Don't Be a Turkey - Thanksgiving Challenge - OFFICIAL CHALLENGE THREAD

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  • Thanks for warm welcome! Today I have been making good food choices and I did 30 minutes on the treadmill. I have been noticing that many are doing the C25K program and I would like some information about the program. Thanks any information would be greatly appreciated!

  • Welcome Jo7475 here is the website to get you going with the C25K

    you can also go to this website
    that will keep you right on track with the program as well, you can download to your mp3 or if you have treadmil play it on your computer as you walk/jog. It is an awesome program and really does work well. Make sure to check it out.

    Congrats Hattie that is awesome

    Jeannep you go girl

    Well I get to log in another 40 minutes of exercise today so I am getting closer to the plantation maybe I will get there by the end of week
  • Eny- I like the new avatar!

    Mama- Glad to hear things are better.

    Jeanne- Congrats on the 5#!

    I was thinking, maybe we could start sharing some of the things we eat a day. I mean, maybe we could get ideas of meals from each other. For instance, I used to go to melissa's blog and look at what she ate for the day and it would help me to think of new things to eat. Anyone agree? It doesnt have to be a gourmet meal , even if its just a sandwich and something to go with it, etc.
  • Eny:i like the new avatar too

    Im starting a half marathon training program tomorrow and im excited/nervous!!
    I need all the motivation I can get.. My mouse has hovered over many 'register here' buttons on random half marathons in my area for next spring. i think i need to get over running in large groups before I click that button for real! hehe
  • Good evening everyone!! Hope you all had a great day, in every way possible

    Hattie - hope you're enjoying the plantation!

    Gatorgirl - It'll be good. You'll get back to school and see that you're fine.

    Jo - you've just joined the best group of women around!

    Heather - I would share my meals with everyone but I have to admit, I don't really eat "healthy" or "low fat" foods. I eat whatever I want but I just watch my portions. Okay... like today... for b-fast I had a meal replacement shake; for lunch chicken nuggets & corn; for snack #1 diced apples; snack #2 PB crackers; dinner - 4 bean & cheese tacos; dessert - 4 cookies It may not seem like it but that is SO much less than I used to eat. Now I just eat when I feel hungry, not when I'm bored. Or when I had that "I want something but I'm not sure what I want so let me try everything until I figure it out" feeling. And I have been staying away from the emotional eating. The "my husband just royally pissed me off and now I'm going to attack the ice cream" And trust me, he still pisses me off! I just stay away from the food. My biggest challenge has been working out and the mini challenge is keeping me moving, which is why I love this group!

    Well, I shall say good night for now! Until tomorrow...
  • Hey Heather, my eating is pretty dull and repetitive but I do blog it at the end of my entries for days that I blog. It's here. Just scroll past the blather (I talk/type too much) for meals and exercise. I don't eat typical meals, and sometimes have seafood for breakfast so I doubt if you'll get much use out of it.

    PS - I curse a lot sometimes, have a real potty mouth - not every post - only when I'm in a mood, but watch out when I'm in the mood (!!!), so if you're easily offended don't say I didn't warn you!

    I want my weight to MOVE along! Looking forward to tomorrow's weigh in.
  • Good Morning!

    I just wanted to share some news with everyone -- on November 20th my husband & I are going to the 1st. meeting to start our training/paperwork for adoption.

    We don't have any children (the little girl in the pic is my Niece/God Daughter in Chicago, my husband's 2nd oldest brother's youngest of 5!) and if I ever refer to the children I'm with during the day it's the children I watch at my home child care. So I'm excited! I keep saying, we have 3 empty bedrooms upstairs, it's time we do something to fill them up!

    Adopting one child or a sibling group also makes me want to get in shape so I'll have the energy to keep up with them and all their activities. Yet another reason for me to get healthy.

    Yeah so I'm excited and just wanted to share!
    Have a great rest of the day!
  • FB - I too have a potty mouth - it's a good thing that 3FC censors for me!

    Faux - a 1/2 marathon - THAT'S AWESOME! honestly, that's on my "life list" to do before I'm 35.. I should start training now!

    reda - thanks for the links... I've been wanting to start the C25K for awhile! I need to be a Nike commercial! I just wish that the only place I have to do it wasn't outside! IT'S COLD!!! :snow: Maybe I'll check out the local schools and see if they have indoor gym times or something... hmmm... there's a thought!

    Jo - nice that you finally got your butt in here! Geez slacker!

    Heather - I LOVE the idea of sharing foods.. however since Halloween my diet has consisted of Burger King, McD's, KFC, A TON of candy, more McD's, Chinese food, and enough Diet coke to make the Pacific a pretty caramel color! I restarted today... and This morning, I had an apple.

    Nessa - THAT IS WONDERFUL!!! Adopting a child or children is an INCREDIBLE decision! I wish you the best of luck through this process, and a TON of prayers!

    Ok - i'm obviously in a mood today.. but in a good way. I'm going to go to the c25k link, and get myself started! I'm thinking the podcast might be the way to go for me. I'm going to have to check that out too!

    Alright girlys - Check you later... but before I go - here's today's motivational quote:The greatest things ever to be done on this Earth have been done little by little. ~William Jennings Bryan

    Remember girls - one step, one day, one choice at a time!
  • Good morning!

    Faux- Good luck with the 1/2 marathon. Thats really good that your going to try to do that, I cant even run a mile, lol.

    FB- I looked at your blog, that is a interesting food combination. lol. But hey, you have lost a ton of weight so it must be working. I could start eating more tuna. Thanks for sharing

    StNessa- Im the same way lately, ive been trying to eat what I want but not as much so I dont totally deprive myself but its just not working for me. I tend to eat more than I should. I am definatly a person who eats when bored or mad. I wish I had the power to stop doing that.
    Congrats on the adoption! I hope everything goes well.

    Eny- Yeah it happens. An apple is good, I just done like fruit much. Its like why does all the fatty foods like fast food taste so much better than healthy foods, ya know? I love my fast foods too and chinese is also wonderful , hehe.
  • Quote: I just wanted to share some news with everyone -- on November 20th my husband & I are going to the 1st. meeting to start our training/paperwork for adoption.
    That is great news...Congrats!!! Children are a wonderful thing

    Quote: Im starting a half marathon training program tomorrow and im excited/nervous!!
    I need all the motivation I can get..
    Wow...that will be alot of training...Good luck. I don't think I would ever have enough motivation for that.

    Well today I haven't ate the best food, since we had a Thanksgiving Lunch at my work. I didn't eat alot, but ate not such good stuff. I did workout for 50 mins today, which made me feel really good this morning. I got my 30DS in the mail yesterday, so I did that and an express workout of The Firm. Have a great day everyone!!!
  • I just posted my first mini goal post ladies,

    The befores are in one post and if you scroll down, the afters are in my second post on the thread.

    Stnessa: SOOOOO awesome about your decision to adopt!!!! Keep as posted on how things are going! We are here for ya!!

    To those who mentioned about the half marathon: Im nervous.. it is a lot of work. I can do 5k.. but there's a lot more than that involved... I'm sure you will all hear my complaining.. hehe dont let me give up!!
  • Faux - I just looked at the pics - YOU LOOK INCREDIBLE!!!! Let's get through the last 1/2 together! I need someone to drag my butt off the couch and get it moving!!!! I'm going to start the c25K tomorrow night - tonight's dance class for DD - so the timing's off completely.
  • Nessa:

    I wish all of you the best! I weighed in this morning at 284.7 that's from the 288.6 I was last week!

  • FAUX- All I can say is WOW! You look great! Congrats, keep up the wonderful work.
  • thanks guys.. it means alot.

    I don't know what i would do without 3FC... you guys are AMAZING AMAZING people!