Sarge's No Excuses Boot Camp #10

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  • Hey Troops! Just updated the board back in post #367. We're at 61% goal so far... some AWESOME new reports...some WTF moments...but Sarge still holds hope for achieving 100 platoon goal!!!!

    KittyKat...look for Sarge's No Excuses group and just enter your workout data after clicking the "track" link.

    Rated--Glad to see the scale moving like you want it to. I know you feel like you're struggling but like so many of the platoon have already stated in the last few posts, this journey is definitely a slow and steady wins the race kind of thing!
  • I pledged 1 pound and yesterday morning I had lost 1.8 pounds. I say yesterday because I can't weigh today. I will have to drop out of the challenge for a little while. I fell off the ladder when I was cleaning out my mom's gutters and I broke my leg. I am still going to keep my calorie book going and will not let this stop me. I can't weigh because of the cast and I don't want to weigh right now anyway. I hope to see a big difference when I get this cast off of my leg though! I know Sarge doesn't like mushy stuff but it really does inspire me to read this groups posts. I don't have time to write much but I try to catch up once every day or so when I am down or want to snack.
  • Pledged: 2
    Lost: 1.2
    New Pledge: 1
    Miles Trekked: 24
    Side Challenges:
    14/100 days completely OP
    1.2lbs / 15 lbs

    I knew 2 lbs was a stretch ><
    Scale is moving DOWN, makes me happy, but still disappointed that it's not cliff diving. I am pleased though, I lost weight after everything that happened this week. From family, from HP trivia night at the bar, hospitals, vets, bloody carpets, and a spastic 3 am splurge at Denny's with my Aunt in which I turned down gross foods and ate healthy and light and no ice cream. The fact that after all of that I can lose weight, makes me realize I'm choosing the correct lifestyle changes. There was no guilt just proud moments and no desire to splurge. It wasn't even that hard to say no to ice cream at Denny's. ^0^

    Pokey: I bet you're muscles are retaining water from all that working out! You'll be seeing lovely numbers next week!

    Restriella: HELLO again! Welcome to the boot camp!

    SMSDREAMER: Feel better hun. I know that pushups work the abs because Jillian always talks about crap like that when she's telling you to do JUST 5 more of something XD
    I like her work outs.
    Anyway, do your walking, mind your calories, and you'll be fine.
  • Irish--Well that SUC*S!!!! By all means keep reading, posting, and controlling what you can. If you want to stay 100% connected to us and committed to your decision to lose weight, I could create a "sick bay" section where you don't pledge anything but could post your losses (notice I didn't mention gains! ) and we can continue to celebrate your efforts.
  • thanks kuri! I am gonna do that. Good thing there's lots of places to walk to!

    I forgot to report on the side challenges 15/100 days OP 1.4/15 lbs lost!

    edit: :WELCOME: newbies!!! Great to have you with us!
  • Gained 0.2 lbs
    Trekked 1 mile
    Pledge 1 mile
  • Thanks Sarge. I don't think I'm going to weigh at all until this thing comes off or I am able to stand better without the crutches. I may see. I'm hoping for half a pound a week just on keeping my calories low. I hope it is more than that but I won't know until I get the cast off.
  • Today is day 15... isn't it?
    LMAO. ><
    Well, today isn't over...<.< I won't screw up though.
    100 days OP... I'm glad those days are over before the holidays... I have a feeling I'm going over 1600 calories during Thanksgiving. And you know what? I won't feel guilty doing it... no I won't... As long as I run all day the next day...<.<
  • I am completely bummed about the 0.2 lb gain this week, and I apologize to the platoon for not making my pledge. This is the first time I have ever had to post a gain instead of a loss when I've made a pledge in this thread. My weight had jumped a half pound last Sunday and continued to go up through mid-week, and then I stayed at 201.3 for 3 days straight until I dropped to 199.1 this morning. Last Saturday I was at 198.4, and I don't know what caused me to go up from there. I have been tracking my calories and I have been within or under my 1200-1500 range every day, and I was more active this week than I've been since the surgery (I worked almost a full week, and then was really TOO active with my family in town Friday and yesterday; I am exhausted today), so I'm not sure what more I could have done to achieve a loss. It's really disappointing, but I will be on-plan again with food this week and will fight for a loss. Sorry again, all.

    MadamB and Iianae: Congratulations, you warriors! Sounds like a lot of tough fun.

    IrishKat: I'm so sorry to hear about your broken leg!! I hope your recovery is swift and smooth.

    Good luck this week, all.
  • Kuri- yes today is day 15. However, the day is almost half over here and I KNOW I won't go over because I do the cooking So I count it in the morning.
  • Lost 1.5/Pledge 1/Trekked 35.5

    Hopefully this week will get me to my goal of 10 lbs lost for the month!
  • Welllll, long night out with friends, but I did NOT eat the bar(s) food, and I limited myself to 2 drinks. I ended up being under calories, actually. It was really hard because they had vegan totchos, but I really want to make my goal of 10 lbs lost for the month.

    Dreamer, make sure to stick with what your doc said. Taking some time off is tough, but it's better than having to take MORE time off because you injured yourself doing pushups. On the plus side, man, you must've been really working hard to injure your abs of all things!

    Irish, oh my gosh!! I'm so glad you're ok and am really sorry to hear about your leg. Please do stick around while you focus on your diet and get better.

    Welcome, newbies!

    This morning's run was TOUGH. It's a cutback week, so my long run was only 7 miles but boy did we make up for that with some serious hills. I was pouring sweat, and I did that on NO COFFEE. I deserve an award.

    Had my coffee now, though, so I'm off to see about Fitocracy. Sarge's lack of a hangover and MB's residual warrior toughness is making me nervous.
  • joyful HAHA ikr? I expected oh, my leg maybe even my ankle since I am wearing heels to get ready to take ballroom dance as a class but abs wth?LOL. and WTG on being so good last night!! thats great!
  • Pledged: -1.4 lbs
    Lost: +.4 lbs! (TOM)
    Hardcore Total: 581 minutes
    New Pledge: -1.4 lbs

    I'm really peeved with this week's weigh-in, but I'm getting back up, shaking off the disappointment and frustration and kicking some serious *** this week! Sorry Platoon. I'll make it up to you.

    Congrats to everyone who lost this week!

    @IrishKat- I'm really sorry you got hurt, but I'm glad to hear that you'll be doing what you can to stay on track and work through it! I know a lot of people would end up using that as an excuse to slack off or fall off the wagon. You're such a strong-willed person. We'll be here to support you and help you through your recovery if necessary.
  • report in :sarge:

    pledged: 2
    lost: 2.4! YAYYYY
    i'm pledging another 2 for next wk

    go platoon go!