~ The Thin Group #74 ~

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  • Jo------I know the feeling! I have fallen off the wagon and it's going to #%^*!!X#!!! fast for me to get back on! I have had bouts of gorging like I haven't had in a year. Why? I can't figure it out. I haven't been to WW in 2 weeks but I can see that I can't do it by myself. So I'm going to pick myself up and go back this week. You do the same. You've made great progress and you've just hit a wall. The wall will move if you stay op. Good luck to you and to me. We can do this, we can, we can. Go to sleep tonight repeating this.

    I went to the health food store last week and complained to him, he's a great listener. He said there are 3 medications that hinder my weight loss, they are hormones, cholestrol med. and blood pressure medicine. Yes I am on all three. The answer is keep on truckin. It is very hard to go and you have been good and you've lost 4 oz. At $10 a week that's $40 a lb.. That's pretty expensive! Yes I am sitting on the pity potty. So much for the sad fate of Carolyn.

    That's enough of me, me, me. I will report back in a few days and hope my mood changes. Thanks for listening. Love Carolyn