LAWL Losers & Friends - January 2006

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  • thanks chicks for the compliments, but like we have all said, we view ourselves diffeently. I have aleways felt I had a fat face (cheeks mainly). DBF loves my cheeks and even pinches them from time to time. I really wish icould loose soem eight in my cheeks (both sets )

    I am still only 26, I actually know that this is proabbly the most adult looking pic I have seen of me. I still get carded on a regular and have actually been turned away from a club with 3 IDs when i was in Atlanta because they said they were all fake so I really like my new hair style it gives me a little more age I think and I haven't had anyone ask me why I wasn't in school in the middle of the day for almost 2 years now.

    Sarah~ I wouldn't advise beef on take off. beef takes too long to digest and you will probably not see any results at all. Try seafood, even turkey if you are tired of chicken.

    Deets~ glad you feel better

    Bre~ lady izzy must be a true lady...she is a cutie

    DS and i went to see a sneak preview of Glory Road tonight. It was great and DS was so excited about finding out it was a true story I just had to put him off the internet doing "research" about the movie to go to sleep. Had some nachos and a nibble of his popcorn, but have had 10 extra glasses of water and will have soem lemon water before bed, so I hope I didn't kill anything...movies are the hardest place for me to resist at.
  • 26...bless your heart Im an old lady- LOL!!! (36)
  • I'm a Newby...Today is my 4th day
    So far so good. I am very motivated right now I hope that stays with me for awhile. I joined LAWL because I knew I needed to lose weight, my clothes were tighter, I was growing out of some of them. I had no idea how much weight I had gained until I weighed in. I was HORRIFIED...I darn near fainted right there on the scale. I weighed 192lbs. This is a very challenging weekend for me. Today I had two baby showers to attend, my daughter is having a slumber party tonight with eleven 12yr old girls. Tomorrow I have a wedding to go to and Monday night we celebrate my daughters b-day with the family. That is four, let me count them, 1,2,3,4 seperate occasions where I am going to have to be motivated enough to stay away from the favorite food! Wish me luck!!
  • Quote: So far so good. I am very motivated right now I hope that stays with me for awhile. I joined LAWL because I knew I needed to lose weight, my clothes were tighter, I was growing out of some of them. I had no idea how much weight I had gained until I weighed in. I was HORRIFIED...I darn near fainted right there on the scale. I weighed 192lbs. This is a very challenging weekend for me. Today I had two baby showers to attend, my daughter is having a slumber party tonight with eleven 12yr old girls. Tomorrow I have a wedding to go to and Monday night we celebrate my daughters b-day with the family. That is four, let me count them, 1,2,3,4 seperate occasions where I am going to have to be motivated enough to stay away from the favorite food! Wish me luck!!
    Oh my goodness you have a lot going on this weekend. I wish you the best of luck - please let me know how you did. I started LAWL last Tuesday & so far so good. I'm very surprised at how much food you can actually eat. This weekend with me being on the go and not sitting at my desk at work - it was hard for me to get in all my mini meals. But overall I did very well. I go to weigh in tomorrow. When I weighed last week I was 175 :-( I was so embarrassed. I'm 5'2" and all my weight is in my hip thighs and BUTT. Well my goal is to be 135 so lets drop this weight together. Talk to you soon.
  • wow oven fries that souns great!!! I must try that. Which shake do you like the bset. This is my first week with LAWL so any tips would be appreciated :-)
  • really???? Wow i'm shocked. I thought they would have been gross. I love the Lites especially the chocolate crunch. When i go tomorrow i will definitely pick up the shakes.
  • Sunday Dinenr
    Hello all Going out today with the family for dinner. I already have it planned out in my head what i'm going to eat. A grilled chicken salad with lite dressing and a glass of wine. So far i've used 1p 1v for breakfast. Can anyone give me breakfast ideas? I just started last week with LAWL and I had plain oatmeal with raisins, egg whites omelete - but i would love to hear what anyone else finds an easy on the go breakfast.
  • you are gorgeous girl!!! :-) Keep up the good work. My goal is 140 also.
  • I need a favor ... Please !
    You chicks with newer plans, (I am using my old info and doing this on my own this time around) Have they added any new Fat selections ? All my program shows me for Fats is Diet Margarine, LF Mayo, Oils, and Butter/Margarine ... Help please ... I am having trouble getting my Fat in when not having toast or a Tuna sandwich etc ... Any help would be greatly appreciated !!! Thanks in advance !
  • Sweet 16 - Thank you for the encouragement!! I weight in tomorrow too. I have the wedding today, maybe the cake will be a kind I don't like...I hope so!
    We'll talk tomorrow after weigh in.

  • Hey all!

    to all of the newbies!!

    Just trying to have a POP weekend, don't feel like doing much. Hope everyone has a great Sunday afternoon, full of naps, books, and movies! Katie
  • NOrissa - Im on red so the sizes may be bigger I don't know but Mine says
    almonds, unsalted 7
    Avocado, medium 1/8
    Butter 1tsp
    Cream Cheese, reg 1tbs
    flaxseeds, ground 1tbs
    marg 1 tsp
    diet marg 1tbs
    mayo low fat or light 1 tbs
    nuts, other unsalted 10
    oil canola, flaxseed, grapeseed, afflower, soybean, sunflower olive 1tsp
    olives, black 9
    olives green 10
    peanuts, unsalted 10
    pistachios, unsalted 16
    seeds, any variety, unsalted 1 Tbsp I do sunflower on my salads
    tofu cream cheese 1 tbs
    Tofu mayonaise 2tsp
  • Katie - Yeah it would be great to get together when you come through. I wonder what ever happened to jlynn and cnt?! It would be fun for us all to meet!

    Karen - I would try and eat before I went and then just take a small bite if you have to!
  • Beanie - Thanks for the info !!
  • Beanie- I know, they both disappeared into cyberspace. Too bad. Are you guys getting snow today? We have gotten a good 5 inches since last night!