Friday's TGIF Chat

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  • OH, I just gotta share this!!!

    I saw a recipe for Greek yogurt and agave so I bought some today at Whole Foods while we were in Baton Rouge. I tried it when we got home. I was sooooo delicious. The recipe I saw called for pecans, but I toasted some almonds and used that instead. It was sheer heaven. You have to try was just plain sinful.

    We had such a great day. We got palm trees planted at school in huge pots with mexican heather at the base (no trellises to be found, but the palms were perfect) My poor husband luckily brought and extra the few minutes it took to plant them, he was completely soaked from the heat.

    We ended up going to a wonderful restaurant called Mansur's On The Boulevard and I had a Greek Salad with a lucious grilled Tuna on was outstanding. Then we went to a kitchen store and got a precious honey dispenser for my agave necter. It's in 2 pieces..the top lifts out and the bottom is like an egg cup.When you push on the handle at the top it releases a stick that plugs up the hole, the syrup comes out a hole at the bottom and then it "rests" on the stand and it catches the excess. I learned you have to put your finger over the hole at the bottom while filling it, or it runs right out since the stopper is built into the part you have to unscrew!! I also bought a lemon peeler tool. What a good day!!!
  • I broke down and went to Food Fantasies when I left work (early again) tonight. I was really tempted to spend $8,000 on organic/vegetarian food but I only purchased what I went in there for: B Vitamins.

    I hear that they're supposed to be the Happy Vitamin. I got the Nature's Way B-Stress kind and took them about ten minutes ago. Hopefully they do something for me.

    Hope you girls have a great night!

  • I survived until Friday!! Let's see, I successfully avoided the bagel breakfast, the sub lunch, and 2 (count them... 2) ice cream sundae parties! Woohooo, not to mention, so many compliments from people that I really got that positive reinforcement that allowed me to stay strong.

    I'm going to spend a lot of time trying to clean up the house and get ready for the weekend so we can play instead of doing housework.

  • Good evening all! I have been curled up in a little ball the last three days reading the new Harry Potter book that my brother gave me for my birthday! He's so great! Just finished it a couple minutes ago.

    I've been hosting the munchie monster today. She's grumbling at me right now because I haven't fully indulged her this evening. I am quite proud of myself that I cut her off, wanting two hours between my last morsel and bed time. I could easily have eaten all the junk in the cupboards tonight not caring whether I'd gain ten pounds or not. What *is* it with these urges? Anyway, I dídn't manage to stay under my usual calorie goal but I was only 50 calories above it so that's not too bad. And I did do a bit of running today, AND walked from my in-laws to my parents and back THREE times today! They're only about a half mile apart, but three times back and forth made for at least two miles!

    Connor is off camping with Tom's dad and step-mom in their RV so it's just me and the girls here for the weekend. My sister brought over about a gazillion pictures that she wants to organize on two pieces of foam board to display at her reception. We got them all laid out but it looks awfully unprofessional. I'm a bit of a scrapbooking queen so I'm going to tinker with it until it looks good. We fit all the pictures on but there's just no flow to it, if that makes any sense. I'm going to let it sit tonight and attack it again in the morning.

    I'd better go to bed before I wear down too much and go into the kitchen. The light is off, trying to prevent myself from heading back in to stick my head in the fridge, but I don't think that will really stop me for very much longer.

    Have a good weekend everyone!

  • Sorry I didn't respond to everyone tonight...eyes closing...but had to say welcome to hulamom!

  • Kara has this been the munchie day? I have wanted to snack all day. Good thing I don't keep many things in the house to snack on. The kids like gross things like gummy worms lol. Thank God for weight watchers little chocolate cakes with only 3 grams of fat. One of those and the chocolate monkey is off my back.

    Noles that is what I have been doing all day. We are going camping this weekend and I wanted everything done. Hate to come home to a house that needs cleaned. Hope you have a nice weekend.

    Hi Hulamom, you picked a wonderfully site. Lots of great people here.

    Barb you are a busy lady don't forget to take some time for yourself.

    Usual week here. Daughter is in tennis so I of course get to hit 100,000 million balls to her so she can hit them back at me. How come she can't hit the hamper with a pair of socks but never misses me with a tennis ball and I am running lol.
  • Hey everybody! WELCOME HulaMom2be! This is an awesome place to be!

    I've tried writing a few times these past few days, then my computer would freeze when I tried to send...

    I'm having a low few's that T.O.M. and I feel drained like anything...
    Been curled up in bed reading for the most part.

    I Have Thai spiced Chicken roasting in the oven for dinner and my house smells divine!

    Sorry no individual posts... If I'm on too long, I'm afraid my computer will freeze!

    Have a great day all! Good night! k