Daily Accountability/Lifestyle Change - April 2013 - Everyone Welcome!

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  • Diana I stopped the inositol and kept the 5htp and i'm sleeping soundly again at night...at some point i'm going to switch them and see if that makes a difference either

    wish I could put pics from my iphone here...we had a great send-off Tlingit ceremony this morning for a group from our village traveling by canoe for 6 days to another village where they will do a rededication of a chief's house...my village group flew in last night and I ran them everywhere late at night...then they crashed at my house and spread all their gear around n re-packed it all...then we got up at 6 a.m. and they went to the store, I went to work, and then we hauled all the gear to the safety boat that follows the canoes and waited FOREVER for the canoes to get to the launch site...

    beautiful words by a Tlingit elder and drumming and songs with a blessing...and they are all on their way paddling now...they camp 40 miles south of here tonight and in 6 days will reach the final village after being joined by other villages on the way

    but OMG IT WAS COLD(!!) at the canoe launching...we were outside in the pouring rain for a reallyyyyy long time and I was completely soaked by the time we were done...my hands were cold, red and wet and I was soaked through my raincoat and through 2 layers of clothing...it was windy the entire time too and I was just soooo cold as they set off in their canoes the clouds just poured rain on them...I hope the seas are calm enough for paddling today
  • Diana I got in a short walk to and from DD's school. It was hot and sunny out with a very nice cool breeze. I had to cut the girl off at the lunch hour because she was buying (I doubt eating) 2 full meals, two items of cookies and ice cream, every day. The caf lady said, yeah she eats a lot...uhm, why didn't someone notify us! Our bank did, that's for sure. She is consuming (once again we don't believe for a second she's eating all of this alone) 200 bucks worth a food a month! That's rent in some states...not CT, but somewhere! So, I cut her off of sugar...LOL. No more sweets or a second meal. If she's hungry she can eat when she get home, but again, I don't think she's eating alone, she's actually dropping a little weight instead of gaining. I was stunned though when the lady said that...she eats a lot. Sounds so rude

    I saw a drop of .2 so I'm keeping my fingers crossed I'm on the mend. After the walk, I passed out. Can't determine if it's sun sickness (I took off my hat) or the fatigue. I'm not supposed to be in direct sunlight for more than 30 mins at a time or I get sick, but I wasn't out long today. Maybe a mix of both, Either way, I got a good nap

    Ian awesome news on the gym membership. I can't believe you've been walking home in dress/office shoes. My feet hurt just thinking about it.

    Have a great evening everyone
  • Day 2 of Accountability
    Last night didn't go so well. I went to bed on time (10:00), but my husband came in late and woke me up at 11:30, wide awake and grumpy and feeling like eating. I figure I took in about 500 calories. I put them into fitday and decided to count them as "today" calories instead of "yesterday" calories, so I'm eating very light today to make up for them. I intend to do step aerobics for a half hour tonight. Can't do more because my knee is still weak. Then I may bike for another half hour. We'll see how I feel. The aerobics tends to wipe me out and it's almost 80 in the house.

  • Hi Everyone!

    I had a weird day. I have mentioned before that I have to eat at certain times or I have issues. Also, some people can allow themselves to get hungry, but I cannot do this. Again, it causes issues for me. I had to go pick up some parts for the shop and didn't get back until 1:00. That meant I was an hour late for lunch. I ate my lunch and was OK for a while. Then at 4:00 my stomach was in full growl mode. I don't know if it was because I ate late or maybe pending TTOM. I had brought a couple packages of raw sugar snap peas to work this week. Sometimes I will swap out a veggie for one of my items at lunch etc. If I don't eat something during the week, I will take it back home to eat on the weekend. Anyways, I ate a package of raw sugar snap peas. Then DH had to work a little late. Again, at 6:30 my stomach was in full growl mode. Not good. I ate another package of the sugar snap peas. I probably had 10+ servings of veggies today. That includes the veggies at breakfast. The sugar snap peas alone was 5 servings. After I ate dinner I was very full and satisfied. Hopefully I don't explode with all of that fiber.

    Ian Congrats on the gym membership! I can't wait to hear your thoughts about your workouts.

    Psychic Your favorite meal sounds good, too. Have you ever tried the Napa Chicken meal? If not, give it a try. It's good. I am not a fan of onions, but I have them grill the onions longer and they are good.

    Magical What are your favorite veggies?

    Lumia Your soup and cabbage pie sound delsih.

    Alaskanlaughter The combo may have caused your problems the other week.

    Mamakat Good job on the walk and the .2! Your DD must be sharing food with someone else.

    Diane Are you doing a step DVD?
  • Quote:
    I can't believe you've been walking home in dress/office shoes. My feet hurt just thinking about it.
    It's the cheapest way mamakat. But I now have some nice new training shoes for the gym which I will also use for the walk, starting tomorrow. Upgrade.
  • Total Approx 1710 Calories +

    Breakfast (395 Calories + coffee)
    spritz oil in pan
    egg 70 cal
    egg whites from carton 60 calories
    Vegetable of choice
    1/8 cup feta cheese 40 calories
    Rudi's Whole Wheat English muffin 130 calories
    1 teaspoon jam 20 calories
    juice 75 calories
    coffee w/sugar and cream

    Lunch (385 Calories)
    Rudi's 100% Whole Wheat Sandwich Flatz 100 calories
    3 Slices Hormel Natural Choice Deli Turkey 60 calories
    Honey mustard/Lettuce 25 calories
    Oikos Strawberry Greek Yogurt 4 ounce container 100 calories
    1 Apple 100 calories

    Fix for starvation (230 calories)
    2 pkgs raw sugar snap peas 230 caloires

    Dinner (700 calories)
    Mediterranean Wrap w/ricotta cheese 400 calories
    2 orders steamed veggies 200 calories
    fruit cup 100 calories

    LM Combat 30 w/weighted gloves
    LM Combat 30 Live w/weighted gloves
  • this feels like the longest day under the sun...and I didn't get a workout and I didn't take any of my supplements...I still haven't been terribly hungry though...I cant wait to go home in half an hour, watch tv, make an easy dinner for the kids and make them the lemonade cookies that I promised them...im exhausted and a little worried about the canoers paddling through choppy waters today with no cell phone reception
  • You've inspired me. I ate a big snack last night and don't have any calories left for the day (I'm at 1800, my fitday goal), but if I absolutely can't resist eating I'll have a few of the sugar snap peas in the fridge. But I don't think I'll eat two packs - it's a Costco size bag.
    Fix for starvation (230 calories)
    2 pkgs raw sugar snap peas 230 caloires
  • Step aerobics
    Yes, I'm doing a step DVD. Shapely Girls with Debra Mazda. It's encouraging because all of the models are big. Really big, not size 14 or 16, and she is very encouraging. It's designed for people like me. It's not easy, though. Not for me, anyway. I have to be careful with my knee, but I've read in a lot of places that step is good for knees (it was a torn meniscus that has mostly healed, but I've pampered the knee so long it has become quite weak). In fact, I read that step aerobics was developed originally by a woman who was told to step up and down on a milk carton to strengthen a bad knee. I don't know if that's true, though. I did it. 30 minutes. Not the whole program. I'm building up gradually.


    Diane Are you doing a step DVD?
  • Today:

    B: Coffee w s/milk and sweetener, 1/2 large bowl of cereal, bit of milk and vanilla yoghurt
    L: Seafood salad, Snicker bar
    S: Coffee w s/milk and sweetener, remainder of cereal
    D: 1 pc chicken schnitzel, 5 tblsp yoghurt

    Hey Diana, I'm envious of your meals. Looks like you're putting in a lot of effort. I'm cool with any veggies. I prefer salads though - easiest to make!
  • Hello everyone!!

    Im sorry I was not here yesterday. I mormally log in from work and yesterday my IT was here to help me sort out this accounting program and to sort out my Printer, and he was on my PC the WHOLE day!

    I was bad yesterday

    Breakfast: Cereal with milk and sugar

    Snack: 3 Mini quiche

    Lunch: Butter chicken

    Dinner: 3 baby potatoes and a smaal piece of pork fillet.

    Then my friend asked me what I was doing for the evening..I was not doing anything, and then I ended up drinking cocktails with her

    I know that I did very bad yesterday....I will just have to try and do better today.

    I hope everyone is having an awesome day!
  • Hi all. Up early this morning at 2:30 AM reading your posts. LOL that's what I get for crashing out and going to sleep at 7:30 last night! This is pretty much the only thread I am trying to keep up with at all right now.

    Wow, 3 days until the surgery! On Saturday I start the pre-meds. I think then I am going to start eating really light also... soup, yogurt, protein shakes, etc. I don't want my system to feel "heavy" going into the surgery. Then I get three weeks off work, yay.

    Everyone have a super successful day!
  • Good Morning, Everyone!

    Today will be a busy day for me. Possibly very stressful, too. I am meeting a real estate agent at my Mom's house. It's stressful for me right now because they have not seen the house and I don't know what they will say. The agent is with a large company but he lives in that area. I picked him for that reason. I live about an hour away. I didn't want to get someone from my area and they not want to drive out there to show it, etc. Also, it's a weird area, so I prefer someone who is familiar with those dynamics. The house is 75+ years old. The carpeting is worn is areas (at the doorway, etc). The roof is new, etc. So it has it's good points and bad. I just don't want to have to do any work in order to list it. UGH! Wish me luck today.

    Anyways, I can feel some PMS symptoms coming on. I think it will be starting in the next few days. My weight stayed the same. We always hope for a loss, but sometimes no gain is just as good.

    Calories for yesterday: 1710 +
    Weigh In: 159.4
    No Change
  • Diana - Doesn't the Napa Chicken have tomatoes on it? I remember looking at it and there was something I didn't like on it.

    Yesterday's Calories: 1558
    Today's Weight: 178.6

    Just a little gain. I think I need to drink more water today to flush out sodium. I did C25K W1D2 last night. I'm gonna try to stick with it.
  • Hello Everyone!

    It's very sunny here in Brussels and everyone is going a bit crazy; driving like maniacs with rooftops off and honking a lot (or maybe it's just that I hear it more because my windows are down?), pedestrians crossing the street without looking, a LOT of people out in the street etc etc
    Funny but I'm not sure I like all this agitation. Thank God I have a garden in which I can relax, because all the parks are filled with people, radios, dogpoo and greasy papers (I'm a snob I know ).

    And another bad point is: I'm dying for a cold beer in the sun!!
    And I can't have one because I very rarely limit myself to one, and just like you Diana, alcohol turns me into an eating machine :-)

    Anyway, this morning I had team meeting at the office and I was bad :-(. Here goes:

    2 slices protein bread

    2 and a half croissant (Yikes!!!)
    black coffee

    raw watercress (hard to eat a lot it's so pungent)
    5-6 raw radishes
    2 slices smoked alaskan red salmon (hey Alaskanlaughter!)
    1 cup green tea