Old Hens 40+ And Ready to Lose #119

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  • Good Morning Ladies!

    Luja - I had no IDEA something like that could happen to intestines! My best to your MIL! I know what you mean about eating out. That's my biggest problem-when I get busy I don't cook. Never good.

    Angela - I don't think you meant to address me - my own parents passed away when I was in my early 20's - I was too young by far. (They were older parents - Mom was 36 and Daddy 54 when I was born.)

    Terri - I had a good weekend with bad food as well. I tried to do better yesterday - and did good right up until we hit the Irish Pub for dinner after our SCA meeting. Between the hard cider and the deep-fried portabella mushrooms with ranch dressing, I blew it big time. Back to trying today.

    Heather - : for your mom's wrist to recover quickly.

    Nothing new to report. Just thought I'd pop in! I hope all is going well, or as well as can be expected.

    RUTH - BIG to you! You stay in my prayers.
  • Hello!
    Hello, I had to stay home this morning and wait for the telephne repairman, so I thought I would take a few minutes and say howdy!

    My Mom is hanging in there. She seems a little better the last day. You can never tell what exactly is going on with them at that age. They have put her back in a hospital bed now. Thanks to all of you who have expressed your well wishes for her. The prayers are much appreciated.

    I am doing pretty doggone well with eating under the circumstances. I had gout!! I can't believe how painful that is. If you want something to motivate you to eat better, brother, that is it! Then I was told that I am very acidic, and should try to eat more of a diet to get alkaline. Geez what next? Okay, between the two things #. one being that meat and seafood is not good for someone with gout and a whole list of things that are acidic, what is a person to eat? Oh, and did I mention that the Dr. said I have a yeast break out under my breast? Arrrrgh! I don't even want to tell you what all you can't eat with that one. I think maybe cake and pie is all that is left, no, wait a minute that is white and sugar Maybe I can still drink water, what do you think? So much for my problems, how are all of you?

    Gotta run now. See you later. Ruth
  • Hi, Everyone,

    I'm so sorry to hear of the illness happening with parents. I can imagine how hard that must be. My Dad died when I was a child, but my Mom is still alive and thank God, is doing very well. She is 71 and has more energy than I do by far! I pray she stays that way for a long time to come.

    I haven't posted here in the last couple of weeks because I was feeling down about my weight gain. I had the weirdest 2 weeks, - my weight just kept going up, up and up! I re-gained 10 pounds!!! And I can't figure out why! I wasn't really off plan, so who knows???................... I'm wondering if maybe I'm starting menopause?? My TOM showed signs of starting last month, - but never actually did. I just turned 49 in May and this is the first time my TOM didn't come. But I've not had any hot-flashes or anything, so I don't know. I also noticed when I washed my hair in the shower that my hair was coming out!!! When I combed it, I could just pull on it, and it would come right out! YIKES!!! What's that all about????

    I had an appointment with my doctor yesterday for my annual physical and told her about this hair problem. She said that it might be due to either:

    a. thyroid condition (I have an under-active thyroid)
    b. menopause (or perimenopause) starting
    c. my weight loss (38.5 pounds since April 2nd)

    I had a blood test to check on my thyroid condition, to see if my medication needed to be adjusted. So, I'm waiting for the results. The doctor also said that this hair problem may just fix itself once my system is balanced out again. Anyway, I think it is kind of scary!

    Well, I am happy to say, that things are going much better for my weight loss. The gaining seems to have reversed and now I have lost the 10 pounds I re-gained, plus I have lost an additional 6 pounds this week.

    On Thursday my hubby and I are going on a mini-vacation for a long weekend, returning home on Sunday. We're driving up to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. We'll be going to Mackinac Island, Sault St. Marie in Michigan and also Sault St. Marie in Canada. I'm hoping the weather will be nice and we can have a nice get-away. It will mean eating out at restaurants most of the time, but hopefully I'll order wisely!

    Well, got to go now. I wish everyone the best for the rest of this week & weekend!
  • Good Morning Ladies!

    Ruth: Glad to hear your mom is doing okay. Sorry to hear about the gout! I have a good friend (old boyfriend actually) that has had that for years! I'm not sure how old he is, but I know he's had if since he was in his 40's, maybe even late 30's. He eats like a bird! Always made me self-consious, I like to feed a man! Hang in there - I'm sure you'll find something to eat.

    Sparkles: I feel like my hair has been falling out for the last two years! Even since I started my weight loss. I'm surprised I have any left! (See: bald smiley! ) I'm not sure why either and it worries me too, but so far I guess it's growing in as fast as I'm losing it because I haven't noticed it getting too thin (kind of like my body - not too thin.) And on the loss!

    As usual, I've been busy, but mostly just kind of "unsettled". Not in a bad mood, not sad or depressed, just kind of on-edge, if you know what I mean. I have ZERO motivation to work or to do anything else. I'd really like to lock myself away for a week and read and watch TV and veg. Not to be of course. I'm FINALLY having the long-anticipated garage sale this weekend. I have two friends putting stuff in; my oldest friend-who I've literally known for 38 years, and THE friend-you know who I mean, the one with all the drama in her life. On top of everything else going wrong, her Dr. did a spinal tap yesterday. They suspect Parkinson's or MS. She has a sister with MS.

    How is it even possible for one person to have such bad luck? I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried! It's like she has the worst karma in the world. But, bad as I feel about it, I've decided I have to distance myself from it. I was literally making myself sick with worry. Couldn't sleep, bad dreams, tension headaches, stress eating, smoking, you get the idea. So I'm still there if she calls, but I've made up my mind to quit calling and checking on her every day and worrying so much. She is an adult and A-hole that he is, she has at least got a boyfriend to lean on a bit.

    I have been having a pretty decent life since making that decision. I still am WAY off program, but working on it. Starting today I begin journaling my food again. I am quite sure I've put on at least 8 lbs, maybe 10, (I haven't had an "official" WI in ages, but I feel it in my clothes) but they'll come back off. I'm starting drinking my water again. No exercise yet except for the ½ mile walk into work (the weather is BEAUTIFUL today!) because I'm working my butt off on the garage cleaning it up for the sale and still not sleeping enough to get up early, but I'll get there.

    OMG! I just had the WORST hearing I have ever had. 13 years at this job and I have NEVER lost it with an atty. This one made me so angry I actually hung up on him. He was SO disrespectful and rude. If I had been a real judge instead of a hearing officer he'd have been sitting his butt in jail for contempt. As it was, after I calmed down I called him back and we ended up with a continuance. On my docket again, but next time I'll be ready for him. Big butt-head will NOT push my buttons again!

    I hope everyone is having a good day and everything is going well. I need to get some work done - but you all remain in my thoughts!
  • Hi gals,

    Just wanted to let you know that I'm taking a break from posting this week. I am focusing on getting a blog going and getting myself in a go forward mode.

    Work also is very busy and home is too. We have friends coming on Saturday and then DH and I discussed that we're not feeding anyone for a while. I need to be working horses and dogs and working on the garden.

    I'll be back in touch soon.
  • Lilion: Yes, I confused names, sorry. Sounds like a good decision you've made regarding your friend. It's sad, but there's only so much we can do, and it sounds like this illness is just a recent iceberg-tip. I'm glad you're doing what you need to do for you!

    Terri: Blog? Where? Let's see it!

    I've been a bit disgusted, haven't even exercised in 2 days. But I'll get back on the exercise horse today. I was getting depressed because I'm not losing weight even though I feel like I'm being pretty good... but when I look back I realize I've only been OP with eating around 50% of the time. (Still, you'd think I'd lose a little something, grumble, grumble.)

    More commitment is obviously what I'm in need of.
  • Angela -- I'm right there with you. I feel like I'm being "good enough" but I can actually see when I write it all down that I am not. So, the scale doesn't really move. And I KNOW I need to better commit if I want to take back off the weight I gained.

    at least I have stopped the upward movement from the spring! And I'm exercising more regularly. I will take my victories where I can!
  • Hi all,

    For those interested, I have added a link to my blog at the end of my signature. Feel free to browse anytime.
  • Hi gals,

    Wow, we fell completely off the first page.

    One of the reasons why I was taking a break last week is that Daisy joined our family on Monday. She is 15 pounds of black and tan coonie puppy that has no fear and not intimidated by either Duke or Danni's size. She is an absolute joy. She and Duke fell in love with each other the first night. Even Danni gets in there to play with them. You would think it would take longer than a couple of days to bond but they did immediately. We visited the vet on Wednesday night for the vet check. Duke went too. He's now 54 pounds and not yet 6 months old. But he is a gorgeous boy. We start obedience classes tomorrow night.

    The pool has been wonderful. We had church friends down on Saturday afternoon for a pool party and ribs dinner. We had a blast. It was nice that I got so much work done on Saturday that I could loaf on Sunday. I did finally get up and worked on the garden. I worked outside two hours last night. In between back fill around the pool and working in the garden were dips in the pool. One was about 20 minutes of making it exercise and the last was just to float around on my back and enjoy.

    Hope everyone is doing wonderfully. Too bad I can't wear jean short to work; it would be much easier getting ready in the mornings!

    Have a great day!
  • Terri -- The new puppy sounds like fun! When we got our second dog 2 years ago, we hoped he would be company for our older dog. Unfortunately, the older dog never played with the pup, and while he accepts him, he doesn't really seem to like him.

    I had a good, on plan weekend. It was my 2 year anniversary of this journey, and I recommitted to losing the weight I gained this spring!!
  • I haven't had a chance to weigh, but I think when I do I'll find some pounds have come off as TOM has come and gone. Clothes seem more comfortable today than they have in a while. Seeing progress makes it so much easier to stay motivated, so today I'll rest content with not feeling stuffed into my clothes, and I'll hope there's good news on the scale tomorrow.

    Terri--Glad you're enjoying the pool, and hope Daisy stays happy!

    Heather--Good job over the weekend!
  • Hi all,

    Terri - your puppy sounds like she's got quite a personality! Puppies are so much fun.

    Angela - hopefully the scales will be cooperative next time you weigh -

    Heather - congrats on your anniversary

    Hello to everyone else. I read back further, but it's 5:30 am here and that's too far back to remember. I have a 7:30 meeting an hour away from home. Who schedules 7:30 am meetings anyway!!

    MIL is home from the hospital after a short stay in the NH. There is some family strife over what the course of action should be as MIL's dementia worsens. One sister is reasonable, my husband doesn't think she's as bad as she is and the other sister is an "awfulizer" - she makes everything 500x worse than it is. I feel sorry for reasonable SIL being in the middle. She's the one who lives out of state, so it'll be DH and his one sister duking it out apparently. I suggested that they PLEASE all sit down with MIL and her husband before reasonable SIL goes home and find out what MIL wants and agree on a plan. My DH's suggestion was that we should move to Alaska. Families. Love 'em but they sure can be a pain.

    July has been a bust as far as diet and exercise. I am going to try to salvage the rest of the month anyway. I worked so hard in June and lost only one pound, so being discouraged coupled with family stuff gave me an excuse not to work at it. Which was lame of me, and now I've gained back that one pound and probably a couple of its friends. What I need is some mean old person to pound on my door every morning and hound me to eat right and exercise. I've asked DH to nag me, but it's not in him. What I should do is put my 14 year-old son in charge, but I'm afraid he'd work me to death. He's all about the athletics and has quite a summer training regimen for himself. He makes himself a smoothie with whey protein for breakfast and lunch is usually nuts/seeds, yogurt and fruit. Dinner is whatever I make or the meatless version of it since he's a vegetarian. I am not sure where this child actually came from - but he can't be mine. He's so incredibly disciplined about everything (but cleaning his room)!!

    Have a great day all!
  • Morning ladies,

    I slept through exercise this morning because a certain little doggie was screaming to be let out of her crate. Which meant all three went out to pottie and then they had a rousing play time while I tried to sleep in the recliner. Eventually they wore themselves back out without destroying the TV room. At 5:30 I woke up and made them all go outside again and left them there until almost 7:00. Now the inmates have taken over the asylum again as they are playing with all their might. Which is good because they will lay down and sleep most of the day away.

    Last night was Spanky time. I should be riding him at least four times a week. Since he's been home, I haven't been doing that because first one thing and then another. But despite the heat, I had to do it. I had a good 40 minutes in the saddle. I have a huge, deep bruise on my left boob. I couldn't figure where it came from other than Duke leaping up and got me with his foot. I figured out last night where it came from. Spanky is a very tall horse and I have a two-step mounting block. Which means I still have to hoist my big butt up and over into the saddle. Apparently when I do, I ram the saddle horn into my left boob. Felt like I almost ripped it off last night. GEEZ, it hurt. So the bruise will only get bigger now. I have to either figure out how not to do that or else buy a three step mounting block.

    By the time I was done and had him hosed off, I was so sweaty I couldn't hardly get my clothes off fast night and swimsuit on to get in the pool. I did 20 minutes of gentle exercise in the pool.

    Luja - I'm sorry to see the family issues with your MIL. Dealing with those issues is always so hard. Hopefully their aren't too many friends of the pound and you'll get them off quickly. Your son has amazing determination. Wish I had some of that too. Maybe you can convince him to help you do a modified version of what he does.

    Angela - Good luck with the scale. Focus on how your clothes are fitting and keep working at it. Are you done for the summer session yet or is that the end of July?

    Heather - on your two year anniversary. And I so loved your thread. Very inspiring to keep working on this.

    Well, gals, I need to get out of the chair. I do have to work for some stupid reason. Oh yeah, bills.

    to all!
  • Terri -- I call my dogs my furry alarm clock. This spring they were getting me up before 5 am! They've pushed it back and these days it's more like 6. woo.

    But my dogs are pugs and generally go right back to sleep after being fed! Often, I do too!

    luja -- So sorry about your MIL. Stressful situations aren't the best for weight loss.
  • Good Morning Ladies!

    I'd love to do a long, wordy, post...but probably won't. It's been several days since I made it online. First was the rummage sale on Saturday. Had lot's of customers and made about $170. Not bad with no big dollar items to sell - most of my stuff was clothes that were too big for me or too small for my DS along with some misc. stuff. I always say "NEVER AGAIN" after a yard-sale. This time I'm saying "Okay, we'll do it again in Sept." which is when the neighbors are having sales - so we'll make it neighborhood sales. SO tiring, even with a friend to help - two of my friends put stuff in and did well too - so we actually had a big sale and really not all that much left. I'll have to dig out new stuff for the next one....it's a pain being the only one with a garage sometimes. Sunday I went shopping. I got some wonderful buys at Penny's - skirts for $3.90!!! Their clearance items are 20% off...I didn't buy a thing that wasn't on sale. I now have plenty of skirts...what I need are tops and shoes! I hate having to rebuild my wardrobe from scratch, but at least it's because I got smaller instead of bigger...Got to keep it off now...I sold all the fat clothes!

    Terri - have you posted puppy pics? I'll have to see.... You have inspired me! I started a blog too! Okay - call me a copy-cat. And OUCHIE on that bruise!!! YOW! Be careful with that big boy!

    Luja - It'd be AWSOME to have a kid that likes healthy food! Mine would live on pop-tarts and mac and cheese if I'd let him! Sorry to hear about the MIL troubles.

    Angela - Hope you got your good news on the scale!

    I'm quite sure now that I've gained. I think I'm back up to about 228. I had to take DH to the dr yesterday as he hurt his back and so I hopped on the scale while there. It read 228. Granted it was earlier than usual and I've not been drinking my water - but up is up and I know it's right. I can feel it in my clothes. I need to get back on track so badly - yet keep doing things like eating trail mix and ice cream and other snacky things. I have left-over chinese food for lunch today. More than anything, I need a big ol' buttkick! Not sure WHY I'm having such problem getting back on track...

    Well, got to run - to you all!