June Daily Weighing Thread

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  • Quote: I figured saying as little as possible was best. Un-constipated covers it.
  • SwimGirl - I belive it. I know I had McDs a couple times while living in England and it was seriously different. For that matter it’s different in Arkansas than it is in Florida. I will have to try Canadian at some point, but I probably still won’t like it.

    Coondocks - If you are a chocolate person, have you ever had British chocolate? OMG, yum!

    Vlada - TOM does that to me too, generally the first couple days and the last day. Glad to know I’m not alone. Major congrats on being 50 down!

    I am down 1.2 to 167. I am out of the 167.5-170 range that I had been bouncing in for 19 days. Now I just hope I don’t go back into it.
  • Down 1.2lbs this morning to 216.2!
  • Wow! It looks like there are some nice loses today! Great job everyone!
  • Vlada - congrats on the 50 pound loss!!

    kukkie - great job with all the exercise! All the little losses add up! It's important to remember that, especially with daily weighing, I normally do a weekly tally too, keep things in perspective

    penguin - yahoo! Glad things are moving along Amazing how that build up can really add up to pounds on the scale! I went through this a couple weeks ago, my pharmacist said to drink water when you are eating, it definitely helped! I do it all the time now, to keep regular!

    I am down 1.1 from yesterday, but still up 1.1 from my lowest weight. It's only day 3 of TOM though, just 4 more to go!

  • Quote: I am down 1.1 from yesterday, but still up 1.1 from my lowest weight. It's only day 3 of TOM though, just 4 more to go!
    Aimee Great job! The 1.1 will be gone in no time!
  • Quote: Coondocks - If you are a chocolate person, have you ever had British chocolate? OMG, yum!
    Swiss chocolate is delish!!! I have cousins in Germany, so whenever I visit, there's a store there that carries chocolates from all over Europe. By far the best chocolate I've ever tasted was from Switzerland... Although, give me an Aero bar or Lindor chocolate anyday and I'll be happy!

    Aimee Thanks for the encouragement. I like to do weekly and monthly tallies as well. I guess I can't really expect a 2lb loss every single day... Although, it would be nice.... just saying!
  • Woah - 3FC's did something weird, didn't show me all the posts!!

    FitGirly - YAY!!!! SOO happy for you, you've definitely worked hard for that loss, enjoy my friend!! I used to LOVE Wendy's, until my food poisoning of 2010 happened, I am too scared to eat ANY fast food now. McD's is just, meh, I do enjoy their breakfast, but yeah, none of that for me!

    eclipse - right on!! That's a REALLY great loss!!

    Happy day all around!

  • 243.6 - Down 1.4

    Hope it sticks because that means I only have about 4 and 1/2 to my mini goal.
  • 8:266.0 (-0.8) Started h2o pill.
    9:265.6 (-0.4)
    10:264.4 (-1.2)
    11:262.2 (-2.2)
    12:260.8 (-1.4)
    13:261..2 (+0.4)sodium
    14:259.6 (-1.6)
    15:258.4 (-1.2)
    16:258.0 (-0.4)

    I have been sticking to my WW points, and eating calories, but they have not been what you would call healthy calories sometimes. Well, I eat things very low in calories/points for breakfast/lunch, then I have to make up for them at dinner so I end up having a not so healthy dinner. I have not been exercising either. I hate the tread mill and am more into the water aerobics. They start next week, so I am holding out for them. Once I get into the rotation, they basically are ongoing, up to 3 days a week, drop in.

    I am worried because next friday my 14 y/o step son comes to stay with us from MI for the summer. He was raised by his mother to eat NOTHING healthy. I just got a list of food he likes to eat on a regular basis. OMG! The only healthy thing was corn. He didn't have any meat/protein listed other then hamburgers or hotdogs. It is horrible! We haven't seen him since summer of 2007. Any ideas??
  • Amazing losses, ladies! Keep up the good work.

    I'm still around and OP, just going through some personal things right now. I'm checking in, just not posting much
  • Congrats to all on your losses! I have not stepped on the scale in few days due to good ol Aunt Flo arriving. I find it is better for me to wait until she is completely gone before I get back on. Good job to all!

  • down 1 lb . . . went to the Gym to have my assesment done so I can start with a trainer only to find out I have ridiculously high blood pressure. I've never had High BP other than being pregnant . . . . . what the ****?
    Well, if I ever needed that last kick in the *** to quit smoking this was it.

    55 lbs lighter, healthier diet, and higher BP . . . . how does that work?
  • Quote:
    Coondocks - If you are a chocolate person, have you ever had British chocolate? OMG, yum!
    I used to think Cnd chocolate was pretty darn close to British . . . until my friend in Tooting sent me cadbury right from the factory . . . OH . . .MY . . . . GOD.
  • Quote: Coondocks - I am hoping that by exercising with TOM I will see a nice drop, right into the 250's I hope! Another reason it's bad to drink tons of water before bed? It can cause bags under your eyes.. I am SO guilty of it though!

    Really? That explains a whole lot with me . . . guilty of that almost every night