Winter Leslie Sansone WATP Plus

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  • Wondering what causes then calf to hurt sometimes and not others.
  • tubolard, what is cardio kick?
  • 2 miles leslie sansone and a power walk. will go for another power walk in a few minutes. will run another errand, too.
  • 15 min. bodyflex. Off to spring cleaning.
  • just got back from power walking and running errands in a nearby community. will power walk and run an errand on my way to my meeting tonight.
  • 20 min. outdoor cold and windy.
  • I was hurrying so much I fell..........but I made it back up and came home. Guess I'll exercise inside for awhile
  • power walked on my way home from my meeting tonight. also ran an errand. my fitness goals are attained for today.
  • Quote: I was hurrying so much I fell..........but I made it back up and came home. Guess I'll exercise inside for awhile
    I hope you are doing okay. Falling hurts, I trip over air sometimes and it just stinks.
  • Quote: tubolard, what is cardio kick?
    Violet Zaki is the teacher, it is just a warm up and then cardio bursts mixed with light kick boxing type moves. I enjoy it quite a bit but can only manage the first segment so far, I tried the second and it is just too hard for me. Someday maybe though.
  • Quote: Wondering what causes then calf to hurt sometimes and not others.
    I wish I knew. It is frustrating to no end.
  • 1 mile - 15 minutes Radio Remix Hiits, I switched from Party Hiits and my calf didn't hurt as much so there must be something about that workout that sets it off, I just wish I knew what motion/s caused the pain.
    5 minutes step
    Cardio Kick - 20 minutes
  • just did 2 miles leslie sansone. will go for a power walk in a few minutes.
  • 15 min. bodyflex. Still really cold and windy.........think I'll stay inside today.
  • Quote:
    I just wish I knew what motion/s caused the pain.
    5 minutes step
    When you figure it out, let us know.