LAWL & Friends - January 2005

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  • Star, I was . . .
    only joking I reread what I said, and realized that it sounded - not so good. . .

  • Julie "Star, I think you're a little biased" Okay I probably am,but which thing are you talking about If it's about Kaycee - you think I am

    Lisa - Congrats on reaching goal Spoil that new baby - that's what they

    Julie, So glad you have added exercise in with your program. I hope you can see the good things that go hand in hand with it soon.

    Diane, "Inches-A-Weigh" sounds very "iffy" to me. I can't imagine getting results from a machine that moves your body parts around. Does your friend have some kind of handicap where she can't move herself? I remember along time ago there was a franchise that offered that plan without the nutrition part.

    Okay have to run and do some work....before I have to leave.......
  • SOOOOO many posts since lunchtime!!! Busy board today.

    I dont have much to say other than I have that "binge" feeling right now. I want to eat something bad...anything. UGH. Decided to check email and pay bills instead. LOL Not sure how that will help, but maybe. : )
  • Okay Chicks, Please tell me if I'm crazy, BUT wasn't someone on here a counslor at LA years ago? Did I dream that or something?
    Enquiring Minds want to know......

    Marcie - ofcourse your hungry - you lost all that weight - there's an big ole empty hole in your tummy............fill it up with water and more water....
  • Julie- Congrats on the exercising! It was a struggle and I did not want to but I am going to make it a habit!!! DH just accepted a job with CGI/AMS. It will be installing financial software and it is on the AMS side. Not sure what the AMS stands for but they have like 2500 employees. The company he is leaving is a small firm of about 12. They installed financial software called Navision. He was VP but is so burned out and they have been really slow so he felt it was time to leave and pursue new avenues and learn a new product. Plus his current place really had no place to move up the corporate scale and he misses having large goals to accomplish. With CGI/AMS he has about 5 spaces to climb up the ladder!! He is young and really loves to challenge hisself so I guess this will be a challenge for all of us!! Where did/do you work?

    Gotta run, class starts tonight and I am needing to get supper started for DH and the boys!
  • Two and a half pages and it's only 4:30 - you guys have been busy! I spent all day sitting in RE Orientation and Ethics training - talk about b-o-r-i-n-g. If you paid attention at all in RE school, it was all old news. BUT on the brighter side of things, over the weekend I got my first referral! It's my dad's boss, of all people, so if I can find him a great house, it will look pretty good for my dad, too!

    Lunch at the training was only semi-OP - I had a turkey sandwich, but it was on a giant croissant, and I ate the brownie, too. But when I got home the scale still said I was down from Friday, so I think I *will* WI later this evening. I'm going to use my home scale for my BL weigh in, though - so my start weight this week is 207 even. I can tell I haven't been eating OP today, because right now I'm starving because all I've had was a serving of fruit, my bars and the sandwich - normally I've gotten in a couple-three servings of veggies and another fruit by now as well. So maybe I should go WI quick before I chow down?

    Okay, I'm not going to respond to two pages of posts, but I did get all caught up and I DO have to say a big CONGRATS to Julie for reaching goal!!!!

    That's it - I'm outa here, I have to go brave rush hour and get weighed in so I can EAT SOMETHING!!!

  • Ladies, I'm in Fiona. By the time I get to read all the new posts, it's time to either go back to work, or get of the PC. Man, I'm loving it - and I think I caught up.

    Lisa: Congrats to you and making goal. Ok, on the new job and new addition to your family too. I love when it rains, it pours (of course, only when it's good things that are happening...). I'm sure it was exciting seeing the baby born, I was there when my nephew was born too and what an awesome experience.

    Julie: Congrats at exercising. You will feel so good, you won't be able to stop. I love it myself. Just got back to the gym after having the flu last week. I have to tell you, 3-4 days last week I couldn't sleep and I have a feeling that is because I didn't work out. I'm looking forward to catching some restful z's tonight.

    I weighted in on Friday and was down 3 or the 6 I was up from the holidays. I was very disappointed since I did take-off and was POP for the remaining days until I weighed in. Bummer. I did go off a little on Saturday as I had 2 parties to go to. I didn't snack on anything bad, just a few things I didn't know how to count to be POP. No drinks either, lots of diet soda and water. Man, that was hard as I was dieing for a cocktail. I've been doing good as far as sticking to plan yesterday and today and hoping the remaining part of the work goes as well. I have been drinking all my water and that alone is a big accomplishment for me since the cold weather started. Cheers to you Star with a water on the rocks cocktail! . Hey, is tomorrow the finale of BL? I saw a comercial that indicated it was the last one - maybe I'm wrong.

    Sammy: Hope things work out with DH's new job. I do IT work too and I'm afraid once I'm off the current contract - I will be forced to travel or leave my job. I will battle that hurdle when I get to it but I know the facts at least for IT positions in this area. I've been very lucky. How are you doing on stabilization? Do you follow plan, or just do your own thing?

    Man, after going to the gym - I can't wait for that last LA Lite of the day. I'm looking forward to that when I'm off here.

    Have a good evening everyone. Hugs to all, Sy
  • Woo hoo, 1.2 pounds down! I think that's my biggest weekend loss ever.

    Yes, BL finale is tomorrow night. Reminds me, I need to set up to tape it as I have a meeting to go to.

  • Sy: When I do takeoff I sometimes lose nothing and then the week after I have a HUGE loss. SOOOOO....wait until your next WI, you may be pleasantly surprised!!!

    Way to go Fiona!!!! That is awesome for a weekend!!!

    I cant wait for BL tomorrow night....DH even watches it and he HATES reality TV. He thinks the last girl standing...forgot her "cute".
  • Hi,
    Does anyone know if you are allowed applesauce, and how much if your are.
  • Hi Diana,

    Welcome to the group!

    Yes you can eat unsweetened applesauce in place of fruit servings...look in your color guide book and it should tell you how much equals a serving. I think it's a 1/2 cup = a fruit. Hope this helps!

  • Diana-
    I buy the individual cups of unsweeted applesauce. They are great for a quick snack!!
  • Marcie: Thanks for the encouraging words regarding TO - I'm feeling good this week to hopefully I can move forward from here. I just need something to push me over the edge - like sticking to plan for an entire week and not allowing myself to splurge on the weekend.

    Plunks: 1/2 unsweetened apple sauce = fruit. I'm not sure if this is legal, but I made (and ate) my own applesauce this weekend. I sweetened it with Splenda and added some cinnamon and it was really yummy. Had some apples that were starting to go bad.

    Fiona: It's awesome to be down after a weekend and I'm proud of you! You go girl!

    Have a great day and I'll try to lurk throughout the day. LOL! Sy
  • Groan
    I am still at 200 this AM - I'm going out to dinner tonight, and then will consider TO starting tomorrow. Haven't been to WI since last Friday. I'm doing a twice a week WI just to see if it makes any difference. I know that I'm plateauing, which means that I need to shake things up a bit. I am weighing and measuring - and drinking my water. I did catch up on my journal yesterday . . Fiona, hope you found yours.

    Anyway - congrats to all of you that are having great losses!

    Diana, I use the single size fruit sauces (not only apple) as my fruit servings sometimes. I look for ones that are 50 cals a serving. Sometimes they are sweetened with splenda.

    Sy - glad to see you back. The contracting game is rough, sometimes not knowing from one year to the next what the job will be. In the DC area we have lots of contractors (we call them Beltway Bandits, or Highway Helpers, depending on which side you're on.) About the exercising, I'm waiting for that high to kick in - I need to build more endurance again. The feeling I used to get that I could whip wildcats after I was finished. (Now, why did I ever stop . . .)

    Sammy, we have AMS in this area, too - it seems like people do stay there a long time. Sounds like your family is going though a big period of adjustment. I used to work for the World Bank as a programmer/analyst (we used SAP, your DH may know it) - I was there for about 10 years; and totally got burned out on the programmer track. Are you finding that exercise helps with the tension that food used to help?

    Right now, I'm working on the book that I always wanted to write - actually there are a LOT of books that I want to write. The tricky part for me is setting up a schedule. And being my own 'boss'. So I am all for your DH changing things up - especially if he felt like he was going no where fast.

    Hugs to all,
  • Morning Chicks....
    It's snowing and cold here, kinda pretty and I get to wear my new winter coats, boots and sweaters (Trying to look at the up side of Michigan winters).

    So good to read all your posts and hear how your all doing. It always makes my struggles seem more normal. We have to remember the only important thing is that we hang in there and keep up the battle. No matter how little we lose or gain, it's better than giving up and regaining all those pounds we fought so hard to lose.........okay mini lecture over - stepping off the soapbox......

    Sy - So glad you came back, we missed your posts - don't do that again

    Sammy - About your husbands new job. With you behind him I feel that you will work it out. I know you are a very stong woman (we can hear your roar from time to time on here)

    Julie - Even if you have hit a plateau, the addition of exercise will really help there. The really cool thing about our muscles is that they never forget. Meaning if you worked out before your muscles will respond faster than someone that is starting for the first time......

    My alarm didn't go off this morning and so I missed my workout - I'm planning on doing atleast some cardio tonight while watching BL. Im looking forward to watching it and I don't really care who wins. Actually they are all winners!

    Okay chicks, have to run, catch you later - HUGS