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Old 12-10-2010, 05:52 PM   #31  
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Madeleine I have wondered all day today why I would rather take an extra pill and suffer the uncomfortable things I am feeling with it when I have already proven that I can do the same thing counting carbs. I say do the same thing, however, I'm not sure I can get the same medical results with taking the pills as I can with the low carb. I decided that it may be rebelling which is really crazy. Even my doctor told me the other day that I don't have to do strict low carb as I can add 15 carbs to each meal. Duh, that is what the plan says we can do. So I have decided that I am going to go back to low carb. Will do Atkins until I get the the carbs under control which will take less than 2 weeks for me to do and then I will slowly the carbs back. There is nothing that I think I want to eat that tastes as good as I thought it would when I do get to eat it. I think I have not made a total commitment. Also I think that once I got the blood sugar under control in the beginning of this journey, it was like it was over. But the reason it can't be thought of as a diet and has to be thought of as just eating the way I need to eat to be healthy is that it is never over when it comes to diabetes. The only way we get diabetes under control is to lose the weight and then keep it off.

I know that you know this. I wrote it more for me because I just needed to say it and see it in writing. Thanks for listening.
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Old 12-10-2010, 07:16 PM   #32  
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trish, every time I write it, I am saying for myself too. Reminding myself. I know what you mean about things not tasting as good as you imagined. Its so true. Go to the atkins thread and check out the flax meal posts. Tried the muffin today, will take the place of other baked goods, and is ok for induction!
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Old 12-10-2010, 08:05 PM   #33  
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Thanks Madeleine. I went over there and printed out some recipes I found that look like they might be good and will give me more variety. I didn't even wait till tomorrow. I started back tonight. I had a baked chicken thigh and salad. Even found an easy quick cheesecake that looks like it will be good.

Last edited by pattygirl63; 12-10-2010 at 08:06 PM.
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Old 12-11-2010, 07:10 AM   #34  
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woke up too early, and am probably ruining my meal plans for the day, since its saturday and there is no news on, I am watching Julie and Julia. maybe it
inspires me to cook.

But truthfully not getting much done. Have no ambition. Got walls washed yesterday, and trim taken down. but no painting. And I have no real desire to do the painting. I can't imagine being ready for family to come for Christmas with the rec room in this state.
Talked about these blues with DH. We have a group counselling session on the 20th. Kind of the culmination. I have had to open my eyes about some of his faults. Somehow its easier to admit my own faults. But the way he handles conflict with our daughter and between us is making things worse. And I am having to accept that as a result, I may have to move DD out to a place of her own. (of course what 18 wouldn't like that) since she is in school, I would pay the rent and give her a stipend for food etc.
does this seem heartless? Its just for a few months until she leaves for university. I don't see how I can keep living so unhappy with things. dont know if I can stay married if she is still here. And its more about his refusal to work on things. He doesn't see his part, thinks it just between her and me.
I am depressed and crying a lot and feel crummy in so many different ways.
Our love life has all but disappeared. I keep doing things to keep to routine. Not finding joy in my days, just in some moments.
I am a mess most of the time. I am going away today, but DH can't come due to work committments, but I will ski tomorrow. I keep hoping that doing fun things and regular things will get me back on track. Ever since that melt down in October I have been in marital and parenting ****.
none of this has to do with weight loss etc, but I am needing to rant today for some reason.
I haven't put it down before because its just too painful.

ok, now I have to go up and make an omelet for breakfast. All the cooking on Julie and Julia is making me hungry. (this is a case where the movie is MUCH better than the book by the way. The book had very little of Julia child in it, and she is the best part of the movie. Meryl Streep is fabulous in the role)

Done ranting. Stayed on plan yesterday, and bs this am is 5.7 mmol.
ttfn, til tomorrow night.
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Old 12-11-2010, 07:53 AM   #35  
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Mad, I have been in almost your same situation and understand. All I can say, from my great age of 71, is that it does get better. Ranting is fine - this is a safe place.

Well, sleep seems to be improving. I think not drinking wine is the key. Weight is getting closer to my ticker and BGL has been fine. Now to keep up the momentum. There might be a chance of inching closer to my goal for the month. (I guess I should say "ouncing" closer, right? )

Everyone, do something nice for yourself today - even if it's just drinking extra water.
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Old 12-11-2010, 09:00 AM   #36  
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Madeleine I know exactly how you feel. I too have been through that type of situation and as Ruth said it does get better. It's just not any fun going through it at the time. My DD and I get along better when we don't live together. I just hope we never have to live together anytime in the future. Sad to say that now she is going through the same thing with her DD.

I don't know what it is about getting in the mood of Christmas this year. I've got loads of things to do before DH's DD and her family gets here.

Thanks Madeleine for reminding me of the Flaxmeal Muffin. I made me an egg mcmuffin this morning using it for the bread. That and a cup of coffee was a great way to start Day 1 of Atkins Induction. It really helped to switch to the atkins last night although officially started today. I just couldn't do the 2nd Metformin pill a day and since the doc left it up to me I didn't take the 2nd one last night. I'll back to one a day, but think I'll take it in the evening rather than the afternoon. My FBS was 115 mg/dl this morning which is good because it is lower than what doc was satisfied with. I think that Atkins will bring it on down.

Ruth So glad you have got your sleep worked out. I couldn't sleep in bed last night so ended up sleeping in my recliner. The Melatonin had been working for my sleeping, but I think I overdid on eating and I also think it was a reaction to backing off of the 2nd Metformin. I have learned that zucchini is my best friend at night. It helps me have lower FBS in the mornings. Will make that with a protein my last snack a little while before going to bed. Just can't eat anything very close to bedtime. In fact, I've found that spinach and zucchini have become my main veggies these days especially for good BG readings.

Headed out this morning to get hair done. It is getting difficult to do and I don't get it permed until next Saturday.

You guys up north stay warm and be careful out in the snow.
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Old 12-12-2010, 06:25 AM   #37  
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Good morning. Woke at five this morning after going to bed at 11 so my run of long sleeps is over. Six hours isn't bad though. BGL was 4.0 so I'm heading back into morning lows. I had an early and light supper because I had to work at the Mill but did have some carbs and protein before bed.

Today's challenges will be the Christmas cookies at the Church's "Hanging of the Greens" celebration and yummy stuff at the Book Club brunch today. I think I'll be fine if I avoid sugar which will be pretty hard to do with Claire's Christmas baking at Church! One is not enough so I'll avoid completely!
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Old 12-12-2010, 03:45 PM   #38  
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Had my first x-c ski of the year today. The weather was good, just below freezing, so the snow wasn't too sloppy but I wasn't cold at all, and layered just right so I didn't overheat either. I am in MUCH better shape than last year. Just doing hot yoga and walking with the dog has me much better off. The first few times I went last year, getting up the hills at this place was really hard, and I was stopping frequently. I didn't stop today except at the base of the biggest hill, and to let some racers by. It was great. I felt so much more with it!
Getting out and away also helped my mood somewhat. I am still in the same situation, and sad, but things feel a bit more manageable.
The snow is really coming down now. I had to get my skiing in this morning and come straight home, there is a foot of snow falling by the time I go to bed tonight, and driving was slow but safe at this time of day.
Had a nice visit with our friends at their cottage in ski country. She has just been diagnosed with breast cancer, and will have another surgery on the 20th. It was caught early and the tumour was small, so there is a lot of reason to hope for the best.
This couple doesn't have kids, and they have always been close to my children.
Sugars are good, 5.3 fasting and 5.0 pc today, even with a lunch a bit heavier in carbs than usual, but the exercise would certainly help.
happy Sunday everyone.
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Old 12-12-2010, 04:09 PM   #39  
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A quick flyby here. Looks like we are all getting things under control. My FBG was 114 mg/dl today which was 1 less than yesterday. I know with the low carb that it will keep going down. I had a good low carb day yesterday although not Induction. I got more than the 20 g carbs... more like 30. But I decided that might be a good thing to do is not to start at Induction this time. I am always starting it but never finish. It seems I remember reading someone say their husbands doctor told him that he didn't have to do Induction, but could start the next stage. With all that is going on that will probably be the way to go for me and to just stay at this point throughout the holidays if nothing else. I am really enjoying the 1 minute flax muffin. Since I love sandwiches, it will come in handy for when I want one.

Small groups at church is an hour later tonight so I'm going to take a quick nap in a few minutes.

Y'all enjoy your Sunday evening.
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Old 12-12-2010, 06:05 PM   #40  
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Trish, I backed into induction myself.( just kept lowering carbs until I was in induction) I can do maintenance at about 35 g carbs/day. Most people can still lose with more carbs than that tho, and if you can lose a pound a week with 40 g carbs, and thats doable, its better than trying and giving up induction. Lots of people like SB for this reason. Whatever lower carb path you take, getting BS under control is the biggest benefit but losing the weight helps that even more. Good luck. keep us informed
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Old 12-13-2010, 05:41 AM   #41  
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Good morning. Well, I woke at three this morning with a BGL of 3.0. I had a yummy baked pork chop and roasted B. sprouts last night but needed some carbs, I guess. We're out of milk so I had to drink some OJ. I'll be more careful tonight. (I'll probably do a shrimp and pepper stir-fry on brown rice.)

Mad, I used to x-country ski a lot and just loved it. I think my skiis are still in the loft in the barn. I may get them down and give them a try if we get more snow. I must admit I'm a little afraid of falling and not being able to get up with this artificial knee.

Do something healthy for yourself today, sweeties. We are worth it.
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Old 12-13-2010, 06:53 AM   #42  
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Ruth, didn't know you had a knee replaced. Just one? so many people seem to need both sooner or later. I know falling is an issue, and when I fall, its tricky to get up. Helps that I have the new type of binding that will let loose more easily. Maybe stick to flat areas for a while until used to it again. Its been a while since I fell, so practice helps.
fasting of 5.8 this am. am testing more frequently again because I will see the doc in the new year and want my charts really up to date. Am pleased to see I am true to ticker today as well, keeping it normal over the holidays may be challenging. Slept well til about 530 myself. Got up to see if the weather was bad enough that it was worth taking something to help me sleep and go back to bed, but no dice. DD is sad that she isn't getting a snow day. She was hoping there would be a flash freeze that would keep the buses off the road. i think it happend too early in the night tho, and the salters and sanders have done their jobs. So that means a driving day for me, and maybe finish early and do some Christmas shopping. Have the list for the grandneices and nephews, its always more fun shopping for little ones.
happy Monday everyone.
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Old 12-13-2010, 11:45 AM   #43  
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We had a few flurries as we came home from church small group meeting last night, but not enough to stick. Haven't heard yet, but I think Charlotte and a lot of places north of that got it. I wouldn't be brave enough to get out on skiis myself. I haven't had any falls in a long time and wouldn't want to chance it. But then I've never been on them anyway. I would have loved ice skating when I was young, but wouldn't even try that now.

Glad things are going good for you two Mad and Ruth with your FBG and scales. My FBG was down another pt to 113 mg/dl, but the scales are bouncing. However, I think that is because I'm eating too much processed protein with lots of salt in it right now. I've got to get to the store and pick up some healthier proteins like chicken and fish. Plus I should have had more water yesterday. However, the scale was right with my ticker yesterday so I think that lots of water today will help.

Today is a stay at home day. Tomorrow and Wednesday will be very busy days.

Mad Thanks for the suggestion about SBD. I have to admit that I have also thought about that one as well. Lots of good things about SBD, however right now the FBG is going down with where I am with Atkins with the added carbs and I don't want to stop that. Also, my goal is to just get through these holidays and go into the next year with my 26 lb loss for this year. One good thing for me is that we are having only 1 Christmas party since pastor canceled the one we had planned to have for small groups since most of those in our class will be out of town. So I just have to get through the one Wednesday night. The other plan I'm looking at is The Metabolic Miracle diet where you eat only 5 g carbs every 5 hrs for 8 weeks and then begin to work up to more. According to the book, you retrain your liver to function properly. So there are some other good low carb diets for controlling diabetes.

Y'all have a good Monday and try to stay warm. Although we haven't had any of the snow, we have been setting new lows.
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Old 12-14-2010, 07:23 AM   #44  
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hi everyone. Well its official, the carbs for a bedtime snack seems to be working and I am sleeping better. Not perfect, but definitely better. My admin was gonna try it too, will ask her today if that is helping her as well.
It seems everyone I know of a "certain age" is having a lot of trouble with insomnia these days.
I have been eating high fibre carbs, but still troubled by slow bowels. arg, that was supposed to magically disappear.
Went to costco last night to get some stuff for holiday entertaining. Weather was not great, so the store wasn't too crowded. I didn't have one sample either. Some days temptations aren't so difficult. But there are still times.
Lots of active weather here, tons of snow and icy roads, making my day longer, as I am driving very carefully.
stay warm and snug all you chickies in wintry places!
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Old 12-14-2010, 08:09 AM   #45  
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Good morning. This was a sleep-in day so I'm putting myself into overdrive. Rob, a tall friend, us coming to change some burned out pot lights for me today - too dangerous for me as I have to climb on the counters! After that I have a guy coming to clean my woodstove and chimney. That's a job that should have been done before now because I couldn't use it last night - had to let it cool off for cleaning.

BGL was lowish again at 3.2. I think I'm going to aim for an earlier dinner and work in a wee snack before bed. Soup will definitely appear on the menu today because it's very cold outside. Maybe chili for dinner?

Mad, my knee was replaced three years ago and a lot of work had to be done. It took forever to heal and still can't bend more than 90 degrees without extreme pain. Working out at the gym seems to help and losing weight certainly would! The other knee will need to be done someday but not soon. I'll be 72 next month and have been very lucky not to have big health problems so I try not to gripe. (There are lots of folks around here "enjoying poor health" as my Dad used to say and I hear lots of moaning when I'm having coffee with the diner group! )

Time to hustle into working clothes and get this day revved up.
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