Goodbye 180's

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  • back down to 180.8 this morning yay!!
  • 181.4

    Okay after the weekend that I've had, but I'm dieing to see a number that isn't in the 180s!
  • I weighed in at 184 today, so I'm gonna try and bust out of the 180's within the next 3 weeks. Totally feasible I think. I'm so pleased I finally made it past 185, I thought I was going to be stuck at the top end of the 180's for a while!
  • I think i'll be moving to the 170s thread tomorrow fingers crossed!
  • I weighed in at 185 last wed. That night i had way too much to drink. I tried to counter act it with being really good this past few days. Walking 2-3 miles a day counting every little calorie. I was excited to step on the scale this morning and then shocked to see 188. Ugh, i cant beleive that. 3 lbs, really? Weighing myself everyday was becoming mentally draining so i try not to do it too often but im gonna be very tempted to see what it says tomorrow.
  • Hi, i just joined the board at my highest at 186 so this seems like the perfect place to start meeting everyone!

    I was never above 180 before, but recent struggles these last few months have spinned everything out of control, hoping to get back on track!
  • 181.0

    Inching down.

    AnnaKhan, welcome! You can do it

    Skinnybride, I'm rooting for you! Especially since we've been neck and neck for quite a while now so I would love you to be heading to the 170s thread... because I hope I'll be right behind you!

    ape85, hang in there and just keep doing what you're doing. One night of drinking won't totally screw your efforts, but it sure does screw with your head. There's no way you gained 3 lbs. It's just your body holding onto water so keep on drinking (water) and working out. You'll get a whoosh!

    Going2behealthy, 1-2 pounds over the next 3 weeks? sure, it can be totally feasible!
  • 179 i'm heading over to the 170s group
    I'll see you all there soon

    thanks prepping i'll see u soon
  • I just got out of the 190s and am in the upper 180s now, playing the balancing game between 186 and 188. I think I'll feel like I've finally got a little bit of a grip on this whole weightloss thing if I can get to the lower 180s/the 170s in general.
  • Welcome Citylights!

    Sooo close.
  • @preppingbride looks like you won't be here for long! congrats and thanks for the encouragement

    I don't have access to a scale today but I'm counting cals and planning meals and photo journaling everything that goes in... I'm a super efficient weight-loss robot!

  • wow today read 181.8..just yesterday it said 183.2..hope another woosh comes!
  • @brit good, you're almost there!

    I couldn't get to a scale yesterday and I just bought a beautiful striped one :-P
    ...and surprise! I'm one kg down, so 183.8
  • Preppingbride, I'm going to say congrats right now. I know you'll be in the 170s thread within the next couple of days or so.

    Brit, I see you looking good with your new beach bod! You are kicking @ss.

    AnnaKhan, wow, you dropped three pounds fast! You'll be out of the 180s in no time.

    I'm not even supposed to be weighing. I "hid" my scale and within two days I brought it right back out. Anyhow, weight today is 181.6.
  • I weighed in at 188.6 today. I'll be hopefully out of the 180's by the end of May of Early June.