What will you do if He buys you Chocolates?

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  • He got me.....

    nothing LOL.

    We've agreed that we'll have a nice thanks giving at the end of the month when we have a good paycheque.

    He was just transferred to another location from his job so his pay was a little less then expected. All well I don't mind at all!
  • D) Other

    Simply because I asked for them. I don't get the filled chocolates at any other time of the year, so I like to get a few really nice truffles from Godiva. I said I wanted for him to build me a box and that he could pick out any that he wanted, but it had to be a box with less than 10 in it. I can control myself around that kind of stuff for the most part... I'll probably have one every day until they're gone.

    Edited to add: I think it also helps that they're more expensive than the average Whitman's Sampler or Russel Stover box. That way I feel like I'm chucking money down the toilet if I just binge on them without really savoring them and stretching them out over a long period of time.
  • How did everyone do? My DH brought home chocolate. But he was considerate and got the WW chocolates. We shared them while we watched The Apprentice. I only ate 5 which is a serving and a half. Oh well. They were yummy!
  • Well I got 6 roses at work on Wednesday, and then the kids all got chocolate filled hearts, I was happy with that. I got him a sugar free chocolate heart. Then for dinner I was pretty zoned, due to some serious pain in my back and the meds that go with it. So we had turkey/mashed potatoes for our meal with our youngest, then I went to bed and he went with the toddler to a basketball game...worked out well.
  • I didn't get anything- but that was our agreement. To celebrate the day, the hubby and I just went and spent the day at Mohegan Sun last weekend, and agreed that such an event is more fun than chocolate and flowers and stuff like that
  • Make him eat 3/4 of them!!
  • I actually very surprised when he got me a dozen roses. He usually knows better than to buy me flowers but once in a while they are ok. Crazy man. We had a nice dinner at home (leftovers) but I made a chocolate dessert with fresh berries.
  • Wow, I'm so proud of you guys! Most everyone said they would eat one or two, and save the rest of give the rest away. I hope this is what actually happened.
    As for me, dear hubby got me a big carton of fresh strawberries and a box of cookies (non-chocolate). He did good. I was going to eat some cookies yesterday, but we ended up eating a big dinner so I didn't eat any. I will share them with him tonight, but will not go over my calories for the day!
  • Despite my boyfriend being my number one "get fit" pep band, he gave me a HUGE box of chocolate this year, it was so sweet of him, i just didn't have the heart to say anything about it, so i'm taking the route of "self regulation" a dangerous one to be sure, but i've been doing pretty well thus far...if i make it through the weekend i should be good.

    You know what they say, "Nothing too much and everything in moderation!"

  • He doesn't buy chocolate, cause he knows I don't want it ahead of time. However, he does like an ocassional chocolate. But, if he has them sitting around forever, cause he only eats one like every week LOL, I will end up dipping into them. So I bought HIM a box. A 3 piece sampler. LOL
  • My boyfriend bought me a box of dark chocolate truffles AND a box of chocolate raspberry truffles (they each had 12 in them). I ate one box and have 4 left in the other. I left them in his freezer though. I sent him a chocolate/cookie assortment to his work and he brought that home and I ate some cookies too. But everything was SO yummy.
  • Not a concern. He is ADAMANT about my not having any...ever.
  • Thank God we both see Valentines Day as a stupid Hallmark money making gimmick. I love not celebrating just because 'they' say you're suppose to.