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Old 09-03-2014, 07:39 AM   #31  
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Good morning to you all. Another hot sticky day here. I noticed at around 10 last night the heat index was still 100! UGH!

Today is vacuum and mopping day. I cleaned bathrooms upstairs yesterday and got that finished. Seems like there is always something to do here.

I am on to the next project. I have started Thomas's socks again, took the needle size down two sizes and it seems a better fit for the yarn. This yarn is from Britain and seems thinner than regular fingering yarn I noticed when I had Jackson's leftover yarn still not put away so I thought using smaller needles might tighten it up some and it seemed to. So I am at the heel of his ankle socks and will get that in today and try and get some of the foot done.

I take all of my meds and one dose of fiber right before breakfast, then another dose of fiber at lunch, then my other Metformin before bed. It seems to work better that way and keeps me from having diahrrea, which this med is notorious for. My blood sugar levels are great and I don't ever have elevated levels so once I get enough weight off I imagine I will be able to get off the stuff. I am sure glad I am off the insulin.

Susan: Oh, I am so sorry you are having breathing problems. I haven't ever heard of the med you use, is it an inhaler? Hopefully you have improved now. Are you still working part time for your old boss? Are you going to work in the tax office next year? With Jack going on Social Security next year we are having to move our income around some for tax purposes. I am never going to have to pay taxes again and since they don't take out taxes, Jack is having more taxes taken out of his city pay so when we file we are still at the same level. Tennessee so far won't pass a state income tax so we don't pay state.

Maggie: I have a healthy thyroid, thank goodness though both my sisters have thyroid issues. I read an article about problems being hereditary and my mother had thyroid issues all her life so I guess so far I have dodged the bullet. I get tested for my kidneys, liver and A1C twice a year for my diabetes, my thyroid twice a year because of family problems, biopsies once year for my female stuff and a sonogram to go along with my mammogram once a year since I had the calcium deposits last year. I am a testing fool!

Jean: You and Bob look fabulous. Old hags have long pointy noses with warts anyway so that ain't you! We never use our debit card on vacation out of the country either. I figure if they want to steal all that's on my credit card and mess it up well that is different than screwing up my bank account where we have direct deposits and such. They can only take whatever credit you have on a credit card, but they can really steal and keep stealing on you bank account. I have had my bank card replaced several times because someone has charged something on it, but since I balance everyday, I catch anything before they can clean me out. On a cruise you have no access unless you pay enormous fees to use your Ipad or pay around a $1 a minute for their computers. We do use those when we are expecting a deposit to come in or in this case, I have a couple bills that have to be paid with the deposit made before we get back. It usually only takes about 5 minutes or so.

Well gals, I need to go. I hope you have a nice day. Faye
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Old 09-03-2014, 12:01 PM   #32  
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