Golden Girls

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  • Hi everyone! I'm trying to do a little catching up here at home, things i've been neglecting. Was going to get my manicure today but my favorite nail tech is not there so I think I may just wait until Monday now.

    Sandy - I have read the book and seen the movie and enjoyed both although there were a few details in the book that didn't seem quite right to me. I don't want to disappoint you but a few months ago, I read that the boy involved has admitted the story was made up by his dad and he went along with it. He was pretty young when it started and I'm sure it was difficult to speak out against his dad. From what I've read, his mother was against it from the beginning but also went along with it. Shameful to me. I do believe there are legitimate near death experiences but I always test them against God's Word. Losing my first son was difficult at the time but now have to say that I have "mourned" more over one of my living kids more than the one in Heaven.

    I would love to have silver hair like you, Sandy! Mine is salt and pepper although there is a lot more silver than there used to be. I don't think I'd ever color my hair now as I like it ok the way it is and don't want to spend the time on it. When I worked though I had my hair colored. It was an auburn brown. My natural hair was a medium brown but had a lot of red in it, and the color just kind of brought that out more. When I knew I'd be retiring soon, I begin to let the color grow out. Looked kind of funny for a while!

    Glynne - I just wondered how much it hurts, is it worse than the lancets? It is not just insulin, there are at least three diabetic meds now that are given by injection. So far I've refused them. And they and many of the insulin now are given via a pen like device as you describe. I know how to give an injection but not sure if I could stand to do it to myself. I'm glad you don't have to do it daily. I'm sure once we got ued to it we could all do it if we have to. When I started the daily testing I wasn't sure I could do that, but I have never had any problem doing it.

    Carol Sue - I get it cut the same all the time. Don't go by my picture here though as that day I needed a hair cut. LOL I keep it short in a modified pixie cut Everything forward except I push the top (bangs) to my right. It is cut around my ears. I get a bit of relief for a while from the constant itchiness (scalp and ears) when I first get my hair cut then as my hair grows it gradually gets worse again. ETA I'd love to change my picture but can't seem to get any pic to work.
  • Hi Everyone,

    Yesterday was day 10. Only change I'm making is to have a protein bar in the morning with a 12 oz cup of coffee. Other than that, I will stick on this diet at least until I see the new dr.

  • Oh Sandy, I guess I made a mistake!! I am SO sorry. I guess the story that was not true was The Boy Who Came back from Heaven. He says he made it all up. I haven't read that book. Although I wasn't too sure about Heaven is So Real when I read it, I did enjoy reading it and I liked the movie. The actor who played the little boy was adorable!! So sorry for the confusion!
  • The trip to the chiropractor was not really successful. Because he was putting me in so many positions on the table the pain was really bad, and I could not relax enough for him to adjust my spine. It just wouldn't pop. Afterwards I was in a lot of pain and struggling to get to the car. When I got home I put an ice pack on it and took 2 Motrin. The pain subsided a bit and then I went in to lie down for a while, only on my left side. I got up around 5 PM and was back to the way it felt before I went. I told you, it doesn't really hurt much during the day. I had a little pain overnight and feel much better this morning now that I'm up and moving around. I'm a little afraid to go again tomorrow, but I know sometimes it takes more than one visit to get relief. Some chiropractors have you coming back over and over even after you feel better, but this one doesn't do that. He lets you choose if you need another visit or not.

    Lynn, so glad to hear you made it through the 10 days! Are you going to replace the morning smoothie with the protein bar and coffee, or add it to it? I have never had a protein bar. I used to make protein shakes in the morning, but found that I prefer to eat some eggs instead. I think having both would be too much. I will be curious to hear what the doctor has to say about this change.

    Mary, I read The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven but didn't see the movie. The book was interesting and it was a touching story, but some of it sounded unbelievable. Then I remember hearing that it was a Hoax.

    Did you ever try Scalpicin for your itchy scalp? I used to use it. It's a liquid you put on your scalp and it helps with the itch. I guess you've had this for a while and have tried everything. I hope you get some relief.

    Sandy, I didn't do my highlights yet. The only thing that is in my favor as I get older is my hair didn't turn gray. Neither of my parents had much gray either, but they died in their early 60s. I just have a touch of gray at the temples. So my dark hair is natural, and I feel that it's too dark for my complexion. I think I look better with it lighter, and highlights are easier to maintain than totally coloring my hair because you don't get roots that show. After this haircut, most of my highlights are cut off except a few in the front. I do it myself and will do it sometimes when I'm home for several hours with nothing else that needs to be done.

    Gayle, I hope you don't have issues giving yourself those injections. So many people do it and I think you eventually get used to it. It has never bothered me to test my blood sugar. DH hates needles and would never let me check his blood sugar.
  • Hi Ladies,
    My weigh in today turned out to be not too bad. I just gained 1 lb. from my Friday dinner outing and when I weighed in today it shows a loss of 3-1/2 lbs. for the week. (It was 4-1/2 lbs) on Thursday. It turned quite cool here today and I actually turned the heat on for 1/2 hr. to take the chill out of the house. (I guess I'm a wimp lol.) I wore a warm jacket for church today.
    [B][/Glynne B] I'm so happy you feel the nursing home for your mom is treating her well because up here we sure have some horror nursing home stories. I'm also glad you only have to take the injections every 2 weeks.

    [B][/Love2gardenB] Yes, I do enjoy watching football land not just the Chicago Bears lol. There are other teams that I like too. Great that you have "smokey the bear" to keep you company lol.
    I inherited some good genes from my parents as I don't have any grey hair yet except for a tiny bit at my temples. I have put highlights in it a few times during the summer months but didn't this year. I was a redhead in my younger years but am now a medium light brown.

    [B][/LadyinweightingB] I looked at your ticker and you have done great so far and almost at goal!! Good for you.

    [B][/CarolB] Thank you for the update on your back and experience with the chiropractor. Let's hope for more improvements.

    Well, I'm off to watch the football game,
    Have a good day ladies.
  • We got very little sleep last night because of Halo. I'm getting tired of her now because of this. I like her ok during the day, she is a good dog in many ways but this getting us up at night is not good. She got me up once at 1 but I just told her to go back to bed and she did for a few min, dh took her out at 1:30, then he took her out again at 4:30 and after 30 min I went to check on him and she hadn't come back yet. I looked on the monitor and she was sleeping on one of the outside lounge chairs! I called to her but she did not respond, if I go out it just wakes me up more so we just locked the door and went back to bed. At 6:30 I heard her barking and let her in..she hid under the table as she didn't want to go to her room, and since it was late I didn't make her. She's very smart and a bit devious or stubborn when she doesn't want to obey.

    Carol Sue - I didn't know there was a movie for The Boy Who Came Back from Heaven, but see now it was a TV movie. Perhaps it was on a channel we don't get (we don't get many!). I said I haven't read this book but just remembered..I did. I have read so many books I forget what I've read and what I haven't sometimes! It is so easy to get this one mixed up with Heaven is So Real as they are both about young boys and this confusion has caused problems to the parents of the Heaven is So Real boy who are so far insisting their story is true.

    Yes I've tried all or most of the OTC products for my itchiness. Right now I am so itchy in so many places I wonder if some kind of fungus has invaded my body! I know diabetes can play a part. When I go to the new dermatologist I'm hoping we can address all this. As long as I remember to take my diabetic meds BEFORE I eat and providing I eat ok, I notice my bs ranges from from much better to very good. But so often I forget to take my meds until about two hours'd think after all this time it would be a habit but it is not. They are right in front of me on the kitchen counter as I fix my breakfast even. Sometimes I have even taped notes to the fridge and cabinet and I still forget! I have tried setting my phone alarm and that can work but I don't always eat at the same time each day.

    I started this post before we went to church, and now we have just gotten home from both church and eating out. I didn't like the food I got so didn't eat much, but came home and made a high protein mocha. Very tired so hoping to get a nap.
  • Karrine I like football unless it is like one game yesterday when the ref. stopped the game over 22 times and we still had a quarter to play. Suspect there was less wrong with the guys playing than the referee.
    We sometimes watch and root for Montreal Allowets who have a quarter back we saw play not far from our home. Cato. Today DH will have NFL on all day long.

    I took a nap.

    Carol What a rough experience with your back!! You sound like Pat our daughter. About every 3 or 4 weeks she works to cut and color her hair in different ways, wears it short. To me, she looks great any which way. Sure am glad she lives here with us.

    Mary Thanks for explaining the confusion about the similar sounding books. I'd heard some strange things but didn't know there is more than one book about such an experience.

    Lynn Whew . . . . You did it.

    Glad to wear a jacket for Church today, even felt good inside because the AC was full blast and 58 degrees outside. Explain that.

    Weight is holding at low number, only 1/2 pound more and I'll finally be into a different decade and feel as if I'm finally making progress.
  • Mary, the book Heaven is for Real was about a boy who says he died and went to heaven during surgery. The Boy Who Came Back from Heaven was about a boy who was in an automobile accident with his father. That's the one I remember reading about. As far as I know, the one about the surgery was never found to be a fraud.

    I'm sorry to hear that Halo is giving you a hard time. I feel bad for her because she doesn't understand that she's doing something wrong, but also feel bad for you as she is interrupting your sleep unnecessarily. We had one dog who used to wake me up around 5 to go outside, but most of the time they would wait until we got up. I got up around 5 for work for so many years that that seems to be my built-in alarm clock. Very rarely do I go back to bed. DH sleeps later, but he stays up later, too. I go into the bedroom to watch TV and always fall asleep. DH is always in the living room watching things I don't like, and switching channels. Between 5-9 AM is some private time for me. This morning I read a bit and balanced my checkbook. Now I will check my forums online. Around 9 DH will get up and make breakfast. We have our little routine.

    Sandy, On Sunday morning I felt a popping in my neck and after that all my back pains went away, so I cancelled the second chiropractor appointment. Apparently, he had loosened things up when he adjusted my back on Saturday. I am back to normal now, and I told him if I started to feel any more pain I would call and make an appointment. I don't want to go back and do that again, for fear that something would pop back out.

    We had a chilly day yesterday and it's chilly this morning too, but we are supposed to go back up into the 80s later in the week. Summer's last hurrah!

    We go to a couple restaurants that are always too cold for me, so I keep a sweater jacket in the car. Other people come in with shorts and tank tops on and there I sit in my sweater. LOL

    Karrine, good for you on your weekly weight loss. That's more than I usually lose in a week!

    I can't really say that I "like" football. Sometimes I will watch it if DH has it on, and I usually want the Steelers to win, but it's not a big deal to me if they lose. If I have something else I'd rather do, I do it. I used to go to the mall when football was on on Sunday afternoons. I liked it because DH was home enjoying the game and so was everyone else. The stores were not crowded. I don't do that anymore because now that I'm not working I don't need new clothes.

    Gayle, I hope you are feeling well.
  • Hi all. I posted here a year (or so) ago. 64 years old puts me well in to the qualifier for this thread. Was in maintenance. But 6 lbs have crept on. Elastic waist skirts I wear in the summer. But now the cold weather is on my doorstep. And my winter pants are not forgiving. They will NOT let me fit those extra lbs in to them.

    Yoyo dieting has been my life. Sometimes going over 200 lbs. So I have to try to reel in this weight gain. I WILL prevail. Anyway, I am hoping to join this thread. Thanks!
  • Really looks like fall today. No sun at all so far. I slept really good last night, only with usual interruptions, as we were not on Halo duty. I didn't even know when dh left to go fishing. Thurs is my colonoscopy so started the low fiber diet. Almost added the extra fiber to my mocha this morning but caught myself ..for years I've worked at adding fiber for weightloss and my diverticulosis so it's habit. I have a couple appts this get my nails done and one here at home to get a quote on the door we are replacing. Otherwise I'm doing laundry...time to wash all the bedding..I do that each season to help me remember.

    Hi Flower! So glad you have joined us! We are small (but growing) group right now, but we love to chat about so many things...some diet related some not. It's amazing how fast the pounds can jump on isn't it...I gained ten pounds from a medication over a year ago and I'm STILL trying to get it off. I know all about the yo-yo dieting too, but no more. Now I just try to eat healthy and exercise at least some every day. Hopefully I will lose again but good health is more my goal now. Of course, I realize that losing excess weight is part of that.

    Carol Sue - We go to bed about 11 or 11:30....sometimes I stay up later...but most nights I'm in bed by 12. I have always slept best in the mornings. I have always been very wakeful at night and now that I'm older it is just worse what with pain, toileting etc. which is why I really don't appreciate the dog waking me up so often too. I don't feel I get much really good deep sleep most nights even though I'm in bed a long time. Every now and then I sleep better but you can't really "make up" sleep. Dh sometimes has trouble sleeping but mostly he can go to sleep quickly about anywhere anytime. He naps a lot in his recliner while "watching" TV. I have this idea that children who were made to take naps are better sleepers later in life. Wonder if that is true? I don't ever remember taking naps. I made my kids take naps and they usually have no problem sleeping.

    Sandy - You are doing well with your weight loss, I'm happy for you. My weight is mostly stable, though at times I go up as much as 2 or 3#, usually going back down in a few days. I wish it would stay on a number or go straight down.

    Glynne - Hows it going? Is your pain easing?

    Lynn - You survived the detox! Sounds like well in fact. Proud of you!

    Karrine - Wow you are losing fast, GFY! I'm amazed at your lack of gray hair.
    I started graying at 26.
  • Hi Everyone,

    Making chicken/veggie skewers for tonight’s dinner. Getting ready for short trip to CT. My DF and I are going to Deerfield for a weekend get-away & an arts & crafts show. Will be interesting to see how well I am able to stick to my diet while eating at restaurants all weekend.

    Quote: Lynn, so glad to hear you made it through the 10 days! Are you going to replace the morning smoothie with the protein bar and coffee, or add it to it? I have never had a protein bar. I used to make protein shakes in the morning, but found that I prefer to eat some eggs instead. I think having both would be too much. I will be curious to hear what the doctor has to say about this change.
    Hi Carol,

    Protein bar is a replacement. I have the smoothie at lunch or dinner. Doctor’s appointment is next Tuesday.

    Quote: [B][/LadyinweightingB] I looked at your ticker and you have done great so far and almost at goal!! Good for you.
    Hi Karrine,

    Your post actually made me check my ticker. Happily, it needed to be changed. Down another 3 lbs.

    Quote: Hi all. I posted here a year (or so) ago. 64 years old puts me well in to the qualifier for this thread. Was in maintenance. But 6 lbs have crept on. Elastic waist skirts I wear in the summer. But now the cold weather is on my doorstep. And my winter pants are not forgiving. They will NOT let me fit those extra lbs in to them.

    Yoyo dieting has been my life. Sometimes going over 200 lbs. So I have to try to reel in this weight gain. I WILL prevail. Anyway, I am hoping to join this thread. Thanks!
    Hi Flower,

    Welcome. Glad you found us again.

    Quote: Lynn - You survived the detox! Sounds like well in fact. Proud of you!
    Thank you, Mary
  • Good afternoon GG's,

    A nice sunny day here today. It's been a little bit cooler ~ enjoying that.

    DD Sara stopped by on Saturday ~ always enjoy those little visits even if short. She was laying on the sofa while we visited ~ she was feeling a little under the weather. It made me feel sad when as we were talking, to see a tear roll down out of the corner of her eye. I wanted to wipe it away for her, but didn't know if that would bother her. She is sad over some of the choices she has made in life. I wish I could fix it. All I can do I guess is pray and hug her.

    Steve had a coupon for a ride on an old paddle wheel steam boat on a lake in the area ~ evening dinner cruise. It was really nice weather ~ very enjoyable. We weren't sure how the eating part would turn out, since we are following a kind of plant based only diet. Basically what they did was just to hold the meat. We had first a salad, then steamed vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, carrots and summer squash), and mashed potatoes with a little bit of the peel left on and mixed in. I guess potatoes are ok on this diet once in a while, but not to make a habit of it. I was afraid that DH would say we couldn't have those. I ate a few bites, and when he was eating his, I thought to my self ~ yippee. They were delicious ~ a real treat. Then they brought dessert ~ a piece of cake ~ maybe like a sponge cake with a little bit of whipped cream on top and a slice of fresh peach. Again, I thought DH would tell them to take that away, but he didn't ~ another surprise treat. DH even asked for seconds and had more of the mashed potatoes and vegetables. I'm not sure they usually do that, but I think he asked them if he could because he didn't have the meat. I was a little afraid to step on the scale in the morning, but I actually lost part of a pound.

    Mary ~ I'm sorry that Halo has been making it hard for you to get a good night's rest. Glad you rested better last night ~ a prayer answered, I prayed before I went to bed that all the GG's who are having pain and trouble sleeping would have less pain and sleep better last night. Will pray also on Thursday for your colonoscopy. My shot (the one for the RA) doesn't really hurt ~ just kind of a prick, then a little stinging when the med goes in. This was only my first time though, so I don't know. I hope the others won't be too bad.

    Welcome Flower ~ you can do it.

    Carol ~ yes, I am feeling much better. Still a litte pain here and there and some stiffness, but not that horrible pain I had for a while. I am so thankful. Glad your back is feeling better. Your husband sounds like mine with the TV watching. He also watches stuff I don't enjoy and does the channel switching thing. If I am there ~ there isn't any courtesy ~ like ~ asking ~ do you mind if I change the channel. He just up and changes it like he owns the TV. We are lucky to have 2 TV's and seperate areas where we can watch ~ otherwise, not sure what would happen ~ LOL.

    Sandy ~ glad you brought a jacket along to church. That does seem funny that they would run the AC when it was only 58* outside. Glad that your weight is staying down. Way to go.

    Karrine ~ glad your weight at your weigh in turned out better than you thought it would be. Did you enjoy the football games this weekend?

    Lynn ~ way to go making it through your detox thing. When do you get to see the doctor? Is this making you feel better? Hope so for you.

    Going to relax a little and do some crocheting. Hope you all are having a good day.
  • Quote: I prayed before I went to bed that all the GG's who are having pain and trouble sleeping would have less pain and sleep better last night.

    Lynn ~ way to go making it through your detox thing. When do you get to see the doctor? Is this making you feel better? Hope so for you.
    Hi Gayle,

    So far, I have dropped 3 meds from my list. My next goal is to drop the pain pills - Celebrex & Hydrocodone - and the sleeping pills - Sonata.

    My new doctor suggested Marshmallow root to take the place of Prevacid. I am hoping she will have suggestions to help me get rid of the pain/sleeping pills.

    I see her next Tuesday & I have high hopes for the visit. I actually have a LOT of physical benefits so far. MUCH more energy, no more pain, sleeping better, no more headaches, no more eating after dinner, and lost 5 lbs.

    Glad you finally got your RA shot. Hope it is working.

  • WELCOME Flower 123 We'd be glad to urge you on to get into those tight winter clothes!

    Lynn Where would you find Marshmallow root? What side effects does it have. I well know the problems with Prevacid from friends.

    Gayle Sara needs our prayers, too. Sure is hard to see those you love in pain no matter what causes the pain.
    Glad the RA meds are in your system and beginning to work.

    Mary sounds as if you were able to have more normal sleep! What a blessing. I usually go to bed about 11:00 or 11:30 latest unless I make a mistake and start playing a game on the computer, then I loose all good sense and can be up till battery blinks. Grrrrrr Get upset with myself.

    Carol Hope your weather was as delightful as ours today since we aren't too far south of you.

    DH and I went out to walk, blue, blue skies and warm sunshine with chilly air. Felt so good! After breakfast we began gardening, weeding, transplanting and watering. I removed a lot of Hosta that has been in that spot for 20 years. The tree is so tall now that it no longer shades that area except at mid day. Hosta struggle to grow there, now it is OUT of the ground.

    I'll transplant a white Peony into part of that area and add Alyssium (sp) as a border next summer. We have a brick walk that goes down the center of that side garden with gravel paths going left and right to make planting and weeding easier.

    The soil was so terribly dry even when I dug down a foot!!!

    DH transplanted some baby Lenten Roses into an area that borders that brick path. I'll finish watering and then mulch after we eat the trout he caught and is cooking.

    I'm a lucky woman.

  • Good morning ladies, looks like I have some catching up to do and I'll try my best. I have a doctor appointment today that I'm afraid of. I've had anemia (internal bleeding) for a year now and they can't find the source of the bleeding. I've been through all the very uncomfortable tests with no results (I'm immune to the mild sedative they give you and am very alert as to everything unfortunately). My last blood test 3 months ago showed that my red blood cell count didn't change so I'll find out today if that is still the case. I'm beginning to feel that my operation 3 years ago where I had 1-1/2 ft. of my large intestine removed might have something to do with it.
    Something is wrong with my keyboard or computer as when I try to type a "bold" name it automatically puts a forward slash into it which, in turn, doesn't make the names come out bold. I have to manually remove it each time.
    [B]Mary[B]Sorry to hear the Halo is interrupting your sleep so much when you are "on duty" or at any other time. We all need a good night's sleep. I hope your Thursday colonoscopy goes well for you and I'll remember to say a prayer for you. The preparation for it isn't much fun. It must be horrible to be itchy all over and I really feel for you. Have you had any blood work done recently that might shed some light on as to any reason for it. My anemia causes some itchiness but not as bad as your's. Wow - you stay until 12!!! I head to the bedroom at 7 and watch TV until 8 or 9 - then sleep but I'm up early in the morning.

    [B]Sandy[B] for your holding your weight and only have 1/2 lb. to go for a new decade is wonderful. I bet your gardens are beautiful. I used to plant about 300 - 400 annuals a year but have drastically cut back on that as it is getting too hard on me so I've planted several perennials 2 years ago that really helps.

    [B]Carol[B] Fantastic that your chiropractor helped you and are now out of pain.

    [B]Flower[B] Welcome!! I just joined this thread a week ago and the ladies make you feel right at home. I'm sure you will enjoy it here.

    [B]LadyinWaiting[B] Hope you enjoyed the arts and crafts show. I would like something like that. Hey - great that you are down another 3 lbs!! Also, good for you in being able to drop some of your meds and that you see good physical benefits and for losing 5 MORE LBS!!!

    [B]Glynne [B] I think parents suffer along with their children when they are sad about something. It is hard to watch a child in distress. I don't think I could follow a plant based diet like you do but I do weigh my portions of poultry and other meats. You have a lot of discipline to be good when dining out and that you even lost part of a lb. is amazing. I did enjoy my Sunday afternoon football. I also really like Patten Manning of the Denver Broncos.

    I hope the "bold" in the names show up when I post it this time. That's all for my thesis for now LOL.

    Have a good day everyone