"Party Like Its 2009" Red Team Chat

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  • Fluffy, technically, I could work out when my hubbs or son are home. However, I am extremely self conscious when I am exercising. Inordinately so. And I am just happier and feel more comfortable if I am alone in my house. We have a small home and there isn't an extra room in which I can exercise. My bedroom is pretty small and serves as bedroom and office, so no room, there. The living room is my only option.

    RangerChick, congrats on landing a new job!

    Congratulations to ASHmomma for being our Biggest Loser for the week.

    I am on track today tho a little high, calorie wise. Some days just work out like that. I think I am okay, then midway through my day I add it up and woops! Running a little high there, girl. I will still be in the 1600 to 1700 range by the end of the day. A little higher than I would like, but still acceptable and certainly well within my loss range.

    I got a good low impact cardio workout done while watching TBL. Weights and push ups are still not an option, thanks to my chest wall muscles. But, I am fine and dandy with the cardio. And, cardio is better than nothing.

    Have a terrific, on track day, everyone!
  • Stressed!!!!!!!!!!!

    Really, can't I just lie down, kick my feet and scream like a two year old! Please!

    Sorry all. I just found out today that I may have to delay my planned move on Friday. When we designed the house it had foam insulation in the basement, (as well as the furnace). The architect moved the furnaces to the attics, which is okay, cause the basements were insulated so they would stay warm enough. Right? Right!?!

    The Fire Inspector decided we need to put sprinklers in the entire house including the basement. Okay.. that sucks but okay. I understand you are looking out for my safety. Sure.

    Then the Fire Inspector decides that the studs and insulation in the basement need to be covered with dry wall to protect them in case the sprinklers go off. (Did I mention that our houses are made of cement and also have fire hydrants built into them, so the fire department can just hook the hose up to the neighbors house and spray down the offending fire? Did I mention that?) So we have to protect the wood and foam, okay, I can do that. So we dry walled the basements.

    Then the Fire Inspector decides that our dry walling is not enough protection for the foam insulation, and insists we take it out. Okay.... that's a little weird, but sure Mr. Fire Inspector; I am sure you know best.
    So we took the insulation out, and guess what? The sprinkler pipes froze. Also burst. Also flooded one of the basements. (Not mine, thanks for small blessings)

    So now, after making us take out the insulation to keep the basements warm, the Fire Inspector is making us install electric heating in the basements. Like yesterday... Like no-certificate-of-occupancy-for-you-until-this-is-done yesterday. Like it-is-very-unlikely-that-I-can-move-in-on-Friday yesterday.

    So here is me. Tired and stressed and ready to through the mother of all tantrums. A I-want-to-go-home,-cry-off-this-migraine-I-got-from-trying-to-reason-with-banks-about-my-mortgage,-eat-my-weight-in-chocolate,-and-never-wake-up-again tantrum.

  • Still wiggling my way down. I seem to be eeking out .4-.6 a day. I'll take it, just keep it coming. So many people chatting here today, and so much has been said.

    Personals- In general.

    Yes, log food. It so helps me stay on track.
    Yes, reward yourself, even if it does not take money. We are working hard and deserve it.
    Yes, we all have stress. Sorry about the house problems. We have to stick to our guns, especially when things get hard.
    Yes, build some muscle. It does a body good.
    Yes, stay strong. This is week 2 and we need to be vigilant.

    See ya.
  • That sucks big time girl. Sounds like the fire inspector needs to make up his mind and stick with it. I feel for you. But don't you dare go on a food binge, that will just make you feel worse the next day!

    Big *hugs* - this too shall pass and will just be a memory soon enough!
  • Cakses- Did I miss something. Didn't you say you were putting up a challenge? Maybe you haven't done it yet.
  • No food binge. Not for me. Just a little bit of within plan comfort chocolate, and hey.. as one of my colleagues said today... when this is over, and it has to be over eventually, I can write a book about it.
  • Hey everyone

    Just wanted to let you all know that I have stayed OP today. I ended up having to add on a few calories because mine were too low. I signed up for FitDay so I think that is going to help. Once I see what everyone is calorie wise, i should be fine.

    Okay off to the gym even though i definitely just want to sleep
  • Hello all. My it has been busy here. That's good though. But, I've got a lot of reading to catch up!

    I've been a little under the weather, but I'm hanging in there. I think it's mostly stress. Work is really crazy now. I've been packing lunch and getting my water. Exercise is slipping, but I started back tonight.

    Let's go REDS. Let's take Week2!
  • Quote:

    Really, can't I just lie down, kick my feet and scream like a two year old! Please!

    Sorry all. I just found out today that I may have to delay my planned move on Friday. When we designed the house it had foam insulation in the basement, (as well as the furnace). The architect moved the furnaces to the attics, which is okay, cause the basements were insulated so they would stay warm enough. Right? Right!?!

    The Fire Inspector decided we need to put sprinklers in the entire house including the basement. Okay.. that sucks but okay. I understand you are looking out for my safety. Sure.

    Then the Fire Inspector decides that the studs and insulation in the basement need to be covered with dry wall to protect them in case the sprinklers go off. (Did I mention that our houses are made of cement and also have fire hydrants built into them, so the fire department can just hook the hose up to the neighbors house and spray down the offending fire? Did I mention that?) So we have to protect the wood and foam, okay, I can do that. So we dry walled the basements.

    Then the Fire Inspector decides that our dry walling is not enough protection for the foam insulation, and insists we take it out. Okay.... that's a little weird, but sure Mr. Fire Inspector; I am sure you know best.
    So we took the insulation out, and guess what? The sprinkler pipes froze. Also burst. Also flooded one of the basements. (Not mine, thanks for small blessings)

    So now, after making us take out the insulation to keep the basements warm, the Fire Inspector is making us install electric heating in the basements. Like yesterday... Like no-certificate-of-occupancy-for-you-until-this-is-done yesterday. Like it-is-very-unlikely-that-I-can-move-in-on-Friday yesterday.

    So here is me. Tired and stressed and ready to through the mother of all tantrums. A I-want-to-go-home,-cry-off-this-migraine-I-got-from-trying-to-reason-with-banks-about-my-mortgage,-eat-my-weight-in-chocolate,-and-never-wake-up-again tantrum.

    O my. I am soooooo sorry. I know this must be stressful and I'm just going to congratulate you on handling in way more maturely than I would. My chocolate-eating-never want to wake up again tantrum would have started with the second fire inspector visit!!! Hang tough!

    CONGRATULATIONS ASHmomma on being the biggest loser this week!!!

    This is just a quick pop in ladies. I'm off to bed. Yes. It is only 8:40. Yes. It is my normal bedtime. Yes. I'm only 25. Yes, it makes me feel incredibly old and lame
    I'm just so gosh darn tired all the time
  • Well I weighed myself this morning and the scale showed me gaining back everything I had lost last week. However, when I took my waist measurement, I had lost an inch . Don't know what that's all about. I'm doing the best life diet and it says not to even weigh yourself for the first four weeks. Maybe that's why!
  • Just wanted to drop in and say hi. Been good so far this week. I did take yesterday off from exercising (first time in a couple weeks). Felt strong when I got on the treadmill and bowflex today.

    Does anyone here do Zumba? I've heard nothing but good things about it so I ordered the DVDs. Can't wait for them to get here. I tried to do Pilate's with the ball and I felt REALLY uncoordinated. Think I need to get down a little more before I try that again. I'm also thinking about getting a Wii with Fit and Dance. Just not sure I want to shell out the bucks for it. For those that have it how do you like it?

    So I have my own question.... what is your favorite workout?
  • I can't keep up with you all this week! All is great...food on plan, exercising everyday! Keepin' it all up! Just busy with work and the kiddos.

    Just wanted to post a quick HELLO!

    Catch ya later!
  • Quote: No food binge. Not for me. Just a little bit of within plan comfort chocolate, and hey.. as one of my colleagues said today... when this is over, and it has to be over eventually, I can write a book about it.

    I am so sorry that you are getting the run around and having so much trouble getting into your house. I think that you are handling everything remarkably well, tho. I would be in a rubber room mainlining at least three different meds, if it were me. Hang tough, it will get done.

    Hey, you can write your book, sell it and pay off your mortgage. I'm glad that you didn't binge. I am inspired by you. Next time I want to stress binge, I will think of you and your grace under pressure.

    I can't decide whether or not I am coming down with a cold. Sometimes I feel as if I am. Then I think it might just be allergies. I suspect a virus as my throat feels a tad sore and my glands are a little swollen. I don't want to get sick! I don't get sick often, but when I do... I get sick. Argh!

    On track today. Calories are a little higher than I would really like, but it is okay. And I did a good cardio workout so it's all good.
  • Hey everyone!

    Yesterday in the 20-somethings I started a thread where I post my daily weight, calories, and exercise minutes. My exercise has been awesome but I've been stubbornly been not tracking my calories and I haven't budged with my weight in like a week. So I tracked calories yesterday and lost a lb today! Magic! Except I'm still +1.1 lbs since last weigh-in. I've got 4 more days to bring it down and below.

    No challenge this week? I've been looking forward to it!

    Does our team leader always make the challenges? Cakses, since you've expressed that you are kind of busy, maybe we can all post challenge ideas and vote on which one to do each week? Or you can pick one? The challenge help me a lot! Seriously, if not for that exercise challenge, I probably would've stuck with my 60 minutes total of exercise for the week, instead of 60 a day for 5 days.

    I hope you are all doing well! You are all really inspiring, btw. I hope we can keep each other motivated and all reach our goals.
  • Yes, I too really liked the exercise challenge and the BL exercise challenge as well. More, I want more!

    I think of you all often during the day. Can you feel it? It's been keeping me OP. Thank you!