest I had a 38ddd, now I'm a 34 dd.