1 Year / 100 lb. Buddy

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  • Oh I forgot I talked to a friend ( skinny as a rail) today I was telling her about my goal's she said I was not setting goal's that I could meet! That I was setting myself up to fail! Do you'll think my goals are possible? I really want to be back to a good weight before I turn 30!!
  • Stick to your guns, Paula. You are absolutely right to stay away from the scale until your official weigh-day. My official day is tomorrow (1st of the month) but I have sneaked a couple of peeks. About 4 or 5 days ago, my peek told me I was down 3. This morning's peek said I've got 2 of them back again. No more peeking

    With regard to your skinny friend's comment. . . the usual rule of thumb is to aim for a loss of 1 to 2 lbs a week and to be happy if it's only 1. As long as you stay in that range, your expectations are realistic.

    A great, big for you Tammy. Welcome to our group. You will love it here. I feel better for just having got that rant about "sneak peeks" off my chest.

    Lois, thanks for that article. It was great. By the way, how do you do it? I really admire people like you, and Tina, and a few others who always seem to have a special, individualized comment for every one. I tried to go back in the thread after I'd started my post to check on something and only managed to lose everything I'd already written. Is there a secret to it? Or do you take hand-written notes? Or is your memory just a lot better than mine?

    One thing I do remember, Eyesing, was your comment about eating more frequent, smaller meals. I've thought many times that I should try that way of eating. It's supposed to be very good for levelling out blood sugar levels for diabetics. But, like you mention, I'm afraid it will mean I'll end up eating more and (in my case) also mean that I'll never see anything but high BS readings. Your comments are encouraging.

    Anyway, time to go. Have a great day, everybody and keep smiling. It makes people wonder what you're up to.
  • Morning everyone,

    Just a quick check in to see how everyone is doing.

    Paula...I believe in setting up mini goals and then my long term goal. My temporary WW leader told me the same thing that your friend told you, that I was setting myself up for failure. Well, I have made and passed my Valentines Day goal I set for myself. Can't wait to tell her tomorrow. My regular WW leader that is gone till April, told me to set mini goals and to reward myself with anything but FOOD. So, for my first reward I ordered new bras. On Feb 14th, I'm setting a new goal for St Patricks Day and working towards it. Probably another 12 pounds.

    Have a good day chicks,


  • Hi all

    Checking in.

    Lori, WTG... 10 lbs. gone, you're doing great! I really have not had any events to plan for but I am having company for the game on Sun. so I will likely plan my calories carefully and will enjoy the day.

    Eyesing, I agree with your advice about the small meals. They definitely help with hunger.... not only does it keep you from being hungry, it keeps the metabolism burning. Glad you had another enjoyable walk

    Cheryl, Congrats on reaching your mini goal! As far as that little slip you had... the main thing was your resolve to get back on track. I'm sure we will all have or had some not so good days ...I think it's better to have an "occasional" indulgence rather then feel deprived... you're still doing great!

    Paula, great job on the walk! Look, never let a bad scale day derail or discourage you. There will be some weeks where the scale doesn't move and as many here have said, it could be from a number of reason, just know that if you keep with your plan and burn more calories then you take in, you're going to lose weight! : I've seen your goal and it's doable. The advice of setting mini goals is a great idea... each mini goal will give the the motivation and confidence to meet the next one. Just be patient, don't be hard on yourself... and again, just take it one day at a time and you'll get there

    Linda, my official weigh in day is on Sun. but I peek often and I don't like the fluctuations but I go with whatever number is there on my official day. As far as commenting on posts... I use notepad to compose my comments and then copy and paste them here... that way I can go through the posts and make individual comments... I recall Tina saying she does it this way as well... it does make it easier!

    I'm having a good day so far. Workout has been done. Last night I took another try at the 3 mile workout and it is getting better! ...I am not getting winded but my muscles get fatigued (feeling the burn) ...3 is so much more fast paced then 1 and I was keeping up pretty good (20 min.) but I felt my right calf begin to tighten... I was afraid it was going to cramp up, so I brought the pace down and then did a good stretch. It felt fine this morning. I really don't mention my eating but that is going pretty good too. I still need to get my fat grams down a little more and I've improved on my protein. I am averaging about 1200 calories a day... somedays more somedays less. According to FitDay I can have 1726 a day but that is just too much food for me.... now if it were junk food, then it would be easy

    I have to share another NSV. I took my measurements on 1/01 and again last night... I have lost a total of 11.5 inches... Yay!
  • My cheerleader's
    LadyLane! Thank you! I love it here! I feel like I have my own personal cheerleader's! 26in WOW!!!! I will talk to Ya'll again after my walk!

  • Correction on the inches lost.... it kept knawing at me that the number was too big, so I went back and found I made an error. My loss was 11.5 inches.... that seem more realistic!

    You are quite welcome Paula... enjoy your walk!
  • Well I did not do WATP last night like I had planned. My brother who has the flu decided to come in my room and lay in my bed and spread his germs around. So now I feel like I am getting sick again...I never got completely over it to begin with. I hope non of you get this crud it is so hard to get rid of and so easy to pass around. Everyone in the house has had it and now mom is getting it again from being around my brother, taking him to doctors and feeding him and all that. It stinks to be too sick to feel like exercising. The only thing keeping me out of bed is doing this on the internet.

    Sherry - You are so lucky to get to go to the beach so often! Glad to hear that you have found something that works for you. I dont think I could handle all the snacks. But then I usually sleep through at least one meal a day. So I generally eat twice a day. Unless I am going to the gym, I always eat a little something before I go to the gym if I dont forget.

    Cheryl - Hey what are your favorite Richard tapes? I know you said you have several of them. Do you have tonin' uptown, tonin' downtown or Tone and Sweat?? Oh yeah, congratulations on meeting your valentine's goal. I need to lose 8 more pounds to meet mine...crunch time...

    Paula - wow you have a big family! Congratulations on the walking, that was great! I am sure you will see a loss on Sunday! About your goals, i would say it depends on when you turn 30?

    meowee - Good you accepted and admitted your sneaking peaking. It probably did feel good to tell someone. I agree about the 1 -2 pounds being the realistic weight loss goal but so far with SB mine have been higher and I love it. I have a valentines goal that has me losing 8 more pounds from now to then EEK, I dont know if I will make it but I am trying!

    Cheryl - I may have said it before but WTG on meeting your v-day goal!! I hope I meet mine but it is looking like I may not. Good idea for a reward, new bras...I have not decided what my rewards will be. But the first one is a new bed!

    LOIS - WOW all those INCHES GONE....that is terrific!!! I cant wait to be able to say that too. WTG!!!

    Paula - enjoy your walking you are doing good work by doing it.
  • Just a quick hello to all the fellow chicks!!!
    So how you all doing........we are doing well here in Michigan.....it's getting colder......but definately doesn't feel like January winter weather........
    Homeschooling today went great.......and I actually got some organizing done in my stamping area!!! hugs to all...
  • HI Chicks!
    I Have been soooo bad! Let me tell you what happened! I went for my walk, and my wonderful supportive husband said "Lets just stop and get something to eat!" The only thing I could think about was a hamburger steak! with gravy and french fries! So that is what I got! But I did cut it in half and gave most of the FF to my daughter!!! Last week I would have sat down and eaten the entire thing! Garnetfairy My birthday is November 9 do you think its possible that is just 11 lbs a month! I really don't mind not getting to exactly 135 as long as I am close! I got some Richard Simmons tapes from my mother in law too! I got dance your pants off, tonin' downtown and tonin' uptown but she didn't have the rings so do you'll have any ideas on what to use for the rings! I'm gonna start those tomorrow and if those people would ever send my Urban Rebounder I could do that to!!!Well hugs to all!
  • Just thought I'd drop in to say goodnight . . .

    Yeah, Cheryl, you show 'em, girl. The WW person was probably just trying to keep you from getting too down if you didn't make it. Probably wasn't meant to sound as discouraging as it did. At least, I hope that was the case.

    Lois, congrats on your NSV. It may not be 26 but 11.5 is still something to be mighty pleased about. Thanks for the info about "notepad". What is "notepad" and where does it live?

    Garnet, what's SB? South Beach? I've got for you to make your Valentine's goal.

    Mama4, you've got the right attitude about that little "after-walk", girl. Onward and downward and don't look over your shoulder at the mud puddles.

    While I'm thinking about it, does anyone know what SAHM is? I saw it somewhere on the boards and it's been bugging me ever since.

    Have a great night, everybody. Talk to you tomorrow.
  • Lois...WOW!! 11.5 inches gone is great. I'm so happy for you. I'm kicking myself for not taking my measurements or a before picture of myself before I started this journey. But my clothes say I'm loosing inches, and that's a very good thing.

    Garnetfairy...I'm sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Hope you get better soon. In answer to your question, I have all of Richard's tapes. I'm working out to "Sweating to the Oldies 1" and "Tone & Sweat".

    Paula...I'm drinking water...lots of water....about a gallon a day. It keeps the leg cramps away.

    Well my friends, I had a very good day today. I stayed on program, got the exercising in and plenty of water. Dinner was a LC for 5 points and a salad. Hubby is not home, so I don't cook on those nights.

    Have a good night, I'll check in tomorrow.


  • garnetfairy, I hope you guys are all well soon. It does suck to have that bug in the house and to keep passing it back and forth... I know, we were there a few months ago and I swear I stayed sick for about three weeks Make sure you are getting plenty of fluids and start moving around.

    Lori, glad everyone is well and that you had a good day

    Paula, good for you getting your walk in... it's hard to resist those good foods but at least you did good by not eating all the FF, that's good!

    Linda, thanks for the congrats... I had gotten really excited until I sat and thought about it... that was just WAY too much! but 11.5 is good! I hope you felt better today

    Cheryl, thanks for the support! It's not too late to do the pic and measurements now! I had not been one to take measurements either but this time I thought I'd give it a try. I used to hear others talk about losing inches but I had always been concerned with lbs., so I thought I would track inches too this time. You are so right! ...as long as the clothes tell the story you know you are losing. Oh, and that "notepad" lives in your Start Menu ---> Programs ---> "Accessories" Hope that helps

    Hope everyone had a good day!

  • Water!!!!
    I have been drinking sooo much water too! and I absolutely HATE water! I also feel like I am about to float! But the way I see it the more water in, the less food can fit!
  • Links?
    Can we post links to the site I found a good site! You'll may already know about it! But, I would like to share it if I can!
  • Hey everyone!
    Lois- great job on the inches gone forever! I finally took measurements this week, but I'm trying to go on more how my clothes are fitting. And believe it or not, I think my jeans felt better on today than yesterday! lol Hope you are feeling better soon...

    Garnetfairy- you asked about t-tapp. Well, I'm horroble at explaning things, but there is a website-- www.t-tapp.com All I know is that I can totally feel my muscles worked after I've done a workout and it's totally non-impact. I guess it's probably most like Pilates (but most of the exercises I do are standing...) My sisters have had great success with it this past year.

    Cheryl- I think our bodies like the occasional indulgance! And you are great for getting right back on track Sounds like you had a great day!!

    mama4-I think you did great! I mean, you cut your portion down and ate less fries. It's the baby steps that will eventually turn into the permanant lifestyle changes!

    Well, I had a great workout on the treadmill today- running is getting easier! I'm totally impressing myself. Tomorrow will be a t-tapp day-- my poor sore muscles. But I always feel great when it's done.
    I also had a great eating day. I got McDs for my 3 yo today- we were out and about and I did not have one bite of mcnugget nor a french fry!
    I made this recipe for dinner tonight- not sure about the calories, but full of fiber! It was really tasty- even the kids liked it alright.

    Well, have a goodnight everyone!