The Onederland Express - Hop on here ! #8

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  • Carri, did you get back on track? Come on, Everyone lets commit together, let ourselves have a healthy treat daily but stay OP 90% OF the time all day. My daily treat is fruit such as blueberries or a banana with, whipped cream. Yum! Cheap on calories too! Tonight i made low carb cheesecake. I am leaning to make things I can eat and enjoy and feel completely satisfied with. Its helping so much.

    I went Zumba today,I love it!! It's great,i was a little nervous going alone but I a m string and independent and Dont need someone to hide behind anymore,i was bigger than all everyone around me by a lot, but i know that won't last forever.
  • Hi! I've been thinking about you girls.

    Tori: When I logged on this morning the first thing I saw was "Come on, Everyone lets commit together, let ourselves have a healthy treat daily but stay OP 90% OF the time all day" For me that is the battle cry for this group! and I really needed to see it.

    I did pretty well this week with all the crazy, long work hours and the issues with FIL. I got in 3 workouts and I lost a 1 lb at my TOPS weigh-in. I was off track yesterday...but I did 90% for the 100% and it worked. We can ALL do this!

    Tori: I used to do Zumba and I LOVED it...It is so much fun and you are right..keep that class up and you won't be the biggest in the class for long.

    Carri: You can get back on track...right it! At TOPS Thursday night we were sharing some of the things that we do to keep our heads in this weight loss battle. One lady said that at times she gets tired of trying to take the weight off...and so when she is feeling like that, she gives herself permission to just maintain for that week or two that she feels like that. It gives her body a break and at some point, we will reach goal and will practice maintenance every day, so she tells herself she is "practicing" that..and about 2 weeks later, she is ready to get more weight off.

    Dee: How did your canning go? I can't believe all you do! You have a lot of energy lady. You are my role model. In another post you said, you wished we all lived closer and could get together. I do to! I keep telling my DH that I need 2 weeks at Dee's resort and I would come back to my life so balanced and well. Thank you for always inspiring us!

    Alyssa: Are you still around? You are missed!

    I've got to get in gear. I have some house cleaning to do and then and my best friend from high school are going to see Adam Ant in concert! We are so excited. We saw him 30 years ago....and he is going to be in KY tonight and we are's going to be fun, fun, fun!

    Oh..I also wanted to let you all know that my work is going to continue to be crazy. I will now be supporting a Director and a Associate Director full-time. Someone else will support the Research Fellows and the Principal Scientists that I was supporting and a couple of my projects that I worked on for them will go to that person as well. Most of my work now will be heavy calendar management ( A lot of meetings...and a lot of solving time conflicts), as well as the department budget, and all the department HR stuff.

    Supporting a Director is excellent for my career path. It will be much easier to be working with a Director that we have in our US offices daily and that I work with directly every day...but it will be very busy, as now I will deal with working with VP schedules.

    This is a promotion for me--I just got to get and stay organized so I don't loose myself in all the work!
  • Susie- that's awesome, I'm so glad for your 1lb loss!!

    My father is in the hospital,i am going to bring him a book and some flowers he is on blood thinners and had internal bleeding, they gave him blood and are giving him a spike to see what caused it, thank God he is feeling better.
    I had a birthday party at check e cheese y yesterday ,i had 3 pizza slices,2 were real thin, small piece of cake, then hubby and i went out to Latin night at our local club, was had a few drinks, we had only stayed 3 how but the drinks gave me a headache before we even got home. Havent had alcohol in a while so it affected me negatively.. there was a lot of Colombian dancing, and salsa ,meringue, We only knew the bachata, and samba, we will begin taking classes soon together, yay!! Bellydance class tomorrow night and Zumba in the morning. So im going to keep on track. My weight is holding steady at 237.4 so glad it didn't go way up that would be discouraging..i followed Dee`s advice and had only a small serving of cake. I could hear things we talked about. It worked!!
  • Tori: I am sorry to hear that your father is in the hospital; I am glad to hear that he is feeling better.

    How many belly dances classes have you had? I remember when I took them, we started out by working on our up's and our down's and then putting the together and then that washing machine least that is what I called's when you sort of twist your waist..but it really comes from legs...and then they put those cute little tie-skirts with the charms on them and we put it all together....then the had us add in the arms..and then walk and put it all together (took several weeks to get to that!)

    I enjoyed the classes and I know you will too.

    Good job on hearing and heading Dee's voice and having a small piece of cake.

    My best friend and I had a great time at the Adam Ant concert!
  • Susie,i just talked to him on the phone he feels much better,i know he was under a lot of stress he had a bleeding ulcer and almost died from loss of blood needless to say im getting rid of her today,he has been trying to have her move out for months,she finally moved but still has him running around shopping for her and doing her errands buying ,her vodka everyday. She is a much younger woman and has been using him for months.

    Belly dance class tonight, we tried washing machine, its hard, adding arms makes Me confused lol tonight will be my second class
  • Hey Chicks We're back home from a lake-front camping trip on Aug. 22nd. We took Kylee 9 yr my BFF/she has 3 Gramma's & she says I'm her Bestie & Tommy 7 yr. w us, like a guys & girls trip . We're back a day early because it stormed all last night & 70% rain chance today. This was our last summer vaca. I have 118 business e-mails to read yet + personals.

    I'll b back in a day or so to catch-up w you'all & do posts. Kylee wanted us to bake tarts to take home tomorrow; she loves baking w me cause her mommy & other 2 gramma's keep her out of the kitchen saying she's to young Blackberries & peaches r yum together so that's our tarts; they smell soo yummy I wish U could eat a slice w us tonight. I gave the kids a choice between going to go see a movie-cartoon today or cooking & they chose to cook w me. Tommy chose to make ravioli filled w spinach & cheese to take home, the kids love making fresh pasta dough & cranking it out w my hand-crank machine....

    B happy & enjoy your bodies, we only have 1
  • Got on my home scale today my personal WI, 1st time WI since leaving a week ago on our camping vaca. We ate out 3 x @ restaurants while camping & I gained 2# from their salty-salty foods

    We R what we eat

    Sooo now I gotta go salt-free for 1 week & watch my breads/carbs & flush-out the salt & Nooo snacks 'after 7pm' except: lots of watered drinks w lemon/lime slices or pineapple-basil/mint leaves, etc. or veggie (cucumber slices) in ice water.

    Hi to everyone
  • Hey Dee, it's great you only gained two, those will be off in no time. I took you with me in my pocket last night, we went out to dinner and I ordered fajitas salad and got a box to put half away I ordered green tea and broke up 3 chips into tiny chips and dipped those and I am down 1.2 lb this morning. Yay
  • Tori U R sooo inspirational to all of us w your 'Losses'

    I gotta remember to b bold when I eat @ a restaurant & order my food w/o salt & add my own salt instead. When we get fast-food French fries I ask for no-salt fries, they have a salt-free basket to drop fries in the fryer, when I was a shift manager @ B.King I learned that (like their motto 'have it Your way & design your food). Dh & I get a 50 cent ice-cream cone @ Wendy's & a medium soda & make our own crazy flavored ice-cream floats

    Fajitas r one of my fav's, I've wanted to ask U after U said dh's family is from S. America. Will U please share some of your fav seasonings w us & recipes. U said U speak Portuguesa, r U also from S. America? That explains why U & your dh R both Hotties So what is your 'very fav spice/herb/seasoning' that U use cooking Latin recipes or your 'must haves' cooking Latin foods? TY What's your fav Latin dessert & recipe......

    Carri & Susie I miss U....
  • Hi! It looks like it has been a bit quiet here this week. Sorry I wasn't around. Of course, you know why...WORK!

    I have found a co-op who has some time for data entry and filing and I am handing some things off to here to help me get caught up. It seems like all I do most of the day is set up meetings, change meetings and print material for meetings.

    I have to do my project work like updating the SharePoint info, processing HR info on employees, working the agenda and materials for the weekly Platform meeting a lot in the evenings.

    I have always been busy but ad a new Director and trying to get all the "join-up" meetings he wants to set up in place and make a matrix of all his regular meetings and also working on the new org chart---he wants one that has EVERYONE in all his business units.....that is US, China, Sinapore and London.

    I haven't event thought about logging food or exercise....well...I have...I keep thinking I have to get back to it.

    Now that I have a extra helping hand and I'm going to work 2-3 hours on Sat, Sunday and Monday...and the Director is in China for two weeks, I am going to try and get all caught up and stay that way! Also, with him gone, I'm going to make sure I start getting to the work gym and get my workout routine going.

    The Christmas Challenge starts on Sunday! Where is Carri?

    Dee: Did you make it through your emails? I know how it is...I get about 200 new ones a day at drives me crazy to see all of them!

    A 2lb gain isn't bad but I know you don't want it to creep up on are you doing with your plan to get them gone?

    Tori: Yeah for you being down!

    Carri--you are missed..where are you? It's almost time to start the Christmas Challenge you set up.
  • Carri WHERE r U I miss hearing from U

    Susie, I'm glad that U got new help @ work & U can have some 'me time again' About my 'no snacks after 7pm', I've lost 1/2# in 2 days so I'm sticking w that routine until I lose my 2# gain & lose a extra 1 or 2 pounds more. I recently read another article from the Biggest Loser Trainers & they agreed that losing weight & to maintain w/o backsliding/regaining; is 80% about what we R eating (foods-cooking method-serving size) & is 20% about exercise w weight-training because muscle mass continues to burn fat even when we sleep/sit. Whatever active movements we do r essentially weight-training, 'using our own bodies as resistance', is a awesome philosophy.

    Hi Tori & Lyssa

    Today we went to the Yoder's Amish farm that holds a bi-annual May & Labor Day Quilt Auction [Amish hand-made quilts/tablecloths] and Craft show w 500 vendors selling crafts, antiques, new retail items and flea market items. It takes us about 4 hours to get through it looking & buying items. Dh got a different ice-cream soda that was made w homemade apple cider & it was actually Yummy, aromas of delish foods surrounded us & ppl eating @ tables. We try to have a spending limit on things we need, but U know how that goes when drawn to buy a rare or just-too-cute item We had a booth 1 yr. during May & I sold handmade sarongs [wearable w ties as a skirt or a halter-dress] & 3 sun-dress styles xs-3x & I sold-out. Dh made metal welded guy stuff & 5 ft. sun-flowers & sold-out of his items too. It was fun visiting w in-state & out-state ppl. So we got lots of bargains & walking done today, many retail vendors will drop prices to beat another's price, & 2 retailers had Fiesta Ware/kitchen dishes & I saved $21 from 1 vendor prices; I love to bargain so I can buy more from that retailer. I also bought several allergy-free natural products from a herbalist. Dh took a list of his needs & I shop like a girl & bought for us & gift-giving presents. We really enjoy the variety so much more here than the Shipshewana sellers have. A beautiful breezy 82* day.

    Bedtime now..... See everyone in September
  • Hi Everyone! It is so HOT here in Ohio. I'm staying inside...and have for most of the weekend.

    It's day 2 of our Christmas Challenge--keep it in the forfront of your mind. What is your reason for doing the Christmas Challenge? My reason is because I want to show some sort of accomplishment for the year when it comes to weight loss. I'm so tired of getting to New Years Eve and making that resolution every year and feeling like "yeah right'...instead I want to think and feel 'heck yeah! I lost 29 lbs last year and this year I will double it!"

    Dee; I LOVE to go to festivals and find unique gifts. We do a lot of these in the fall months. The food is always tempting but when you are walking and standing for 4 hours straight you have to be burning some of it off right?

    Every year we go to the Saurkraught Festival in Waynesville, OH. It is a HUGE festival. My cousin has had a booth there for years (dried flower arrangements). She is not going to do the booth this year. As a family we are sort of sad because we all make the trek there every year on the Saturday of the festival and we meet up at her booth and then take off and spend the day together..winding back to her booth every few hours. While I'll miss it, I have been wanting to go to another festival that happens in Yellow Springs that is always the same weekend as the Saurkraught I'm looking foreward to trying something new.

    I've got to get a move on. Things to do around the house today before work tomorrow...because yesterday I did nothing but go to church, napped and read a book.

    I also plan to do a walking dvd today--I haven't done one in ages! It's to hot to walk outside but I HAVE/Need to move!

    Looking forward to heaing from everyone.
  • Count me in! 10% will be 23.8 so say 24lbs, but i wanna hit 199 by Christmas.. It's doable and I'll be pushing hard,i never hit One derland since before my wedding so its long overdue!!

    Christmas Challenge!!
    S tart Sept 01-235.2
    Week 01 09/09-
    Week 02 09/16-
    Week 03 09/23-
    Week 04 09/30-
    Week 05 10/07-
    Week 06 10/14-
    Week 07 10/21-
    Week 08 10/28-
    Week 09 11/04-
    Week 10 11/11-
    Week 11 11/18-
    Week 12 11/25-
    Week 13 12/02-
    Week 14 12/09-
    Week 15 12/16-
    Week 16 12/23-
    Merry Christmas My present to myself will be a healthier body!! Yay!!

  • Hey girls! Its so quiet these days! I miss us chit chatting all the time. I took my dad to west palm To the VA hospital he seems fine now. I was really careful yesterday on eating,down to a new low of 233.8 this morning. Yay!
    Going to Zumba at 10 with my pal then home for cleaning and lunch. We are working on math and science this week with the girls. Bellydance was fun last night, after so much stress about my father it feels great to just let go, dancing makes me feel so free
  • Hi Tori I'm happy for U that your dad is doing better now. Wow 'Zumba & Bellydance' in the same week, that is sooo great that U can have 'Tori time' again Homeschooling has so many awesome teaching features that classrooms don't; ex. U can teach real-life math skills while shopping & science skills @ the zoo & outdoors & go to dance/tumbling-gymnastic classes, etc. & learning Portuguese from U & dh + the many tours & volunteering w U. Your girls will find public school very boring after being home-schooled & they'll see U as their very own 'Rock-Star mommy/teacher' still adoring U many years from now. Tori, how about replying to my food questions please in my other post to U that said. >Will U please share some of your fav seasonings w us & recipes. U said U speak Portuguesa, r U also from S. America? That explains why U & your dh R both Hotties So what is your 'very fav spice/herb/seasoning' that U use cooking Latin recipes or your 'must haves' cooking Latin foods? TY What's your fav Latin dessert & recipe..<

    Hey Susie I know U r very busy @ work, but how about dropping in for 5 minutes to say 'hello' I really enjoyed your last post Maybe if there is a huge festival/flea market in northern Ohio toward the center of MI, I could talk my dh into going next year & we could meet & spend the day together next fall. Summers r just so crazy-busy for us & the weather is crazy also. I always have some clothes that I wish 'fit nicer or I looked better' & I either do some tailoring or sew something new. Classic styles, can b updated so easy w the 'current color of accessories'. If I see a store sale w clothing w great lines/fabric & I'll add a few changes to class-it-up to a fashion designer-look. My fashion clients I sew for r about 60% female, 30% men & 10% kids.
    November is the beginning of Panic season for holiday parties-dinners & so diets & sizing is their 'reality check' time. I recommend selecting their clothes that will have flow in the bust & hips & belted w a elastic waistband for ease in gaining 5# or up to a 10# loss before their event. For ppl that have maintained the same size/weight, for @ least 6 months, I can put fitted or semi-fitted clothes easily together knowing the fit will b fabulous when I custom sew.
    So I get what U meant about the New Year's Resolutions, it seems to b that way for all of us.

    Yesterday we stayed home alone & watched 2 movies. It was nice being alone together & playing.

    Somebody please go Hunt for Carri on FB, I don't have her phone# & see if she's ok. hopefully she's on vaca right now....